l?b,_ TECTONOPHYSICS ELSEVIER Tcctont~ph~sic,, 288 (It~gX) I - 16 Seismic studies around the Kola Superdeep Borehole, Russia Y,V. Ganchin ~'::, S.B. Smithson d, I.B. Morozov ", D.K. Smythe h, V.Z. Garipov ~ N.A. Karaev 'J, Y. Kristofferson " " I)cpartment of (h'olo. W and Geophv.~ic~. Unit er~it 30l !,Vw,nin.e,. l.oramw. WY X2071-.'Ot)6. I 'S.t l, (;e,,h).e~ mid ,41~ldied (.;e~,h*g3: Unirur~itv ,~1 (Ha.won: (;la.~,,,ow (;12 ,~QQ. ~ :K ' Run,tun State ('ontmtttcc ,m (;uo/og.~: 4-0 B (iru;m.~ka]a. 123242 .$h,.~ctm; Ru~i, ,i VIR(.;-'Rtulgeo[i-tka'. 21) l.~!ian.~owqa. /9..¢#/9 St. Putm'.sl~uce. Russia ' In,/tittle o/Solid I:arth Ph~i¢'.v l'nn'(v:sit~ O/Bcrtwn...tll('.~l..11. 5007 Ih'/~en. :\:,nL~ o~ Abstract The Kola Superdeep Borehole (SG-3) proxided an ideal optx~rtunity to lest hypotheses on the origins ot crustvl retlections and on the presence and seismic expression of fluids in the upper crusl. The ahemalive sources of crustal reflections include compositional changes, shear zones, fluids, and metamorphic facies changes, all of which arc represented at the well. Both the 3g-kin-long CDP section and the borehole VSPs in the range 2.2 6.0 km demonstrate the presence of retlections from dipping comlx)sitional layering, shear zones, and tluid-filled zones. Subhori/ontal rellectivity zones are interpreted as horizontal fluid-lilled fracture-t}pe reservoir rocks. Results suggest the presence of fluids dm~.n to a depth of at least 12 km in the upper crust: the presence of these tluids lowering seismic ~elocity causes estimates of upper crustal composition to he too felsic..C, 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reser,,ed. Kevword~: horehole, CDP" VSP: retlections: Kola 1. Introduction erties of rocks: (2) lithologic variations: (3) seismic anisotropy: (4)juxtaposition of difl~'rcnt rock types The geologic interpretation of crustal seismic caused by faulting: (5) ductile shear zone,,: (6) zones data is still speculative and raises many questions containing lluids: (7) ductile llow: (8) molten and concerning the nature of crustal reflectors (e.g. partially molten bodies m the crust. Fuchs, 1969: Smithson et al., 1977: Christensen, The Kola Superdeep Borehole (SG-3) in the Kola 1989: Valasek et al.. 1989; Kremenetsky, 1990; Peninsula, northwest Russia. is one of the l'cv, sci- Pavlenkova, 1991: Mooney and Meissner, 1992; entilic boreholes [e.g. KTB deep drilling project in l,evander cl al., 1994: Rudnick and Fountain, 1995). Germany (Hohrath el al., 1992). Gravberg-Siljan Mooncy and Meissner (1992) suggest a large number (Juhlin. 1990), Cajon Pass (Rector, 1988)l where hy- of proposed models for the origin of reflections from potheses on the nature of crustal rellectivily can he the deep crust, including: ( 1 ) differing physical prop- tested against in situ geological control. Thc SG-3 borehole has been cored down to the depth of 12.25 • Ct~rrc~ponding author, l'ax: ~I (307) 766-6679: [:.-mail: km. The comprehensive investigation of its core was .~ u ri (a u~ ~txcdu carried out together with different kinds of geophys- tit)40- I ~5119SIS 19(X) ." 19t,~XElse,. icr Science B.V. All right, rc~,cr',cd. PII S()()4{) Iq51(t~71002,40-1 2 Y.V. (hm(hm ('t al. / li'( lonol>hvsi(~ 2,'~,'~ ~ Ioo,'~'j I 16 ical logging experiments in the borehole (Kt)zlovsky. characterized by the cyclical build-up of sedimen- 1987). Single-fold retlection shooting and deep seis- tary-volcanic formations. Each cycle begins with thin mic sounding (DSS) were conducted in the SG-3 sedimentary unit and ends with thick volcanic deposi- borehole region, but until now it has lacked deep- tion (Mclezhik and Sturt, 1994). Approximately 7()+~i. crustal, common-depth-point (CI)P) seismic prolil- by area. of the structure is occupied by volcanic rock,,. ing. To fill this major gap in the knowledge of the The metamorphic grade in the SG-3 section gradu- region, a multinational seismic experiment was per- ally increases with depth from prehnile-pumpcllyile formed during winter and spring of 1992. The data to amphibolite facies (Fig. 2), though most commonly acquisition was carried out in cooperation with the it is greenschist in the Proterozoic. Ministry of Geology of thc Russian Republic, thc Pillowcd and naassi,,'c tholeiitic basahs and fcr- Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Academy of ropicritic lavas dominate in the upper f'rotcrozoic Sciences, Moscow, and the Universitics of Wyoming, part of the SG-3 section (0.0-4.5 km deepl and are Bcrgcn, Glasgow and Edinburgh. In addition to a characteri/ed by P-wave velocity of 6.7--6.8 km/s. -,38-kin-long CDP profile, two deep VSPs (up to 6 Subalkaline basalts with foliated and brecciated tex- km deep) and 4 shalh)w VSPs (0.5 km deep) were ture (!./), = 6.1-6.3 kin/s) are more widely spread acquired during this experiment. from 4.5 to 6.8 km in the SG-3 section. The most The purpose of this publication is to o,)rrelate seis- conllnon metasedimentary rocks phyllites, tufts, and mic retlections (present on both VSP and CDP data) sandstones are characterized by lower sonic P-'aa~,e with the known geological interfaces ahmg tile SG-3 velocities ranging from 5.6 to 6.0 km/s. The rest of section. This analysis also involves the effect of lluid- tile section (6.g 12.2 knl) consists mainly of the I+ate lilled voids in association with subhorizontal rellec- Archean gneiss miglnatite rocks (Vt` -- 6.0 kin/s) tivity detected in VSP and CI)P data in tile SG-3 hosting abundant arnphibolite bodies (~,q>-. 6.8 vicinity. ktn/s) up to 30 nt in thickness. The major shear zone at a depth of 4.5 km where velocity drops from 2. Main geniogical and geophysical features of the 6.7 to 5.4 km/s is a boundary separating rocks v+ith SG-3 borehole region massive from toliated textures. No delinite trend in P-wave xelocitv variations can be observed in the The Kola Supcrdeep Borehole is located in the depth interval 4.5-11.5 kin. Below 4.5 kin. \'elocit+~ northeastern part of the Baltic Shield inside the Early neither increases nor decreases with depth, thot,gh Pmterozoic Pechenga-hnandra---Varzuga Greenstone h)cal velocit 5 contrasts reach 1.0 klll/s and nlore. Belt, which is surrounded by l.atc Archean terrains. Gneissosity, foliation, and contact surfaces in thc The main metamorphism, deformation and thrust- whole SG-3 section are commonly parallel to each ing in the Belt have occurred ca. 1.95-1.85 Ga other and normally dip southwards at angles front 20 (Melezhik and Sturt, 1994), and its evolution is to 60 °. compatible with interpretations in terms of mc)dern Among other gases, helium is the onl'v one that plate tectonics (e.g. Berthe[sen and Market, 1986: was not affected by technogenic lactors during SG-3 Melezhik tuld Sturt. 1994). The early Proterozoic gas-logging because it was not present in the drilling Pechenga structure (Fig. It, one of thc largest zones mud. in the Proterozoic complex (0-6.8 kin)helium comprising the Greenstone Belt, can be character- accumulations have a local character. Starting from ized as a synform consisting of two distinct units: a depth of 7.7 km, the frequency of an anomah)us the North and South Zones separated by the Poritash amount of helium increases reaching highest concen- system of faults. The North Zone is an isometric trations in between 10.1 and 10.3 km (Fig. 1.66. p. SW dipping (20 60 °) half-graben separated into sev- 244 in Kozhwsky, 1987). High gas concentration in eral blocks by a widespread, transverse fault systcm the Archean rock complex correlates with the zones (Melezhik and Stuff, 1994). The South Zotle con- of fractured rocks with highly mineralized waters sists of steeply dipping (40-90°), strongly folded and (Fig. 1.77, p. 273 in Kozh)vsky, 1987). imbricated rock assemblages. Previous seismic studies in the SG-3 region (e.g. Stratigraphy of the whole Pechenga structure is Kaius el al.. 1987: Mints et al., 1<-.187: Kremenetsky. }i ~ (;{m(hm (.! (11 /li.( l,)m)phv~l(~ 2,~,~ (/oo:%' / /6 ~ ~nffh~rn LEGEND ARCHEAN ROCKS SOUTH PECHENGA GROUP a b Gneisses, amphibolites, gramto-gnmsses ~ Bragino Formation (bimndal a) northern unit: b) southern unit picrite-andesitevolcanic association, andesitic volcanoclas~ conglomeratesand sandstones ) EARLY PROTEROZOIC ROCKS I kp I Kaplja Formation ('black shales', arcos=c NORTH PECHENGA GROUP sandstones, cherts, thole~itLcbasalts ) Ahmalahti Formation (polymict conglomerates, INTRUSIVE ROCKS sandstones, basalts, basallJcandesJtes ) a b I Kuetsjarvi Formation ( red-colouredsandstones, a) Orogenicgranites: b) subvolcamcandes~les I '.~.~'kt'::' dotos[ones, alkaline picntes, basalts, andesiticda~tes ) I Kolasjoki Formation (volcanodastic polymict kol GEOLOGICAL AND OTHER SYMBOLS conglomerates,sandstones, tholeitic basalts ) a b Pilgujarvi Formation (conglomerates,sandstones, a) Fau!'4 i0) stnke and dip ol bedgin,q ferrooicntic laves and tufts, acidic lavas and tufts ) a b a b a) Ni-Cu beanng'Prnduc~ve' FonnatJon, and al The Kola-92 CDP line location b) acidic !avas and tufts inside Pilgujarvi Formation b) The Kola Superdeep8oreho!e ',ocatloq Fig. I. (;ct4o~ic~d ",ketch m~q~ (~1 tile PechenL:d qruclurc. M~,dilicd h'om Mclczhik ~md ?';tur[ (I ()t,~q. 4 Y. U (;.n(hm el .I. / 7~.('1~m~phv.~i( ~ 2,~,'~' ( / 99,'.;i I- Ih .= E= E >, SW SG-3 .c; ~ ~= ¢o E o ~ -~ 2.5km 900 950 ._E = ,,, .¢.
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