IRAM IRAM Annual Report 2010 Institut de Radioastronomie Millimétrique 30-meter diameter telescope, Pico Veleta 6 x 15-meter interferometer, Plateau de Bure The Institut de Radioastronomie Millimétrique (IRAM) is a multi-national scientific institute covering all aspects of radio astronomy at millimeter wavelengths: the operation of two high-altitude observatories – a 30-meter diameter telescope on Pico Veleta in the Sierra Nevada (southern Spain), and an interferometer of six 15 meter diameter telescopes on the Plateau de Bure in the French Alps – the development of telescopes and instrumentation, radio astronomical observations and their interpretation. IRAM was founded in 1979 by two national research organizations: the CNRS and the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft – the Spanish Instituto Geográfico IRAM Addresses: Nacional, initially an associate member, became a full member in 1990. Institut de Radioastronomie The technical and scientific staff of IRAM develops instrumentation and Millimétrique 300 rue de la piscine, software for the specific needs of millimeter radioastronomy and for the Saint-Martin d’Hères benefit of the astronomical community. IRAM’s laboratories also supply F-38406 France Tel: +33 [0]4 76 82 49 00 devices to several European partners, including for the ALMA project. Fax: +33 [0]4 76 51 59 38 [email protected] www.iram.fr Front Cover IRAM’s scientists conduct forefront research in several domains of astrophysics, from nearby star-forming regions to objects at cosmological View of the Orion nebula, the closest Observatoire du Plateau de Bure distances. region of massive star forming Saint-Etienne-en-Dévoluy region, in the 12CO(2-1) emission, F-05250 France Tel: +33 [0]4 92 52 53 60 IRAM Partner Organizations: that traces the distribution of the Fax: +33 [0]4 92 52 53 61 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) – Paris, France Report Annual 2010 cold (10-100 K) molecular gas. The Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (MPG) – München, Deutschland map was obtained using HERA at the Instituto de Radioastronomía Instituto Geografico Nacional (IGN) – Madrid, España 30-meter telescope and has spatial Milimétrica resolution of 12” (or 0.025 pc). The Avenida Divina Pastora 7, Local 20, E-18012 Granada, España dynamics of the molecular gas are Tel: +34 958 80 54 54 shown in blue (for the emission with Fax: +34 958 22 23 63 [email protected] velocities between –5 and 8 km/s) and in red (for velocities between Observatorio 12 and 25 km/s). The map in green Radioastronómico shows the emission from warm de Pico Veleta Sierra Nevada, (100 to 1000 K) dust and gas at the Granada, España surface of the clouds, traced at 8 Tel: +34 958 48 20 02 Fax: +34 958 48 11 49 microns by the Midcourse Space Experiment satellite. Designed and produced by rebusparis.com Printed in France (O. Berné et al. 2010) Annual report 2010 1 IRAM Annual Report 2010 Edited by Pierre Cox and Karin Zacher With contributions from Michael Bremer, Frédéric Gueth, Bastien Lefranc, Roberto Neri, Laurent Palaric, Alain Perrigouard, Jérôme Pety, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Marc Torres Pico Veleta texts by Carsten Kramer with contributions from Walter Brunswig, Dave John, Javier Lobato, Santiago Navarro, Gabriel Paubert, Juan Peñalver, Salvador Sánchez, Clemens Thum, Hans Ungerechts, Helmut Wiesemeyer 2 Institut de Radioastronomie Milimétrique Annual report 2010 3 Contents Introduction 5 Highlights of research with the IRAM telescopes in 2010 7 The Observatories 16 The 30-meter telescope 16 Plateau de Bure Interferometer 21 Grenoble Headquarters 27 SIS group 27 Frontend group 28 Backend group 32 Mechanical group 33 IRAM ARC node 34 Computer group 35 Science software activities 36 Public relations 37 Personnel and Finances 38 Income and expenditure 2010 – 2010 39 Annexes 40 Annex I - Telescope schedules 40 Annex II – Publications in 2010 48 Annex III – IRAM executive council and committee members 62 4 Institut de Radioastronomie Milimétrique Annual report 2010 5 Introduction In the year 2010, both IRAM facilities underwent A major, high-risk action was undertaken in major enhancements. At the Plateau de Bure September 2010 at the 30-meter telescope with inter fer ometer, the refurbishment of all antennas the installation of two new gearboxes (Azimuth with new precision-machined aluminum panels and Elevation) to replace the old ones that showed was successfully completed. Today the array is excessive vibrations and clear signs of ageing. After composed of six antennas with excellent surface careful inspection, it was decided to replace the accuracies of order 40 microns that enable obser- four remaining gearboxes as well. This action will va tion with maximum efficiency at the highest guarantee that the 30-meter telescope will continue available frequencies. This refurbishment is also to operate in an optimum way and remain the key in preparing the interferometer for the NOEMA best possible single-dish telescope for millimeter project (the greater stability of the aluminum panels observations. diminishing the maintenance time). With their continuous support for this refurbishment, the IRAM Continuing the trends seen in recent years, the Partners have allowed to maintain the observatory number of proposals that are submitted continues at a word-leading level and ensure the long-term to increase both at the 30-meter telescope and future of the interferometer. Another important the Plateau de Bure interferometer. The number of change that occurred in 2010 was the upgrade of proposals originating from countries outside of the the LO reference system from DRO to YIG-based IRAM Partner’s countries remains at a level of about oscillators, which has significantly improved the 30% of the observing time. This continuous increase phase noise. Finally, all the antennas were equipped in proposals is translated in the large number of with 345 GHz receivers that include electronically papers that are published based on or using IRAM tunable 1st Local Oscillators and modified versions data, that amount in 2010 to about 150 in total. It of the 2SB mixers developed for the ALMA Band 7, should be noted that the total number of papers providing excellent noise performance and a that includes IRAM personnel is exceptionally high 4 GHz IF bandwidth for each polarization. First in 2010 as a large number of papers are based on results obtained using these new receivers have data obtained with the Herschel satellite, a project demonstrated the potential of the Plateau de Bure in which IRAM has been involved at various levels. interferometer at high frequencies, yielding cutting- As in previous years, the topics cover the entire field edge scientific results, including the highest angular of modern astronomy, spanning the range from solar resolution observation (0.2”) yet achieved at Bure. system studies to observations of the first objects Some of these results are described in this report. that were formed in the universe, from the search of new complex or rare molecules to understanding At the 30-meter telescope, new Fourier Transform the processes of star formation, from constraining spectrometers were installed at the end of 2010 and the properties of the gas and dust in proto-planetary upgrades are planned for a 32 GHz instantaneous disks to detailed studies of the molecular gas in bandwidth. In the laboratory further progress has nearby galaxies. The availability of new instruments, been achieved in broadband receiver technology the increase in the characteristics of the back-ends with a recent spectacular development of a and the front-ends and the refurbishments at both sideband-separating mixer for the EMIR Band 3 that facilities each time have opened up new possibilities will extend the frequency range (200-280 GHz) and to study sources that are fainter, probe more double the continuum sensitivity. This will lead the efficiently than before the chemical complexity of way to increased sensitivities, observing speed and celestial objects or increase the speed by which flexibility, and consolidate the leading role of the studies can be done therefore enabling large scale 30-meter telescope for wideband spectral millimeter and more ambitious programs to be conducted. surveys and studies. During the summer of 2010, a prototype HEMT receiver operating at 3 mm Examples of scientific highlights are described in this was successfully tested at the 30-meter telescope, annual report, and include, for instance, the highest showing very good performance in both noise angular resolution map yet obtained at the Plateau and stability, and this receiver will serve as a test de Bure interferometer of a nearby proto-planetary platform for ongoing HEMT amplifier developments. disk, the detection of an emission line of water vapor 6 Institut de Radioastronomie Milimétrique in a high-redshift, strongly lensed source that was so encouraging and stable that it could be made uncovered in the H-ATLAS deep survey of Herschel. available to the community for general use. These Another outstanding example is the detection of successful observing tests provide a useful basis for a new type of instability in the interstellar medium the building of a new generation large field of view that is the result of the interaction of massive stars bolometer camera for the 30-meter telescope. with the surrounding molecular gas. Concerning the ALMA Band 7 production, its pace Further enhancements are planned at both is fully sustained. A milestone was reached at the IRAM tele scopes and all the technical groups end of 2010 when half of the 65 (and 8 spares) have continued their active work to increase the receivers, with state-of-the-art performances, were performances of the facilities and develop new delivered to and accepted by the ALMA project. instruments. In particular, the developments for a The production during the year 2010 amounted future heterodyne array receiver for the 30-meter to nineteen receivers. The project should normally telescope are actively pursued and the design of come to completion at the end of 2012.
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