Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} The Bog People Iron-Age Man Preserved by Peter Vilhelm Glob Peter Vilhelm Glob. Peter Vilhelm Glob (* 20. Februar 1911 in Kalundborg; † 20. Juli 1985 auf Djursland) war ein dänischer Prähistorischer Archäologe, Museumsleiter und Reichsantiquar ( dänisch Rigsantikvar ). Inhaltsverzeichnis. Leben. P. V. Glob war der Sohn des Malers Johannes Ejner Glob (1882–1955). Er studierte prähistorische Archäologie bei Johannes Brøndsted an der Universität Kopenhagen und wurde 1934 Assistent sowie 1937 Inspektor am Dänischen Nationalmuseum. 1945 wurde er mit einer Dissertation über die Einzelgrabkultur promoviert. Von 1949 bis 1960 lehrte er als Professor an der Universität Aarhus. Gleichzeitig leitete er das Vorgeschichtliche Museum (heute Museum Moesgård). 1951 gründete er die Jütländische Archäologische Gesellschaft ( Jysk arkæologisk selskab ), deren Generalsekretär er bis 1962 war, bevor er ihr Präsident wurde. 1960 wurde er Nachfolger Brøndsteds als Direktor des Nationalmuseums in Kopenhagen und als Rigsantikvar. 1981 trat er in den Ruhestand. Als Student nahm Glob 1932/33 an der unter Leitung Lauge Kochs (1892–1964) stehenden Dänischen Drei-Jahres-Expedition 1931–1934 teil. Seine erste Publikation galt den Resultaten seiner Ausgrabungen von Eskimo-Siedlungen in Ostgrönland. Über Dänemark hinaus bekannt wurde Glob besonders durch seine Arbeiten zu Barkjær, einer der Anlagen vom Typ Konens Høj, zur Typologie der Streitäxte der Einzelgrabkultur 1944 und 1965 zu den Moorleichen. Mit seinem Buch Mosefolket über dänische Moorleichenfunde gab er der europäischen Moorleichenforschung neue Impulse. 1969 veröffentlichte er als Ergebnis seiner 30 Jahre währenden Studien einen vollständigen Überblick über die dänischen Felsbilder. Daneben forschte er 1953 in Bahrain, 1957 in Katar, 1958 in Kuwait, Abu Dhabi und Oman sowie ab 1964 in Saudi-Arabien. Werke. Eskimo Settlements in Kempe Fjord and King Oscar Fjord ( Meddelelser om Grønland . Band 102, Nr. 2, 1935) Eskimo Settlements in Northeast Greenland (= Meddelelser om Grønland . Band 144, Appendix Nr. 6, 1946). Danish Prehistoric Monuments: Denmark from the Stone Age to the Vikings . Mosefolket: jernalderens mennesker bevaret i 2000 år . Gyldendal, Kopenhagen 1965 ISBN 87-00-20201-0. deutsche Übersetzung von Thyra Dohrenburg: Die Schläfer im Moor . Winkler, München 1966. englische Übersetzung: Bog People: Iron Age Man Preserved . Cornell University Press, 1969. ISBN 978-0801408007. deutsche Übersetzung von Karl Kersten: Vorzeitdenkmäler Dänemarks . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1968. englische Übersetzung: Danish Prehistoric Monuments . Faber and Faber, 1971. ISBN 0571087825. Auszeichnungen. 1966: Søren-Gyldendal-Preis. Literatur. H. Thrane: Glob, Peter Vilhelm . In: Heinrich Beck, Heiko Steuer, Dieter Timpe (Hrsg.): Reallexikon der germanischen Altertumskunde . Band 12 . de Gruyter, Berlin und New York 1998, ISBN 3-11-016227-X, S. 205 f . (eingeschränkte Vorschau in der Google-Buchsuche). H. Andersen: Galgemanden . In: Kammerat Glob. Festskrift til P.V. Glob. København 1981. Weblinks. im Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Poul Kjærum: Peter Vilhelm Glob im Dansk biografisk leksikon (dänisch) Personendaten NAME Glob, Peter Vilhelm KURZBESCHREIBUNG dänischer Prähistoriker, Museumsleiter und Reichsantiquar GEBURTSDATUM 20. Februar 1911 GEBURTSORT Kalundborg STERBEDATUM 20. Juli 1985 STERBEORT Djursland. 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Sorry, that page doesn't exist or is preventing translations. Sorry, that page doesn't exist or is preventing translations. Sorry, that page doesn't exist or is preventing translations. Something went wrong, please try again. Try using the Translator for the Microsoft Edge extension instead. The Bog People: Iron-Age Man Preserved by Peter Vilhelm Glob. From and To can't be the same language. That page is already in . Something went wrong. Check the webpage URL and try again. Sorry, that page did not respond in a timely manner. Sorry, that page doesn't exist or is preventing translations. Sorry, that page doesn't exist or is preventing translations. Sorry, that page doesn't exist or is preventing translations. Something went wrong, please try again. Try using the Translator for the Microsoft Edge extension instead. Peter Glob. Peter Vilhelm Glob (20 February 1911 – 20 July 1985), also known as P.V. Glob , was a Danish archaeologist who worked as the Director General of Museums and Antiquities for the state of Denmark and was also the Director of the National Museum in Copenhagen. Glob was most noted for his investigations of Denmark's bog bodies such as Tollund Man and Grauballe Man -- mummified remains of Iron and Bronze Age people found preserved within peat bogs. His anthropological works include The Bog People: Iron Age Man Preserved ; Denmark: An Archaeological History from the Stone Age to the Vikings ; and Mound People: Danish Bronze-Age Man Preserved . He was co-founder of the Scandinavian Institute of Comparative Vandalism, an institution which studied the history of graffiti. Glob was the son of the Danish painter Johannes Glob and the father of the Danish ceramic artist Lotte Glob. His most famous investigation was that of the Tollund Man. Glob was also heavily engaged in archaeology of the Middle East and led several scientific expeditions there. They have been described as some of the largest scientific cross-border expeditions from Denmark ever. [1] Select bibliography. Mosefolket Fernalderens Mennesker bevaret i 2000 Ar , Gyldendal, 1965 The Bog People: Iron-Age Man Preserved , translated from the Danish by Rupert Bruce-Mitford. Faber and Faber, 1969 (originally published in 1965 as Mosefolket Fernalderens Mennesker bevaret i 2000 År ), 304 pg. (New York Review Books, 2004). The two previous book editions derive from the same original book written in Danish: Danske Oltidsminder, best translated as Memorials of Ancient Denmark . See American Anthropologist, Volume 75, Issue 6, page 1940. The Bog People : Iron-Age Man Preserved. One spring morning two men cutting peat in a Danish bog uncovered a well-preserved body of a man with a noose around his neck. Thinking they had stumbled upon a murder victim, they reported their discovery to the police, who were baffled until they consulted the famous archaeologist P.V. Glob. Glob identified the body as that of a two-thousand-year-old man, ritually murdered and thrown in the bog as a sacrifice to the goddess of fertility. Written in the guise of a scientific detective story, this classic of archaeological history--a best-seller when it was published in England but out of print for many years--is a thoroughly engrossing and still reliable account of the religion, culture, and daily life of the European Iron Age. Includes 76 black-and-white photographs. Отзывы - Написать отзыв. Оценки читателей. LibraryThing Review. “ . when she has had her fill of the society of mortals.” I meant this to be a break from the absurd, horror, and roman-era literature I’d been researching for upcoming projects. Well, true to . Читать весь отзыв. LibraryThing Review. I read the NYRB reprint of this riveting account of the European "Bog People." Well written, and the narrative is superbly complemented by the photographs. Читать весь отзыв. P V Glob. Peter Vilhelm Glob (20 February 1911 – 20 July 1985), also known as P. V. Glob , was a Danish archaeologist. Glob was most noted for his investigations of . The Bog People. The Bog People: Iron-Age Man Preserved is an archaeological study of the bog bodies of Northern Europe written by the Danish archaeologist P.V. Glob . Elling Woman. The Elling Woman is a bog body discovered in 1938 west of Silkeborg, Denmark. The Tollund Man was later discovered just c. 60 m (200 ft) away, twelve years after the Elling Woman's discovery. The Elling Woman was mistakenly described as a man in P.V. Glob 's book, . Damendorf Man. Professor P.V. Glob wrote that the man died in 300 BCE. What is unique about this bog body is the fact that the weight of the peat in the bog had flattened his body. Wintering Out. Wintering Out (1972) is a poetry collection by Seamus Heaney, who received the 1995 Nobel . Heaney was deeply moved by P.V. Glob 's study of the mummified Iron Age bodies found in Jutland's peat bogs. Bogs were a familiar feature of the . North (poetry collection) Heaney was inspired to write these poems after reading PV Glob's book, The Bog People, an archeological study of Iron-Age bodies discovered in the bogs of . Karl Bovin. Karl (Kalle) Christian Bovin (1907–1985) was a Danish painter whose work focused on . After travelling to Bahrein with
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