– 1 – Table of Content 1 Argentina (and South American Partners) __________________________________________ 3 2 Austria _____________________________________________________________________ 4 3 Canada ____________________________________________________________________ 8 4 China _____________________________________________________________________ 14 5 Denmark __________________________________________________________________ 19 6 Finland ____________________________________________________________________ 19 7 France ___________________________________________________________________ 19 8 Germany _________________________________________________________________ 22 9 Iceland ___________________________________________________________________ 27 10 Italy _____________________________________________________________________ 28 11 Japan ___________________________________________________________________ 32 12 Kyrgyzstan _______________________________________________________________ 33 13 Mongolia ________________________________________________________________ 34 14 New Zealand _____________________________________________________________ 34 15 Norway _________________________________________________________________ 35 16 Poland __________________________________________________________________ 36 17 Portugal _________________________________________________________________ 38 18 Romania ________________________________________________________________ 39 19 Russia __________________________________________________________________ 39 20 South Korea _____________________________________________________________ 47 21 Spain ___________________________________________________________________ 49 22 Sweden _________________________________________________________________ 51 23 Switzerland ______________________________________________________________ 51 24 The Netherlands __________________________________________________________ 55 25 United Kingdom ___________________________________________________________ 57 26 United States of America ____________________________________________________ 60 – 2 – Permafrost Group was invited by the World Mete- 1 Argentina and South orological Organization for the meeting GLOBAL American Partners CRYOSPHERE WATCH (GCW) and CryoNet South America Workshop,Santiago de Chile, Chile. Dario Research activity of the Argentinean, Chile- Trombotto was nominated as National Representa- an and Bolivian Mountain Permafrost Com- tive. munity In San Juan, 2014 the Argentine Sub Committee of Cryospheric Sciences was invited to the XXVII Mee- The Cryosphere session at the XIXth Congreso ting of the INTERNATIONAL UNION OF GEODESY Geológico Argentino (Córdoba), chaired by Dario AND GEOPHYSICS of Argentina,. Its President D. Trombotto, Ana Lía Ahumada, Sandra Barreira, Die- Trombotto gave a talk about the detection of natural go Araneo y Carlos Di Prinzio, was attended by more imbalances of the cryospheric system in the volcanic than 40 participants, mostly from Argentina, Chile complex of Peteroa , Argentina/Chile. and Brazil. 13 oral presentations and 10 posters Three PhD scholars (Director D. Trombotto) are were offered. presently working on permafrost in the Central An- On behalf of the jury elected at the XIX Argentine des of Mendoza and San Juan. Estefanía Bottegal Congress of Geology, held in Córdoba in 2014, a (National University of Córdoba) is writing her PhD meeting was celebrated in order to choose three about cryodymamics of the Morenas Coloradas rock young scientists among 9 contributions presented in glacier. Noelia Sileo (National University of Bue- E1, the special session of cryospheric sciences, to nos Aires) is working in Vallecitos (Mendoza) about be awarded two prizes granted by the International cryohydrochemistry and Carla Tapia Baldis (National Association of Cryospheric Sciences as well as one University of San Juan) is elaborating the inventory special distinction conceded by the Subcommittee of geoforms, cartography and permafrost distribution of Cryospheric Sciences of the Argentine Republic of the Río Blanco Sur basin at „Valle de los Glaciares (abbr. SAC). de Escombros“ and at „Cordón del Espinacito“ pro- Dr. Ana Lía Ahumada (San Miguel de Tucumán) on vince of San Juan. behalf of the Subcommittee of Cryospheric Scien- ces of the Argentine Republic (SAC) and the Argen- Research operations tine and South American Permafrost Association (AASP), Dr. Gladys Ortega (Córdoba) on behalf of The permafrost research group in Mendoza has initi- the Scientific and Editorial Committee of the XIX Ar- ated a joint project between the Altai State University gentine Congress of Geology 2014 and Dr. Maisa (Barnaul), Siberia, Russia represented by Dr. Oleg Tunik (General Roca), president of the Argentine Ostanin, Ph.D., Head of the Department of Physi- Geological Association decided to give the awards cal Geography and GIS and the IANIGLA, CCT CO- to the following candidates: NICET, Mendoza, Argentina, Geocryology Unit, re- 1. First Prize: Alessa Geiger from the University presented by Dr. Dario Trombotto. of Glasgow for her innovative contributions in the technique of cosmegenic analyes applied to glacial ANDALP project landforms in Patagonia, Argentina. 2. Second Prize: Cristian Villarroel from the National Provinding a framework for scientific collaborations University of San Juan, Argentina, for the adequa- between South American and European researchers te and efficient management of numerous scientific and institutes, the ANDALP project was funded by data on high mountain periglacial environments of the program CMIRA of the Région Rhône Alpes (CO- the Central Andes, Argentina. OPERA n°13.005522.01 and 13.005522.02) in order 3. Special distinction: Mateo Martini from CICTERRA to improve our understanding of Andean rock glacier CONICET, National University of Córdoba, Argenti- dynamics. The main objectives are i) improving our na, and the Argentine Antarctic Institute for the first knowledge about the location of rock glaciers, ii) de- thermal monitoring of rock glacier surfaces in the tect and analyse rock glacier dynamics and iii) set up Sierra de Zenta, Jujuy, Argentina. monitoring activities to record rock glacier evolution. The methodological framework includes : GIS and In 2014 the Terminological Guide of the South Ame- remote sensing, differential SAR interferometry and rican Geocryology was published in Buenos Aires methods for monitoring thermal state (temperature (editor Vazquez Mazzini). This book is a cooperation datalogging) and kinematics (DGPS and terrestrial between D. Trombotto, Pablo Weinstein (Calgary) photogrammetry) of rock glaciers. and Lukas Arenson (Vancouver) and it is meant to The project involves the following Argentine, Bolivian contribute to a better understanding of the Periglaci- and French partners: EDYTEM laboratory (CNRS / al Environment of the Andes. Université de Savoie, France), IANIGLA (CONICET In 2014 (October) Dario Tromboto of the Argentine / CCT Mendoza, Argentine), IGEMA (UMSA, La – 3 – Paz, Bolivia), GIPSA-lab (CNRS / INP Grenoble, France), LISTIC (Université de Savoie / Polytech 2 Austria Annecy-Chambéry). The Austrian permafrost research community was The preliminary results include: i) a complete in- rather active in 2014 regarding national research, ventory of rock glaciers in the Tropical Andes (Chile international research and permafrost-related ses- and Bolivia, between 17 and 23°S, Anetas et al., in sions at earth science conferences held in Austria. progress), ii) generation and interpretation of inter- As in the previous years, the first part of this report ferograms from TerraSAR satellite in the region of deals with general permafrost activities and events Cordón del Plata (33°S) and Tapado/Agua Negra which happened this year. The second part of the (30°S) and iii) the set-up of a monitoring system of report summaries the permafrost and periglacial re- the Quebrada del Medio rock glacier (ground tempe- search activities carried out by the different research rature and surface displacement ; Bodin et al., 2014). groups. Part 1: General permafrost activities in Aus- tria As during the last years, the annual EGU General Assembly (www.egu2014.eu) took place in Vienna between 27 April and 3 May 2015 with about 12,500 attendees. Several sessions were dedicated to per- mafrost topics. Apart from this large international conference, two further conferences held in Austria are worth to mention. The PANGEO 2014 Conference was held in Graz at the Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Graz between the 14 and 19 of September. In total some 250 attendees participated in this primarily national Figure 1. Caquella rock glacier, Bolivia (IRD, 2009). conference. The program was divided into 23 sessi- ons; one of it was dedicated to mountain permafrost and periglacial processes. The session was conve- ned by A. Kellerer-Pirklbauer and G.K. Lieb (both Department of Geography and Regional Science, University of Graz) and consisted of six oral presen- tations and three poster presentations. Some 50 col- leagues attended this session. One week later, the DEUQUA 2014 Conference took place in Innsbruck (24 to 29 September) and was organised by mem- bers of the Institute of Geology, the Institute of Geo- graphy and the Institute of Ecology of the Universi- ty of Innsbruck. A session on mountain permafrost (convener K. Krainer, Institute of Geology, University of Innsbruck) was held on 26 September with W. Ha- eberli as the keynote speaker and four further oral
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