.. .1- -t. COVERING XO«TN8«IIP8 OP 2500 COPIES IIOI.5IUIIL, MADISON ONE 9KL1IU.S MARLBORO. HATAVVAN AND 12 PAGES MATAWAN DOttOUOn Member N«tlons» Editorial \AsaodiUoa Monmoulh Count; Preu AnooUUcm 89th YEAR — 1st WEEK ' Hew Jersey Press' JU*odatlOB MATAWAN, N. J,, THURSDAY, JULY 4,1957 Memb*i Single Copy Ten Cents Matawan Township Centenni MHS Class Of 1942 Holds 15-Year Reunion Friday iadison To Get Acme Vacates Slrin wcrepoKlcd l\i .'-*""<-•• Acme Market on Main St.I Feature July 4th Weekend In Area Municipal Hall tlin biulucss.seotlon of Ma" wan Tucadiiy advlslne jiu _ —General Committee Reschedules Some Events Move Bond Bill trims that this store was be- For Celebration; Parade, Dances Planned To Purchase Unit Ins closed Saturday, July 6 and its business was bclnr ' Final preparations for the 9 p.m. will conclude the day's An ordinance bonding (50,000 merited with that at tho new three-day Matawan Township activities. ' » ptovldo for a new municipal store at tho hitere.seolloar of Centennial Celebration, pfiirs- Led by the 40-plece United ulldliiH was Introduced Mon- ltoutou SS nnd 90, Kcyporl. day Friday and Saturday, Ju- States Air Force Band, from ay nlittll at the regular meet- Tho vast facllltlpM In , tubd* v erii-day morotiuiidUIng and ly 4, 5 and 6, have been com- Mitchell Air Force base : on g of tho Madison Township Long Island, over 60 individual parklni convenldnco wore' pleted, by" the general commit- 'ommlttec, Public hearing on detachments complete with lie bill, an amendment to a ooiiflriiied as reasotia for tils tee. Several late revision? in auxiliary units, bands and move. Several weelis ago tlin ondlng ordinance adopted in Aoitio htnre In the business the timetable of activities loats will step off, smartly at Iprll of last year for tlic con- were approved by the commit- 1 p.m. Saturday In the grand section of Keyport was clos- centennial parade. tructlon of new municipal of- ed end combined wMli Iho tee to more equally distribute ices, will be held Aug. 5. ' Line Of March Given now storo for tho same rea- events during the three-day The township plans to nur- Holla, fete." • The parade w)ll form on At- inse the old rountnln estato Avint), under Us former lantic Ave. in front, of tlrt Included in the gala carni- >n Tlu'ockmorton Lann In the title of American H lores Matawan Township Ball and Co., has been In Mntawaa val marking the 100th anni- the line of march will cover lrowntown section and will versary of the incorporation of onvort the old colonlal-t y p e for nearly 3) yearn, it com- approximately five miles. The puny offlolnl Hinted, It for- Matawan Township are ball parade ls_ scheduled to move toino Into a municipal bulld- games, block dances, a grand og. Mayor John L. Chamber- merly npenilfil at a site down Atlantic Ave. to Lower anrtiHs tlio nlrcel from tho centennial parade, a beauty Main St. across Six Comers TwcDly-slx member* of the Molawan Hl»h Bohoo) C1»EI wer<: Seated, In the usual order, Roue (DIGIambstllsta) Jurle- nln said (20,000 will bo iisml contest, baby contest and a of 1912 attended a 15th reunion dinner at Peterson's Buttonwood wlo, Anita (Baumann) Gregory, Ruth (vonllodeok) AH, Helen nrencnt location w li n r o It and up Broadway In Keyport .o aoqulro the bulldlus and a was nn over-tlir-i'ounter" mammoth display of flre- to West Front St. Then it will Manor, Matawan, on Friday evening; Robert E. Lantur|f acted (Sloan) Sclllnier, Martha (Cross) Brown, Anna (Dllki) Havll- work;. as master of ceremonies and awarded the following; torl^esl sky, Evelyn (Zelglcr) Gray, Ethel (Bende) Oswald. Alex (Klnh) four-iioic tract of land, An an- •lore Kay Newllnr, llailel, proceed along Old Amboy Rd. Jackson, Elizabeth (Devlin) LaMura, Violet (Ilatlett) Kumbano, dlttonal 130,000 Is needed to re- w ttH niaimner for a lone • A "Miss Matawan Township" to Prospect St., cllffwood, to Sidney Lawrence, Pennsylvania, traveling the longest distance be'auty contest will open the to attend the reunion; Tony Bucco, changing the. least-slnce Gertrude (Hlfftlns) Shepherd. construct, furnish nnd cqul|> llnio. When the more w a • South Concourse, Cllffwood graduation; Anita JBaumann) Gregory, the most recently mar- Standing, left to right, ore; Sidney Lawrence, Kenneth Pike niaile lo Ihe enlnrtcd quar- centennial celebration at the Ave. to where it will disband ho building as a nqw.munlcl- ried; Alex (Klah) Jackson, tbe longest married) Doris (East- Tony Bunco, Clarence Hnuicr, Ludwlg Duronte, Philip Gumbu >al hall, and to provido nccun- tern, the Hlorn was converted Cliff wood Tennis: Courts' on at the Little League atliletlo mond) Glblook, the most children, Special awnrda'were pre- Mrs, GHtenB, Doris iVanSant) McGuIro, Mr. Shea, Doris (Kant- Thursday at 2 p.m. The beau- ary office space. lo the suncrmarket type, field near the New York and sented to Mrs. Herbert Glttens, class advisor, and Kenneth, Pike. mond) GlblockV. Arthur (lough. George Itlnear, Mr. LaMura Tho sunermarket was la* ty conteat originally was to be Long Branch railroad rlght-of Jack Shea also served as a class advisor. " . > ;•} ,•-,w1:.;-.' Arthur Klatt, George Zunibano. Emma Jano (Bnrber) Dougl At prcsont, tho township at the Cllffwood Beach Fool also wag present but Is not In the plcliirc. clork and uolioctor use- cininp- cnloil In thn farmer M»U- way. Members of the class attending the reunion, pictured above, wan Theater bulldlnc, When but. the site was changed to cd qunrtcrn In a one-room accommodate the large aud- Parade Chairman John B. JclevUlon nude operation of Kenner reported a total of 14 town hall, also In tho Brown- - lence that Is expected to at- Activity Timetable Bay Wafers Safe Iho thoaler no lonier profit* grand prizes will be awarded Newman Orders, Water Shortage town, section of the township able In Iho early 1030a, liar* tend. .'. • •.;. • by the judges who will watch Earlier thin year, tho township A^ ball same WB'pjti. will' The general committee of The State Department of ry May, Jr., Mala wan, His the parade from o reviewing the Matawan T<rtvnshln|Cen- Health Ibis week announced committee ordered municipal owner, remodeled (ho build. be played at the Cliff wood stand, which, will be erected Ave. field./. Parting Company tennlal Celebration has' an- Docs Not Abate that bathing beaches along meetings moved to tho Cheese- Ini Inlo the store and leased - in front of the Cllffwood Fire Rtrltan Bay from Cllffwood It to APHID. IS Finalists To Be Ivied Co, Fire House. Pflzes will be nounced a revised schedulo Old Manor Estates quako Fire House to provide Mrs. Joseph. Loeffler, beau- Youths Must Avoid of activities for the three- Beach east to Highlands aro additional room for those at- Safeway stores hendmiar- , given to the best appearing satisfactory, according lo re- ty contest chairman, yester- fire company, ladles unit, fjrst Partying Together •.,-...,. day celebration scheduled Residents Protest tending.' tern, Jnmey City, nit Id they (or Thursday, Friday and cent samplings taken and had tmnnlilrred movlni In day reported that 13 finalists aid squad, ladles auxiliary un- 1'rojed Wns Delayed win be judged to determine Robert Newman, .county Saturday, July 4» 5 and - ••' Aroused Old Manor Estates tested by tlin department. In wlmrnthe Ac inn Is moving it, children's organization and addition, bathing brnnlio Th a original ordlnonce, the Detection of Miss Matawan service organization in the line probation officer, took the Here's a handy timetable of Householders told Oeorso BUn- out but decided aialuit I h « the revlaea activities: . along the Atlantic Coast from adopted In April 1050, by tlic chaiigii. , Township who will reign over of march. In addition, prizes place o! Magistrate. James H. : fcftde, representing tho West previous township lulinlnlntrn-" Martin for a few minutes In Thursday, July 4 Sea H r I g h t In Monmouth activities 'during the celebra- also will be given for the most Kcansburg Water Co. at tbe tlon was to havo boon imcd to tion. Finalists include Carol beautiful. and most unlQue Matawan's municipal court t p.m. Miss M a t a $ a n County to Capo Muy are safe Holmdcl Township Commlttco for bathing, Inanco construction of n s w and Rosemarle Vena,' Joan float, the best band and best Monday to straighten out a Township b o a uty contest, ownshlp offices. However, bo- and Patricia Boyle, France's drum and bugle c.rps in line. Juvenile delinquency situation, Cllffwood Tennis Courts,' . meeting Thursday, that the In Monmoulh and Ocean :auae of bonding iicllvlUen of Complaints Made and Barbara DellaPletro, Ma- A householder in the Lake. Lef- 8 p.m. Baseball came, Cllff- utility should provide 05 Counties, the survey was Other awnrds will be given tho Board of Education and ry Oallo, Paula Bear and Ul- ferts area brought complaints wood Ave, nlhlello field. pounds per square Inch water carried out by local health bids of contractors which wero Of Acid Fnmcs to the fire company and first against nine offenders, seven offlolals and water and sew- lln Zarkevich. ' t p.m. to 1 a.m. Bloc b pressure at the main head over HID osllmntad bulldluit aid squad traveling the great- teen-age boys and two teen Dance, N a r t Ii • Concourse, ago plant operators as a CORU. the nraject wait delayed. A block dance, to conclude est distances to participate in from tho K cypo r t supply Madison Allegations Thursday's activities, will age girls for causing a dis- ClKhvood Beach.
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