HONOR PRIZE PROBLEM F. GAMAGE Brockton, Mass. WHITE MATES IN TWO MOVES --~------ -- -- -- - ~--------- THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CHESS FEDERATION Capablanca. Alekhine World Title Battle! More "DragonU Analysis The President Speaks Dr. Euwe x E at on =: Keres ---- NOVEMBER, 1939 MONTHLY 30 cents ANNUALLY $3.00 TOURNAMENT BOOKS 1873 Vi enna ____ _________ ___ _Ger. $3.00 1925 Marienbad-Gunsberg ___ Ger. 3.00 1877 Leipl:lg-8challop _______ Gcr. 3.00 1925 Baden.Baden- TalTaseh __ Ger. 2.75 1879 Leipzig ______ ____ ___ ____ Ger. 3,00 RU 8. 2.00 1883 Nuremberg-2: rda. out ___G er. 2.00 1925 Debrecdn-Tactakower __ Ger. 3.50 1885 Hamburg- Mlnck witz __ __G er . 3.00 1925 Moacow-BogoJjubow __ RU 8. 2.50 1925 Pari. __ _____ __ __ ___ ___ ___ Fr. 1.50 1887 Frankfort- Mleaes Bardeleben Ger. 3.00 1925 Breslau __ __ _______ __ ___ _G er. 3.00 1887 Frankfort- Dlmer _______ Ger. 2.50 1926 Hanover __ _____ ________ _G er. 1.50 1889 Brealau-Gottacball _____ Ger. 3.00 1926 Pan-Amfl'rlun _______ ___En g. 1.00 1895 Hastlngl -Schallop ___ ___ Ger. 3.00 1926 Semmerl ng ____ __ ___ ____ Ger. 2.60 1896 NurembCl rg-Tarrasch 1 r d. out 1927 Kec.kemet- Tartakower _Ger. a.50 Ger. 2.50 1927 London-CordJngley ___ _Eng. 1.50 1898 Vienna- Marco __ ______ __O er. 7.50 1927 Niendorf ___ ___ __________ Ger. 1.50 1900 Munich-Marco Schlecter-Ger. 3,00 1929 Budapest- Tartakower __G er. 1.50 1900 ParIs-Rosenthal ___ ___ ___Fr. 5.00 1929 Karlsbad- Becker Nlmzowltsch 1902 Hanover _______ ___ __ ___ _G er. 3.00 Ger. 5.75 1903 Monte Carlo ___ ______ ___ Eng. 3,00 1930 Hamburg Schach-Olymplade 1904 Cilmbrldge Sprlngt-Relnfelcl Ger. 1.50 Eng. 1.50 1930 San Remo-Alekblne ___ .Rus. 2.00 1905 Ba'rmen _____ ___ ____ _____ Ger. 6.50 Ger. 2.00 1908 Oatend- Marco __ _____ __ _G er. 1.00 1930 Ebenl ee-Inel. 1933 _____ ___ _ 2.00 1907 Karllbad- MaNlO _______ Oer. 5.00 1931 Ve ldea- Mueller _____ ___ _Ger . 2.00 1908 Vienna- Marco __ _______G er. 3.50 1932 Grosse Fernturnlor ____ __ Ger. 3.50 1932 Bad-Stiae __ ______ ______ _G er. 1.50 1909 St. Petetlburg-Lasker __ Eng. 2.50 1911 Karlabad- Vldmar ~ vola. 1932 London- Al ekhine __ ___ Eng. 2.50 Ger. 10.00 1933 FOlkestone Team Tournament 1911 San Sebutlan-Mlesel __G er. 2.00 - Kashdan __ ___Eng. 1.25 1912 Brulau _________ ___ ___ __Ge r. 2.50 1933 Mahriaeh.O.trau ______ __G er. 1.75 1912 San Sebal Uan- Mieses __G er. 2.00 1933 Ebensee-jnci. 1930 _____ Eng. 2.00 1914 St. Petetlburg __ _______ Eug. .75 1934 Hasting.- Relnfeld _____ Eng. 1.25 Tarraseh ___ ___ Ger. 2.50 1934 Bad Liebwerda ___ ____ ___ Ge r. 1.50 1916 Rice Memorial New York- Eng. 2.00 1935 Barcetona- Koltanowski __ Fr. 1.25 1918 Berlin 1935 Margate-CordJngley ____ Eng. 1.50 All 3 Quadrangular. 1935 Moscow, Part II --.Relnfeld Retl·Tartakower Match Eng. 1.50 Rubln.teln·Schlecter Match 1935 Mi lwaukee A. C. F.- Kall hdan Alekhlne·Telchmann Match bound In one _____ Ger. 2.50 Eng. 1.00 1918 New York ___ _____ ___ ___ Eng. 2.00 1935 Warsaw Int. Team Tour. Relnteld ____ __ ___Eng. 2.00 1921 Hamburg-Dlmer _______ Ger. 2.00 1936 Hast ln9"- CordlngJey ___Eng. 1.25 1922 Hutlngl-Alekhlne _____ Eng. 2.00 1936 Amaterdam- Flne ______ Eng. 1.25 1922 London- Maroczy _______ Eng. 2.25 1922 Plltyan- Kagan ________ Ger. 2.50 1936 Dresdcn-Cordlngley ___ _Eng. 1.25 1922 Tepllb:.Schonau ____ _____ Ger. 2.50 1936 Nottlngham- Alekhlne __E ug. 5.00 1923 Karlsbad- Kagan ___ ____G er. 1.50 1937 Semmerlng.Saden- Relnfeld 1923 Mahrilch-Oltrau- Kagan-Ger. 2.00 E ng. 1.00 1924 New Yo rk-Alekhlne ____ Eng. 3.00 1938 Amsterdam __ ___ ___ _____ Rus. 1.00 Alekhlne ____ ___ Ger. 2.50 1938 S05ton A.C.F.- Relnfeld _Eng. 1.00 Send all orders DIRECTLY TO; TH E CHESS REViEW, 2} W est 43rd St., New York, N. Y. No INDIVIDUAL is authorized to accept orders for us. OFFICIAL O RG"'N OF THE Vol. VII. No. 10 Published Monthly November. 1939 UNITED ST"'TFS OF AM ERle .... CHESS FEDER"'TlON Puhlished mornhly by THE CHESS REV!EW, 25 West 4;rd St ., New York, N. Y. Telephone WIsconsin 'Jhe 7-n.]2. Domestic ~ubsCl"iptions: One Year $3.00; Two Year, $5.50; Five Years. $12 . ~0; Si x Mont hs $1.75. Single COP}: 30 Cb . Foreign subscriptions: $3.50 per year except U. S. Possessions, Ca.oada, Mex­ ico, Central aod South Amorica. Single copy 3~ U(s. Copyright 1939 hy THI:; CH6SS REVIEW "' EmcrcJ as second-class matter )anuaJy 25 , 1937, at REVIEW the POSt office at New York, N. Y., under the Act ISRAlil. A. HORownz, Edilor of March 3, 1879."' CAP ABLANCA'S COME.BACK CHANCE Dr. Alekhine is to play Capablanca for the The world forgetting, by the world forgot, championship of the world. I ntent but on the moves they plot, Rumors and report~, neatly balanced by an In lhis, the game of kings and king of games, identical number of contradictions, have re_ Great masters both, well ,known their names. cently flurried around the globe, but seem Lfnnoticed passes time as each w.ould win, finall y to have crystalized into this glittering They sit, all ice outside, aflame within, gem of news, In church_like silence, calm and still, Reports from Buenos Aires state that nego_ But all the fiercer is their will I tiations have been successfully conell!ded . Buenos Aires will be the scene, and the opening TrallJiated frolll F. Gfllllldyer'J Die Schach_ game is scheduled for April 14, 1940. partie by Max V ieweger. A purse of 10,000 gold dol lars is to be Challenge provided by the Argentine Chess Federation. Alekhine is to receive $2,000. outright, while; the balance will be divided 60% to the winm:!' and 40% to the loser. Twelve years ago- November 28, 1927- · the final moves of a bitterly fought eighty-two move game were played at this same city. With them Alekhine wrested the crown from Capablanca, and with that victory were sown the seeds of bitter rivalry. Never since ha~ Capablanca had an opportunity to retrieve that defeat. At the time, Alekhine's victory was an up~et, for Capablanca and invincibility had come to be regarded as synonymous. But what the mere fact of h'is victory did not convey at once, the saga of Alekhine's exploits during the years of his reign did. His greatness is universally acclaimed. *' * *' When Capablanca ')"on the title at Havana with four wins, he placed more points in Dr. Lasker's debit column than. the genial doctor had ever suffered in any match or tournament. When Alekhine defeated Capablanca at Buenos Aires he shattered a legend of in_ vincibility. Al:BWWER A. ALEKH1NE And at Buenos Aires in 1940? Champion of the World 221 THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE To lovers of chess everywhere in the U.S.A.:- he fourteen voting directors who will control 1t is it great pleasure and sati~faction for me the policies of the U. S. C. F. It is expected to announce the formation of the United States that Mr. Ernest Olfe and Mr. H. E. Mcparland of America Chess Federation- a merger of will serve (lS joint secretaries. Vice_presidents the National Chess Federation and the Ameri. and treasurer have not been elected. All officers can Chess Fed- and directors eration. I fccl will serve deeply honored for a term of that I have one year. The he e n chosen form of gov_ first president ernment w i I I of the n e w be democratic, Federation,and and it i."i ex · I am greatly pected t hat pleased t hat membership in Mr. Maurice S. the U. S. C. F. Kuhns who will consist of has been presi_ state units, in. dent of the Na. dividual ehes'i tional Chess cluhs, and in. Federation for dividual memo many years has hers. Final de­ consented to. tails are not serve as presI_ now available, dent emeritus but will be an_ and will aid nounced short· me with his ad. Iy - as soon vice and coun_ as the new By_ ~eI . Laws have For the past been prepared. fifteen months I need hard_ committees of ly say that this the N. C. F. merger of the and A. C. F. National Chess h a v e labored Federation and long and ardu_ the American ously in the Chess Federa. merger negoti_ tion into one ation5. There new Federation were times in - the United t h , delibera- GEORGE STURGIS States of Amer_ tions when it President United States of America Chess Federation ica Chess Fed_ seemed as eration - is a though the obstacles in the way of a merger very constructive step forward in organized were insurmountable. But finally, thanks to chess, and one which I know will be hailed the ,friendly spirit shown by both sides, and with immense satisfaction by chess players their very real determination to iron out all everywhere. The scope of our activities will difficulties, the committees reached complete be hroad, and we dedicate ourselves not only accord and the merger agreement which was to the chess players who have already reached drawn up has now been signed by Mr.
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