( The Weather Serving the Stat. ~ Putl), ",.. dl' 1\iUl ~t­ University of Iowa , ere cl thaDdenhowen todal'. N .. Qlllie .. warm Campus and SlI.mrdal'. Hlp &oUr, '7; e is 10 low '7. 111d1 '11IllI'I4lay • . port- Iowa City 89: 1_, 1111. , I owan e MfJ Five Iowa City, Iowa, Friday. July 17. 1953 - Vol. 97. No. 207 way ~ Eat. 1868 - AP Leased Wue - Cents Iiver~ ( ed SI»' at l'le ~ ot t'le Sox IS \~aukce (10-3) :Kremli p . Shakeu Includes Soviet Ukraine • are the Hotbed tendets City Guardians Start Dai Minister ,Oul iteci Foreign Aid 'jsia's.ldeals Are American/ re f Program Due Bowles Tells Audience Here Following Few B,. BEN BANKSON "for Trimnling The people of Asia want to be dependent position, It becoming a Months' Rule tree, want to have a better eco- greater and more powerful force LONDON (JP)- The Kremlin's or the WASHINGTON (JD\ ._ Apparent- nomic life and want to achieve'" with Russia becoming less, the 1 ha'1e Iy unswayed by a n White,- House human dignity and equality withq tor mer."'0 vernor • of Co nnec tic ut big shakeup, alr~:ilfy jolting East d Aug. commented. Germany, spread to the Soviet periods breaklast, members of a house all people, Chester .BoWles. ' former I Japan today is subsidized with appropriations subcommittee were La Indla told an SUI 5600 million of American aid nn- Ukraine Thursday with tbe purge e held arn~assad.or reported Thursday to have slashed audience TI hsursclay night from the nually. If America withdrew, the of another lieutenant of 1,avrenty $1.1 billion out of President Eisen- ban~ shel, outh ot the Iowa Me- Japanese economy would collapse, P. Beria. the ousted Russian dep- oys - hower's foreign aid proifam. morial Union. he sal·d. d I' b 01' age," The cut. If sustnlned by the "These Ideas are extremely uty premier an po Ice OSS. matter full committee Saturday, will pre- American," Bowles said, "and Don'\ LIke Suhlldy Pavel Y. Mesblk l06t the job of een 0:l1 sent the house next week with a , therefore, we must show the "The Japanese, who are some Interlo,r minister, with Its control ys will $4,057,232,500 appropriation bill Asians that we understand their of the most Industrious and skll- Marshall Bulganin over Ukranian security forces, to classes, instead of the $5 I J57,232,IiOO top revolution. Everything is in our (ul people In the world, don't like Warmll) Greeted which he was appointed only last ce anp I limit authorized by congress in a 1l1story which Asia needs today it being subsidized. The people also April In the big louthuoestern re- . previous measure. we have the wberewlthall to make have a great hatred ot Russia and ., e anI:! Bill 8e&lt Celll~ it work." they don't want to be dominated B U L LET I N public that is at once the USSR 'ill b'e The authorization bill received Introduced by Prot. M. Willard by anyone," Bowie. said. , breadba9ke~ and an old seedtlf'd the Presidellt's IIi11ature Thurs- Lampe, director at the school of The land-reform put through by of discontent, day, but it merely sets a ceiling religion and chaJrman of the sum- Gen. Douglas MacArthur has been Before the purge 'Is OVCl', all the above "'hich the appropriations mer lecture series as a Connecti- ,'ery successful. In talking with .. , J a e feB I di- Malyshev' Named 18 Soviet republJcs mllY be at- committees may oot go, • cut Yankee In Nehru's court, ap n se Brm rs, ow es ~- fected. The President hlllUlelt, It was Bowles discussed four Questions covered that they all agTeed they To New Red Post disclosed, has trimmed his foreign which are vital to "Our Best Hope wer~ much belter off. "The Japan- Arm)' Rule VlIl1Ie old requests to $5,124,512,132, or for Peace in Asia." eSlleAvlllla!.ehlS aidmodel villagc for MOSCOW (Friday) (JP) _ The There werc signs, meantime, 3 7 0 80 1 th h th C .. I "II P bl a s 0, e sa • that the army might be backing $ 2, 2, 8 ess an t e au 0- an. 0 ve n ro ems A great struggle is going on be- Soviet press today announced the Premier ~eorgi Malenkov In his ' ri~ed figure. The budget bureau I "What ~bout t~~ U.S.? Whot will tween India and China. Bowlp o appointment ot Vyacheslav Maly- bid to secW'e the reins of power. ;:~~x~~~n:t~~n ac~~m~l~~~~m~ite~ our vollcles bc. Bowles asked. ~ old. China has said to the world shev as head of a new cabinet The role of the army since Stalin's "Americans mus~ understand that thot in an undeveloped country, " . death has been vague and open to fU\l~s on hand. they're not omnipotent and that totalitarian torces are necessary mmlstry-that of medium machin- U -..Id 'E ~cu\a P r ..... en n -----I...... nl they can," t solve all the problems while India is tryin, to demon- ery. all sOrts of ~n . on. EIsenhower, whose original re- QI Asia overnight. America can strpte to the world that democracy 1t WIlS announced two days ago . Marshal Ikolal Bulganln, So- quest was tor $5.4 bJlllon, had accehl the positive-arm herself so vIet defense minister, personally members of the subcommittee in she'll be strong and emphasize de- PEEOII- that Malyshev had been relieved addressed" cent meeting of the for brealdast Wednesday. mocracy." (Sec Page 2, Col. 3) os head of the minIstry of irans- ministry's Community party work- owever, members of the housE' The American people must un- * * * port and heavy industry. ers at which a roport on Beria's group said they decided to knock derstand that the U.S. military BIT Ik He was replaced by IVlln rsi- ouster was read, It was disclosed out $800 million ot military aid CHANGING THE GUARD AT IOWA CITY po\lOtl headqullrters are, from lett to richt, pollee chief forces are not a determining force owes a 5 dorovich Noscnko. Thursday. and about '300 million in eco- Edwin J. Ruppert, squad-ear officer Richard W. Lee, motorcycle patrolman Emmd H. Potter and' in Asia, that the greatest }\Sian Bull'lnllL Welcomed nomic and other financial assist- squad-car officer Robert B. Kin,. The policemen are ,oln, 011 duty at 3 p.m. and will "walch" Iowa' power is p ople-whlch is hard to About Ind,·a' Today's announcement recalled Bulianin was "warmly greeted," ance to non-Soviet nations. CUy un'" 11 p.m. Another Ihlf& works Irom 11 p.m. to 7 a.m., while II. third shUt completes the da" definc and hard to oppose, a nd the previous disclosure of the shJ1t a Moscow broadcast reported, The cut was achieved, they said, from '7 a.m. io 3 p.m. that financial aid, wJth which you In the transport and heavy Indus- withol1t stating what he said. by eliminating $700 million of can't buy people, Is badly needed, I nterv iew try ministry. Other military leaders also ad- nt'w appropriations and cancellln, he said, Another orticial announcement dressed the meeting, Including $400 mUlion In previously appro- L 1p. '1 F F· dB· .' S"t "Let's not do things just because By HARRY DOLPlnN . Marshals Geor,i Zhukov Leonid priated but unspent funds. oca 0 Ice orce In S Igge the Communists won't like It" In an exclusive Interview with today told 01 the appomtment ot G Se' d ThIrd Setback • • Bowles sMd. "Asia Lsn't going to be this Iowan reporter Thursday, Anatoli Lavrentiev as Soviet am- a:;o~~~~~kol' at~~~ne~~v~nny It was the third Ilnallcial set- built out of lear. Jt is faith we Chester Bowles, ex-ambassador t:> bassador to Iran, replacing I. V. Th f th I dl , back for the Eisenhower admlnls- need as we look at aid." India, revealed himself as a min Sadchjkov e course 0 e purge n.- trallon In two days. Wednesday, 'Ii ff· many parts. He is also a IDlin ' cates the CommunJsl party, With. d h ,. , Ct·' VB. wJth so""e ~mocrats lj .... Ung on ' Ideas Bombs. with peculiar idea coneernln, va- These personnel shifts seemed the aid of what Pravda now calls .. , .... ea BE' _ es In ra I€ onges 100 Americans. must also hsterl c"tf"n.. 01 consld~rable slgnlficltnee, even 'thq army COmmunists," Is in the Eisenhower',~irde, the hous~ voted th Asians and I arh what Is on U v h h tf , , e " , , Thursday evening he faced an t oug they wel'e 1n very dl er~ saddle. More than 80 per cent of to cut funds ~pr (jle state depart- their mindS .. We can t defea. Ideas audience at the U-(on bandshell, ent fields. the Soviet army otticers are noml- melll's Voice "of America program Th th hi d f kl lth bo bs the I b d ill d f 'vll cI f I. II e ~ r 0 a wee y I w m, y can on y e e- this week he spoke to u nally members or the Communist n. nJ;lis~:h~~er!~ e.. ~~. rlt b d,et" Iet;'Ies of a"lclea on Iowa Ott,. day in lows City is Iraffic, and and a desk-man at the office. [eated with better ideas," Bowles group at the University of Penn- UN Moves' '., party, but many cannot be con- I ' th V I e a $87 ~ l~I1' .
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