A Panorama COVERING Of Local TOWNSHIPS OF tlOLMDEL, MADISON People And MARLBORO, M ATA WAN AND Events MM AWAN BOROUGH Hembn 95th YEAR - 20th WEEK Bd;dltot'l«l l MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14,1963 Hiw Jtntj Prrx luoctMm Single Copy Ten Cents New Canco Water Tower Stands Out Above All Else In Cliff wood Hearing On Stay George Hill Mead Wins Bicycle In Siibscriplion Drive fn Wclirlc Appeal Of Charter Unit From Ruling On Bus First Meeting Contracts For George Held In Private Application (or a stay to urant T b e newly elected Matuwun time for an appeal of the recent Township C'hiirier Study C'oinmis- ruling of Frederick RatiblnRer, State Commissioner of Education, NMin held its organization mt'tMiti}* in the Wehrlc-GeorKe bus con- hthind closed doors last nl^ht in a tracts mutter in the Maiawan ROK- !)0 minute exeniiive session fnim ioiml school district will be ro- which tin* public iind press v\ere vii'tti'd by I he Stale Board of Ed- ucation in Trenton tomorrow. The burred. "stay" is beinK sought by Chester When the five • member com- A. Apy, Red Bunk, as utturnov (<>r j mission emerged from its first Frederick Wehrle, the contractor j n.<'etinj;. (ieorj;e ('. Mil! proclaimed holding the Sward's contract for $2,1,IM0 lor the d<trirt\ liMw-'il he hud been elected chairman of 'transportation. I he j:rrui|> mid that regular nu'ci- inj*s would be held on Wednesday It will hi* op|)o.s('d by I.run M, j Rosen, l.incnif1,, as attorney for ol eaih week. Michael and Lucy Cieortje, Mat- However, be said the commission j\v:ui, who appealed the award of will decide a week in advance tlu* r'Hiirarl?, in Mr. Wehrle by I hi* M,it;tv.\m Hoard. Mr. George whether the following week's meet- was -.ITOIKI low bidder and charged j inr, is to he open or closed lit the lh" Wehrle hid was not Wy,n\ as j public Mi. Hill also announced next a " •Miidinl form ot questionnaire" | week's meethi]> would be closed had not been filed with it. On! Oct. Ml. the stilt*.1 commission 'i j Legality Questioned issued a nilin» upholding tlu- i Mi. Hill wan (jursliinied by a re- Cjnir ;:•• contention. '' poiier whether he believrd the or- \U- Mata'.v.tu IliKJid then voted j j;;iiii';ninn meeting of the cliarter I*i;dav lo seek new bid.i, but il mmmissiiin niuld lee.aliy he lii'ld in Mr. VVeluh- obtained a stav for mi executive session and said he the appeal ol the inline,, ihe board A landmark t* to ami al • dMaaec aid a (tilde to the center of A "head" of water Is developed In the "ball" of I he lower lo supply 1 was under the opinion that il muUI Cliffwood la th» water ttmtr ended to serve the needs ol the Newmore ready pressure than could be expected If water were just lo be cannot act on the new bid ; until In iihswei to oilier (|tieries. lie s;iid America* Caa f». plain an CIIHwaad Ave. aear Hie NY A LBRR tracks. drawn thruugh mains fruin u dlhfanl point. the Wehrle appeal is dispo-.L-d of [he didn't know whether the «roup bv tiie Slate ll«urd or A conn. i would retuin a consuliaitt m ;in au- Vince-iii iJcMuio, board attorney, ditor. Donors Wanted explained at a hpecinl meeting I-ii- , Award Contract dav the content of the notification; Mr. Hill *>:iid In* saw nmhitij; Planning Consultant front Or. Kauhin^er, Oci. :ilt to be j wninj; in linldin;; the Hireling in Al a special meeting Thursday The American Red Cross, In sight, Iht Malawaa Tawaship to-operatlon with the Mudison that the Wehrle bid accepted June .') ;private- to allow members In ex- Committee awarded a cealract I* Township Blood Hank, will have wns defective in th;it the "standard ; press their frank views. He udmit- Hubert Madly, circulation manager of The Matawan Journal, the Neat* CaMtntetkM Ce., New- a Hloodmobile Unit al Madison form of ijucsiionnaiie" bad nol been ted I hat the ctnlv businrs-i on tli<- presents a shiny, new bicycle lo Richard Alain, ion nf Mr, and Mrs. ark, far Ihe laslallallaB el derm Chief Campo Witness Township High School this Sat- subuiiiit-d with it, This was the fun- He.eiuU was the election ol a chair- Irederic Muin, 211 Carol l.ane, Maiawan. winner of the subscription drain* aa » varlava ilreeu In Ihe urday from 10: M a.m. lo 4 p.m. damental point of the George ap- man and a decision when M.eetine,s drive sponsored by Ihe Maiawan Journal during Oclnber, Richard, lewashla an lit lew Md of Mt.Ml Matawan Township's ordinance line tracks of the N.Y. & I..B.RR Announcement U made thai so pea!. '1 he notification contained air to be held a student in Malawan Regional Mifih Schnol, brought in 57 new solv The Ntat* llrm'a Md waa the of May 13 barring asphalt plums only 100 yards away. lar appointments are completely three recourses for the board, ue- However. Mr. Hill allowed that scriplinns. towtst al It received by the came under fire yesterday by one Site For Heavy Industry filled from 10:10 a.m. In 1:30 p.m. cordji^ lo Mr. DeMaio, 1. an ap- ihe first phase of the commission's Transistor radios were presented to winner* In second Ihrounh tamshlp cammltlee twe weeks of the township's own zoning con- Mr. Carlon asked Mr. Strong Reservations may be imidc by peal m ih.. State Board of Kduca- work ".'ill deal with si close? i*x:iini- fifth places, Kugvav Constant, K.1 IduMnne l.ane; Dmiglas Marvel, age. The drainage prolecl, along sultants In the case brought be- what he thought of Ihe area. The calling PA 1-5918. lion, 2. rejection of nil bids submit- iKHion of (he present tnwnship coin- 421 Atlantic Ave.; Hubby Rice. II Orchard St., and Edward Slanwuud, fore Su|«.'rlor Court Judge J. Ed-planner found it t< site for heavy Operation Blood llrolher, the ted for action June 3, or it. rejec- niitloe form of |*nverninent to be 12 Autumn l.ane, all of iMalawatt. V •Ha a mahx raad Imararemeal tion of the Wehrle hid lind accep- , ward Knight In Freehold by An-industry. Mr. Strong declared on Madison Township III owl Uank, followed by studies of viirious pragram. Is being financed wtlh tance of the bid of Mrs. (Ieoij;e. a UM.M* band Issue. However, j thony Campu, Middlelown, milder personal inspection of recent date announces that any person in Kind foitits tuittituul in Hie l-aiiIkncr Ac!. of a building permit to erect an lie had found Industrial smells and health, between the ages ol 18 rven if higher by $1IJ(M). i\\ the next the raad impravemeM phase al lowest bid, Vote In lavor wark wUI be held ap Beading a asphalt plant on Central Ave. that particles In the air already prev- and 59, may open a blood savings "I lie township two weeks J;;II vot- Fusion Slate To Two-Acre Lois Up was voided by the ordinance. Ro- determlnaltaa whether the Sew- alent, so saw no reason to single account by donating blood. Tills The board's attorney explained ed overwlielniiiiHly in favor of u erage Authority will proceed wUh bert R. Strong, of Herbert II. out an asphalt plant for special donation will cover the normal tlit* commissioner found tin; omis- r Smith Associates, Inc., West Tren- chart IT study. F oiir (if the five* plans'to Install sewers In the disbarment by ordinance. Robert blond needs of Ihe donor ond his sion o[ the "standard form of ques- i niiiiinissinrier.s" elected had Ihe en- Run In Marlboro To New Council lllffwoed Beach area a e t t ton, who formulated the planned I... McManus, Newark, speci.il coun- cnllr? household tor one full year. tinnriaire" a "substantial variation" ; community ordinance at the. liine ilcrsement of ihe Slrathinore Civic spring, sel for the township, challenged Mr. Announcement also Is made from (lie suitule on bidding. Mr. iAsMK'iiilion. The filth n.'-inbcr is 11 Storer, McCue On Incumbents Avoid The cammillee also voted la the Levitt Strathmore HWO-house Strong's authority to speak (in thai due lo recent developments l>e.M;iio affirmed that he and Mr.1 development was proposed In I960, mid research, people with u his- former secretary of the association. Lcmzaro Team Move On Objections ask Levitt and Sens, Inc., devel- asphalt plants when he was not a Apy had argued ;H the Auj;. .10' Members of the commission, be- wac P'Jt on the stand by Lawrence tory of malaria may donate blood hearing "n the George » p p t* a 1 epcrs el Stralhmare, to pent a technical expert. sides Mr Mill, are Mrs Mary !.ou 1 1 A. Carton jr.. Middlelown, Mr. if they have not had malaria or that this was u "minor" in- ; i Miir!i)om To . , n^iip Mavni Jo Mj.M-.an Tn-.vnsl", ip Conuiilltftl bond lor the completion of a l»- Mr, Carton then asked the same Smith, Hitns H. Froehlich. Clar- 1 Campo's attorney. nnll-malarin therapy wiihin Ihe (conlinued on pjiK« four) ' - srph A I.;m/;iii) umiininced lod.iv j I uc^il;iv handi'i! KV,T in ihi inctjin- point municipal ImpravemeM question on the condition the as- ence IJ.
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