US008295831B2 (12) Ulllted States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 8,295,831 B2 Uchida (45) Date of Patent: *Oct. 23, 2012 (54) METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR HANDLING 5,999,811 A 12/1999 Molne ROAMING LISTS IN A WIRELESS 2 181E311, Jr~ COMMUNICATION SYSTEM 632233028 B1 4/2001 Chang et al. _ _ _ 6,246,875 B1 6/2001 SeaZholtZ et al. (75) Inventor: Nobuyukl Uchlda, San Diego, CA (US) 6,999,762 B2 2/2006 Uchida 7,729,695 B2 6/2010 Uchida (73) Assignee: QUALCOMM Incorporated, San Diego’ CA (Us) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS WO WO0154435 A1 7/2001 ( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 OTHER PUBLICATIONS U'S'C' 154(1)) by 0 days‘ 3rd Generation Partnership Project; Universal Mobile Telecommu This patent is Subject to a terminal dis- nication System (UTMS); Multiplexing and channel coding (FDD); C1ajmer_ (3GTS 25.212, Version 3.1.1, Release 1999). 3rd Generation Partnership Project; Universal Mobile Telecommu (21) App1_ NO; 12/764,018 nication System (UTMS); Physical channels and mapping of trans port channels onto physical channels (FDD); (3GTS 25 .2 1 1 , Version (22) Filed: Apr‘ 20’ 2010 girdi%glilfaiisjnliiit)nership Project; Universal Mobile Telecommu (65) Prior Publication Data nication System (UTMS); Physical layer procedures (FDD); (3GTS 25.214, Version 3.3.0, Release 1999). US 2010/0304740 A1 Dec. 2, 2010 (Continued) Related US. Application Data (63) Continuation of application No. 11/353,512, ?led on Primary Examiner * TemiCa M Beamer Feb. 13, 2006, noW Pat. No. 7,729,695, Which is a (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Charles E. Eggers continuation of application No. 10/165,152, ?led on Jun. 5, 2002, noW Pat. No. 6,999,762. (57) ABSTRACT (51) Int‘ Cl‘ Method and apparatus for updating roaming lists. An error H04Q 7/20 (200601) handling message is provided When the roaming list protocols (52) US‘ Cl‘ """""""" " 4455554532511;4555533252544555543148; Within the elements of a system are not compatible. A roam _ _ _ ' ’ ' ’ ing list format identi?er is provided to the remote user iden (58) Field of Classi?cation Search ................ .. 455/418, tifying the protocol Version Supported by the network The 455/419’ 421’ 422'1’ 432'1’ 4323’ 433’ 434’ roaming list format identi?er acts to either request an old _ _ _ 45 5/435 '1 version of the protocol or request the current stored format at See apphcanon ?le for Complete Search hlstory' the remote user. In one embodiment, the old version is the (56) References Cited Preferred Roaming List, and the neW version is the Extended Preferred Roaming List. U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 5,613,204 A 3/1997 Haberman et al. 36 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets MS (T012? Protocol SSPR Download SSPFI Download Request Download Commit Commit US 8,295,831 B2 Page 2 OTHER PUBLICATIONS European Search ReportiEPl0l76658, Search AuthorityiThe Hague Patent Of?ce, Oct. 22, 2010. 3rd Generation Partnership Project; Universal Mobile Telecommu nication System (UTMS); Spreading and modulation (FDD); (3GTS 25.213, Version 3.3.0, Release 1999). European Search Report, EP08007923, European Patent Of?ce, The “C.S0002-A Physical Layer Standard for cdma2000 Spread Spec Hague, Jul. 31, 2008. trum Systems”. C.S0005-A Physical Layer Standard for cdma2000 Spread Spectrum International Search ReportiPCT/US03/017692, International Systems. Search AuthorityiEuropean Patent Of?ce, Oct. 26, 2003. US. Patent 0a. 23, 2012 Sheet 1 of5 US 8,295,831 B2 US. Patent 0a. 23, 2012 Sheet 4 of5 US 8,295,831 B2 400 \Q ( START‘ - Receives Proteus! Capability. "f 402 Request V Sends Pmtacoi Capability 494 Resscnsesuppnrted with byQSPRMRREV the MS ? F Receives SS'FJFI Configuraiior: k 406 Request ‘ £12m“ “““ \f» 408 <jjf“ BLOCKWJD? ‘:3;»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» —-0><02~v~~~~~ \~ Response SSF’R Con?guration | 9 Response with Extended FRL é “'39 ! Dimensiens Parameter Block {fry-"W" MS suppsrtsMk“ '“ (-\R ___________________412 __W_( ““““““““ END “ “*-~<\\S§F’FLFLREV§§32.»»-"*’ ‘N‘Q ‘RT’, YES: 22-12 J’JEKJ-HWX“ \‘“"\—._-\\\C 4 1 4 {TQQWEFU R___SS PFL P_R EV?BE?Il-iv \“"T“"wi WNo f‘ 4? 6 YES: ‘ I f" 418 i Response S$PR Configuration Response with PRL Dimensions Set RESULCiiCODE in the , 5_ Parameter Stock SSPF! Gan?guratisn Response m ' ‘ 0x23 ‘PI-“<1. format mismatch‘ and sha|§ include requested parameter ,_..,_3*_2 mom-i with BLOCK___LEN fieid set if END \ to zero \ ______ _W_/J , ‘l ..... 2‘ f. :1 MN‘ ENE Ix" US. Patent 0a. 23, 2012 Sheet 5 of5 US 8,295,831 B2 3n QZNEQOE— E: . mmam. q q _mwawomm Fm womm “ h n F4 US 8,295,831 B2 1 2 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR HANDLING roaming lists, Wherein a roaming list format identi?er is pro ROAMING LISTS IN A WIRELESS vided to the remote user identifying the protocol version COMMUNICATION SYSTEM supported by the netWork. The roaming list format identi?er acts to either request an old version of the protocol or request CLAIM OF PRIORITY UNDER 35 USC §120 the current stored format at the remote user. In one embodi ment, the old version is the Preferred Roaming List, and the The present Application for Patent is a Continuation of patent application Ser. No. 11/353,512 entitled “Method and neW version is the Extended Preferred Roaming List. On Apparatus for Handling Roaming Lists in a Wireless Com receipt of the roaming list format identi?er and a con?gura munication System” ?led Feb. 13, 2006, now US. Pat. No. tion request, a remote user receives the roaming list format 7,729,695 noW alloWed, Which is a Continuation of patent identi?er transmits an error message if the format identi?er is application Ser. No. 10/165,152 entitled “Method and Appa not compatible With the protocol version currently used by the ratus for Handling Roaming Lists in a Wireless Communica remote user. Similarly, the remote user transmits con?gura tion System” ?led Jun. 5, 2002, Which issued as US. Pat. No. tion information if the format identi?er is compatible With the 6,999,762 on Feb. 14, 2006, and assigned to the assignee protocol version used by the remote user. An error handling hereof and hereby expressly incorporated by reference message is provided When the roaming list protocols Within herein. the elements of a system are not compatible. BACKGROUND BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS 1. Field 20 FIG. 1 is a communication system. The present invention relates generally to handling roam FIGS. 2-5 are timing diagrams illustrating procedures to ing lists in a Wireless communication system, and more spe update a preferred roaming list for various con?gurations of ci?cally to updating a preferred roaming list and to coordi the remote user and the netWork. nating different protocol versions betWeen a Wireless FIG. 6 is a How diagram of a method for updating a pre communication netWork and remote users. 25 ferred roaming list. 2. Background FIG. 7 is a mobile station. Protocols are regulations that govern the transmission and receipt of information across a data communications link. DETAILED DESCRIPTION Protocols are detailed in a set of standards that assures that different netWork products can Work together. Any product using a given protocol should Work With any other product The Word “exemplary” is used herein to mean “serving as using the same protocol. In a Wireless communication sys an example, instance, or illustration.” Any embodiment tem, protocols de?ne the various architectural layers of the described herein as “exemplary” is not necessarily to be con system. As protocols and standards are revised, those system strued as preferred or advantageous over other embodiments. components using an older version of the protocols and stan Wireless communication systems are Widely deployed to dards may become incompatible With those having neWer 35 provide various types of communication such as voice, data, capabilities. A variety of methods are used to overcome such and so on. These systems may be based on code division incompatibility, Wherein each ?x is speci?c to a protocol multiple access (CDMA), time division multiple access and/ or standard. (TDMA), or some other modulation techniques. A CDMA One area of incompatibility often occurs When protocols system provides certain advantages over other types of sys governing traditionally voice-dominated communications 40 tems, including increased system capacity. are expanded to also govern high data rate transmissions. For A CDMA system may be designed to support one or more example, a remote user of one service provider, the home CDMA standards such as (1) the “TIA/EIA-95-B Mobile provider, may have access to other service providers, the Station-Base Station Compatibility Standard for Dual-Mode foreign provider, When outside the service area of the home Wideband Spread Spectrum Cellular System” (the IS-95 provider. The process is called roaming, and is facilitated by 45 standard), (2) the standard offered by a consortium named the use of roaming lists maintained by the remote user. The “3rd Generation Partnership Project” (3GPP) and embodied roaming list is updated by the service provider as the list in a set of documents including Document Nos. 3G TS changes, e.g., a neW relationship With another service pro 25.211, 3GTS 25.212, 3G TS 25.213, and 3G TS 25.214 (the vider. The format of the roaming list as Well as the format of W-CDMA standard), (3) the standard offered by a consortium the transmissions to update the roaming list may be speci?ed 50 named “3rd Generation Partnership Project 2” (3GPP2) and by protocols in a standard. The addition of high data rate embodied in a set of documents including “C.S0002-A Physi services, or other neW services, may require changes in for cal Layer Standard for cdma2000 Spread Spectrum Systems,” mat to the roaming list as Well as changes in the method of the “C.S0005-A Upper Layer (Layer 3) Signaling Standard updating the roaming list.
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