pliipijM t . •>• -:•:•;. ••/.•• , ,• i ' ' '. •• .•,•'•• / CRAHTORD CITIZEN AND.CBftONlCIJ^ !WIBSIiOT;pCMfflrt^ll'lM»..^f '^ Council of Gacdeif Clubs;. Mis. Henry A. betering, Council oft Garden Clubs, rWortf5H*s. Associa- GIVE GENEROUSLY tion of the, Cranford Board vQt Realtors' and Cub Pack 276; Mrs.-For Hospital Motor ttendance Elliot Heilbrun and Mrs. S. PoK, Have; you ever had to get to a hospital and had no means of lack, Suburban Garden Club; Mrs. ,•'••"••' • There ,was a' record attendance of 117. persons 'as the Cranford Alfred M. Duemmler and Mrsgettin. g there? That problem exists for some Cranford, Garwood and UNITED FUND Citizen and Chronicle'played host to president's dnd ftuhlicify chair-' George C. Kiesewetter, Cranford Kenilworth residents who, because of age, financial inability, or other men of most of the major organizations tit the township jat its seventh1 and Mrs.' Albert Nelson, Garden Women's" RepublicahT CIub~Xricvr~~ annual press breakfast and workshop in Sherlock Hall of Trinity Club of Cranford; Vincent F. Sar- " Roderick W. Smith,' Cranford Cross Motor Service for their Republican Club; Mrs. Michael Children's Show Church on Friday. * • ' nowski, Cranford. Rotary Club; transportation.. tcnMl as 0f^ny din mail nutter at Mrs. Rita Colaneri and Mrs. Dor- Fyaftketr€tib-Scout Pack 174; Mrs. Vol. LXVl. No. CKANPORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 8, 1959 The PMt.tMflce »t Cranford. N. J. ' Charles Ml Ray, editor and publisher of the. host newspaper, Cranford Chapter, American Red 4 Sections, 32 Pages—10c othy Colaneri, Ladles' Auxiliary of George Coffey, district commis- Ctpss, is seeking men and women To Reveal lighter, served as moderator and extended Cranford First Aid Squad; Mrs.sioner, and Mrs. John A. Martin, to drive their own cars, and the <•.• -•».. a welcome to the group. ' •' Gisser, Cranford High School Joseph R. Tunner and Mrs. Albert Mrs. Joha T.^ Sturtevant, Mrs. vehicle operated .by the Red Cross Full of ^ Talks" on procedures in gather- PTA; Mrs. W. Jon Hoffmann; Wed- Clark, Currie Memorial, WCTU; Joseph Masino and Mrs) Lynn Lut- for transporting' crippled children, nesdaiLj\l6rnjng. Club; Mrs. J. R. , An old-fashioned cigarette light- Profits Exceed $2,100 Ing' ne\ysTrn'ntr preparirtE^copr-for Mrs. Robert H. Jones and Mrssky. , neighborhood . chairmen for the elderly and the ailing to hos-er, at least its counterpart of .200 SAVE A Fund Visits BeguiningToday Talcott Colony Club of Cranford; publication werq given by Mr. Ray Donald A. Guthrie, junior VIA. the Washington Rock Council, Girl pitals and clinics. years ago, is to be featured When Mrs. Harold Rothbard and Mrs. Scouts of America. • • Mrs. Ruth L. Richins, executive and other members of the Citizen Julius Prager. Wajnut Avenue Mrs. E. D. Reeves and Mrs: Jos- the Cole Marionettes, present Hans n and Chronicle staffs Members of eph A. Getz, Crar)e's Ford Chap- secretary, said,. "We urgently/need" Christian Andersen's, "The Tin- In PTA: . Mi Earning two $50 bonuses for exceeding 375 new and 1,100 renewal the staff participating in the pro- ter, DAR; Mrs. Thomas E, Parrott; Mrs. Dwyer to Hold persons why can spare as Uttle as derpox," on Saturday, October 10, By Army of 600 Workers foujr. hours a week, any morning of' * subscriptions, the Cranford College Club ran its profit during the past gram included Cnarles M. Ray, Jr., Mrs. Charles Wimmcr; Jr., andSt. Mark's A.M.E. Church; Mrs. at 1 p.m. in Cranford High School Mrs. H. Raymond Kirwan,'Cran- Legislative Open House aftemooni Monday through Friday. vvVek to $2,128.58 from the subscription drive it is conducting for the . Miss Barbara Putscher. tyrs. Theo- Sumner Sweetser and Mrs. War- auditorium. ( Meighbor-to-neighbor solici- serves gets under way today. Already, $15,335 has been ford Young Republicans' piuh; D - Congresswoman Florence P. Both men and women/are needed '•' This flamemaker also, conjures Cranford Citizen and Chr.onicle. The drive will continue Jthrough dore Koziar and J. Wesley Ainge. Mrs. Charles S.'ClarkcLand Mrs. ™ ;jf**™^ Cr^tord College tation in behalf of the 1959Some 600 workers will begin giyen~.j>r pledged. The sum »#__ /"••i_' _* „,. c* * rf^<_•—(-"!—'. V^.-i mar, i . ' Dwyer will hold a weekly legis- to help us provide this invaluable forth dogs with "saucer" and October 31. ' . • • Invocation was by the Rev. Robert M. Eckhardt, Crake's Ford Club; Mrs. Robert Later and Mrs. Cranford United Fund cam- ringing doorbells to ask fowar s tallied Tuesday night by Vincent J. Kerstihg,. Union County lative Open House at her home in community service.'' "cartwheel^ eyes when the flint is During the past week, the club benefited from ^44 new and 238 Biziaro, rector of Trinity Church. Gardeners; Mrs. William F. Her- 7 paign and the 13 youth, health W. J. F"oppert, treasurer and Women's Osteopathic Auxiliary:. Elizabeth beginning Tuesday and Who drives for the Red Cross? struck, a trick, too magical for the "renewal subscriptions, turned in by contributions and pledges to zog, Jr., and Mrs; Reuben Acker- Housewives, /businessmen and Each person attending- received John V. Nostrand, Cranford continuing through the rest of the modern cigarette lighter. • j&k members and also from 12 new and welfare agencies the fund make up the $82,000 goal. chairman of the finance: com- . a copy of a PuWici'y Hnndbook man, Cleveland Junior High PTA; year, she announced today. women, retired ,personsany "re- "The Tinderbox" is the first in Mrs. E. Milton Boyette and MrsLion. s Club; Mrs. Alberta B. Law- *~^na 159 renewal 5ubscriptions re- mittee, from advance contri- published by the Citizen 'and rence and Mrs. Charles Johnson, For the Union County Congress- sponsible person with a driver's a series of six quality children's Registering butions by the starters, indus- John Olson, Cranford Junior Serv- woman, it will mark the resump- license and a desire to help their programs ortered this year by the ceived at the newspaper office. - Chronicle and a number of souve- ice League. "' paughters of America; Mrs. Al- BATHROOM CUP Fred Frickc and Mrs. M. R. John- tion of a practice she started When fellow men. • Brookside Place School PTA. Thus far during the drive, a OperatingSxpense Cut Seen try and labor, merchants and, nir gifts. Mrs. Joseph Mysiak and Mrsi. son, Cranford Women's Republican she was first elected to the New Volunteer drivers' of the Cran- Tickets for the series and for in- total of 518 new and 1,45*2 renewal For Institute professional men's divisions. Mrs. E. F. George, ways and Estelle Young. Lincoln School Club; Mrs. Helen W. Frank and Jersey State Assembly in 1949. ford/Red Cross Chapter carry ap- dividual performances can be ob- means chairman for the Cranford PTA; Mrs: Arba S. Taylor, Cran- subscriptions' have been turned in. For United Fund's 2nd Year Clifford D. Siverd, cam- Mrs. Mary M. KotfMler, Margaret Mrs. Dwyer said that all inter- proximately 100 patients each tained from Mrs. John Motto, Mrs'. College Clubi spoke on the current ford Dramatic Club; Mrs. L. F. Dei Mrs. Edward 'F._ George, College _This E^ning Operating expenses of the. United Fund for its second year are ex-paign ' chairman, said the figure Greene Women's Association of the ested citizens of Union County are month to hospitals and clinics in Albert Gray, Mrs. Kenneth, Rau GLEEM TOOTHPASTE subscription drive being conduct^ Wolf and Mrs. Mary Seymour, • Club chairknan for the drive, Personal>egistration for the first pected to be.less than they were a year ago,.members of the fund's^ was much greater than the one First Presbyterian Church. invited to visit her at her home, this area. Each driver works one and Mrs. Clarence Ogden, ways reported last year at the same ed by the club for the Citizen and NcwcomcEs'-rClub; Mrs. John B 320 Verona avenue, Elizabeth, any/ morning Jyc afternoon a week, again complimented club members semester of the new Unibn Junior board of directors were told this week. The report was made by Presi- Chronicle. Mrs. Ernest A. Flaig and Mrs. and medns.cqinrni.ttec. date. Swnrds to~T>ubTTcTty~chairmcir -Watson, Osceola -Presbyterian Tuesday^from 10 a.m.--throu£hout without^pay,-exc«pt-for-the grati- fur their fi"«> work and_jurged -Collrge Institute-Jor^ioj^crcdit^ dent B. C. Beldcn at a board meeting held just prior tp tHe start of the Church; Mrs. Francis Charles and Ellword Waters, Four Seasons the day, for the purpose of -dis- tude of those he .serves. - : -We are well ahead of where-—' judged to have done most effective Humility is the stepping-stone . them to make a renewed effort college level courses for adults wilt campaign "today? '~ "~r Mrs. Estclle Hume, Florapbile Garden Club; Mrs. A. A. Bauer cussing legislation or other issues we were last year at this time,'' ' work during the past year were This service, free of .charge to to a higher recognition, of Deity.— during the current week to put the be held tonight and tomorrow eve- .. "A year ago we had the eicpens\; of setting up an of flee and an organ- Mr. Siverd said. "Our starters' Garden Club. and Mrs. Bernard Coventry, Sher- concerning the Federal' "the. patients, is made possible ization, and because we were fac presented to the following: Mrs. man Junior High PTA; Mrs. Wal- Mary Baker Eddy club's profits over the $2,500 mark. ning from 6:30 to 8:30 o'clock at group is larger and has made its, Mrs. John V. Silliman, Roose- ment. through public contributions to the $200 Mrs. George pointed put that a ng a new type of,, campaign felt H.
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