In Brief/简介 A&L Goodbody’s China Focus A&L Goodbody聚焦中国 A&L Goodbody is internationally recognised as one of Ireland’s leading law firms. We are continually instructed on the most significant, high value and complex legal work in Ireland. Our culture is to instinctively collaborate for the success of our clients. This enables us to deliver the highest quality solutions for our clients, in ways others may not think of. A&L Goodbody是国际公认的爱尔兰顶级律师事务所之一,多年来在爱尔兰一直致力于最重要、高价值及复杂的法律工作。我 们的理念即是为了客户的成功进行合作。这使得我们能够向客户提供无以伦比的高质量解决方案。 Established more than 100 years ago, we are an “all-island” law firm with offices in Dublin and Belfast. We also have offices in London, New York and Palo Alto and a particular focus on China. 本所创立于100年以前, 是一家在都柏林和贝尔法斯特设立办公室并覆盖全岛的律师事务所。我们在伦敦、纽约和帕罗奥多市也 设有办公室, 并且尤其关于中国。 The Firm provides a full range of market-leading business legal services through our corporate, banking and financial services, corporate tax, litigation and dispute resolution, commercial property, employment, pensions and benefits departments. The Firm offers the most extensive range of specialist services available in Ireland through our 30 Specialist Practice Groups. 我们提供市场领先的全方位法律服务,下设公司部、银行和融资服务部、公司税法部、诉讼和争议解决部、商业房地产部、劳动 部、退休金及福利部等多个部门。我们拥有 30 多个专业团队,向客户提供最广泛的爱尔兰法律专业服务。 A&L Goodbody is one of Ireland’s largest and most successful law firms with an extensive and top class client list, representing hundreds of internationally know names and global blue chip corporations across all industry sectors including General Electric, Pfizer, Genzyme, Ranbaxy, Citi Group, Barclays, RBS, JP Morgan, CSFB, UBS, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Northern Trust, Apple, Microsoft, IBM, Intel, Scientific Games, Kraft, Nestle, Yoplait, Tesco, Heineken, Pernod Ricard, Campari, Anglo American Corporation, Airbus, Aviva, Zurich, XL, Munich Re, KPMG and Ernst&Young, many of whom have operations in China as well as Ireland. A&L Goodbody是爱尔兰规模最大、运作最成功的律师事务所之一,拥有众多的一流客户,曾为数以百计各行业内国际知名热 门公司提供法律服务,包括通用电气、辉瑞、健赞、兰伯西、花旗集团、巴克莱、苏格兰皇家银行、摩根大通、瑞士信贷第一波 士顿银行、瑞士银行、德意志银行、汇丰银行、北方信托、苹果、微软、IBM、英特尔、科学游戏公司、卡夫、雀巢、优诺、乐 购、喜力、保乐力加、金巴利、英美资源集团公司、空中客车、英杰华、Zurich、XL、慕尼黑再保险公司、毕马威、安永等。上 述很多公司均在中国和爱尔兰同时设有营运机构。 On the domestic front, we act for many leading Irish companies including Ryanair, AIB Bank, Bank of Ireland, Elan Corporation, EBS, Irish Ferries, Icon and the Football Association of Ireland(FAI), as well as a large number of departments and units of the Irish Government, including its real estate management company(NAMA), its financial services division(NTMA) and a number of semi state companies, local government authorities and other particiants in the state sector, including Bord Gáis Éireann, the Electricity Supply Board (ESB), Bord na Móna and the Railway Procurement Agency (RPA). 在爱尔兰境内,我们为爱尔兰很多一流大公司代理法律事务,包括瑞安航空、爱尔兰联合银行、爱尔兰银行、Elan公司、EBS、爱 尔兰渡轮公司、爱康、爱尔兰足协(FAI),同时我们还为爱尔兰很多政府机构和部门提供法律服务,包括其房地产管理公司NAMA, 财政服务机构NTMA和很多准(半)国有企业,地方政府机构和其他政府部门,包括爱尔兰燃气局、供电局、Bord na Mona、 铁路采购代办所 (RPA)。 We also act for a number of leading Chinese companies, including China Aircraft Leasing Company, Hutchison Whampoa and Treasury Holdings, the Irish parent of Shanghai-based real estate company, Treasury China Trust. 我们也为很多一流的中国企业提供法律服务,包括中国飞机租赁有限公司、和记黄埔、由爱尔兰公司投资的上海财富控股公司 和华瑞中国地产信托等。 We have a particular focus on China. We see great opportunities for collaboration between Ireland and China in terms of both outbound and inbound investment. We have a dedicated “China group”, which is a multi-disciplinary team of our lawyers focused on developing opportunities between our two countries and beyond. Members of our Group have experience of working in legal practice in the region, in particular Beijing and Hong Kong, and have advised on many aspects of Chinese law. The team supports the Firm’s long-standing international strategy to focusing to provide advice and support to clients in relation to their Chinese business interests and to Chinese companies looking at business or investment opportunities in Ireland. 我们对中国予以特别关注。在境外投资和境内投资方面, 我们均看到爱尔兰和中国之间存在巨大的合作机会。我们有一个专 门的“中国团队”, 是由本所多部门不同专业领域的律师组成, 并专注于开发两国或超越两国间的合作机遇。该团队的成员均 在中国相关区域内具有法律执业经验, 尤其是在北京和香港, 并对与中国法律相关的事项提供咨询服务。该团队积极支持事务 所的长期国际化战略以为客户在中国的商业利益提供建议和协助, 并为寻找在爱尔兰开展业务或投资的中国公司提供建议和支 持。 We have developed working relationships with many of the top independent business law firms in China, with whom we consult on China legal matters and interact with on all aspects of Irish and European law. Our team regularly visits China in support of client work. From this work we have a very good knowledge and respect for Chinese business culture and how best to progress transactions in China’s regulatory environment and legal system. 我们已经与诸多顶尖的中国律师事务所开建立起工作关系, 我们向这些中国律师事务所咨询中国法律事务并在爱尔兰和欧盟法 律方面进行相互交流。我们团队定期访问中国以支持客户的工作。通过这些工作, 我们从多方面很好地了解了中国的商业文化 以及如何以最佳的方式在中国的监管环境和法律体系下开展交易。 We have forged extensive links with many Chinese trade groups, chambers of commerce, embassies and consulates. We are represented on or involved with many legal and business associations with a presence in China, including the Ireland China Association, the Hong Kong Business Forum, the Industrial Development Authority, Enterprise Ireland and the International Bar Association. 我们已经与许多中国商业集团、商会、大使和领事建立联系。我们作为代表或参与了许多涉及中国的法律和商业组织, 包括爱 尔兰中国协会、香港商学论坛、工业发展局、爱尔兰企业署和国际律师协会。 Our recent experience includes advising 我们最近的业绩包括: ■ University College Dublin on the establishment of a joint venture university with Beijing University of Technology. 代表都柏林大学就其与北京工业大学联合办学事宜提供法律服务。 ■ Elan Corporation, a US pharmaceutical company, on the merger of Elan Drug Technologies with Alkermes and on the IPO on NASDAQ of Alkermes. 代表Elan公司,一家美国药品公司,就Elan 药物科技和Alkermes plc的合并及Alkermes plc在纳斯达克的上市项目提 供法律服务。 ■ Zynga, a US gaming company, on the establishment of its European headquarters in Ireland. 代表Zynga,一家美国博彩公司,就其在爱尔兰设立欧洲总部提供法律服务。 ■ Certus, a bank services outsourcing provider, on the establishment and outsourcing arrangements with the loan books of Bank of Scotland (Ireland). 代表Certus , 一家银行外包服务提供商,就其贷款包的设立和外包安排提供法律服务。 ■ Jazz Pharmaceuticals, a US pharmaceutical company, on its proposed reverse takeover of Azur Pharma. 代表贾兹制药,一家美国药品公司,就其对Azur Pharma的反向收购提供法律服务。 ■ The Quinn Group, a multinational organization with interests in a range of industry sectors , on all aspects of its restructuring. 跨国组织与重组的各个方面,在行业范围内的利益。 ■ Anglo Irish Bank in successful defence of claims by investors in a New York hotel fund. 代表盎格鲁爱尔兰银行应诉由某纽约酒店基金投资人提起的诉讼案并胜诉。 A&L Goodbody, IFSC, North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland Tel: +353 1 649 2000, Fax: +353 1 649 2649 Email: [email protected] web: www.algoodbody.com Dublin Belfast London New York ■ Escher Group Holdings, a retail and message-based software solutions and services company, on its admission to the AIM Market of the LSE. 代表Escher Group Holdings,一家零售及基于信息的软件方案及服务公司,就其在伦敦证券交易所创业板上市项目提 供法律服务。 ■ Sarasin & Partners LLP, investment managers, on the redomiciliation from Guernsey to Ireland of nine unit trusts and the establishment of a UCITS management company. 代表Sarasin & Partners LLP,一家投资管理人, 就其将九支单位信托基金的注册地址从根西岛重新迁回爱尔兰,并设立 可转让证券集体投资计划管理公司提供法律服务。 ■ Allied Irish Banks on its acquisition of the €9bn deposit book in Ireland and the UK of Anglo Irish Bank and its Isle of Man subsidiary. 代表爱尔兰联合银行就其收购盎格鲁爱尔兰银行及其曼岛子公司在英国和爱尔兰金额达 90 亿欧元的存款包提供法律服 务。 ■ Bank of Ireland in the sale of Bank of Ireland Asset Management (BIAM) to State Street Corporation. 代表爱尔兰银行就其向美国道富集团出售爱尔兰银行资产管理公司提供法律服务。 ■ Irish Life & Permanent on the acquisition of the deposit book of Irish Nationwide. 代表爱尔兰人寿银行就其收购 Irish Nationwide 存款包提供法律服务。 ■ Allied Irish Banks on a breach of contract dispute with Oracle regarding the supply of software. 代表爱尔兰联合银行就其对甲骨文公司的软件提供违约诉讼案提供法律服务。 ■ Aviva, an insurance company, on the establishment of Aviva Europe SE and its European holding company structure. 代表Aviva,一家保险公司,就其在爱尔兰设立 Aviva Europe SE及设计其欧洲控股公司架构提供法律服务。 ■ Permira, a UK based private equity firm, on its acquisition of Creganna Tactx Medical. 代表Permira,一家位于英国的私募股权公司,就其收购Creganna Tactx Medical项目提供法律服务。 ■ Barclays Bank and BNP Paribas on the development and long term financing of the East West Interconnector between Wales and Ireland. 代表巴克莱银行和法国巴黎银行就威尔士和爱尔兰之间的东西部电缆联网项目的开发和长期融资提供法律服务。 ■ XL Capital, a global insurance company, in their redomestication to Ireland, and the creation of a new Irish public limited company, XL Group. 代表 XL Capital 就其将注册地址重新迁回爱尔兰的事宜,并设立一家新爱尔兰公司 XL Group 提供法律服务。 ■ EBS Building Society, an Irish financial services company, on its merger with Allied Irish Banks. 代表EBS Building Society,一家爱尔兰金融服务公司,就其兼并爱尔兰联合银行提供法律服务。 ■ UBS and Davy as joint bookrunners in the €1.23bn rights issue by CRH. 代表共同账簿管理人瑞士银行和Davy 参与CRH的12.3亿欧元配股项目提供法律服务。 ■ Telefonica 02 Ireland, a global telecomms company, in relation to the outsourcing of its IT operations and its network management division to IBM and BT respectively. 代表Telefonica 02 Ireland -公司的全球电信,就其IT运营部门和网络管理部门分别向IBM and 英国电信外包的项目提供 法律服务。 ■ Irish Distillers Pernod Ricard in relation to various contentious and non-contentious IP matters. 代表Irish Distillers Pernod Ricard 参与处理其多种诉讼及非诉的知识产权事宜。 ■ Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, UBS, CitiGroup and Davy on Bank of Ireland’s capital raising projects. 代表瑞士信贷集团、德意志银行、瑞士银行、花旗集团和 Davy 参与爱尔兰银行的资本筹集项目。 ■ The Lender Group on the Riverdeep Restructuring in respect of the Irish aspects of the EMPG/Riverdeep debt for equity restructuring of approx. $7.5bn of senior and mezzanine debt. 代表瑞沃迪的贷款人集团就EMPG/Riverdeep股权重组中的约7.5亿欧元的高级夹层债务重组提供爱尔兰事项的法律服务 A&L Goodbody, IFSC, North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland Tel: +353 1 649 2000, Fax: +353 1 649 2649 Email: [email protected] web: www.algoodbody.com
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