APPENDIX K Final report of an Aboriginal Heritage survey of the BORR North and Central Project (Brad Goode & Associates, 2020) Final report FINAL REPORT OF AN ABORIGINAL HERITAGE SURVEY OF THE BUNBURY OUTER RING ROAD (BORR) NORTH AND CENTRAL PROJECT: BRUNSWICK TO NORTH BOYANUP, WESTERN AUSTRALIA A report prepared for BORR Integrated Planning Team on behalf of Main Roads Western Australia By Mr Brad Goode Consulting Anthropologist 79 Naturaliste Terrace DUNSBOROUGH WA 6281 [email protected] Ms Louise Huxtable Consulting Anthropologist Brad Goode & Associates Pty Ltd [email protected] Mr Grant Preller Consulting Anthropologist Brad Goode & Associates Pty Ltd [email protected] Mrs Jacqueline Harris Consulting Archaeologist Brad Goode & Associates Pty Ltd [email protected] Report submitted February 2020 to: Dr Fionnuala Hannon Environment and Approvals Manager BORR IPT PO Box 2776 Cloisters Square 6850 The Registrar Department of Planning, Lands & Heritage 491 Wellington Street PERTH WA 6000 0 FINAL REPORT OF AN ABORIGINAL HERITAGE SURVEY OF THE BUNBURY OUTER RING ROAD (BORR) NORTH PROJECT: BRUNSWICK TO NORTH BOYANUP, WESTERN AUSTRALIA ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank the following organisations and individuals who helped with the management of this Aboriginal heritage survey: Dr Fionnuala Hannon – BORR IPT (Environment and Approvals Manager) Mr Liam Donnelly – BORR IPT (Principal Bridge Engineer) Ms Meranda Toner – BORR IPT (Senior Environmental Scientist) Ms Stacey Dorman – BORR IPT (Environmental Scientist) Mr Neil McCarthy – Main Roads Western Australia (Senior Environment Officer) Mr Robert Barnsley – Main Roads Western Australia (Acting Regional Manager) Mr Owen McLean – Main Roads Western Australia (Rural Road Planning Manager) Ms Tammy Mitchell – Main Roads Western Australia (Community Relations Manager) Mr Matt Swales – Main Roads Western Australia (Structures Design Engineer). Ms Zafrin Ahmed – Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (Heritage Support Officer) Mr David Stapleton – Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (Planning Officer) Mr Peter Nettleton – South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council (Senior Legal Officer) Mrs Leah Mackie – Brad Goode & Associates Pty Ltd (Research & Mapping Assistant) Gnaala Karla Booja WC1998/058 Native Title Claim group representatives Ethnographic Survey Informants: Mr Gary Bennell Mr Joseph Northover Mr James Khan Ms Erika Anthony Mr Peter Michael Ms Joyce Dimer Ms Yvonne Garlett Mr Waylon Mark Hill Mr Hart (deceased) Ms Theresa Graham Archaeological Survey Assistants: Mr James Khan Mr Peter Michael Mr Gary Bennell Ms Erika Anthony DISCLAIMER All of the information contained in this report is believed to be correct and accurate at the time it was recorded. The author does not take responsibility or accept any liability for errors or omissions contained in the report based upon information supplied by others. Warning: This document may contain names, images or material that relates to deceased Aboriginal persons. Permission was sought and granted by the consulted informants to cite this information. *Note: This report, in terms of its assessment under Section 5 of the Western Australian Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972, should be read in conjunction with the archaeological report by Harris (2018) contained under this coversheet. *Note: This report supersedes the draft report from 2018. Since 2018, two more ethnographic consultations have occurred in order to refine bridge designs and to update the GKB in relation to an evolving project. 1 FINAL REPORT OF AN ABORIGINAL HERITAGE SURVEY OF THE BUNBURY OUTER RING ROAD (BORR) NORTH PROJECT: BRUNSWICK TO NORTH BOYANUP, WESTERN AUSTRALIA COPYRIGHT This report and the information contained herein are subject to Copyright and may not be copied in whole or part without the written consent of the copyright holders, being Brad Goode and Associates Pty Ltd, GHD Pty Ltd, BORR IPT, Main Roads Western Australia and Gnaala Karla Booja WC1998/058 Native Title Claim group members who contributed to the survey. MAPPING Datum Used: GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50. Handheld GPS Unit Garmin 64ST (+/- 10m) GLOSSARY OF TERMS The Proponent – Main Roads Western Australia The Consultant – Brad Goode & Associates Pty Ltd The Agent – BORR Integrated Planning Team ACMC – Aboriginal Cultural Material Committee AHA – Western Australian Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 AHIS – Aboriginal Heritage Inquiry System BGA – Brad Goode & Associates Pty Ltd BORR - Bunbury Outer Ring Road BP – Before Present CHMP – Cultural Heritage Management Plan DAA – former Department of Aboriginal Affairs DPLH – Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage GKB – Gnaala Karla Booja HIS – Heritage Information Submission IPT – Integrated Planning Team Main Roads – Main Roads Western Australia NSHA – Noongar Standard Heritage Agreement NTC – Native Title Claim SLK – Straight Line Kilometre SWALSC – South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council Cultural Monitor – A senior GKB person who conducts rituals at sacred places prior to ground disturbance and who mitigates spiritual issues by communication with the spirit world when sacred places are impacted by development activities Archaeological Monitor – A member of the GKB engaged to observe ground disturbing activities to identify Aboriginal artefacts or objects as defined by section 5 & 6 of the AHA 2 FINAL REPORT OF AN ABORIGINAL HERITAGE SURVEY OF THE BUNBURY OUTER RING ROAD (BORR) NORTH PROJECT: BRUNSWICK TO NORTH BOYANUP, WESTERN AUSTRALIA EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Bunbury Outer Ring Road (BORR) Integrated Planning Team (IPT), acting upon behalf of Main Roads Western Australia (Main Roads), is facilitating planning for the North and Central sections of the BORR which forms a major component of the planned regional road network for the Greater Bunbury area. The BORR North and Central sections planning corridor begins at the South Western Highway in the south, runs to the north and east across the Boyanup Picton Road, then crosses the South Western Highway near Burekup and terminates on the Forrest Highway at the Brunswick River in the north, a distance of 23.7km or an area of 1068.83 hectares (see Figure 1: Location Map). Within this planning corridor Main Roads is proposing to construct a new highway to freeway standards to bypass Bunbury. The project also allows for intersection realignments, roundabout construction, and the duplication, widening and upgrade to existing intersecting roads to freeway standards. Several new bridges are required to traverse the Ferguson River, the Preston River and the Collie River (see Figure 3: Map of bridge locations). Culverts are required to traverse small creeks that are crossed by roads that intersect the BORR North and Central. In order to remain compliant with the Western Australian Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 (AHA) BORR IPT, on behalf of Main Roads, commissioned Brad Goode & Associates Pty Ltd (BGA) to conduct an ethnographic and archaeological Site Identification Aboriginal Heritage Survey of the planning corridor. The Archaeological survey was completed in 2018 as was the initial ethnographic consultation and was reported in draft at the time. Since 2018 further consultations have occurred with the GKB in order to address issues with bridge design and their impacts upon cultural values. These further consultations were required in order for the GKB to be included in the project, to stay informed and to have a say in issues that relate to Aboriginal sites as the project evolves. This report is now the final and takes into account these issues and provides the final advice by the GKB to Main Roads who wish to seek ministerial consent under section 18 of the AHA for consent to use the land that may contain an Aboriginal site in order to construct the BORR North and Central project. In relation to these surveys a search of the DPLH Aboriginal Heritage Inquiry System (AHIS) conducted on the 2nd October 2018 and again on the 3rd of February 2020 identified four registered ethnographic sites and two DPLH other heritage places that have extents that intersect the BORR North and Central sections of the planning corridor (see Appendix 1: DPLH Sites and Places Register Search and Table 1). Archival research has revealed that there is a longstanding Nyungar belief that the Collie, Brunswick, Preston, and Ferguson Rivers are mythologically significant due to their association with the Ngarngungudditj Walgu Dreaming narrative about the rainbow serpent and its creative actions to form these waterways (see Goode et al. 2000; also Radcliffe-Brown 1926). The Ngarngungudditj Walgu is defined as a Dreaming creation being whose spirit continues to reside in all of these waterways; subsequently the rivers are perceived by the Nyungar community to be part of the same mythological site complex. Previous surveys (see Brown 1984; McDonald, Hales and Associates 1992; Hammond & O’Reilly 1995; Goode et al. 2000; Goode & Harris 2006; Goode et al. 2006; Goode & O’Reilly 2007; Goode et al. 2010 and Goode et al. 2012) have reported that the Nyungar community believe that if the waterways created by the Ngarngungudditj Walgu are blocked by developments or infrastructure then the spirit of the Walgu will also be blocked, with the Nyungar custodians becoming sick as a consequence of this spiritual disturbance. 3 FINAL REPORT OF AN ABORIGINAL HERITAGE SURVEY OF THE BUNBURY OUTER RING ROAD (BORR) NORTH PROJECT: BRUNSWICK TO NORTH BOYANUP, WESTERN AUSTRALIA In relation to the project
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