GREENBELT News ReviewAn Independent Newspaper VOL. 69, No. 49 15 Crescent Rd., Suite 100, Greenbelt, MD 20770-1887 OCTOBER 26, 2006 Ballot Questions Propose Lindley Darden Honored Absentee As Scholar and Teacher Ballots Restraints on Executive Are Available by James Giese by Virginia Beauchamp Although receiving little pub- Assembly or a committee of the S o m e 2 8 y e a r s a profile of Oxford, by Elaine Skolnik licity, Prince George’s voters at legislature designated by it to any ago the College Park whose talk will take the November 7 general election sale, transfer, exchange, grant or campus of the Uni- place on November According to the Mary- will be presented with a number other permanent disposition of versity of Maryland 9. Darden’s lecture, land State Board of Elec- of ballot questions for both the such land approved by the Board inaugurated an an- “Getting it Wrong, tions brochure 2006, regis- state and the county which will of Public Works. That board is nual program honor- then Getting it Right: tered voters may apply for have important consequences de- composed of the governor, comp- ing a select group of Science as an Error- an absentee ballot by mail pending upon how the questions troller and treasurer of the state. faculty members as Correcting Process,” or fax until Tuesday, Oc- are decided. One state ques- Republican Governor Robert Distinguished Scholar- took place on Wednes- tober 31 for the November tion would limit the governor’s Ehrlich received much political Teachers. Recognized day, October 25. 7 general election. power to dispose of park, recre- criticism for an effort he made for the high quality of Darden, who holds After October 31 vot- ation and conservation land and to sell state park land to a devel- their research activities a Ph.D. from the ers must, through Election several county questions would oper. After the Democratically and contributions to the advance- University of Chicago, came to Day, apply for an absen- strengthen the county council’s controlled legislature voiced its ment of knowledge, those chosen Maryland in 1974. What she tee ballot in person at the powers to limit actions of the strong objection, it enacted leg- are admired equally among their does professionally, she says, is local Board of Elections county executive. islation to place this proposed peers as outstanding teachers. an important aspect of the mis- (Prince George’s County, Other questions at the county amendment on the ballot. At its This year Greenbelt hit the sion of a research university. 16201 Trade Zone Av- level would authorize the issu- October 23 meeting the Greenbelt jackpot. Two faculty members Funded in part by grants from enue, Suite 108, Upper ance of bonds to fund libraries, City Council unanimously rec- so honored in the 2006-2007 the federal government, doing Marlboro, MD 20774, public works and transportation ommended that Greenbelt voters academic year are Greenbelt resi- original research enriches the 301-430-8020). The of- facilities, public safety facilities, support this ballot question. dents, both living in GHI. learning experience of students fi ce will be open from 8 county buildings and community Question 2 is a constitutional One is Lindley Darden, profes- – of undergraduates as well as a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday college facilities. amendment pertaining to de- sor in the Department of Philoso- that of graduate students. through Friday. State Questions cisions made by an “in banc” phy and specialist in the history In looking at the history of To return an absentee There are four state questions circuit court. If enacted, such and philosophy of science. The science, Darden describes an “of- ballot in person, it must for voters to decide on the ballot. decisions could then be appealed other is Rebecca Oxford, profes- ten extended process.” Discov- be received before the Three are constitutional amend- to the Maryland Court of Special sor of Curriculum and Instruc- eries must be tested; anomalies polls close at 8 p.m. on ments. The last is a statewide Appeals by a party who did not tion in the College of Education. must be resolved. Past errors Election Day. referendum of which much origi- agree to an in banc review and Each presents a public lecture. Voters may return ab- nally proposed by the legislature then received an adverse deci- In a later issue we will offer See DARDEN, page 7 sentee ballots by mail for has been deleted by court action sion. If a circuit court trial is the 2006 general election as being unconstitutional. held with less than three circuit In the Gloaming but they must be received Question 1 relates to the dis- court judges in attendance, then by 10 a.m. on Friday, No- position of park lands. It also the decision is eligible for an in vember 17 and must bear applies to outdoor recreation, banc review, a review by a panel How to Clean up the Lake: a postmark dated before open space, conservation, preser- of three judges of the circuit Election Day, November vation and forest land owned by court. The amendment also per- A Gathering with Phelan 7. the state. The proposed amend- forms some housekeeping tasks A voter may designate ment requires the express ap- by Eli Flam an agent, on a form pro- proval of the Maryland General See QUESTIONS, page 6 vided by the local board Oct. 24 – As the sun set last the lake.” If algae is displaced, of elections, to obtain and Friday, more than a dozen men, watermeal and duckweed – which return the voter’s absentee women and children began gath- shade out hydrilla – will thrive. ballot. For more informa- Road Realignment Opens ering in a picnic area of Buddy (The dictionary defi nes algae as tion contact the Board of Attick Park. They were con- “a major group of lower plants.”) Elections in Upper Marl- With Ribbon Cutting cerned about the algae-like green What is allowed or encouraged to boro. The Soil Conservation Road Finally, those wanting to go to surface in Greenbelt Lake’s coves grow also is an esthetic question, realignment project, now com- the Goddard Visitor Center will and had come to meet with Bill Phelan added – and there’s no plete, brought out offi cials for the still use Greenbelt Road, turning Phelan, assistant director of Pub- way to make a pristine lake. formal road dedication ceremony at the original Soil Conservation lic Works and the city’s horti- But help will be recommended Trick or Treat on October 18. Actual redirec- Road intersection. This road cultural pointman. Seated on a in the next city budget (Fiscal tion of the road will occur start- is being renamed ICESat (Ice, bench, Phelan fingered a large Year 2008), via dredging and In Greenbelt ing October 27. Cloud and Land Elevation Sat- dip net strewn with plants from aeration (by one or more of sev- Tuesday, October 31 The ribbon-cutting ceremony ellite) Road. Drivers will then the lake below and started with eral types being studied). There’s 6 to 8 p.m. included Goddard Space Flight make a left onto the new WMAP exhibit A: watermeal. also a plan to clean and restore Residents who wish to Center Director Ed Weiler along (Wilkinson Microwave Anisot- “Go ahead,” he said, “feel it, the Lakewood stream (now a participate are asked to with other NASA managers and ropy Probe) Road to access the it’s like sand.” And this tiny, concrete channel), then do the turn porch lights on or for Greenbelt offi cials in attendance. Goddard Visitor Center. rootless, leafl ess plant – not al- same with other feeder streams. apartment dwellers, tie a Mayor Judith “J” Davis received A map showing the upcom- gae – is the main source of the In the meantime, Phelan added, white cloth on the door. particular thanks for her “involve- ing road changes is available at green sheen on the lake since last the barley straw bales staked in Parents should remember ment and leadership” concerning http://www.nasa.gov/centers/god- summer. the lake by Public Works every to check all children’s can- the new road. dard/images/content/159981main_ Also in the dip net was duck spring help clarify the water so dy for safety. Three main aspects describe soil_conserv_rd.jpg. weed, which has a much bigger the bottom is visible in most the realignment project. First, Roads leaf and roots, and fl oats. Then, areas. drivers coming off the Baltimore- These roads were renamed for as people interspersed questions He gestured and smiled: “It Washington Parkway at Powder major NASA/Goddard science and comments, Phelan pulled will be up to you to put on the Mill Road and traveling south missions. All of the Center’s out coontail, a native, submerged pressure . And don’t com- on the northern portion of the roads are named after missions, root plant; hydrilla (“hopeless plain about a tax raise.” Cost original Soil Conservation Road satellites or projects. to get rid of,” but it’s good for of dredging – done a number of What Goes On will need to bear to the left at an WMAP is a NASA Explorer a number of critters); parrot’s times in the past – was estimated intersection to stay on the new Mission that will measure the feather; and water primrose, an- in the hundreds of thousands of Wednesday, November 1 Soil Conservation Road. This temperature of the cosmic back- other invasive plant, with a yel- dollars. 8 p.m., City Council Work- later merges with Good Luck ground radiation over the full sky low blossom.
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