BOARD OF DIRECTORS (Meeting in Public) Monday 26th September 2016 1.00pm, Room 1 & 2, 1st Floor, The Curve AGENDA – PART 1 ITEM ACTION PRESENTED BY TIME 01 Welcome and Apologies for Absence To Note Rupert Nichols, Chair 1.00pm 02 Service Presentation – Woodlands Centre: A To Note Lesley Jones 1.00pm Five Year Vision Advanced Practitioner Dementia Care Gill Drummond Clinical Improvement Lead Nurse for Dementia, Older People and Carers Services 03 Declaration of Interests To Note 1.25pm 04 Minutes of the Previous Meeting held 25th To Approve Rupert Nichols, Chair 1.25pm July 2016 05 Matters Arising from the Previous Meeting To Note Rupert Nichols, Chair 06 Chair and Chief Executive Verbal Report To Note Rupert Nichols, Chair 1.30pm Bev Humphrey, Chief Executive OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE 07 Board Performance Report To Note Neil Thwaite, Deputy Chief 1.35pm Executive/Director of Development and Performance 08 NHS Improvement Q1 Feedback To Note Ismail Hafeji, Director of 1.45pm Finance, Capital and IM&T 09 Reporting Back, Looking Forward – To Note Neil Thwaite, Deputy Chief 1.50pm Summary Annual Report and Quality Executive/Director of Account for 2015/16 Development and Performance GOVERNANCE AND QUALITY 10 Transaction and Transformation Committee – To Ratify Rupert Nichols, Chair 1.55pm Terms of Reference 11 Board Assurance Framework To Approve Andrew Maloney, Director of 2.00pm HR and Corporate Services 12 EPRR Core‐Standards Self‐Assessment To Note Andrew Maloney, Director of 2.15pm HR and Corporate Services 13 Quality Governance Committee: To Note Terry McDonnell, Non‐ 2.20pm Executive Director 13.1 – Minutes of the Meeting held 7th July 2016 (ratified) 13.2 ‐ Committee Chair’s Report of the Meeting held 1st September 2016 14 Minutes of the Charitable Funds Committee To Note Anthony Bell, Non‐Executive 2.25pm Meeting held 25th July 2016 (unratified) Director 15 Audit Committee Chair’s Report of Meeting To Note Malcolm Cowen, Non‐Executive 2.30pm held 5th September 2016 Director HR AND ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 16 Junior Doctor Industrial Action Autumn 2016 To Note Margaret Campbell, Acting 2.35pm Medical Director 17 Non‐Executive Director Appointments Process To Note Rupert Nichols, Chair 2.45pm Andrew Maloney, Director of HR and Corporate Services 18 Policy for the Reimbursement of Governor To Approve Rupert Nichols, Chair 2.55pm Expenses ANY OTHER BUSINESS 19 Any Other Business To Note All 3.00pm DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING The next Board of Directors’ Meeting will take place on Thursday 13th October 2016 at 10.00am in Rooms 1 & 2, 1st Floor, The Curve Board of Directors – Part 1 TITLE OF REPORT: Minutes of the Previous Meeting Held 25th July 2016 DATE OF MEETING: 26th September 2016 AGENDA ITEM: 04 PRESENTED BY: Rupert Nichols, Chair AUTHOR(S): Kim Saville, Company Secretary EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Board of Directors is asked to approve the minutes of the previous meeting held 25th July 2016. LINKS TO OTHER KEY Minutes of the previous Board of Directors Meetings REPORTS/DECISIONS: LEGAL/REGULATORY IMPLICATIONS: THIS REPORT SUPPORTS ACHIEVEMENT OF THE FOLLOWING CORPORATE OBJECTIVES: Objective 1 – Promote recovery by providing high x Objective 4 – Invest in our environments x quality care and delivering excellent outcomes Objective 2 – Work with service users and carers to x Objective 5 – Enable staff to reach their x achieve their goals potential and innovate Objective 3 – Engage in effective partnership x Objective 6 – Achieve financial strength and x working be well‐governed DOES THIS REPORT ADDRESS A RISK ON THE BOARD ASSURANCE FRAMEWORK (BAF)? No If ‘yes’: N/A DATIX ID Strategic Objective Description (as per BAF) RECOMMENDATIONS: To Approve UNRATIFIED PUBLIC BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING, MONDAY 25th JULY 2016, 1.00 PM, CONFERENCE ROOM 7, GROUND FLOOR, THE CURVE Present: Rupert Nichols ‐ Chair Anthony Bell ‐ Non‐Executive Director Malcolm Cowen ‐ Non‐Executive Director Kathy Doran ‐ Non‐Executive Director Gill Green ‐ Director of Nursing & Operations Ismail Hafeji ‐ Director of Finance, Capital and IM&T Bev Humphrey ‐ Chief Executive Julie Jarman ‐ Non‐Executive Director Andrew Maloney ‐ Director of HR & Corporate Services Terry McDonnell ‐ Non‐Executive Director Neil Thwaite ‐ Deputy Chief Executive/Director of Development & Performance In Attendance: Chris Daly ‐ Deputy Clinical Director, Specialist Services Network and Medical Director w/e from 1st August 2016 Deborah Partington ‐ Interim Director of Manchester Services Kim Saville ‐ Company Secretary One member of the public Action 162/16 Apologies for Absence Noted Apologies for absence were received from Steve Colgan, Medical Director 163/16 Service Presentation – 7‐Day Community Care, Trafford Directorate Noted The Board received a presentation on 7‐day community care from Emily Tuft, Team Manager, Trafford North CMHT and Donna Holt, Team Manager, Trafford South CMHT. Angela Thompson, Community Services Manager was in attendance during the presentation. Emily Tuft outlined the aims and objectives of the presentation and the background to the current 7‐day services which, following major redesign in 2014, are focused on community provision and prevention of referrals to home‐based treatment teams. She described how 7‐ day working operates in practice, including staffing, self‐rostering and management of ‘red zone’ clients. In response to a query from Anthony Bell, Non‐Executive Director, Donna Holt summarised the out of hours support available and the crisis helpline. Donna 1 Holt also described the role of assertive outreach, describing the assertive outreach pathway as embedded in community mental health teams. Emily Tuft outlined the benefits of 7‐day working. Kathy Doran, Non‐Executive Director, questioned whether there is evidence to show a reduction in A&E referrals to inpatient services and/or contacts with home‐based treatment teams (HBT) as a result of 7‐day community care. Bev Humphrey, Chief Executive, advised that the Trust completed an evaluation after 12 months, which demonstrated reduced contact with HBT. Inpatient admissions have also been analysed previously. Bev Humphrey reminded Board members that the Trust did not reduce bed numbers in Trafford as part of the acute care pathway redesign. In response to a query from Neil Thwaite, Deputy Chief Executive/Director of Development and Performance, Donna Holt confirmed that CMHT care co‐ ordinators undertake weekly joint reviews with HBT teams to facilitate discharge back to CMHTs. Emily Tuft concluded the presentation by highlighting a number of the challenges and lessons learned, and the positive feedback received from service users. The Board noted that service users felt more reassured and supportive and view services as more consistent. Neil Thwaite advised that the ‘raw’ community mental health survey results support these views. Kathy Doran questioned how staff felt about 7‐day working. Emily Tuft acknowledged some initial resistance but advised that self‐rostering and a shared understanding of the benefits has helped overcome this. She also described the role of social workers in response to a related query from Julie Jarman, Non‐Executive Director. Rupert Nichols, Chair, thanked the presenters for an informative presentation. 164/16 Declaration of Interests There were no declarations of interest. 165/16 Minutes of the Previous Meeting held 27th June 2016 The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as a true record. 166/16 Matters Arising from the Previous Meeting The Board considered the action log and confirmed that all matters arising had been actioned and/or were covered on the agenda. 167/16 Chair and Chief Executive Verbal Report Noted Bev Humphrey thanked the Board for their additional support over the previous few weeks. Rupert Nichols confirmed that, at their meeting on 5th July 2016, the Council of Governors approved the External Auditor Working Group recommendation to re‐ appoint KPMG as the Trust’s external auditors for a further 3 years with effect 2 from December 2016. 168/16 Board Performance Report Noted Neil Thwaite presented the Performance Report for May 2016. He summarised the ‘quick view’ page, highlighting areas of positive performance and areas where further work is required. He also confirmed that actions agreed in the CQC action plan continue to be progressed and further updates will be brought to Board as required. Neil Thwaite advised that the Trust has received the ‘raw’ results of the Community Mental Health Survey and the final report will be shared at the Action: NT September meeting of the Board of Directors. With regard to Monitor’s Risk Assessment Framework, the Board noted that the Trust continues to be rated ‘green’ for governance and ‘4’ for finance. Neil Thwaite confirmed achievement of all Monitor mental health targets at May 2016 with the exception of IAPT, which is on track to be achieved by the end of Quarter 2. He also acknowledged the hard work of the Trust’s Early Intervention in Psychosis Teams in achieving the new 2‐week access target, referencing a recent HSJ analysis of EI performance. Neil Thwaite drew the Board’s attention to the Trust‐wide sickness absence rate of 5.90% ‐ the lowest for nine months. He confirmed that management of sickness absence continues to be a challenge and the Board has previously received a more detailed paper on the management plan for this. Malcolm Cowen, Non‐Executive Director, highlighted Bolton’s positive performance and questioned whether learning could be shared. Andrew Maloney agreed, suggesting that recent staff engagement work in Bolton had likely impacted on sickness absence rates. Andrew Maloney, Director of HR and Corporate Services, highlighted the staff Friends and Family feedback results for the last quarter of 2015/16. These demonstrate continuous improvement throughout the year, with 81% of staff recommending the Trust as a place to receive treatment and care. Anthony Bell sought further information on the bed occupancy rates for Junction 17 and Gardener Unit. Neil Thwaite advised that the planned occupancy rates are as per the national block contract and that occupancy levels at adolescent forensic units are low across England.
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