Special Edition In this age of shallowness . Time to Go Deeper BY WILLIAM G. JOHNSSON God invites us to live and abide in Him, to make Jesus first and last and best in everything, to grow into the image of our Saviour and Lord. confess: the world is too much with me. I find Whether our Lord appears this year or whether myself busier and busier and accomplishing less He tarries a little longer, our personal day in the Iand less that really matters. I am inundated sun will soon run its course. When my heartbeat with information, but most of it is chaff. I am stops—which is the effective day of the Second tempted to skim, to think in sound bites, to do Coming for me—what then? With my last breath, instant analysis, to find quick solutions. will I be able to affirm, like Paul: “I have fought But the Almighty does not come at my summons. the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept “Be still, and know that I am God,” He reminds me the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of (Ps. 46:10).* “You will seek me and find me when righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, you seek me with all your heart” (Jer. 29:13). will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing” ach of us desperately needs a closer walk (2 Tim. 4:7, 8)? with God. There are no exceptions—cer- I will be glad at last just to be safe in my Father’s Etainly not the clergy. Charles R. Swindoll home. Simply to make it into His presence and to be tells of an encounter with a minister who, follow- with Jesus forever will be enough—that will be glory ing Swindoll’s meeting with pastors, whispered to for me. I will be a brand plucked from the burning, him, “Nobody around me knows this, but I’m a Saviour’s grace trophy, as will be every other operating on fumes. I am lonely, hollow, shallow, redeemed person. enslaved to a schedule that never lets up.” Yes, there is a heaven to win, a hell to shun. But Swindoll embraced him and prayed with him as the God offers us much more. He invites us even now to minister wept with deep, heaving sobs. That know “joy unspeakable and full of glory” (1 Peter encounter eventually led Swindoll to write his 1:8, 9, KJV), “eternal pleasures at [His] right hand” recent book, Intimacy With the Almighty (Dallas: (Ps. 16:11). We don’t have to wait until Jesus comes Word Publishing, Inc., 1996). back to enter into the “heavenly realm.” Right now It is time to seek the Lord. It is time to get our we may sit with Christ right there (see Eph. 2:6); priorities in order. It is time to go deeper. right now we may know His love that surpasses knowledge and be filled to the brim with the “fullness esus is coming soon! We do not know how of God” (Eph. 3:19). soon, but the gathering intensity all around us It is time to go deeper. Jsuggests that the glad day of His appearing can- not be far off. When He appears in the clouds and oing deeper starts with a passion to all our systems crash—when the computers fry and know God better, a passion to go the vast world network devoted to getting and spend- G deeper. ing, buying and selling, and amusing and being Listen to Paul’s hunger for God: “Whatever amused goes up in smoke—what then? “Since every- was to my profit I now consider loss for the thing will be destroyed in this way, what kind of sake of Christ. What is more, I consider every- people ought you to be?” (2 Peter 3:11). thing a loss compared to the surpassing 2 (258) ADVENTIST REVIEW greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my his special issue of the Adventist Review Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things” is for people of all ages who want inti- (Phil. 3:7, 8). Tmacy with God, who want to go deeper. God’s searchlight rakes my heart, and I have Some of you who read these pages are new to ask: Do I have my priorities in order? Do I Christians: maybe you found Jesus as your “for- count knowing Christ the supreme goal of my ever friend” through Pastor Dwight Nelson’s life? Am I prepared to lose position, reputation, meetings last year. Others of you will be longtime possessions, whatever—anything and every- followers of Jesus. Whatever your past, the way of thing, if God so wills—in order that Christ intimacy with God is the same for all of us, and may be all in all? it is simple: And Paul goes on: “I want to know Christ and 1. Take time to commune with God. Talk to Him the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of and wait long enough to allow Him to talk to you. sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his 2. Take time to feed on His messages—the Bible death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection primarily, but also His counsels in the Spirit of from the dead” (verses 10, 11). To know Christ Prophecy (I especially commend the book Steps to better and better, to walk with Him in joy and in Christ to you for further reading). suffering, to be so closely bound in fellowship with 3. Abide in Him by living for others as you share Him that the masks fall off and the shallowness dis- the good news and give yourself in loving service. appears and Christ lives in me—this is what it means All the articles and testimonies that follow fall to go deeper. under these three categories: prayer, study, and ser- You may wonder, dear friend, if this spiritual vice. All the writers share from the heart as they tell quest can be realized only by shutting ourselves of their walk with Jesus. away from the world and devoting ourselves to lives Assistant editor Steve Chavez worked hard to of contemplation. Not at all! Paul, who so hun- gather the materials for this issue, and I am grate- gered and thirsted to know Christ better—this Paul ful to him. But most of all I thank our wonderful was no monk. He lived a busy, active life, working Lord, whose invitation still bids you and me: “If with his hands making tents to support himself as any one thirst, let him come to me and drink. He he went from city to city preaching the good news who believes in me, as the scripture has said, ‘Out about Jesus. of his heart shall flow rivers of living water’ ” Jesus showed us the pattern for life in this (John 7:37, 38, RSV). ■ world. Our Lord’s days were packed with helping others—healing, feeding, teaching, blessing, * Unless otherwise indicated, Bible texts are from the New preaching. We cry out, “As the deer pants for International Version. streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God” (Ps. 42:1), but we find God as we give our- selves to others. We best follow Jesus as we seek William G. Johnsson is executive publisher and edi- to serve as He served. tor of the Adventist Review. ADVENTIST REVIEW (259) 3 Table of Contents Cover Intimacy With God —William G. Johnsson 6 Intimacy With God Through Prayer Showers of Blessing —Randy Maxwell Like an Open Book —M. Carmen Ibañez Forward on Our Knees —John and Millie Youngberg What If . —Ginger Ketting The Shepherd’s Voice —Katie R. Widner Safe Passages —Becki Patten For the Thirsty Soul —Ella M. Rydzewski 16 Intimacy With God Through Study His Life, His Book —Jack J. Blanco It Grows on You —Sarah Kramer Falling in Love Again —Mike Peterson Making the Most of It —Michael Speegle She Keeps Me Reading —Esther F. R. Knott Good Counsel —Alice Voorheis 29 Intimacy With God Through Service Doing Windows —Ron E. M. Clouzet My Reluctant Witness —Ginger Church Isn’t God Good? —Ricardo Graham Fifteen Minutes a Day —Gina Spivey Brown A Nudge in the Right Direction —Jim Hopkins The Lord Said, “Baltimore” —Myrna Tetz The Adventist Review (ISSN 0161-1119) is printed 40 times a year each Thursday except the first Thursday of each month by the Review and Herald® Publishing Association. Copyright © 1999. Periodicals postage paid at Hagerstown, MD. Postmaster: Send address changes to Adventist Review, 55 West Oak Ridge Drive, Hagerstown, MD 21740. PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. Vol. 176, No. 9, March 1999. Scriptures credited to ICB are quoted from the International Children’s Bible, New Century Version, copyright © 1983, 1986, 1988 by Word Publishing, Dallas, Texas 75039. Used by permission. Texts credited to NIV are from the Holy Bible, New International Version. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers. Bible texts credited to RSV are from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright © 1946, 1952, 1971, by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. Used by permission. Cover Photo: © Tony Stone Images / Photos in this issue are from © PhotoDisc 4 (260) ADVENTIST REVIEW DEEPER THROUGH PRAYER Showers of Blessing Why be satisfied with a few sprinkles? BY RANDY MAXWELL HAT COULD GOD DO WITH PEOPLE Those remaining in the church were instructed to pray committed to prayer? What scenes of sal- for the teams going out and to be ready to pray for those vation and power would we witness if we who would be coming in from the streets.
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