I , 1 DEPA~T OF 5!~TE jGENCl FOR INTERNATIONAL rEVELOPMENT' Washington). D.C. 20523 Proposal and P..ecommendat ions For the Review ot the Development Loan Committee EGYPT - Alexandria Sewage AID-DLC/P-2258 EGYPT: ALEXANDRIA SHIAGE Errata Sheet No. 2 Page 25, Table VI-2: CDE CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS, Chanqe from "Total" to "Ift!o Service ChClrqe" EGYPT - Alexand.r:1a SE.wage frrata Page Hi, pangraph 4.17, line 5: Change "t:onjucntion" to "conjunction" Page 16, tc?,bIC IV-l, line 8: Delete "G~~" Page lG, pa,'grilph 4.23, lin2 13: Chc,ngc "(C01-1)" to "(CDI~)". Page 2G, rari:gr",ph G.13, 1 inc "/ from tor of Ikge: Change "r",.;sib"c. Forgoing" to "possiblE', keeping" Page~ ;~J z1tld ;:3: Reverse pa~le order Page. 29, pLlrC:,jl'?p!: 6.17, line, 3: Chanqr "ration" to "ratioll Page 30, par6!]t'llpll O.O~, lint' 7: Chan~jr. "right-of-\'lilY" to "t'i~ ht'.)·-of-\~ay" Page 30, rara'Jrup/1 8.05, lint: f!: Change "gneeration" to "gener2tion ll Pag~ 33, paragrl!ph 8.16~ 1 ill,' 1,1: Ch(II1~r; "s(ll'laruge" to "sc'.'W1"fl90" Page 3/j., poY'(lgrc.r 1/1 1\:19, line: l~: Change "professional" to "pl'ofe5 s i CJJ1c.l s" Page 37, parasrClph 10.01 ~ lines 3-4:' Change "and inspection" to "inspection und" Page 39, paragraph 10.11, line,7: Delete "As USAID has indicated" and capitalize "This" Page 43, paragt'uph 11.04, Section 2(a), lines 2-4: Delete lIincluding He cost of the rrogram and its effect on th(~ envi ronmeilt II Page 44, pa.ragrarh 11.05, Section (d), line 8: Change IITariffli to "tariff" Annex 0, page 3, Scctio~ 2(a), lines 2-3: Delete lIinch/d'ing the cost of the program and its effect on the envircnment lf • •• EGYPT - Ii] cxt:lndt'i i.l. Se ....'i I9 ':! !.Llac hiTIcnl~ try Project r ; ,p e l~ Annex H - PI'ojec t. Authorization Am·IP.. >: D - Statutory Check) i st , MIU~:X [J PROJI;:CT flU THOR I ZATlOfl I\rlO I1EOUEST Fo n I\LLOT1>iEUT OF fUNDS pl\nT 11 1l;:U:lC of C{lun tty: Name of Project: Arilb Ilcpuhl ic of Egypt Al cxandl'ia Scw.Jgc Project: No . I 263-0029 Purs~ant to Part II, Chapter I., Section 532 of the F o r ci~ln I\ !j:;sistance A·ct; of 1961 , as i1m Cllded , I h e reby autho l'.ize ~ loan to the I\r ~ l h lIepubUc of Egypt (the "Coopem"; ng Country'!) of not to exceed Fifteen Million United Stc.LC!.i Dol l a r s ($15 , 000,000) (t.he ttAuthorized "mol1n!.") t o help in fiml.ncil~g the for(~ ign exchange costs of gonUs alld se .~vice5 requi r·cd for the pro ject: as described • i n lhc following paragraph . The proj ec t con~h.:ts of providing the equipment and matedi\] ~ fOl~ the I"cha bi] i tation of the existing wa s tewater system jn Alcxandl' ia . Project clements include <P establish­ ment of <I n improved collect j on and disrosal system for solid w~~Les and toxic material s , together with cleaning of existing s(:\wr s , ( 2 ) r epair and I'c placcmen t of sewer lines now in dis­ l'cl'cdr, and (3) eX,t.ens i on of sGrvice into the Has El Soda ilrro presently un$(:ue r e d . 'Jim entire il l:lOll n t of th(;: A.I . D. financing herein authorh>;c d f or Lhe project Hill' be obli!1ated· ~/hc n the Project Agreement i s cxecuted. I hel'vby a ut horize the. inibation and negotiatio n of the P"'ojoct Agreement by the officer to whom s uch a uthority has been de legated in dccordance with A.I.D . regulabons and Delegat.ions of Authority subj ect to the following terms and c ovennnls and major' conditions as A.I.D. may deem appl'Opriate: ~. Interest Bate a nd Terms of Re payment The Cooperating Country s hall r epay the Loan to A.I . D i n United States Dollars within for,ty (~ O) years from the date of f i rst disbursement of the Loan, including a grace p eriod of not t o exceed ten (10) years . The Cooperating Country shall pay to A. I.D . in United S tutes Dollars interest from the dale of {il'st disbursement of the Loan at the rate of (a)two percent (2%) per a nnum during t h e fir!'>t ten (10) years and three percent (3%) per annum thereafter, on the I ~ -?- outr.l ~ ll1din!l bnl.tnc c of the I.o .. m and on a lly due and ullp.::li d i n lon.~:; l £ICcruc d the '''Co"" Good" LInd services fin"Jllc'cd by 1'1.1. ') . under the project sh ~ dJ h ave t'h e i r HOU,·CC nnd orjgjn in till! United States , I!xce pt OJS ."\.1 " U" moly olhcJ'\·d:;;c agree in "ri ting" c . Co nditions Prec edent to ni S. b~£!:. fo:xc cpl. as 11..1 ,D. may othe rwise agr cu in Nriting: (1) Candi lions PrcC"c dcnL to Disbur s emen t to Employment of a Co n!H~ng I: 'l(:inccrinq Fi l' r!! Prio r 1.0 dny di s lJurs c me n t I 0 " the j ~ s u a nt : c of any c ommi tlncnt docu n." I'\ln vndc," t he Projc rl A ~l rc c ment [01' engineering services , (] o" l'mmr s ha ll furn i s h in fOt'r.J and substuncc satisfactOl"}' to "fl.. I "n" : (id An opinion of the E9yptiar. '·Ii :liste r of Justice , or o t her l e;gul CQU!)r:c ] sntisfnct()l ~ y to A.I.:'>. , that ho Loan A g l 'C ( 'rr'O:: ~ lt has be~n duly Qu t ho rj z cd by , and executed on behalf of thl: I'lI"u b Hcpubl k of Egypt, and that ~ t constitut e!; a vulid <' mel l Clgall y binding obligilU on in ac or.funcc with its terms . (b) A stil t cment of 'lhn na noo s of tne person~ \41'.0 will a c t arc; t:he rcpl'e~c nt a tive o f the Bo rrm,'e r , togethe r with a ~p l.! Ci mCI I ~ig n i::l turc o f cuch. (c ) f.n exe cut ed c o ntnlcl for consulting engine e ri ng 5( : rv jcc~ for the project \~i t:h a firm a cceptable to /1..1.D. (d; Evidence that il lull time Direl:tor and Of.' , ty'Director of GOSSD- A1 er.a ndria has bee n <:I pr.oi nted. (0) [ddonco that a Project Unit, '"lith authority has been est ablisned in GOSSD- Alexa ndriu ~/hose full time functions l.n 11 be the monitoring and impleme ntation of this project. l • ,':!"o ( 2) ~iti on r; J.:I · ( !cc d('n....!: La Oh:bul"srment for Good s and Scr'Jicc' for th o..: Sol i d l'!..astc CollecLl on and D is po~"ll Proqrarn (,d l\ d oJ ldilcd pl un ()f M soU d I ' ~lstc collec tion and d fsp ()s.-. l !; yst(!nI fOI' A lcxal\dd~\ ind ud.i r,g the CO:'iL of t he progr'.,m .,nd i t.s effect on the envi r omn,,; n t. (b) A d c t.:d l ed impleme ntation pl ait'" in eml/PERT fannal. (c) Evidence that ull Egyptian currency for the fil"st p , ca l yea r in Hhi c h fund s ...rill be required , n <In Amount b sed on the estimate by Ule c;opsu]ting cng.:irlc cr, and as appl'o ve d byG05S n , h.. .I f> b r.!e n budgeted by the GOE and is availa blo fo r expcndi turc by GOSSD . ( 3 ) CQllditions Prcccdenl' tn Dibburs(!mant for Goods a nd Sel"viccs 1'01' lho Heconcll."u:tion ;)nel lIe hobilj Inl ion nf the Existinq ~/.wt(l ­ \o,'alc,: Sy~ (a) A d ct~iled plan ]01' the c xt:<.:uLiorl f the project in- c1uJii.ng n sched lIe , :i terns to be imported and ~~~ prop05cd con­ It'acting pcoced u r c . ( b ) Evj d tm r.~: thot il}l Egyptiiln c urrency r c qllil' p.d fOI' the fil'st fisc.tl yea r in \·/1 ich funds I1il1 be r equired , in cJ n .. mount based on lhe c:s l: irnntc by t he consulting cn~lin ce r , and os <.! pproved by GOSSn , has b e~ n Hudgeted by tho GOE und is ov.:.ilc:tbl c [01" expenditure by GOSSO. (4) ,Co nditiom.> Prec(;dcnt t o Di s bursement for Goods a nd Services f or the ExLens'i on of Serv.ic~ to the Ras 1::1 Soda .'I rea ( a ) A d etailed pla n for t he exccu-r.ion of th\! project in- cludir,g Cl schedul e , items to be imported and the proposed con­ lrO'lctin~ procedure. (b) A listing of, the proposed beneficiaries of new s en'lUg e service including t he costs to be borne by the be neficiaries .
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