AMERICA’S TRENDING ONLINE SHOPS 2021 GETTY 18 NEWSWEEK.COM JULY 09, 2021 Illustrations by OKSANA GRIVINA NEWSWEEK.COM 19 Growth: ↗ = High ↗↗ = Very High ↗↗↗ = Extremely High nline shopping has been a part of our lives for thredup.com carhartt.com hanes.com years now, but it is still growing—fast. According to figures FASHION & ↗ ↗↗ ↗↗ from the U.S. Department of Commerce, last year Ameri- ACCESSORIES tillys.com ↗ ccs.com ↗↗ hottopic.com ↗ cans spent $791.7 billion online, an increase of 32.4 % from 2019. undefeated.com ↗ champion.com ↗ janieandjack.com ↗↗ In the U.S. there are more than 2 million online shops, so pick- uniformadvantage.com ↗↗↗ chubbiesshorts.com ↗ jockey.com ↗↗ wearpact.com ↗↗↗ ing the best ones isn’t always easy. To help, Newsweek teamed up Accessories nrsworld.com ↗↗ vincecamuto.com ↗ corset-story.com ↗↗↗ johnnie-o.com ↗↗↗ wrangler.com ↗↗↗ with respected research and data firm Statista to compile for the baggu.com ↗↗ proozy.com ↗ vonmaur.com ↗↗ dickies.com ↗↗↗ joulesusa.com ↗↗↗ first time our list of America’s Best Trending Online shops. bestwigoutlet.com puravidabracelets.com workboots.com electrothreads.com keenfootwear.com Jewelry We looked at tens of thousands of online shops whose traffic ↗↗ ↗ ↗↗ ↗↗ ↗↗↗ and sales have been growing very quickly and selected the 1,000 dooney.com ↗↗ ragstock.com ↗ ycmc.com ↗↗↗ fabletics.com ↗↗↗ kindredbravely.com ↗↗ allurez.com ↗↗ best across eight general categories: fashion and accessories; food, eyemartexpress.com ↗ rockabilia.com ↗↗↗ fashiontofigure.com ↗↗↗ koio.co ↗↗↗ angara.com ↗↗↗ health and personal care; garden and craft; home living; leisure, grip6.com ↗↗↗ saksfifthavenue.com ↗ Fashion (SINGLE BRAND) fleurdumal.com ↗↗↗ lee.com ↗ becharming.com ↗↗↗ games and hobby; office, electronics and media; sport, outdoor hatclub.com ↗↗↗ saksoff5th.com ↗ 6dollarshirts.com ↗↗ freepeople.com ↗ legendarywhitetails.com ↗ bluenile.com ↗ and motor; and universal providers—retailers that sell everything. lesportsac.com ↗↗↗ shirtspace.com ↗↗↗ abercrombie.com ↗↗ freshcleantees.com ↗↗↗ lovelywholesale.com ↗↗↗ bodyartforms.com ↗ We then broke them down into 36 more specific product subcat- rebag.com shopmyexchange.com apc-us.com gapfactory.com marshalls.com bodycandy.com egories. We ranked them on three criteria: revenue growth, traffic ↗↗↗ ↗↗ ↗↗ ↗↗ ↗↗↗ ↗↗ growth and technical details of their sites, things like loading time verabradley.com ↗↗ spencersonline.com ↗ ariat.com ↗↗↗ girlfriend.com ↗↗↗ ministryofsupply.com ↗ brighton.com ↗ and mobile optimization, which indicate how easy a site is to use striderite.com ↗↗ ashro.com ↗ gruntstyle.com ↗↗ monroeandmain.com ↗↗ brilliance.com ↗ and how long customers spend on it. No matter what you’re shop- Fashion (MULTI BRAND) supercasuals.com ↗↗ bombas.com ↗↗↗ guess.com ↗↗↗ nautica.com ↗↗ catbirdnyc.com ↗ ping for, we hope this first-ever ranking listing makes it easier to 80stees.com ↗↗ theory.com ↗ calvinklein.us ↗ guessfactory.com ↗↗↗ onzie.com ↗↗↗ danburymint.com ↗ find the best shops online.→ Nancy Cooper, Global Editor in Chief beginningboutique.com ↗↗↗ thetot.com ↗↗↗ carbon2cobalt.com ↗ gymboree.com ↗↗↗ outdoorvoices.com ↗↗ davidsw.com ↗↗↗ belk.com ↗↗ overland.com ↗ davidyurman.com ↗↗ METHODOLOGY betabrand.com ↗ paige.com ↗ diamondnexus.com ↗↗ bkstr.com ↗ peruvianconnection.com ↗↗ gorjana.com ↗↗↗ America’s Trending Online ► More than half of sales bobstores.com ↗↗ petermillar.com ↗↗↗ helzberg.com ↗ Shops 2021 were chosen based coming from the U.S. bootbarn.com ↗ prana.com ↗↗ jamesallen.com ↗ on an evaluation of their sales, traffic and web- Growth was evaluated from boxlunch.com ↗↗↗ rag-bone.com ↗↗ jamesavery.com ↗ site technical details. period 1 (March 2019–Febru- brooklinen.com ↗ rebeccaminkoff.com ↗ jared.com ↗ More than 10,000 of the larg- ary 2020) to period 2 (March est online shops were identi- 2020–February 2021). Shops buckle.com ↗ riotsociety.com ↗↗↗ jeulia.com ↗↗↗ fied using Statista and online were evaluated on revenue cavenders.com ↗↗↗ ripcurl.com ↗ kay.com ↗ databases, online directories growth (both absolute and childrensplace.com ↗ shinesty.com ↗ kendrascott.com ↗↗ and price comparison web- relative), traffic growth sites. Online shops selling (both absolute and relative) clothingshoponline.com ↗↗↗ shop.wigsbuy.com ↗↗ mejuri.com ↗↗↗ mainly digital goods (for and technical details showing daddiesboardshop.com ↗ smartwool.com ↗↗↗ pagoda.com ↗↗ example, airbnb.com, netflix. the performance of their com), subscription-based websites. Those include: dtlr.com ↗ sportsfanisland.com ↗↗↗ picturesongold.com ↗↗↗ shops, consumer-to-consumer fruit.com ↗↗↗ stevemadden.com ↗↗ reeds.com ↗↗↗ marketplaces (e.g., ebay. ► Loading time garmentory.com ↗ store.barstoolsports.com ↗ ross-simons.com ↗↗ com), business-to-business shops, showcase websites ► Bounce rate (number of gilt.com ↗↗ sundancecatalog.com ↗↗ sarraf.com ↗↗ and online shops that do not customers who leave the site gliks.com ↗↗ talbots.com ↗ shaneco.com ↗↗↗ display their sites in English without looking or buying) were excluded. The shops huckberry.com ↗ taylorstitch.com ↗ thegldshop.com ↗ had to meet the following ► Page views per visit jiffyshirts.com ↗↗↗ teeturtle.com ↗↗ urbanbodyjewelry.com ↗↗ criteria to be evaluated: journelle.com ↗ titlenine.com ↗ vancaro.com ↗↗↗ ► Average time on site ► At least 1,000,000 annual kingsize.com ↗↗ tommyjohn.com ↗↗↗ website visits in the U.S. ► Mobile optimization losangelesapparel.net ↗↗↗ unionlosangeles.com ↗↗↗ Shoes midnightvelvet.com us.romwe.com chineselaundry.com ► Growth in both traffic ► Cookies: Too many make ↗ ↗↗ ↗↗↗ and revenue shopping difficult neweracap.com ↗↗↗ vermontcountrystore.com ↗ colehaan.com ↗ 20 NEWSWEEK.COM THE FULL LIST IS AVAILABLE AT NEWSWEEK.COM/ATOS-2021 Growth: ↗ = High ↗↗ = Very High ↗↗↗ = Extremely High chicosofftherack.com ↗↗↗ physiciansformula.com ↗ igourmet.com ↗↗ bulkapothecary.com ↗↗↗ christopherandbanks.com ↗↗ senreve.com ↗↗↗ kansascitysteaks.com ↗↗↗ cbdmd.com ↗↗ crocs.com ↗↗↗ christydawn.com ↗↗↗ sheamoisture.com ↗ klwines.com ↗↗ drleonards.com ↗↗ dsw.com ↗ clothingunder10.com ↗↗ shopmissa.com ↗ kroger.com ↗↗ healthwarehouse.com ↗↗ famousfootwear.com ↗↗ cosabella.com ↗ skinceuticals.com ↗↗↗ lastbottlewines.com ↗↗ healthydirections.com ↗↗↗ hokaoneone.com ↗↗↗ draperjames.com ↗↗↗ tatcha.com ↗↗ lindtusa.com ↗↗ itworks.com ↗↗ jimmyjazz.com ↗ ellos.us ↗↗ thelipbar.com ↗↗↗ mancrates.com ↗↗ johnsonfitness.com ↗ journeys.com ↗ eloquii.com ↗ thrivecausemetics.com ↗↗ marleyspoon.com ↗↗↗ medmartonline.com ↗↗↗ keds.com ↗ especiallyyours.com ↗ uniwigs.com ↗↗↗ martinsfoods.com ↗↗ mynavyexchange.com ↗ kswiss.com ↗↗↗ goodamerican.com ↗ violetgrey.com ↗ mrsfields.com ↗↗↗ newchapter.com ↗↗↗ kurufootwear.com ↗↗↗ herroom.com ↗ mychicagosteak.com ↗↗ nhc.com ↗↗↗ newbalance.com ↗ jane.com ↗ Food nuts.com ↗↗↗ pureformulas.com ↗ olukai.com ↗↗ jessicalondon.com ↗ 1800baskets.com ↗↗ omahasteaks.com ↗↗↗ puritan.com ↗↗ oofos.com ↗↗↗ karenkane.com ↗↗↗ abcfws.com ↗↗↗ pavilions.com ↗ purityproducts.com ↗↗↗ orthofeet.com ↗↗↗ katespade.com ↗↗ adagio.com ↗↗ peapod.com ↗↗↗ relaxtheback.com ↗↗ rackroomshoes.com ↗↗↗ lillypulitzer.com ↗ albertsons.com ↗↗ publix.com ↗↗ rzmask.com ↗↗↗ redwingshoes.com ↗↗↗ loft.com ↗ aldi.us ↗↗↗ qualityliquorstore.com ↗↗↗ seekinghealth.com ↗↗↗ reef.com ↗↗ lucyinthesky.com ↗↗↗ amigofoods.com ↗↗↗ reservebar.com ↗↗ shaklee.com ↗↗↗ rockport.com ↗ lunya.co ↗↗↗ grove.co ↗↗ astorwines.com ↗↗ russellstover.com ↗↗↗ shop.womenshealth network.com sasshoes.com ↗↗ maidenform.com ↗↗↗ FOOD, HEALTH harrys.com ↗ bakemeawish.com ↗↗↗ safeway.com ↗↗ ↗↗↗ shiekh.com ↗ naturallife.com ↗↗↗ & PERSONAL CARE honest.com ↗↗ bevmo.com ↗↗↗ sees.com ↗↗↗ store.trimhealthymama.com ↗ shoecarnival.com ↗↗↗ nyandcompany.com ↗ iliabeauty.com ↗↗↗ binnys.com ↗↗ simplychocolate.com ↗↗↗ supplementhunt.com ↗↗↗ shoemall.com ↗ prettylittlething.us ↗↗ ipsy.com ↗↗ cookiesbydesign.com ↗↗↗ smartandfinal.com ↗↗ swansonvitamins.com ↗↗ shoesforcrews.com ↗ revolve.com ↗ Care & Cosmetics (MULTI BRAND) aveda.com ↗ itcosmetics.com ↗↗ dartagnan.com ↗ specsonline.com ↗↗↗ wbmason.com ↗ skechers.com ↗↗↗ roamans.com ↗↗ bluemercury.com ↗↗ bathandbodyworks.com ↗↗↗ katesomerville.com ↗↗ dinnerly.com ↗↗↗ sprouts.com ↗↗ sorel.com ↗↗ roxy.com ↗ brambleberry.com ↗ beautybakerie.com ↗ keranique.com ↗↗ drizly.com ↗↗↗ stonewallkitchen.com ↗ Opticians & Eyewear thursdayboots.com ↗↗ sandcloud.com ↗↗↗ elevatestyles.com ↗↗↗ bobbibrowncosmetics.com ↗↗↗ kiehls.com ↗ englishteastore.com ↗ swisscolony.com ↗↗ 1800contacts.com ↗ timberland.com ↗ savedbythedress.com ↗ fragrancenet.com ↗↗ briogeohair.com ↗ lauramercier.com ↗ foodland.com ↗↗ thepopcornfactory.com ↗↗ americasbest.com ↗↗ travismathew.com ↗↗↗ senitaathletics.com ↗↗↗ fsastore.com ↗↗↗ burtsbees.com ↗ lushusa.com ↗ freshdirect.com ↗↗↗ totalwine.com ↗↗ contactlensking.com ↗↗↗ ugg.com ↗ shapermint.com ↗↗↗ lovelyskin.com ↗↗↗ cleancult.com ↗↗↗ maccosmetics.com ↗ fruitbouquets.com ↗↗↗ us.nakedwines.com ↗↗↗ designeroptics.com ↗↗↗ vans.com ↗ soma.com ↗ maxaroma.com ↗↗↗ clinique.com ↗ madison-reed.com ↗↗↗ ghirardelli.com ↗ vons.com ↗↗ discountcontactlenses.com ↗↗ vionicshoes.com ↗↗ spanx.com ↗ naturesgardencandles.com ↗ colourpop.com ↗ manscaped.com ↗↗↗ godiva.com ↗↗ water.com ↗↗ discountglasses.com ↗ wolverine.com ↗ summersalt.com ↗ pharmaca.com ↗ dermalogica.com ↗↗ marcjacobsbeauty.com ↗↗ goodeggs.com ↗↗↗ wegmans.com ↗↗↗ foreyes.com ↗↗ thedressoutlet.com ↗↗↗ riteaid.com ↗↗ dermstore.com ↗ marykay.com ↗↗↗ gourmetgiftbaskets.com ↗↗ wholefoodsmarket.com ↗↗ glamourtress.com ↗↗ Women’s Fashion torrid.com ↗ sallybeauty.com ↗↗ dropps.com ↗↗↗
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