Rail System ' 0 ° 1

Rail System ' 0 ° 1

-109° 0' -108° 30' -108° 0' -107° 30' -107° 0' -106° 30' -106° 0' -105° 30' -105° 0' -104° 30' -104° 0' -103° 30' -103° 0' -102° 30' -102° 0' Colorado Statewide Rail System ' 0 ° 1 4 P U Ovid !P Sedgwick !( Julesburg %$125 Peetz !( 2012 %$127 !( I« !( Grover ?>71 F Crook !( Cowdrey !( S !( U N %$113 Proctor P B !( SEDGWICK LARIMER F 25 S Iliff ¦§¨ Interstate Highways %$125 !( LOGAN !( Walden N $318 ?>23 % JACKSON !P B ?>13 Keota Fleming /(85 !( !( !( !( U.S. Highways I« !( R !( Is Haxtun C Amherst MOFFAT !( Briggsdale Sterling !( Paoli K ?>21 ?>14 !( !( Raymer ?>14 !P !( N State Highways ' ?>14 !( !( !P Is 0 3 !P !( !P ° Maybell I¢ Craig Stoneham Holyoke County Seat 0 !( !( Gould G PHILLIPS 4 !P Hayden W %$392 UP !( !( !( WELD Is Lay !( ?>14 %$125 R ?>52 ?>71 ?>61 !( I¢ !P Merino!( Cities and Towns Rand !( !( ¹ Steamboat !( P P Springs !( U Hamilton !P U !( !( KÄ !( ROUTT U !( Elk %$317 !( !( Goodrich !( I¢ P !( Weldona ?>63 !( 13 %$131 Iy !( !( !( Hillrose Springs ?> !( Orchard !( Dinosaur Pagoda !( !( !( I¢ Oak Creek !( !( Snyder !( I¢ R ?>39 %$144 F Iy W UX !( !( BNSF F S W !( ?>59 !( G !P Grand N !( ?>64 !( !( Brush Iy B Fort Morgan GRAND Lake !( !( Wiggins Akron Yampa U !b Otis !( !( !( !P !( !( !( P Yuma I³ !( !( Eckley BN ?>64 U Hot Sulphur UP ?>52 MORGAN Iy !( SF Wray U Rangely P !( !( F !( !P ' Springs S Iy P 0 Meeker %$134 !( !( N Prospect ° !P !( !P !( !( Granby !( !( B !( ?>52 0 Toponas I¢ I§ 4 Kremmling !( !` !P !( YUMA RIO BLANCO B !( !P ?>71 I¢ P KÄ Fraser !( N !( ?>63 !( S U F !( P !( F!( $139 U !( % !P WASHINGTON S P State Bridge !( ADAMS !( !( !( U !( Winter Park N ?>59 !( !( ?>79 B EAGLE ?>9 !P!( SUMMIT Empire Last Wellington Nunn $131 !( Strasburg Anton !( !( Rio Blanco !( % !( UP !( Chance I} !P !( !( !( Idalia !( !P !( !( !( I} !( ?>14 Silver Plume Lindon Ted's !( !P !( !( !( I} Cope ?>13 !( !( !( Joes Place UP Silverthorne Byers !( I} !( ?>1 %$325 !P !( GARFIELD !( Avon !( GeorgeGtoLwRn !( Eagle !( !( !( !( !( P Dillon !( Pierce !( ' New Castle U Gypsum Vail ?>5 !P !( ARAPAHOE !( Deer Trail 0 Is !( Silt !( !( !( U 3 Is !( !( !( U ° !P ?>71 UP !( Minturn U Frisco P P 9 Glenwood KÄ LARIMER ?>14 3 !a P !( !( Rifle Springs !( !( ?>59 Ft. Collins !( ?>82 Redcliff !P Ault !PBreckenridge Grant ?>14 !( Parachute !( !( !( Agate !( ?>91 !( KIT CARSON G Carbondale Basalt !( W Iu !( I³ !( !( !P De Beque P !( !( E R Severance F Kiowa YL U ?>9 !P Stratton Bethune K %$257 !( !( Jefferson S Seibert !P V!(ona !( !( Eaton I² P Arriba Flagler !( Alma N Limon Genoa !( !( Collbran !( U !( P B !a Loma !( ?>86 !( Burlington U !( MESA %$133 !P !( Fruita ?>65 %$330 Aspen %$392 !( %$392 %$392 !( !( Leadville !P Fairplay Lucerne !( !P ELBERT Matheson Windsor Mesa Snowmass Village PARK ?>67 Larkspur U !( ?>83 !( Iu Hugo !( ?>82 Simla %$340 !( Iu !( !P Drake P Greeley UP Palisade Palmer Lake !( KÄ !( !P PITKIN LAKE ?>9 !( ?>59 Iy !P ' Clifton Loveland Grand !( !( Iy 0 !( U ° Ramah Estes !( Junction Grand Mesa !( P Iy 9 Marble ?>71 Whitewater Monument Peyton !( 3 !( Park Granite !( Iu !( Iy Iy !(UP Hartsel !( Calhan I¢ !( !( DELTA Woodland Park LINCOLN %$402 Evans Kersey ?>65 Bowie I² %$257 La !( !( I³ RI !( %$141 !( Cedaredge !( U Campion !( P CHEYENNE !( 60 Salle Somerset Crested Butte Iu Arapahoe ?> UP !( !( Antero Jct. Iu I} ?>60 !( Orchard City !( %$133 Buena ?>9 ?>67 Punkin Center !( U Paonia !( !( Yoder !( ?>94 Wild Horse UP I¢ I£ P Vista !( !( !( !P ?>7 Johnstown !( ?>92 !( ?>94 Berthoud !( Iu ManitoMu PSpPrCinOgsG !P I¢ ?>56 ?>60 UP Colorado Rush I¢ Cheyenne Wells R Milliken I§ !P Hotchkiss !( !( %$135 Nathrop Cripple ?>21Springs W WELD !( Delta GUNNISON !( !P Kit Carson I³ Gilcrest Gateway I£ !( Creek TELLER G Crawford CHAFFEE !( !( !( Victor USG U Olathe Almont Fountain EL PASO I³ KÄ Mead I² P Lyons %$141 !( U Pitkin %$115 !( !( %$348 !( ?>71 ' P B Allenspark 0 Platteville N !( !( 3 Gunnison %$291 ?>66 ?>66 ° ?>92 Garfield Salida %$347 !P !( S B 8 Montrose F N U 3 I£ Parlin !P FREMONT DOD !( T Eads ST S !P Sapinero !( S Sheridan Lake V !( !( ?>7 F Poncha V !P !( ?>96 Firestone P I£ !( ?>96 Raymond Longmont !( 119 !( Springs I£ Towner I} %$ !( ?>90 Canon City !( MONTROSE Cimarron !P Penrose Haswell KIOWA Uravan I£ !( U !( 96 Bedrock !( !( Brookside %$115 P ?> Frederick I£ !( !( Jamestown %$119 !( KÄ !( !( Sargents R Williamsburg !( $120 PUEBLO CROWLEY F !( G % C I² R Rockvale !( S Nucla KÈ Florence I£ T !( ?>72 Fort Lupton N !( Bonanza Coal Creek F T B ?>90 ?>97 !( Arlington S ?>52 !( Hillside ?>67 ?>45 I³ !( ?>52 !( !( !( !( Boone ST BOULDER N ?>52 ?>96 !P !( V Ward !( Hudson Naturita OURAY %$114 Ordway !( B %$149 Pueblo I£ Crowley !P Sugar City I³ Erie Dacono Mineral ?>69 !( Wiley !( Ridgway ?>9O6lney Springs !( Bristol !( !( !( Westcliffe !( ?>71 %$196 !( Hartman Boulder !b %$207 $196 !( I§ Lochbuie Norwood %$145 Saguache !P ?>96 !( Cheraw % !P ?>7 Slick Rock ?>62 I² !( I£ NSF !( %$165 !( B !P Granada Holly 119 157 ' !( !P ?>78 Fowler %$194 !( !( %$ %$ ?>7 0 Ouray %$266 %$109 !P !( !( ° SAGUACHE Manzanola Lamar ?>42 !P CUSTER !( Fort Lyon I£ ?>7 8 !P !P Lake City Moffat Louisville $141 SAN MIGUEL Nederland !( 3 % q !( Las _ q Brighton Rocky Ford !( I£ !( [ Placeville !( !( Animas BENT P ?>69 Swink !P Eldorado I} !( Egnar !( !P !( %$170 Crestone La PROWERS BROOMFIELD U P ?>2 Sawpit Rye U P Springs !( Superior !( ADAMS Telluride I² P I³ Broomfield %$165 !( U Junta !P U !( ?>71 Cheney !( !( !( %$101 Rollinsville %$128 Creede ?>17 UP !(Thornton Iº Ophir Silverton !P Bradford 72 Dove Creek !P ?>10 ?> I³ !P Timpas !( %$119 ?>93 ?>44 !( ?>89 !( DOLORES %$145 HINSDALE %$149 Gardner GILPIN !( Center Hooper !( !( KÄ Westminster I} Northglenn ?>2 DENVER SAN !( %$112 !( OTERO Toonerville %$121 Cahone Rico !( ?>69 F 46 Commerce !( JUAN South Fork RG Del S ?> Arvada !( SL !P N Black !( City MINERAL !( Norte B Mosca Central 72 Ĩ !( HUERFANO Hawk ?> Iº !( Stoner I²Monte !P !( ?>93 USG !P City %$265 ' Walsenburg B Two Buttes S F %d 0 Yellow Jacket Vista G !( !( N 3 !( RIO GRANDE !( ALAMOSA R N B ° ?>17 Thatcher $116 %$150 L SF % %$119 ?>58 7 Dolores LA PLATA S !( Lycan !( !a !( UP 3 %$184 Watkins !( !( I¬ !P ?>95 UP I} ?>15 I² !( !( Golden !( Iº G Fort I¬ La Veta I´ %$109 Is Wheat Ridge !P I¢ !( !( KÈ B N !P RTD SLR Garland N Springfield Idaho Denver Aurora %$145 S Alamosa G!( %$103 Is ?>30 $184 %$370 !( S !P I¬ Springs % D CVR !( !P !a ?>26 !P I¬ Blanca !( F !( !( !( I¬ !( !( !( Lakewood %$121 ?>2 ?>83 $368 !( Estrella !( Walsh !( MONTEZUMA I¬ % F Model Pritchett Vilas %c Cortez Mancos Hesperus Aguilar S I³ %$103 Bergen %$391 I§ !( %$371 COSTILLA N I¬ 88 !P Durango Capulin %$159 !` B Park ?>74 8 ?> !( La Jara BACA ?> Bayfield !P !( LAS ANIMAS !( ?>30 B I² !( !( Mounument I¬ Pagosa Springs !( !( !( I¬ !( Tobe N ?>8 BNSF !( Sanford Park !( !( Kim CLEAR CREEK Evergreen Iº I² !P I¬ S !( ?>88 Greenwood Village ARAPAHOE %$172 CONEJOS Manassa Trinidad Beshoar I¬ KÄ F !P !( !( !( !( %$142 ?>12 San Luis Cokedale !P %$177 ?>41 !( Romeo Weston !( Junction Campo Foxfield Kline Ignacio $151 I¦ !( !( ?>88 % Littleton !( !( I¬ %$140 KÈ ARCHULETA !( %$470 ' Iº Conejos!P Starkville BN Centennial 0 17 S !( Antonito S %$389 ° ?> F %$172 !( Chromo TS T %$159 $470 7 % Arboles !( A A Branson 3 C I² !( q C !( [ %$121 Lone Tree !( Conifer Parker I² I§ !( !( !` Sedalia ?>83 !( List of Acronyms Shawnee 10 5 0 10 20 !( I§ ELBERT Rail Features !( Miles ?>67 Franktown BNSF - Burlington Northern Santa Fe PVTX - Private Track Bailey ?>86 !( CATS - Cumbres & Toltec Scenic RI - Ridgeline Inservice Primary Owner Railroad Class Rail Status !P Elizabeth PARK %$105 !( Map Created By: CVR - Cimarron Valley Railroad RGR - Royal Gorge Route JEFFERSON F ?>86 Castle !P Colorado Department of Transportation - Division of Transportation Development DOD - Dept. of Defense RTD - Regional Transportation District S Rock DSNG - Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge SLRG - San Luis & Rio Grande BNSF Other Out of Service DOUGLAS N Data Source: CDOT 2010 GLR - Georgetown Loop Railroad TTC - Transportation Technology Center B The information contained in this map is based on the most currently GWR - Great Western Railway UP - Union Pacific P ?>83 available data and has been checked for accuracy. CDOT does not WWW.DOT.STATE.CO.US KYLE - KYLE Railroad USG - United States Government UP Class 1 AMTRAK Route U guarantee the accuracy of any information presented, is not liable in any Rail Data Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics 2006 MPPCOG - Manitou and Pikes Peak COG Railway VST - Victoria Southern & Towner respect for any errors or omissions, and is not responsible for determining WWW.BTS.GOV NKCR - Nebraska, Kansas & Colorado Rail Road WFUX - Deseret Western Rail Road "fitness for use" . Other Class 3 5 2.5 0 5 10 15 Published: April 2012 Miles !(.

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