• (•JBJUP ^•F»W» '! I'' I . ,•-•.; • , >f i 1^|F1J».IPJ«J» P***»P ppw»yp»p*r pmmmmmmmmmmttm jiust walking away Unusual herbs add . t I . 1 the pounds, 1D flavor to meals, 1B « **' * i* Volume 24 dumber 97 Monday, May 22,1989 Westland, Michigan Fifty Cents:: li-yf'^^^^'^i^^s-^fe^s'JW-.^jiJSjMj © 198? Subuibiii ComntmtaUoM Corporal lav AD KjM* Jfcxrvtd., New projects places prepare city and faces for the 1990s COULD THIS be some sort of slg»? Mayoral challengers By Tedd 8ehnolder take note: Westland Industrial Corridor - staff writer A quartet of keglers led by I Mayor Charles Griffin has A spurt of recent construction and captured the Westland the opening of additional space has Employees Bowling League title. put Westland's six Industrial parks In The mayor's team — which Stamps R "good shape" for the 1990s. finished in the basement last year Tim Schroeder, the city's econom­ — sewed up the championship by ic development director, made that posting a SO-polnt winning streak Us appraisal (before Westland City during this season's second half. Council approval on May 15 of the They then beat former Mayor Eight-year-old Nick Corde, right, looks closely before site plan for two qffice/warehouse Tom Taylor's first-half champs buildings In the Tonquish Industrial for the season title in an April 27 deciding whether to buy last Park and 20 new lots In Westland roll-off. week at the Kettering Ele­ Commerce Park. Championship trophies were mentary School stamp Other projects either proposed or presented during the League show. The show, which under construction this spring In­ Banquet May 4. drew visits from all Ketter­ clude: Other members of the ing classes, was designed to • A 34,500 square-foot facility for championship foursome Included interest youngsters In Cintas Corp. under construction in Marge Griffin, the mayor's wife, Tonquish park. Deputy Mayor Andrew Spisak stamp collecting as a hob­ by. • Three buildings totaling 23,000 and his wife, Lee, square feet under construction in Also honored at the banquet Westland Commerce Park. was Detroit Tiger outfielder Pat • Several proposed speculative Sheridan, the only league buildings totaling more than 75,000 Metro Cast Corp. in the Cherry Hill' member to roll a perfect, 300 square feet for the Tonquish, Ford- Industrial Park. £ game during the season. Sheridan 'A Hix, Railway and Commerce parks. • '•••!• i • • •• i^————mmmmS is the husband of 18th District ART EMANUELE/staff photographer • A 7,200-square-foot building for Please turn to Page 2} Court employee Melanle Sheridan. COMPETITORS in this Fun Run will probably end up soaked — even If there Isn't a Herbert not leaving post quietly rain cloud in the sky. The July 4 run, cosponsored by the city's fire and community D See related story, 3A Herbert's announcement that he has served the city for 17 years, pool and ice arena open when the adsl relations departments, will - will not seek a new term means that starting as the city's first budget di­ ministration tried to close them,'?* feature a Fire Engine Water four council seats will be up for rector and then as federal programs Herbert said. Spray Run Through at the By Leonard Poger grabs during the fall election. administrator and finance director. "I am also proud of the work I did- conclusion. editor Herbert, appointed to a council Herbert, 39, is chief financial offi­ with the council to avert a projected; The five-mile run begins at 9 vacancy In early 1983, said last week cer for the city of St. Clair Shores. deficit in 1983.° *; a.m. at the main fire station, Westland City Councilman A. Kent he won't seek a second full term Herbert stressed that he will con*; Ford at Carlson. The course will Herbert, who has said that he "won't mainly because of the time required REFLECTING on his council tinue to be active in new programs- be marked and patrolled, with run for re-election this fall, is going for campaigning and the time taken record and accomplishments, Her- during his final seven months on the; water stations every mile. out with a bang, not a whimper. away from his family and other in­ bert said he is most proud of initiat­ council. J* Trophies will be awarded to He is critical of Mayor Charles terests. ing a sidewalk replacement pro­ In describing what he calls "uniln-; overall first-place male and Griffin's administration and chlded Another factor is that he found gram, a capital Improvement pro­ ished business," Herbert said be! female finishers and medals will the mayor for his "government by being a council member In one com­ gram, a comprehensive fee plans to introduce revisions to the; go to top finishers and runners -up cooperation" slogan by commenting munity ."is seen as a disadvantage to ordinance and a landscape award city's civil service ordinance to &.'• in each age group. All finishers that the mayor is only cooperative potential employer communities." program. sure an affirmative recruitment pro-;: will receive certificates. A. Kent Herbert when the city council agrees with his The council member, whose term "I am particularly proud of my ef­ Entry fee is $8, or $10 after not running again proposals. will end Dec. 31, pointed out that he forts to work out ways to keep the Please turn to Page 2; June 24. Entry forms are available from the fire department and at other city buildings. For more information call Local judge named to anti-crime group Mike Reddy, 721-2001. 6yTlm8mlth members were Introduced by the prevention effort, according to is working in a very coordinated Dwyer said the board will meet OD> staff writer governor at a press conference last Blanchard. fashion before we ask the public to a monthly basis, with sites probably^ week in Southfield. "One thing we may want to do is act, whether Individuals, organiza­ rotating around the state. .;; what's inside Westland District Judge Gall Taking part in the announcement highlight particularly effective citi­ tions or businesses," Blanchard said. ONE OF THE primary topics cer-> McKnight has been named by Gov. Michigan Attorney General Frank zen groups, to demonstrate and show "We need to make sure we have our tain to be bandied about is drug-re­ Calendar. 6A James Blanchard to a newly created Kelley and Detroit Police Chief Wil­ them as role models," Blanchard act together as completely as I want lated crime, Dwyer said. :.• Classifieds C.E.F Partners Against Crime, a group liam Hart, also members of the said. to." "In my opinion, drugs have Infect-^ made up of many of the top judicial group. Auto C,F DEFINING GOALS and coordi­ According to Dwyer, Partners ed this country to the level where** and law enforcement officials in the Although many high-level crimi­ we're at a crisis situation. I belleveP Employment. E,F nating the group need to be handled Against Crime won't wipe the crime state. nal justice veterans were named, the first, however, Blanchard said. in strong enforcement, but we alsoo Index 8E problem off Michigan's map, despite Judge McKnight and the other 23 public won't be ignored in the crime- "We need to make sure this group its good Intentions. need education and rehabilitation." \ Real estate E Creative living . 1E Crossword 2E 0 ^ Entertainment 5D Obituaries ..'*.._.,.... ,6A $3.00 - Please Next school board will have Sports. ... 1C -Your twice weekly Street scene -. 1D Observer & Eccentric Newspaper is now Taste .'•. v . .; . IB $3.00 this rnonth. -This is the fir$t to deal with looming deficit Newsline . .591-2300 Increase In the 8portsline. .591-2312 cost of Home \j By Tedd Schneider Circulation . .591-0500 Delivery since January 1,1965. staff writer Classified. .591-0900 •Being an Observer & Eccentric carrier This is the first of two install­ means more than ments on fioto the Wayne-West- Find hauling a sack of i land school board candidates newspapers around view campaign issues. Jessie the neighborhood In ; Your all kinds of weather. Barkett, Kenneth BarnhiU, the Dream . It Is a chance to Rev. Larry Mines, John Schan- learn about tr>e nauli and Andrew Spfsak are Home.v. world of business running for two board seats in the dnd grow from the June12 eteciion. Splwk Rev. Hints Bamhlll BarkeH experience, \ ' - -So, when your \ - • "The only place we can cut people In If the situation arises, specifically carrier calls this Dealing with an expected school my estimation Is In those areas that recreation and athletics. month grve him or. „ . district deficit nexc^fall won't be are considered non-academic ex­ The Rev. Larry Hines, also a chaK A her $3.00 and a smile ^T'O easy, according to candidates for the tras." •'• •:•".' ,•'.'.•• lengef, said he would make a special and know that part v Wayne-Westland school board. While "While we like to provide a well- effort to retain classes and pro- of that money Is your they continue to push for a school grams that "affect academic . carrier'* earnings. rounded curriculum, to prepare By having your finance reform package from state young people for the world they will growth, development or achieve- Observer 8c legislators, the candidates agree that face, the primary thing Is a good merit." , Eccentric home cost-cutting measures should be con­ grounding in the basics." Bpt Incumbent Kenneth BarnhlU delivered Is a $16.00 sidered. saldvnon-baslc classea-and extracur­ savings yearly over But they differ on where those CHALLENOER JESSIE' Barkett ricular programs,, shouldn't be dto-' WlviRViSWSoSV" our newsstand price, cuts, if necessary, should be made; also said non-academic areas should ?» fti^THUMOAV ItWi "Budgets are primarily people," Pl«a«etumtor»#o«3 % ^ be the first area administrator* trim said board president Andrew Spl$$k.
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