PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23. 1862. VOL.12. PORTLAND, SAIURDA\ MORNING, JANUARY 25, 1873. TERMS $8.00 PEE ANNUM IN ADVANCE. TUF PORTLAND DAILY PRESS TO LEI. WANTS, LOST, FOUND. REAL ESTATE. Published every <L'iy /.Sundays excepted) by thi 1-8-7-3. ItooiRS To Let. THE PEES8. I»OHTfiA>*2# PIBLMHIWG CO., & Co/s PLEASANT front room, or two if dctired, ! Oeo. R. Davis an Λ in ο rir an η man a Kituation in a Λτ 109 ΚχοπΛΧίίΕ St, Portland. A with or without board. at yon g Apply I>Yβ Hotel as Waiter. 1878. japMtf No. 3 CHAPEL STREET. Has had eiglit years' experi- BULLETIN. SATURDAY MOKM\G, JAW. 25, Τε liais : Dollars a Year in advance I ence. Add rest· K. LESLIE. [ Eight I TO lAit· jai»24rl3t Portlaud P. Office. THE to lOHU ! ! ! and MAlJnfsTATE PRESS 63Park Street, one of the most, desirable $80,©OO Uosslp ttleiinlnfr»· Wanted. lo lean iu MI (111 HOUSErent» in the city. Enquire en the premises. are money in iblbbed every Thursday Morning at $2 50 Wr prepared ρ or young mau to drive a Provision or Groc- The Maine State Press if I in at 00 a jau9dtf from £100 to uuy amount dcired, on fflret TIkj year, pai advance, $2 year. BOYery wagon and make himself useful Christian t'nion speaks of Ranch a* generally iu Portland Eliza- in a store. Must write a fair baiul. Address G. O. rim· mortage* Capr "the Rates op Advertising: Otio inch of A Store to JLct. ablest Herman low He space, it GOSSE, Argus Office. jan23dtf btlk, We.tbrook, or Becrlng. Partie» dc- sculptor living." length of column, constitutes a "square." Κ of the besl locations in the city, suitable for died in 1807. *iron. of nNo be accommoda I 50 per hi ι îm re daily first week; 75 cents pel OK the retail trade of Dry titoods, .Mill in try, Fancy biiildlngeaii w \;k after; three insertions, or less, §1 00; continu· Goods or Dressmaking. Possession will be given Dog: Lo$>t, led with loan*. — — other after tirât 50 ceuts. from the of or For with white IS THF. ing every «lay week, 1st March April. particulars en- Setter Pup, 10 months old, GEO· Κ. Mrs. Sunnier i·» now at and lialf three insertions or 75 one and ΟΛνη&(Ό„ living Nice, square, less, cents; quire at LATNER'S, 335 Congress street. janStf ARKDmaiks ou tip ol tall, 50 cents week after. forehead, will be .J, to Krai Estalf and Brokers. those who have week. $1 00; per and legs speckled. A suitable reward paid ITIorlsagr recently seen lier say that she Special Notices, one third additional. Boar*!, eep24 tf fillet any one returning still remains one of the mo<t In Under head of "Amusmements," $2 00 per square J" NASSEH SMITH. antlfiil and at· three insertions or less 50. GENTLEMAN and Lady a home per week ; £1 wishing quiet f West end Spring fitroil, Foi* tractive of women. Advertisements Inserted in the "Maine State A can find pleasant rooms with board at No. 4 Sale^ fllUK hou^e on State Street llie un- Prks.s" lias a circulation iu Cotton street, second door from Free street. One or occupied by (which large every part IiOSt. JL This is built of of the for 00 for first two single gentlemen can be accommodated also. der&igned. house thoroughly BEST Slate) #1 per square insertion, brick aud stone and has ail WEEKLY PAPER iter. Ο. and 50 cents for each inser- jan7 moderu conveniences. K. Frothingliaiu prupo»es poison a per stjuare subsequent SETTER DOG ausweringtotlienaraeot ALLEN HAINES. tion. with tan color over each also tan as a substitute for the A BLACKBang, spot eye, Portland, Sop. 18th, 1672. eepl9-tf gallows. No doubt Address all communications to Few Crood Rents color feet ami mortted color stripe on his breast. Any PORTLAND the is a little behind the Judi- PUBLISHING CO. applied for at once. one returniug the some or riving information where gallows age. IF MATTOCKS & FOX, he can be found, will bo sultablv rewarded. St. Lawrence House. cial killing ought to make progress. liovudtf *8 Middle street. jan22dlw* R. G. HALL. Why BUSINESS CARDS. For Sale or To tel, IN MAINE: not try chloroform ? STORE TO LET. Lost, 40 Rxmis, Gas and Sebago water. Appîy to Ε. II. GILLESPIE, Hold Pin made of fu The out old fctylo Five Dollar 31 Plum St. traditional thaw came corner sep!3-tf No. | January rather REMOVAL. large brick store in the Rackleti I»lock, A Gold Piece with an old English enamelled letter BAILEY & and suddenly at the White A of Middle and Ceurcli street,s-ba*emeut "G" on the face. Whoever will return the same to NOYES Mountains last week* finished and adaptei to Jobbing Will. Na. 56 or FOR SALE I In the DR. I first floor, elegantlv Senter, Exchange street, to No. 1 Deer- morning U»c thermometer indicated B. H. ORDWAY, drv goods or other similar trade. ing street, will be suit bly rewarded. janîiMw Because it gives more reading -six Apply to ALLKN HAINES. House IVo. 34 Emery St., head ol twenty degree- Mow zero, anil before has removed to eeptlldtf Wanted. Cuslinian Street. matter than any other; Piano night it rained. one on Forte and 159 Street. YOUNG ΜΛΧ to work in the capacity of host- Said house is of the best location* Organ Warerooms on it is Congress ler and at Brook's Steam No. H, the street ; line neighborhood. Consists of Because thoroughly a MEWS IIow beautiful it the TO LET. A porter, Bakerv, uiairiagc of (Opposite the India St., Universalisas church.) 79 Brackett St., Portland, Λίβ. llLtwo glory framed House and ell, containing ten ceremony finished walls » the native Australian. Πβ jan22 d2w GEO. W. H. BROOKS. highly rooms; painted throughout; I'APÉB; gets his eye on a gas ; cellar and heated furnace brick cis- Ν. Β Good references required. JanS2*lw good by ; large girl, knocks her down with a Store and Basement tern, filtered; well drained. One of the most desi- EXCHAIVO.K club, and drag* L. B. rable Because it lias a larger Editorial STREET, PORTLAND. her DENNETT, Boarders Wanted. and convenient houses in the city ; close to off to spend the honeymoon in Spring street line of cars; can be seen from 3 to 5 P. cooking a force and JVo. 47-4» Middle St. wishing pleasant house, with M. Terms easy. Enquire oh tbe premises. than any other paper in dogs, feasting on the bones the oM man Counsellor at Law, GENTLEMENgood board, can be accommodated by applying June 19. dtt leaves. at 24J Ο umber.1and street. AGENT One λ ore of t hose large and commodious stores j*n22<ilw# Elaine; TP FOR ΛΌ. 1 K\CIIA.\tii: STREET, FOR SALE! Rev. T. K. a IN"" THE THOMPSON Bookkeeper Wanted. Becauseits Market, marine, Cou Bceclier, in fit of disguet be- PUBTLAKD. 9IE. BLOCK, cause a small In Wholesale Flonr Store. Address Box 1387, pox panic prevented, bis keep- janlO if TO LET. jan22tf Portland P. O. grcssional. legislative and other CHICK Ε RI Ν G lectuie & SONS. ing'a engagement, ea\s that "cleanly 85F" If for will bo let low tebbetsT and vaccinated & Hpp[ied immediately arc persons are F. C. B. NASH, Wanted—Agents house, reports fuller than any other in no more danger I of MRS. of small than Inquire II. Ε. THOMPSON, I>r. Cornell's Dollar S. SPRINGY ALE. ESTABLISHED IN 1888. pox they are of virtue without NO. 173 AND 194 FORE T.fkv^1l Moo Family Paper—John paper in STREET, Î^OKC. Abbott, the. celebrated Historian, Editorial Maine; an effort."' Or, SHEPARD & same COMPANY, block) Contributor. À $2.00 engraving to every subscriber; PORTLAND, 3ΙΑ.ΙΙΓΒ3, J. C. PROCTER, profitable work for the whole or part of the time; WILL BE SOLD CHEAP! Because its State News is the Μ-Δ-ΝΐΓΒΆΟΓΧΤRKBH OF 93 st. been JeSdtf Exchange rare inducement. Address B. B. KUSSELL, Pub- The have Having appointed Agents for one of the As the owner wants to go West. jury declared Jennie janl6d4w&w4w? most collected and select. iuuocent, argest Lead Manufactories in New are carefully G the Cleveland England Jan3l SAMUEL D. TEBBETS. H A1S .D .AiND Droz, girl who shot Mayor Fiek ow prepared to offer Sheet Lead and I>ead Pipe, to EDUCATIONAL·. SQUARE TTPP? LOTIT two I years ago. She has all the trade at Boston prices. de28tf WANTED. along pleaded BUST NESS DIRECTORY guilty ; but what is a young girl supposed to know about luch au C. W. STOCKMAN, M. D., ABBOTT PIANO-FORTE Sj important matter com- 200 G~l R LS fur Machines. pared with the "twelve good men and true?" PHYSICIAN A\D SOIGEOX, FAMILY SCHOOL FOE BOYS, Agency Sewing WANTED Î CHECKER ΙΝ Gr & SONS' TO MAKE «V. S. OV£R, No. 37ίί Middle NI. All Piaxio-forte Manniactorv, has removed to kind* of machine. Tor .ale and to let. At "Lilllo Blue," Farniiugton, Me. is It is said that a Chinaman in California Repairing· larger, by nearly one-third, tliau any piano-forte in No. £07 Congress! Street, manufactory America, ami more than lately killed himself by cramming a newspa- double a* as in the Skirts & Bustles. Bakers. large any Europe. It occupies four sides of an per up his nose. I' some of the scurrilous (Opposite Paik.) Hoop entire block. There are no private IV. C. No·. and Pearl 5000 New Subscribers ill houses or of kind sheets which we wot of were to be used for Office Hours from 8 to 10 A.
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