rncorporates jazz infledions in.the Faquir" is a nlodern straight-eighth. {ormed by Dietz. music, "Duo Conrertante,, The 6nal selcction, wrllr urrrson svnropalt d rhyrhmir hasla stron- notP lune in ll i l-he br,,ad 4 spectrurrr "Hurricane," is ior a Iargr lorce Ber relationjhip to the cxrnp65;11on5 o{ l,l lines of taleut lrere * wortlr tlru prrce prrrusslonr\t\ ol Michael Daugherty Inspin{ L,y hurrr. rnc The finll movement and loseph --Teny O'Mahoney opens rvilh a Katrina, lht rvr)rk has an ethcreal, Schwarrter than Benny Loodlnan.s getrtle nnd rather free percussion lolo anti{ipatury opening nrusrc. Ihe solo percussion part that leads to an sertion with lhe orcheslra calls Charlct 0rrcrr{lerimha Solm entenng extremely visceral and energetic for a fivc-rx-tave marimba and stx con_ soon aftur in regular pulsed rhythmic Charles Owen and the U S. Marine tont-tom$ (or cluslon. patterns, anv combinarion of bon- Band Unis{rn lines are expertly The L5U percussion ensemble gtx, trmbales and congas). Burritt,s Sur 0rrtn-Blrdri played, atrd the vibe and marimtra use handles Leonarri's music with energv solos ol dralogue and mlor thruughout This timeless are very tmpressive. Ihe ending CD includes the fol- sensitlvrty thr onp.mdvem(nt worl and profssioniiisrn, Jnd a su.stained disxnant lughlights lowrng marimba solos rlitrrd, is a bil trt arangcd and wc nre fortnnals to ha vc lhe soloists well, anri s111[ 3 6nn a surprisr a.s opposed ,,usual,, the cncrgy and pertormrrl by PAS to the Hall ol Farrrer repr$entation {)i this inflft,ntial drivc is similar to the cornposer,s rlimatic building to a dramatic Charles Owen "Clrand Valsc Brillant,, conclu- prcussion percussionist's nrusic. slttn t nsemble works. Designed by Chopin; "Fiddle Facid[i, by Ander- *Scott Herring a$ a drr*-part (omposition, Alvr orr the CD is a the in- son; "Fir$t Waltz', by Dutand; .,Serond rr.corrling rlcr slow section givh the soloists ,.Witches o{ "0lrre La Linea Di Fuoco 4., bv a Waltz" bv Coddard; Dance,, Dalt;r.nttr tcfiviti. chanc6 1e 6srs;.t a beautr[ul legato by Luigi Morleo, which is a concerto ior MacDowell; "Hora Staccato., by Attilio Terlizzi lheme heforr the finrl energetic con- ,Snriles., marimba and strings in three move" f)rrrrru I Herfitz: hy Rohcrts: $cl(-prblirhcA cl us i 0n. "l)arrce ments The lirsi nlovtlrenl iocums oI the Coblins', by Bazzinr; on Dtllirente;,4r1ir,rl* is rhe title of rhis Tlre solo pertrrssron part rs effectrvr "Zigeunerwei*:n" rlrivirrg rhythms lvith nn intercsting by de Sarasate; CD and also the .rntl challengrng (brrt nor tith oi thc iearureti cadenza in ihc lriddlo. Lrverly drl- "A7-pfrtedtlr" by dt Sarasate; ,.,l.he Thc move. hcult), In- rvork on the CD, wlrrch is a turjor drrd the tom-tum wnirng hrnts chanted ,,Eternrl menl rom(,s trr an ,rnrut, \top dI(i rs llour" by Hthn; and a(ln(crto ior o{ Xenakis"'Rebonds.,, multiperorssiorr and loll()wtnB by a Likewrsr. Father" Lrv Dykes. *cond mr,\.rment lhdt tlre string orcirestra. The soloist, Attilio clarinet solo parl a160 requircs a op:ns in a relaxcd style. However. the It is incrrdible to hear Owen hoth Terlizzi, nralure player. not only plays the solo part intercsting Burritt in(lude$ s€c_ as performer steady rhythm pattems and arranger crf these ll to thrs concr:rlu lion parts for five but tlso, on thts samc provrde a ieeling percussionisi$ and a compoliitions. Acrurding of tensron while the to the Iiner CD, pcrfoms the solo part trmpanist, but the;e parts to a mdlrlr soh) material focuses orr lyric lines are prfunc. noies. Owen performed all of thex s* rnarimbi cql,rcerto as well a,s an ac- lory, saving the prime ekments of the olten in o(laver. The final nrovelrelrt los b1, mernory with the Marine Ban(l corrpanied music for multipercussion solo. is based nn the solo clarinetist and per. as it would a steacly sixteenth-nole travt,l on ils annual .rn*- The multip*rcus-sion cussioni$t. {oncrrto,.Dil.- pulse set in the percussitrn. Token as a wl.role. the band wt'ek tour of the On lop oi Ll.S. This CD is defi. f6rentes Actrvit6," by parls are compler, Jean"Luc Rimcv. thrs, the nrarimba solu plays and lhe constrntly nitely a collector's !tem nraterirl anij should he Meille, is in three ryrovemenis, shiltrng meters antl rhythrns each that rs rhythmically discnnnerteJ and qualily in every serrous uranmba performer.s thrs rvork lasting about five minutes, with short in contra$t as a grade Vl composition. libra rv to thc steady bcat r:f the 'Drro srare drunr yrlo sections precetiing Or erall, Concertante,. rs a wrn- accompaniment. Aiter an interesting iim Lamoert lhe hrst movemerri ner. The unique soloist conrlrination arrd belwmrr earlr and free mlo cadenza. the original rsrth nlovemanl The ar:nmpanintent con- wind e nsemble would tre an tx_ Collagc lazz-like groove returns arrtl, afler all sr:ts cellent oi l 3 :lrrngs anrl tu o players improvise 0ppr:rtunitv to featurc shrdents Stanley frerrussrorr, fur a short tirne, the Ler:nard anrJ the Louisiana .tnd the percrrrsiurr or f*culty rnombers accompantm(.nt rvork uoncludes wrtlr at any institution, Slakr t lnivcrsitv percussittn a drantatir Lrut rr rll 5rtni{laalll rntpt}rldltt.r,.tnrl ln short tulti -.Mark Ford Ensemble statefilent. r,oh,es marimba, xylophonr:, rymbals, The tlrird work on the CD is an Slanhy Lconrrd Parcusion llloric vibraphone anri a variety of toms. The unaccorn panied multrpercussion Cdld$r rel)resents a collahr:ration solo soloist performs on vibraphone, xt,lt> wrrrk "l'ricots peaux,,, between titled De also Stanley Leunard, Brett Dietz phunc. toms. PERCUSSIOI{ RECOROTNGS snarc.lrums. .yn,hais, by Rimey-Meille. Non-pitr:heti and the Lruisiana State Universitv instu. lvater rlrum,\, favanese gurgs. a salaLl Percussion mcnt-s arc used anrl thc predrrrnrnate EnsaurLrlc. Leonard corn- bou l rrrrl trmplr hh:cks A vrnpf\ ul soulrds Jrp tonts, cerwbells posed all ot the wurk^s, and srnall condur.ts sticks anrl mal)ers are Eorrorsd limr uscd inrlujing (glissando) gongs. This techrricallv in. several oi lhem. tnd p€riomls the $tl() frngrls Stevc Kahn rrn thc snart rJrum. v,)l! cd worl timpani utrk "Collagc.', r,hile -Ilre trf arorrncl :rvcn minutcs Shrrpad f,*ordr Ojetz first nrovement is introduceti cornbine:i Irc (srna conducts the percussion nislrn) rrratcrial enmmble and leith lively spoken rhythnrs that sug- The title of this Ct) is possibly a worrl with rhythmically interesting, dance. periorrns the ntulti.percus;ion solo play gest lndian llattcrns and tlran nroves like pattern$. by |azz guitarist Stevp Kahn to part kr "Shadows.",,processional,,. .,borrow,ecl., to syncopatod marerial stated refer to the 'time'' heing try the The solo pieces orr this retord- is scored for four marimbas wit]r ironr l strings rnd then reflected ilt a duet ing urrlize the plethora of great drummers rhythmrc such a varietv oi colors, acconrpaniment from tri- with sibes and percussioni^5ts and marimba. lhe seclion rhythms and heard here. Drunr- anglt: and 6nger ,,'fraveling $tyles that th€ ljstener cymbals. that tollows rs .lls{r svn(-{)patcd, mcr Jack De.lohnette, hul rannol hslp [rg1 he r.aptivaled. Br- l)r.rcusstonists MrtSrc," a wOrk lUr len pen uSsir.rnislS, the addihurr oi drrrntsct wrth vrt Ralph irrzarry (trmbales). e solo r'ru:r tlrese worki nn sO erpertly Rtrherro deprct: a -lhc per. lr)urnev dr()lllJ tlre globe stronglv suBgests a Quintero (congasi, Bobby Allencle iazz ierl sp* [orrntri and dranraticaliv u]lerpr{,terj, h)' rnvokinB rnrrsic irurn Brazrl, (congas). Aria. leir material rpturns to conclude (l[) Badal Roy (tabla) and Mano- lhr this would he a srgrrrftcrrrt rnusrtal Alrica and nlore'fr;t(iitional Westem movemfnl_ lo Badrena (percussion) treal flrr any lisienrr. all loin Kahn stvles. Tlre ir a set of original secund movemeni opens witll .-F. Michael Combs compositionr and I rrlrard gives an rnsFtnn& per sombcr sorrnds jazz.t6n,1or.1t Although rt irom tlre striugs, but should be fut trralrce oi hrs 1rgq,1y corrl'osr.d soon lrght and rlrvthmrcrlly stearlv rlassi6ed as a jazz recordrrrp gorror,c/ "Collage" hivGranca tor sok, tinrpani, whrch in rhytl)tn. irrlr, isn't lim l)ul.iJt(' rr the pred0nrrnate Anrlrew ted to itrdrght-ahead the middle Br:all xctton hrnts al ievcral rrjea 5everal "mll' iazz (alrhough it includes nrotlern duels and tn(r; BllP Rmsrd* well-known tirnp;rni 1rlo5 ironr swing thr are prrtirrrlrrll, rnt.restinB. \rrch.t\ 'lhc tunes). Thelonious [donk,s rrrchrstr.:l title tri{k on this recording is,r rcpcrtorrc.,.slra,ltrws,, rs inr thr duclr hrtwn'n nrarinrba "1 lvlean You," "[..lave you alrd vrhes drret {nr nrarirnha an(J Met Miss keytroarti qunrtet and tintpani, At fir$i nrulti,percus- and a triu rvitlr lrasl, r,ibes fones" arrd "Hymn fung,, arrrJ bclls lrstfrlrnE, Jnc woul(l thrnk rt are dEliv- sion solo, which is vtrtuosirally nrrght ,,El lxr- Fl;pecially noteworthy nrc sr,.lions ered witlr r.arious Latin feels, anrl h' the hrghlrghr ul rhe eD, brrr rherc pERcr;Ssrvt NorES 108 ocrogcn 2oo7.
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