630 119°119°118°30’118°30’ 118° 118° 117°30’ 117°30’ 117° 117° 116°30’ 116°30’ WASHINGTON 47°47° WASHINGTON SPOKANE 30'30' SPOKANE LINCOLNLINCOLN SRSR 231 IDAHO 231 IDAHO k k e e e Sprague WASHINGTON e WASHINGTON Sprague r r C C e Cree LakeLake C inne reek PPi k WHITMANWHITMAN SRSR I I SR SR 27 90 SR SR 27 90 2323 k 272711 cck US oo US RR 191955 SRSR 2727 C C o o w w Riv 47°47° Riveerr Colfax err C Re F Colfax P v e C Rebe Fl Pa e Ri v r bel al SR alol usse Ri GRANTGRANT er l att SR ou eee see 2626 k u s C P k u C Pa o Union r a SR l o ion er l SR l Un ee o l 27 a ke o 27 a k u PP F u re Flal s CCreek at es k t e rkk SR R o r SR Ri F o ADAMS 2626 SRSR viev F ADAMS t t 191944 er,r thh 13351000 la , uut 13351000 F la e So FRANKLINFRANKLIN F Snakke So lii Sna 13348000 SRSR kaal SR 13348000C 261 Al lk SR RR rC Pullman 261 A 121277 i eree Pullman GARFIELDGARFIELD viv ek ee k r r rr ee US 46° iv 13344500 US 46° iv 13344500 191955 R PomeroyPomeroy 30'30' R TuTuca cannnnon on UUSS ClarkstonClarkston UUSS 12 12 12 ee 12 kk a AsotinAsotin1333505013335050 n ek SnaS reeek R C r R C i i v 13334450 k COLUMBIA v 13334450 COLUMBIA e e k SR e e Pasco SR r e Pasco 124 r r e 124 n r ti C o n C AAssoti ASOTINASOTIN e rgge r r SR r o SR e e o 129 e e v G 129 i v G i WALLAWALLA WALLAWALLA R 13334300 R 13334300 BENTON RRiverr BENTON de ive WASHINGTON n de WASHINGTON o n 13317660 46°46° ia a R o 13317660 b i Riviveerr RR m b OREGONOREGON nahhaa luum aana ool WW CC dee rannd GGra EXPLANATIONEXPLANATION REAL-TIMEREAL-TIME SURFACE-WATERSURFACE-WATER STATIONSTATION NONNON REAL-TIMEREAL-TIME SURFACE-WATERSURFACE-WATER STATIONSTATION WATER-QUALITYWATER-QUALITY SURFACE-WATERSURFACE-WATER SITESITE 03003055 10102020 40 40 MILES MILES 45°45° 30'30' 05005055 10102020 3030 4040 60 60 KILOMETERS KILOMETERS Figure 62. Location of surface-water stations in the Snake River Basin, including the Grande Ronde River, Asotin Creek, Tucannon River, and Palouse River Basins. 631 EXPLANATIONEXPLANATION Real-timeReal-time surfa sucre-wateface-water stationr station Non-Non-real-timereal-time surfa sucre-wateface-water stationr station StubblefieldStubblefield LakeLake Water-quality surface-water station Water-quality surface-water station StorStoagerage 13348000 Station number beganbegan 1970 1970 13348000 Station number SpragueSprague Lake RM RM145.3 145.3RiveRiver miler mile Lake RM RM PinePine Creek Creek StorStoagerage 37.937.9 Stream—AStream—Arrowrr owshows shows dire dictionrection of flow of flow beganbegan 1920 1920 RockRock LakeLake CowCow LakeLake IDAHO IDAHO WASHINGTON WASHINGTON Rock Creek Rock Creek Rock 1335100013351000RM RM RM RM Cow Creek Cow Creek RM 19.6 RM RM RM RM RM 19.625.625.632.132.1 49.549.5 89.689.6 PALOUSEPALOUSE RIVER RIVER RM RM RM RM 19.219.2 41.141.1 RM RM MissouriMissouri Flat Flat 22.122.1 CreekCreek 1334800013348000 Willow Creek Willow Willow Creek RM RM22.2 22.2 Rebel Flat Creek Rebel Flat Creek Union Flat Creek Union Flat Creek SouthSouth Fork Fork PALOUSE RIVER PALOUSE RIVER PALOUSE PalousePalouse River River RM RM Lake RM RM Lake RM RM RM RM LowerLower 9.7 Lake 41.6 Lake RM 70.3 107.5 Granite 9.7 Sacajawea 41.6Herbert G. West RM 70.3LakeLake Bryan Bryan 107.5 Granite SNAKESNAKE Sacajawea Herbert G. West 62.262.2 LakeLake RIVERRIVER Storage Storage RM RM Storage StorStoagerage Storage Storage Storage began 1975 beganbegan 1961 1961 beganbegan 1969 1969 59.559.5 beganbegan 1970 1970 began 1975 anite Dam Dam anite r r house house house house r r house house house house r r r r r r r r G G bo r bo r r Lake Dam r 13344500 13344500 Lake Dam Powe Powe Powe RM 7.9 RIVER Monumental Monumental Powe Powe Powe RM 7.9 RIVER e Ha r Lowe 13335050 eHa r Lowe 13335050 c RM c RM I I RM 0.1 Little Goose Dam RM 0.1 Little Goose Dam 2.6 Dam Powe Asotin Creek 2.6 RM Dam Powe Asotin Creek RM Lowe Lowe 145.3 1333445013334450 145.3 RM RM14.6 14.6 Tucannon River Tucannon Tucannon River SNAKE SNAKE George Creek George George Creek 1333430013334300 RM RM167.2 167.2 WASHINGTON RiverRiver RM RM WASHINGTON 168.7168.7 OREGONOREGON 1331766013317660 RM RM175.7 175.7 Grand Ronde Grand Ronde Grand Figure 63. Schematic diagram showing surface-water stations in the Snake River Basin, including the Grande Ronde River, Asotin Creek, Tucannon River, and Palouse River Basins. 632 SNAKE RIVER MAIN STEM 13317660 SNAKE RIVER BELOW MCDUFF RAPIDS, AT CHINA GARDENS, ID LOCATION.--Lat 46°00'11", long 116°55'01", in sec.26, T.31 N., R.5 E., Nez Perce County, Idaho, Hydrologic Unit 17060103, on right bank, 350 ft upstream from Corral Creek, and at mile 175.7. DRAINAGE AREA.--Not determined. PERIOD OF RECORD.--October 1, 2003, to current year. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Elevation of gage is 850 ft above NGVD of 1929, from topographic map. REMARKS.--No estimated daily discharges. Records good. Diversions upstream from station for irrigation of about 4,090,000 acres, of which about 750,000 acres are irrigated by withdrawals from ground water. Flow regulated by many reservoirs upstream from station with a total usable capacity of more than 10,000,000 acre-ft, the most effective of which is Brownlee Reservoir located 109.5 mi upstream. Diurnal fluctuations caused by Hells Canyon Dam powerplant. U.S. Geological Survey satellite telemeter at station. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--2 years (water years 2004-05) 20,910 ft3/s, 15,150,000 acre-ft/yr. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum discharge, 95,600 ft3/s, May 21, 2005, gage height, 20.16 ft; minimum recorded discharge, 11,200 ft3/s, Dec. 22, 2003, Jan. 25, 2004, gage height, 4.71 ft, but may have been lower during period of missing record Oct. 1 to Dec. 3, 2003; minimum recorded gage height, 4.69 ft, Sept. 4, 2005. EXTREMES FOR CURRENT YEAR.--Maximum discharge, 95,600 ft3/s, May 21, gage height, 20.16 ft; minimum discharge, 11,500 ft3/s, Sept. 4, gage height, 4.69 ft. DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND WATER YEAR OCTOBER 2004 TO SEPTEMBER 2005 DAILY MEAN VALUES DAY OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1 14,000 14,000 13,000 13,700 16,800 12,700 25,200 29,700 60,600 33,600 18,100 12,100 2 14,000 13,800 12,700 13,600 17,700 13,500 23,900 26,400 59,300 28,400 18,500 13,500 3 13,700 13,800 13,000 16,300 17,000 13,900 23,100 26,000 54,400 27,600 15,000 13,500 4 13,800 13,800 13,200 15,600 18,400 14,200 22,900 30,700 44,400 25,700 14,300 11,700 5 14,100 13,800 13,000 17,800 17,200 14,500 24,900 34,300 48,400 26,800 17,600 11,700 6 13,600 13,800 12,900 19,700 16,100 17,300 22,600 34,900 47,800 29,800 19,600 11,900 7 16,300 13,800 12,900 16,400 15,900 14,600 20,500 38,700 45,400 29,500 19,100 13,700 8 16,700 13,700 13,100 14,100 14,600 14,800 19,000 40,600 39,300 27,800 16,000 13,800 9 13,700 13,700 13,600 13,200 13,200 13,300 21,000 37,600 35,500 24,400 17,400 12,500 10 13,600 13,700 13,600 14,500 13,200 13,500 21,500 45,100 33,400 18,800 15,800 12,900 11 13,400 13,800 14,000 14,900 12,800 13,800 22,900 46,500 31,200 19,300 13,200 11,900 12 13,200 13,900 14,600 19,200 12,700 14,100 20,100 44,600 32,500 21,200 13,200 12,200 13 13,200 13,900 17,000 19,200 12,800 14,300 19,600 45,300 33,800 22,900 12,800 12,300 14 13,200 13,700 20,600 19,000 13,200 14,400 21,500 45,600 34,300 21,400 12,400 12,300 15 13,200 13,800 18,600 18,300 13,800 15,500 20,600 45,200 29,800 18,300 12,200 12,400 16 13,200 13,700 14,800 15,400 14,000 15,800 18,800 50,600 28,200 21,800 12,200 13,600 17 13,200 13,700 14,500 13,800 15,000 17,700 20,100 62,600 28,700 19,000 12,100 12,100 18 13,300 13,800 14,300 16,700 13,800 16,900 21,700 67,900 31,100 16,400 12,500 12,000 19 13,400 13,700 14,200 14,000 13,400 15,500 22,200 69,800 34,700 20,500 12,000 12,200 20 13,600 13,700 15,900 14,100 12,800 15,700 21,800 84,300 33,400 21,200 12,000 12,400 21 13,700 13,600 19,100 14,100 13,100 17,600 21,200 87,900 35,500 19,500 12,100 12,400 22 13,800 13,300 17,200 14,100 13,200 16,400 20,900 79,900 32,500 19,300 12,300 16,300 23 13,900 13,100 17,800 14,000 13,300 16,600 21,300 76,000 30,400 16,800 12,200 15,700 24 13,900 13,200 16,800 16,200 13,200 16,500 21,700 72,000 33,600 14,700 12,200 13,500 25 13,900 13,900 16,100 16,000 13,000 17,000 22,600 67,400 32,500 15,900 12,200 12,300 26 13,800 14,200 15,300 15,100 12,800 17,500 24,300 62,400 28,300 15,200 12,900 15,400 27 13,700 14,100 16,900 17,200 12,600 16,300 26,500 58,700 28,900 14,500 13,100 15,700 28 13,600 13,900 14,400 17,800 12,700 18,500 29,000 58,000 37,700 17,900 13,300 12,700 29 13,700 13,600 13,300 15,500 --- 27,100 30,200 57,300 40,600 24,500 14,600 12,900 30 13,900 13,300 13,100 16,400 --- 27,100 32,100 52,400 37,100 18,900 13,100 12,600 31 14,100 --- 13,200 16,300 --- 26,000 --- 52,800 --- 15,800 12,100 --- TOTAL 428,400 411,800 462,700 492,200 398,300 512,600 683,700 1,631,200 1,123,300 667,400 436,100 390,200 MEAN 13,820 13,730 14,930 15,880 14,220 16,540 22,790 52,620 37,440 21,530 14,070 13,010 MAX 16,700 14,200 20,600 19,700 18,400 27,100 32,100 87,900 60,600 33,600 19,600 16,300 MIN 13,200 13,100 12,700 13,200 12,600 12,700 18,800 26,000 28,200 14,500 12,000 11,700 AC-FT 849,700 816,800 917,800 976,300 790,000 1,017,000 1,356,000 3,235,000 2,228,000 1,324,000 865,000 774,000 STATISTICS OF MONTHLY MEAN DATA FOR WATER YEARS 2004 - 2005, BY WATER YEAR (WY) MEAN 13,150 12,880 13,850 16,190 16,620 20,920 23,440 46,200 37,570 20,760 14,120 15,100 MAX 13,820 13,730 14,930 16,500 18,940 25,310 24,090 52,620 37,700 21,530 14,170 17,180 (WY) (2005) (2005) (2005) (2004) (2004) (2004) (2004) (2005) (2004) (2005) (2004) (2004) MIN 12,470 12,030 12,780 15,880 14,220 16,540 22,790 39,780 37,440 19,990 14,070 13,010 (WY) (2004) (2004)
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