Initial Environmental Examination Document stage: Draft for Consultation Project Number: 43253-027 May 2018 IND: Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program (Tranche 2) – Replacement of Old Sewerage Pumping Mains for Mangalore City Package No. 02MNG02 Prepared by Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development and Finance Corporation, Government of Karnataka for the Asian Development Bank. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (As of 11 May 2018) Currency unit – Indian rupee (₹) ₹1.00 = $0.0149 $1.00 = ₹67.090 ABBREVIATIONS ADB – Asian Development Bank CTE – consent to establish CTO – consent to operate CGWB – Central Ground Water Board DLIC – District Level Implementation Committee DPR – detailed project report EAC – Expert Appraisal Committee EIA – environmental impact assessment EMP – environmental management plan GRC – grievance redress committee H&S – health and safety IEE – initial environmental examination KIUWMIP – Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program KSPCB – Karnataka State Pollution Control Board KUDCEMP Karnataka Urban Development and Coastal Environment Management Project KUIDFC – Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development and Finance Corporation KUWSDB – Karnataka Urban Water Supply and Drainage Board MCC – Mangalore City Corporation MOEFCC – Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change NGO – nongovernment organization O&M – operations and maintenance PIU – program implementation unit PMDCSC – project management, design and construction supervision consultant PMU – program management unit REA – rapid environmental assessment RSPM – residual suspended particulate matter SEIAA – State Environmental Impact Assessment Authority SEMP – site environmental management plan SEZ – special economic zone SPS – Safeguard Policy Statement STP – sewage treatment plant UASB – up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket ULB – urban local body WEIGHTS AND MEASURES dB – decibel OC – degree Celsius km – kilometer lps – liter per second m – meter mbgl – meter below ground level mm – millimeter MLD – million liters per day km2 – square kilometer m2/day – square meter per day NOTE In this report, "$" refers to United States dollars. This initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the ‘terms of use’ section on ADB’s website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. CONTENTS Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I. INTRODUCTION 1 A. Background 1 B. Background of Initial Environmental Examination 1 C. Scope of Initial Environmental Examination 2 D. Report Structure 2 II. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT COMPONENTS 2 A. Existing Sewerage System in Mangalore 3 B. Project Need 4 C. Description of the Subproject 9 D. Implementation Schedule 10 IV. POLICY AND LEGAL FRAMEWORK 14 A. ADB Safeguard Policy Statement, 2009 14 B. Government Law and Policies 15 V. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 20 A. Introduction 20 B. Physical Environment 20 C. Ecological Resources 23 D. Economic Development 23 E. Economic Development 24 F. Environmental Settings of Investment Program Component Sites 26 VII. SCREENING OF POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENT IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 38 A. Overview 38 B. Preconstruction Impacts 38 C. Design Impact 40 D. Construction Impacts 41 E. Operation and Maintenance Impact 50 F. Cumulative Impacts 51 VIII. PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 51 A. Project Stakeholders 51 B. Consultation and Disclosure Date 51 C. Future Consultation and Disclosure 52 IX. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM 53 A. Grievance Redressal Process 54 B. Grievance Redress Committee Composition and Selection of Members 55 X. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 57 A. Summary Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures 57 B. Institutional Arrangements 73 C. Training Needs 81 D. Monitoring and Reporting 82 E. Environmental Management Plan Implementation Cost 82 XI. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 84 APPENDIXES Appendix 1: Rapid Environmental Assessment Checklist Appendix 2: Applicable Ambient Air Quality and Noise Standards Appendix 3: Applicable Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants (Effluent) Appendix 4: Salient Features of Major Labor Laws Appendix 5: List of Clearance Required Appendix 6: Laboratory Analysis Report for Treated Sewage Effluent From KSPCB for Sewage Treatment Plants at Mangalore Appendix 7: Sample Outline Spoils (Construction Waste) Management Plan Appendix 8: Traffic Management Plan Appendix 9: Operation and Maintenance Guidelines Appendix 10 : Details of the Stakeholder/Public Consultation Meeting Appendix 11: Monitoring and Reporting Formats Appendix 12: Sample Environmental Site Inspection Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Asian Development Bank (ADB) funded Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program (KIUWMIP) aims to improve water resource management in urban areas in a holistic and sustainable manner consistent with the principles of integrated water resources management. Investment support will be provided to modernize and expand urban water supply and sanitation – while strengthening relevant institutions to enhance efficiencym productivity and sustainability in water use. Mangalore sewerage subproject is one of the subprojects proposed in Tranche 2. Previously, Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development and Finance Corporation (KUIDFC) implemented the ADB assisted Karnataka Urban Development and Coastal Environment Management Project (KUDCEMP), which initiated water supply and sewerage improvements in 10 coastal towns. However, owing to shortage of funds, the subprojects were not comprehensive enough to have full coverage and was limited to critical major works only. Hence, under the KIUWMIP, it is proposed to support four coastal towns (Kundapura, Mangalore, Puttur, and Udupi) to implement 24x7 water supply systems, besides sewerage improvements where required. Mangalore City spreads around an area of 132.45 square kilometer (km2) and is located at 12°87’N latitude and 74°88’E longitude. The topography of the city is from plain to undulating with four hilly regions with natural valleys within the city. The city is characterized by undulating topography.Mangalore is situated on the west coast of India, and is bounded by the Arabian Sea to its west and the Western Ghats to its east. Mangalore is the largest urban center of coastal Karnataka and the fourth largest city in Karnataka in terms of area and population. Mangalore is located about 350 kilometers (km) west of the state capital, Bangalore. Categorization. ADB requires the consideration of environmental issues in all aspects of the Bank’s operations, and the requirements for environmental assessment are described in its Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS), 2009. The proposed projects are categorized as A, B, C or FI to determine the level of environmental assessment required. Mangalore sewerage subproject is classified as Environmental Category B as per ADB SPS, 2009 as no significant impacts are envisioned. Accordingly, this initial environmental examination (IEE) report has been prepared. Subproject Scope. Under this subproject, it is proposed to replace existing sewage pumping mains, which are damaged, undersized and/or chocked up in sewerage zones 3, 4, 6 and 7. Subproject included providing following sewage mains: (i) 7.65 km length 1,100 millimeter (mm) diameter sewer pumping main from Kudroli wet well no.3 to Kavoor sewage treatment plant (STP); (ii) 0.95 km length 900 mm diameter main from Kandathpalli wet well no.-4 to Kudroli wet well no. 3; (iii) 1.7 km length 450 mm diameter main from Mulihitilu wet well no.-6 to Ridge Manhole near Morgans gate; and (iv) 1.1 km length 450 mm diameter main from Jeppu Bappal wet well no. 7 to ridge manhole near Yekkur, inside old STP. Implementation Arrangements. KUIDFC is the executing agency responsible for overall technical supervision and execution of all subprojects funded under the Investment Program. Implementation activities are overseen by program management unit (PMU) established in its head office at Bangalore in coordination with its regional office (RPMU) in Mangalore. PMU and RPMU are staffed with technical, administrative and financial officials, including safeguards specialists, to manage and monitor program implementation. The implementing agencies are the respective urban local bodies (ULBs). For this package, the implementing agency is Mangalore City Corporation (MCC). A program implementation unit (PIU) has been set up for implementation of day-to-day activities in the field. A consultant team, project management, design and ii construction supervision consultant (PMDCSC), assists PMU, RPMU and all PIUs in subproject planning and management, assures technical quality of design and construction, designs the infrastructure, and supervises construction including conducting all safeguards tasks. Description of the Environment. Subproject components are located in Mangalore urban area or in its immediate surroundings. Subproject sites are located in existing right of ways (ROW) of public roads, which are government-owned. There are no protected areas, wetlands, mangroves, or estuaries in or near the subproject location. There are no forest areas within
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