Eco-Theology/ Eco-Justice/ Eco-Reformation Resource Guide for the Care of Creation August, 2021 1 Eco-Theology/ Eco-Justice/ Eco- Reformation Resource Guide for the Care of Creation Table of Contents Sponsored by the Manitoba-Northwest Ontario Synod and the Synod of Alberta and the Territories August, 2021 Welcome 7 What’s New? 9 U.S. Government National Climate Assessment 2014 11 Suggested Resources Books 13 Videos and Webinars 21 Resources – General Background 27 Report of IPCC 28 How To Talk About Climate Change 28 Yale Alberta Narrative Project ELCA Australian Response to Climate Change (ARCC) Mixed Articles about Conversations 30 Annual Creation Observances 32 Earth Day 2021 (and more) 33 Earth Day and Earth Tip Day Season of Creation Denominational Resources 38 ELCIC 38 ELCA 40 LWF 42 Roman Catholic 43 2 Faith and Environment Laudato Si 44 First Nations 49 Judaism 49 Presbyterian 49 Uniting Church of Australia 50 Australian Response to Climate Change (ARCC) 50 Swedish Lutheran Church 52 United Church of Canada 52 Schools and Seminaries 52 Gonzaga Univ. Center for Climate, Society and the Environment 52 Loyola University – Chicago Scholl of Environmental Sustainability 53 Luther- St. Paul 53 LSTC 55 Southeastern Seminary 55 Stuart Center for Mission, Educational Leadership and Technology 56 Union Theological Seminary and Columbia University Center for Earth Ethics 57 University of Exeter – Environment and Sustainability Institute, Devon, UK 57 Institute of the Environment – University of Minnesota 57 Yale University 58 Churches Becoming Carbon Neutral 59 ELCIC Roman Catholic Church of England Anglican Church of Canada United Church of Canada Mennonite Church of Canada A Canadian Community Initiative Applications for Special Times and Issues 61 3 Air Travel 61 Biodiversity 61 Capitalism/Economics 62 Carbon Majors Database 63 Climate Strike 64 Coal Mining/ Clean Coal 64 Coronavirus 66 Displaced People 67 Divestment/ Fossil Free 68 Eco-Elders 68 Endangered Species 69 Environmental Racism 69 Farm Workers 73 Fashion and Environment 73 Food 74 Food Security 74 Fratelli Tutti 77 Green Church 78 Green New Deal 78 Health/ Mental Health 79 Household 81 Indigenous People 81 Indigenous People – Reparations 83 Manitoba Resources 83 Microplastics 85 Military 86 NASA/ Space 86 Nuclear 87 Oceans 87 4 Paris Accord and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC’s) 87 US Climate Fair Share 87 Canada’s Fair Share 88 Pipelines and Protests 88 Plastics 89 Racism Reparations – Blacks 89 Resilience 89 Sanitation 92 Songs 92 Stewardship 93 Trees 94 UN Environment Program 95 UN Happiness Committee 95 Weather Extremes 96 Worship Resources 96 Christmas 97 Lent 97 Lent - see also “Care of Creation as a Lenten Journey” on the Alberta Synod website Care of Creation – Synod of Alberta & The Territories (albertasynod.ca) Creation Partners/ Community Websites 98 A Rocha 98 Brandon Neighborhood Renewal Corporation 98 Climate Change Connection 99 CLWR 99 Creation Justice Ministries 99 CSA’s Manitoba 99 Elders Climate Action 100 For the Love of Creation 100 Friends of the Earth 100 5 Interfaith Power and Light 101 Kairos 101 Mennonite Central Committee 102 News 103 Eco-Journalism 103 Ensia Grist The Guardian The National Catholic Reporter Earthbeat Miscellaneous articles of interest 103 Contact Information 106 New Appendix A Catalogue of Studies, Curricula and Discussion Guides The public link to the Eco- Theology Resource Guide Appendix : https://elcic.box.com/s/lzzlvfalikbagbck6lar3axxghfzvq9m Check this new Appendix under its own link for ease of access. Here is an assortment of strategies for initiating small group conversations in your congregation. At least one will work for you! 6 Welcome to the MNO/ABT Synods’ Eco-Reformation Project - Resources for the Care of Creation, August, 2021 This collection of resources offers you • Books • Videos • An Orientation to Climate Change • Guidance in How To Talk About Climate Change and the Care of Creation • Denominational Resources • Applications to Specific Times and Applications • A new addition is an Appendix of particular programming resources that have been used and shown to be effective in congregations within our two synods. First there are resources for starting basic conversations in the congregation. Additionally, there are courses, studies, and discussion groups, with detailed guides for facilitating and planning. See the date in the upper left-hand corner? That’s the date of the latest edition. This is August, 2021.. This Resource Listing changes often as new resources and opportunities become available. You will find a page listing “What’s New” before the listing of permanent resources. It is delightful to find our Alberta and the Territories Synod has incorporated announcements from the Ministry Team for the Care of the Environment into its Wednesday’s Word postings. In addition, there is a Care of Creation page on the website: https://albertasynod.ca/our-ministries/fulfilling-our- mission/ministry-teams/care-of-creation/. The MNO Synod continues to maintain the webpage, http://mnosynod.org/eco-reformation-project/ , and posts time-sensitive announcements and highlights in its regular e-newsletters Also on the MNO Synod Website, http://mnosynod.org/eco-reformation-project/, you will find a description of the initial research project of the MNO Synod. This includes how the research was done, what was discovered Lutheran congregations in Winnipeg had done over two years, and what suggestions arose for further congregational action. The work of research, support and advocacy has expanded to include the regions of the Alberta Synod. The respective Bulletin Boards for MNO and ABT have not been as valuable in recent months. More thought must be given to time sensitive announcements. ABT uses ‘Wednesday’s Word.’ MNO has an e- mail newsletter as well. The challenge is both receiving the information and then sharing it as effectively as possible. Suggestions would be helpful. Contact either the MNO or ABT synod offices. When these announcements have helpful links and resources, that material is folded into this Resource Guide. You will also find on the MNO website a link to a blog written by one of our pastors, reflecting on theological matters behind the action being taken and needing to be taken. These are meant to be discussion starters for theological reflection and conversation where you are. Again, postings depend 7 on the promptings of the Spirit and the demands of local projects, like Care of Creation as a Lenten Journey. One day, perhaps, those blogs will be edited and archived according to themes, or the reflections based on theologians like Lothes Bivianno, Walter Bruggeman, Jurgen Moltmann, Sallie McFague, and others over the years. Hopefully these will then be accessible resources for discussion and reflection in your own communities. Click the “follow” button and you will be notified of postings as they appear. On the pages following this greeting, you will find a table of contents to help you explore and access what is of most interest to you. The books and videos, for the most part, are readily available. Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity to lend, receive, and redistribute them. Check with your local community, university, and seminary libraries, or bookstores. The Alberta Synod and MNO Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada are proud to be partners in this equipping of communities and congregations for faithful justice, stewardship and care of creation. We welcome comments, suggestions, recommendations and new resources you might share. Contact information may be found on the last page of the Resource Guide. Rev. Dr. Dave Saude, Curator 8 What’s New? Since the March 26 issue, the following resources have been added: New Appendix A Catalogue of Studies, Curricula and Discussion Guides The public link to the Eco-Theology Resource Guide Appendix is https://elcic.box.com/s/lzzlvfalikbagbck6lar3axxghfzvq9m Check this new Appendix under its own link for ease of access. Here is an assortment of strategies for initiating small group conversations in your congregation. At least one will work for you! Additional videos and webinar recordings have been added. Look for “Detroit Dirt,” “Compost Story” and “Soil Story” in the Video and Webinar section. There may be other additions under certain topical listings. Five very interesting additions have been made to the collection of schools and seminaries: Southeastern Seminary (Baptist) hosted a series on “The Goodness of Creation and Human Responsibility” Recordings of featured lectures are listed Union Seminary has established a Center for Earth Ethics. Watch for a series of webinars still under development on food security. Conzaga College has opened the Center for Climate, Society and the Environment. And visit the website of the Stuart Center for Mission, Educational Leadership and Technology, Washington DC. Also, University of Exeter – Environment and Sustainability Institute Environment and Sustainability Institute | Working with natural systems for sustainable futures | University of Exeter New topical files have been created for Fashion and the Environment, The Paris Accord and Nationally Determined Contributions, including the “U.S. Fair Share” and Canada’s “Fair Share”. And Pipelines and Protests. The section on Environmental Racism has been expanded, as have Coal Mining/Clean Coal and Food. If it has been a while, since you have explored this guide, the following additions were made in the March issue: Resilience and the development of parish-based Resilience Hubs – How do we prepare for, respond to and rebuild after extreme weather events brought about because of climate change? Ministries promoting resilience will also center on the recovery following the pandemic. Watch for continuing development of this section of the Guide. Health and Mental Health Environmental Racism – COVID has exposed the destructive forces of racism in our society. A pervasive expression of that racism is Environmental Racism. Watch for continuing expansion of this section of the Resource Guide. 9 Materials for the observances of Earth Day and the Season of Creation have been updated.
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