l : Allen Bros. Real Est ate Bought, Subdivided, Developed Raleigh, N. C. Sold at Auction and Privately Tfje North Carolina. m% Yearbook ' : 1923 PUBLISHED EVERY YEAR BY ' P9| The News and Observer. RALEIGH, N. C. |NjgJ 7|f 3 i Mordecai Place -:- Hayes-Barton of The Residential Sul urban Developments Raleigh LOTS S- LI) ON EASY TERMS BY RALEIGH, N. C. P ALLEN BROS. -:- -t- THE NORTH CAROLINA YEAR I'.imiK A. HOEN & COMPANY LITHOGRAPHERS RICHMOND, VA. The Oldest Lithographic Firm in America Write for Samples of: Labels, Shoncarils—in black and colors. Tobacco and Cottcn Labels to order. Bonds and Commercial Lithography, Letterheads, Checks, etc. COUNTY AND SUBURBAN MAPS VIEWS OP REAL ESTATE A. HOEN & COMPANY LITHOGRAPHERS RICHMOND. - VIRGINIA 0. C. KENNEDY, President Z. V. PEED, Vice President J. F. JOHNSON, Secretary & Treasurer Cherokee Brick Company S12-S14 Commercial Bank Bldg. RALEIGH, N. C. MANUFACTURERS OF COMMON BRICK Annual Capacity Over 20,000,000 PLANT AT BRICKHAVEN, N. C. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Automobiles Registered by Counties Religious Organizations: 1922 148 Baptist Church ....". 97 Catholic Church 1 1 > and Bankers: Banks Christian Clmrch 11". State Banks 53 Christian Science Church 118 National Banks 61 Free Will Baptist Church in: Jewish Organizations 118 Birth Kate 16 Methodist Episcopal Church, South .... lir. Bond Issues by the State of North Caro- Methodist Protestant Church 113 lina 150 Moravian Church 11 : Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of North Carolina Churches of Christ North Carolina 32 ciples) 113 Chiropractors 154 Presbyterian Church llo Cordage Mills 67 Primitive Baptist Church 11"' Cotton Mills '. 62 Protestant Episcopal Church 112 County Affairs and Officials 33-53 Society of Friends 11: Dentists 94 United Evangelical Lutheran Church .. 117 Doctors 85 Eclipses of Sun and Moon, 1923 152 Secretaries of the Navy 152 Secretaries of State 84 Educational Institutions: Signers of The Declaration ol In. I pendence '" 26 Accredited High Schools and Principals Silk Mills 67 26 Colleges and Schools For Negroes Soldiers and Sailors From Bach Stab- in Denominational Colleges 24 World War 117 School* 26 Directors Institutional Summer Soldiers and Sailors Who Lost Their Lives 26 Orphanages in the World War II* Preparatory Schools and Principals ... 21 State Institutions 24 and State Equalizing Fund. 1921-'22 80 Societies Organizations: Special Building Fund, 1922 31 Air-Dried North Carolina Tine Club . 122 Superintendents of Chartered Schools .. 32 American Legion— Department oi North Carolina 119 Furniture Factories 70 Association of County Superintendents. I2ti 142 Governors of North Carolina Association of Grammar Teachers 126 67 Knitting Mills Association of High School Tea Carolina 69 Legal Holidays in North and Principals 126 76 Lawyers Association of Music Teachers 126 North Carolina 132 Day Association of Teachers 126 North Carolina Fairs 96 Primary of Court Clerks ... North Carolina Railroads 130 Association Superior of North and Editors 71 Citizens EUghwaj Association Newspapers 127 North Carolina National Guard, The.... 152 Carolina North Carolina in Congress 155 Eastern Carolina Chamber of Com- Outstanding Facts About North Carolina 153 merce 127 Optometrists 153 Farmers Convention Farmers Educational and Co-Operatlve Official Vote: Union 1 Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons . 12 Vote For Corporation Commissioner— Grand Council Royal Arcanum 1 25 1922 140 (band Council Royal and Vote on Constitutional Amendment, 121 1922 141 Masters I. O. 0. F 121 Vote For State Officers—1920 142 Grand Eneampmenl of Knight, Vote for President, 1920 142 Grand Encampment Templars of North ( lai ollna of 12 1 Platforms: Grand Lodge Knights Pythias (band Lodge I. (i. O; F. ol North Democratic State Platform—1922 13S Carolina 124 136 Republican State Platform— 1922 Grand Lodge Masons 121 Jr. O. U. A. M 121 : Population Kings 1 daughters Population—1910-1920 IK! Ma ter Pi Intel Lssociatlon 128 Population Growth in United States... 147 Medical Society Of North Carolina... L28 Population North Carolina Cities and Memorial Craftsmen Association of the Towns—1900-1920 HI Carolinas North Carolina Agricultural - 122 Patterson Memorial 155 Cup . North Carolina Vntl Saloon i.e. cue. Information 155 Postal ' < \oitb Carolina \ ocla I lUes. , North Carolina Association ol Jewl b Political Organizations: Women 127 State Democratic Executive Committee 133 North Carolina Association "i Register 134 Republican State Executive Committee Of Heeds 1 Bankers Association .. 12 76 North Carolina Practicing Attorneys .... 94 North Carolina Bai aca \ lal n Practicing Dentists 122 North i ai olina Bar a joclation Practicing Physicians 85 North Carolina Chiropractor \ Property Values for 1920-'21 and Incomes elation a of Counties 1 >'' THE \OKTI! I'AKH|,[\A YEAR HOOK Pace Page North Carolina Cotton Growers Co- North Carolina Society of Engineers.. 129 operative Association l- (! North Carolina Society of The Sons of North Carolina Conference Epworth The Revolution 121 League 125 Ni nli Carolina State Reekeepers Asso- North Carolina Education Association .. 126 ciation 129 North Carolina Dental Society 125 North Carolina State Firemens Asso- North Carolina Division Daughters of ciation 123 The American Revolution 12V North Carolina State Optometric Society 121 North Carolina Division United Con- North Carolina Sunday School Asso- federate Veterans 128 ciation 1 28 North Carolina Division United Daugh- North Carolina Teachers Assembly 126 ters of The Confederacy 123 North Carolina Traffic Association ... 122 North Carolina Elks Association 123 Old Hickory Association, 30th Division, North Carolina Federation of Labor .. 129 A. E. F 127 North Carolina Federation of Woman's Peanut Growers Association 125 Clubs 125 Rebekah State Assembly. I. O. O. F. 121 North Carolina Folk Lore Society .... 127 State Council of North Carolina Jr. O. North Carolina Forestry Association... 129 U. A. M 124 North Carolina Good Roads Association 123 State Farmers Alliance 125 -i North Carolina Hospital Association. 130 Scottish Society of Amer i ca lS North Carolina Junior Baraca-Philathea Southern Furniture Manufacturers As- Union 129 sociation 1 27 North Carolina Landowners Association 122 Spanish War Veterans 122 North Carolina League of Women Sudan Temple, New Bern 126 Voters 129 Tri-State Medical Association 126 North Carolina Literary and Historical Western North Carolina Weekly Press Association 127 Association 12a North Carolina Manufacturers Asso- Wilmington-Charlotte- Asheville Highway 1 22 ciation 127 Association of the North Carolina Merchants Association.. 126 Woman's Missionary Society Western N. C. Methodist Conference 125 North Carolina Municipal Association . 127 123 North Carolina Orphans Association.... Speakers of the U. S. House 75 North Carolina Pharmaceutical Asso- ciation 126 State Government: North Carolina Press Association l-'l Executive Department 3-16 North Carolina Retail Clothiers Asso- Judicial Department 19-23 ciation 123 Legislative Department 17-19 North Carolina Society of The Cin- cinnati 121 State Treasurers 23 North Carolina Society of The Daugh- United States Senators 113 ters of The Revolution 122 Woolen Mills «7 INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS Paga Paga Va 138 Allen Bros.. Real Estate, Raleigh. .Front Cover Monticello Hotel, The, Norfolk, American Book Company, New York 13 Murphy's Hotel, Richmond, Va 144 Atlantic Life Insurance Co., Richmond, Va. E Nelson and Cooper, Raleigh and Durham a Baker-Thompson Lumber Company, Raleigh T2 New England Mutual Life Insurance 135 Barnes Safe and Vault Co., Richmond, Va. G Company 156 Campbell- Warner Co., Monuments, Raleigh 15 News and Observer, Raleigh Commercial Printing Company, Raleigh.. 137 North Carolina College For Women, The, Cherokee Brick Company, Raleigh D Greensboro 25 Citizens National Bank, Raleigh 7 North Carolina State College of Agriculture Commercial National Bank. The. Raleigh.. 5 and Engineering, Raleigh 21 Darnell and Thomas, Raleigh 14 Negro Agricultural and Technical College Edwards and Broughton Printing Company of North Carolina, The, Greensboro 139 Raleigh 19 Peace Institute, Raleigh 23 10 Emerson Drug Co., Baltimore, Md B Preacher, G. Lloyd and Company, Raleigh Ginn and Company, New York 18 Pullen, A. M. and Company, Raleigh and 6 Hoen, A., and Company, Lithographers, Richmond, Va., and Trust Company Richmond. Va. , D Raleigh Banking 8 H Hoff, Dr. F. T. , Raleigh Raleigh Hotel Sir Walter, Raleigh 9 Ricks Hotel, The, Rocky Mount 140 Hotel Fairfax, Norfolk, Va., 147 Simpson, Frank B., Raleigh 141 Hotel Richmond, Richmond, Va. 28 St. Mary's School, Raleigh 27 Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Co., Sydnor and Hundley, Richmond, Va., C Greensboro 3 Sydnor Pump and Well Company, Rich- Johnson Publishing Company, Richmond, mond, Va., E Va 132 University of North Carolina, The, Chapel Kings Business College, Raleigh and Hill 131 Charlotte 4 Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., Richmond, Life Insurance Company of Virginia, Va. Back Cover Richmond, Va 12!) Virginia Engraving Company, Richmond, MrKimmon and McKee, Raleigh 24 Va « McPherson and Barnes, Insurance Agents, Wake County Savings Bank, Raleigh 12 Raleigh C Y'arborough Hotel, Raleigh 20 r Mechanics Savings Bank, Raleigh 11 Y ork, C. V., Construction Company, Merchants National Bank, Raleigh 11 Raleigh 17 STATE GOVERNMENT—K XECt'TIVE DEPARTMENT Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Co. GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA JULIAN PRICE, President OVER $71,000,000.00 INSURANCE IN FORCE IN ii III Mil NORTH CAROLINA § ill (Nearly twice
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