Stochastic gene expression with a multistate promoter: breaking down exact distributions Ulysse Herbach∗ Abstract We consider a stochastic model of gene expression in which transcription depends on a multistate promoter, including the famous two-state model and refractory promoters as special cases, and focus on deriving the exact stationary distribution. Building upon several successful approaches, we present a more unified viewpoint that enables us to simplify and generalize existing results. In particular, the original jump process is deeply related to a multivariate piecewise- deterministic Markov process that may also be of interest beyond the biological field. In a very particular case of promoter configuration, this underlying process is shown to have a simple Dirichlet stationary distribution. In the general case, the corresponding marginal distributions extend the well-known class of Beta products, involving complex parameters that directly relate to spectral properties of the promoter transition matrix. Finally, we illustrate these results with biologically plausible examples. 1 Introduction Gene expression within a cell, that is, transcription of specific regions of its DNA into mRNA molecules (to be then translated into proteins), is now well acknowledged to be a stochastic phenomenon, resulting from a set of various chemical reactions and typically modeled as a jump Markov process [2]. Indeed, some of the chemical species involved are only present in very small quantities and their molecular fluctuations therefore generate a cellular “intrinsic noise” [30]. The entire set of underlying reactions may be huge but as a simple compromise, a gene is usually described by its promoter and gene expression models consist of two reactions occurring in parallel: creation of mRNA by the promoter and degradation of mRNA [10]. When both creation and degradation have constant rates, one gets a standard birth-death process that has a Poisson stationary distribution. Whereas such an elementary degradation is often accepted as a first-order approximation [8, 31], the creation part is somewhat of a hot topic and more sophisticated models have been proposed, depending on the biological context [8, 38, 10]. arXiv:1804.05740v2 [math.PR] 1 Aug 2019 For instance, measures of gene expression in individual, isogenic cells in the same environment typically show a heavy-tailed distribution with a clearly non-Poisson variance [1, 3]. The simplest model to account for this fact is the well-established “two-state model”, which is a birth-death process in random environment [25, 22]. As suggested by the name, such a promoter has one active state in which the mRNA creation rate is positive and one inactive state in which the creation rate is zero. Depending on the switching rates between states, the time spent in the active one can be short enough to generate, when combined with a high creation rate, so-called ∗Univ Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, CNRS UMR 5208, Inria, Institut Camille Jordan, F-69603 Villeurbanne, France ([email protected]). 1 1 Introduction “bursty” mRNA dynamics [3, 16] leading to a much more realistic distribution than the one-state previous model. The two-state model has the advantage of being tractable, and sometimes it can even be physically justified as a relevant approximation (e.g., in bacteria [6]). However, as single-cell experiments become more precise, it appears that some promoters cannot be described by only two states because their inactive period has a nonexponential distribution with a positive mode [38]. Such cases suggest a “refractory” behavior, meaning that after each active phase, the promoter has to progress through several inactive states before becoming active again. Note that one could still consider a two-state model by accepting losing the Markov property. In fact, adding intermediate states is not only a convenient way to keep a Markov process, but also an opportunity to go into further details of the biological mechanisms behind gene expression. Though a complete description is still out of reach, such promoter states may indeed represent physical configurations of chromatin (the compacting molecular structure around DNA in eukaryotic cells), for example during remodeling steps [7, 38]. These observations have motivated the introduction of “multistate” promoters, each state being associated with a particular rate of mRNA creation [8, 37, 19, 10]. Accordingly, we consider a promoter with n states (n > 2) represented by chemical species S1,..., Sn, with transitions between states such that molecule numbers always satisfy [Si] ∈ {0, 1} for all i and [S1] + ··· + [Sn] = 1. Then, representing mRNA by a species M, the expression model is defined by the following system of elementary reactions: ri,j Si −−→ Sj for i, j ∈ 1, n , i 6= j ui J K Si −→ Si + M for i ∈ 1, n (1) J K d0 M −→ ? with rates ri,j > 0, ui > 0 and d0 > 0. Importantly, two distinct scenarios can be considered for this model: 1. the general case (e.g., [8, 19]); 2. the particular case where only one ui is nonzero (e.g., [37, 38, 10]). Promoters that belong to the second case can be interpreted as having exactly one active state and n − 1 inactive states: in line with the intuition presented above, we shall call them refractory in the present paper. Note that in this view, the two-state model corresponds to a “trivial” refractory promoter. Our main interest here is the stationary distribution of the mRNA quantity [M]. In [19], the authors provided a general but implicit formula based on a recurrence relation, focusing on multimodality induced by distinct ui values. On the other hand, the authors in [37] consider some particular refractory promoters (transition graph forming a cycle) and express the distribution in terms of generalized hypergeometric functions [33], providing an implicit way to derive the parameter values. A further step is achieved in [9], where parameters are explicitly derived in a more particular case (irreversible cycle). In this paper, we propose to gather, simplify and extend these results by adopting a unified viewpoint: the underlying philosophy is to “break down the noise”, that is, to decompose the complexity of the distribution into simpler layers. As suggested in [10], we use the Poisson representation [15] of system (1), which allows for combining 2 2 Basic mathematical model approaches in [19] and [37] by introducing a piecewise-deterministic Markov process (PDMP). First, we reinterpret the main result of [19] as a projection of the PDMP joint distribution. We show a simplistic situation where this distribution is Dirichlet, yet providing some interesting insight into the general case. Second, we simplify the main result of [37] concerning cyclic refractory promoters, and generalize it to any refractory promoter by only assuming irreducible dynamics (i.e., for any i 6= j, there exists a path of reactions from Si to Sj with positive reaction rates). This refractory case exactly corresponds to marginals of the previous joint distribution. Interestingly, the resulting class of univariate distributions generalizes the one consisting of products of Beta- distributed random variables, which also arises in statistics [11] and mathematical physics [12]. It is characterized by a set of parameters that are potentially complex and directly relate to spectral properties of the promoter transition matrix. The paper is organized as follows. The mathematical formulation of system (1) is introduced in Section 2 and its Poisson representation is detailed in Section 3. Then, the underlying multivariate PDMP is presented in Section 4 and the complete solution for refractory promoters is given in Section 5. Finally, applications are shown in Section 6 and a discussion follows in Section 7. 2 Basic mathematical model For t > 0, let Et and Mt respectively denote the promoter state (Et = i if [Si] = 1, i ∈ 1, n ) and the mRNA level (Mt = [M]) at time t. Throughout this paper, we J K n adopt a semivectorial notation by encoding promoter states as components of R while keeping mRNA as a scalar: this will make our computations much easier and will essentially reduce the results to linear algebra. We assume that system (1) follows standard stochastic mass-action kinetics, that is, (Et,Mt)t>0 is a jump Markov process with state space 1, n × N and generator L defined by J K Lf(k) = d0k[f(k − 1) − f(k)] + C[f(k + 1) − f(k)] + Qf(k) (2) > n where f(k) = (f1(k), . , fn(k)) ∈ R represents functions f : 1, n × N → R, n×n n×nJ K C = Diag(u1, . , un) ∈ R contains creation rates and Q ∈ R is the promoter transition matrix given by X Qi,j = ri,j for i 6= j and Qi,i = − ri,j. j6=i In practice, we shall focus on distributions (meaning probability measures here) and therefore consider the adjoint operator of L, denoted by Ω and defined by Ωg(k) = d0[(k + 1)g(k + 1) − kg(k)] + C[g(k − 1)1k>0 − g(k)] + Hg(k) (3) > > where H = Q and g = (g1, . , gn) now stands for distributions g on 1, n × N. J > K The distribution p(t) = P(Et,Mt), represented by p(t) = (p1(·, t), . , pn(·, t)) where pi(k, t) = P(Et = i, Mt = k), then evolves according to the well-known Kolmogorov forward equation: dp = Ωp (4) dt which is often called master equation in this context. Note that (4) is the same master equation as in [8] and [19]. Also, it is a natural generalization of the master equation 3 3 Poisson representation 3.1 Notation and definitions considered in [37], which corresponds here to cyclic refractory promoters (i.e., only one ui is nonzero and the undirected graph induced by H is a n-cycle). See Section 5 for a graphical representation of cyclic and general refractory promoters.
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