Yale University EliScholar – A Digital Platform for Scholarly Publishing at Yale Yale University Catalogue Yale University Publications 1858 Yale University Catalogue, 1858 Yale University Follow this and additional works at: http://elischolar.library.yale.edu/yale_catalogue Part of the Curriculum and Instruction Commons, and the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Yale University, "Yale University Catalogue, 1858" (1858). Yale University Catalogue. 56. http://elischolar.library.yale.edu/yale_catalogue/56 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Yale University Publications at EliScholar – A Digital Platform for Scholarly Publishing at Yale. It has been accepted for inclusion in Yale University Catalogue by an authorized administrator of EliScholar – A Digital Platform for Scholarly Publishing at Yale. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CATALOGUE OF THE OFFICERS AND STUDENTS ll.'f YALE OOLLEG E, WITH A STATEMENT OF THE COURSE OF INSTRUCTION IN THE VARIOUS DEP ART.MENTS. 1858-59. TEW HAVE : P R I N T E D B Y E. H A Y E S, 50 C H A P E L S T. 1858. - · n rr r 2 ~o~po~atiolt. THE GOVERNOR, LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, AND SIX SENIOR SENATORS OF THE STATE, I ARE, ex officio, MEJIIBEB.S OF THE CORPORATION. PRESZDENT. REv. THEODORE D. WOOLSEY, D.D., LL.D. FELLOWS. His Exc. WILLIAM A. BUCKINGHAM, NoRWICH. His HoNoR JULIUS CATLIN, HARTFORD. REv. DAVID SMITH, D. D., DuRHAM. REV. NOAH PORTER, D. D., FARMINGTON. REv. ABEL McEWEN, D. D., NEw LoNDON. REv. JEREMIAH DAY, D. D., LL.D., NEw HAVEN. REv. JOEL HAWES, D. D., HARTFORD. REv. JOSEPH ELDRIDGE, D. D., NoRFOLK. REv. GEORGE A. CALHOUN, D. D., CovENTRY. REv. GEORGE J. TILLOTSON, BRoOKLYN. REv. EDWIN R. GILBERT, WALLINGFORD. REV. JOEL H. LINSLEY, D. D., GREENWICH. HoN. JAl\lES E. ENGLISH, NEw HAVEN. HoN. ELISHA CA'RPENTER, WEsT KILLINGLY. HoN. SIDNEY B. BEARDSLEY, BRIDGEPORT. HoN. HENRY PEASE, JR., EAsT WINDSOR. HoN. NEWELL C. BRA KEN RIDGE, NoRWICH. HoN. DANIEL CHADWICK, LYME. SEOBETAB.Y. WYLLYS WARNER, M.A. TB.EASUB. E B. EDWARD C. HERRICK, M. A. 3 lnrJtructor~. REv. THEODORE DWIGHT WOOLSEY, D. D., LL.D. PRESIDENT. (117 N.) 128 Church t. llENJAMIN SILLIMAN, M.D., LL.D . .Professor of Cltemistry, Mineralogy and Geology, Emeritus. llillhou e Av. ELI IVES, M. D. Professor of :Materia illedica ancl Tlterapeutics, EmeritiU. •9 i'emple at. Dwight Professor of Didactic Theology. JONATHAN KNIGHT, l\L D. Professor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery. 90 Church st. JOSIAH vV. GIBBS, LL.D. Professor of Sacrecl Literature. (158 n.) 71 High st. REv. ELEAZAR T. FITCH, D. D. 23 College st. Lecturer on Homiletics. REv. CHAUNCEY A. GOODRICH, D. D. Professor of the Pastoral Charge. (138 Coli. Chapel.) 50 Temple st. DENISON OLMSTED, LL. D. .Munson Professor of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy. {101 N.) 15 York Square. HoN. THOMAS B. OSBORNE, LL.D. Professor of Law. {3 Dwight'a Bd'g.) 85 Crown t. HoN. HENRY DUTTON, LL.D. (2 L.) 123 Crown st. Kent Professor of Law. CHARLES HOOKER, 1\f. D. Professor of Anatomy and Physiolotry, 31 Olive at. \VORTHINGTON HOOKER, f. D. Profeuor cf the Theory and Practice of Physic. 20 Me clow st. REv. \VILLTAM A. LARNED, M. A. Professor of Rhetoric and En~r/.Uh Literature. (135 Lye.) 1 St.John Place. HENRY llRONSON, l\t. D. Professor of .Materia Meclica and TherapeutiCI, Olin at. - " .. ....... -- 4 OFFICERS. REv. NOAH PORTER, D. D. Clark Professor of ~!tforal Philosaphy and Metaphysic&. (154 Ath.) Hillhou e Av. WILLIAM A. NORTON, M.A. Professor of Civil Engineering. (144 Coli. Chapel.) Prospect st. JAMES D. DANA, LL. D. SiUiman Professor of Natural. History. (A.. L.) Hillhouse A v. THOMAS A. THACHER, M.A. Prqfessor of the Latin Language and Literature. (136 Lye.) 86 Crown st. BENJAMIN SILLIMAN, JR., M.D. Prqfessor of General and Applied Chemistry. (A. L.) Hillhouse Av. PLINY A. JEWETT, M.D. Professor of Obstetrics. (Tontine.) 3 Wooster Place. JAMES. HADLEY, M.A. Professor of the Greek Language and Literature. (121 N.) 30 Elm st. JOHN A. PORTER, M.D. Professor of Organic Chemistry. (A.. L.) Hillhouse Av. WILLIAM D. WHITNEY, M.A. Professor of Sanskrit, and Instructor in Modern Languages. (178 D.) 115 Church st. REv. GEORGE P. FISHER, M.A. Livingston Professor of Divinity. 175 D. TIMOTHY DvVIGHT, M.A. Assistant Professor qf Sacred Literaturt. (177 D.) 58 College st. HUBERT A. NEvVTON, M.A. Professor of MatJ,ematics. 89 N. M. GEORGE J. BRUSH, M.A. Professor of Metallurgy. (.4. L.) 23 Grove st. DANIEL C. GILMAN, M.A. Librarian. (Library.) 00 Grove st. SAMUEL 'V. JOHNSON, M. A. Professor of Agricultural and Analytical Chemistry. (A. L.) 76 High st. LEBEUS C. CHAPIN, M.A. Tutor in Natural Philosaphy. 10'2 N. HORATIO W. BROWN, B. A. Tutor in ltfathematiC$. 37s. M. LEWI \V. FORD, B. A. Tutor in Latin. 53s. M. LE.fUEL S. POTWIN, M.A. Turor in Greek. 5 . OFFICERS. 5 JOHN L. MILLS, M.A. Tutor in Greek. 21 s. HENRY A. YARDLEY, M.A. Tutor in Latin. 70 N.H. MARK BAILEY, M.A. Instructor in Elocution. (155 Ath.) 76 College st. ROBERT BAKE\VELL, Instructor in Drawing ana Perspectit1e. 22 College st. GUSTAVE J. STCECKEL, Instructor in Vocal Mruic. 75 York st. EDWARD H. TWINING, M. A. Assistant in Analytical Chemistry. A. L. ORSON C. SPARROW, B. PH. Assistant in General Chemistry. 114 Church at. LOUIS BAIL, Teacll.er of Drawing in the Engineering School. 72 Park st. - ------------------------------- 6 Qr~tological mtp artmtnt. FACULTY. REV. THEODORE D. WOOLSEY, D. D., LL.D., PnESmXNT. JOSIAH W. GIBBS, LL.D. REv. ELEAZAR T. FITCH, D. D. REv. CHAUNCEY A. GOODRICH, D. D. REv. NOAH FORTER, D. D. (.Acting.) R~v. GEORGE P. FI HER, M.A. TIMOTHY DWIGHT, M.A. B.ESXDENT LXOENTXATES. John Gunn Baird, B. A. Milford, 17 D. William Buck Dwight, ~t. A. Constantinople, Turkey. 170 D. Thomas Stoughton Potwin, 1\I. A. New Haven, 5 s. STUDENTS. John Henry Anketelf, M.A. New Haven, 162 D. George Blagden Bacon, New Haven, HH D. William Aldrich Bushee, B. A. Worcester, Mas&. 160 D • .Solomon Johnson Douglass, B. A. N ew Haven, 166 n. John Edgar, B. A. Greenwich, 159 D. Martin Smyser Eichelberger, B. A. York, Pa. 1 0 D. Joseph Newton H<tllock, B. A. Franklinville, L. I. 179 D. Edgar Laing Heermance, B. A. Kinderhook, N. Y. 165 D. Philander H. Hollister, N ew Preston, 157 D. Horace Henry !\fcFarland, B. A. N ew Ifaven, 54 Crown st. Ju tin Martin, B. A. New York City, 179 D. Daniel Augu tus Miles, B. A. Wo1·cester, Mass. 1 2 D. Chauncey Dickers011t Murray, lJfadison, 171 D. Levi Leonard Paine, B. A. East Randolph, Jlt!ass. 117 Church st. Je~vett Gue.rnsey Smith, New Hat•en, 137 Chapel st. 1 \Vtlder Smah, B. A. Hartford, 163 D. 'Elisha Smith Thomas, B. A. Wickford, R. I. 7 Wooster st. Timothy Keeler \Vilcox, B. A. New Haven, 164 D. THEOLOGICAL STUDENTS, 21. 7 taro Ultp arttn tnt. FACULTY. REV. THEODORE D. WOOLSEY, D. D., LL.D., PnESIDJ:.IT. BoN. HENRY DUTTON, .J..L. D. BoN. THOMAS B. OSBORNE, LL.D. STUDENTS. Charles Bacon Augur, New Haven, 115 State st. Newton J. Behan, Prliddleport, 0. Charles A. Bigelow, Framingham, .Mass. Ezra L. Brainerd, Haddam, Henry B. Brown, B. A. Berk hire Co., Mass. Wharton Butler, B. A. Trin. Hartford, Richard H. Chittenden, Weslhrook, J. M. Crofut, New Haven, Theodore R. F. DeForest, Sllaron, Pa. Albert W. Drake, B. A. South Windsor Henry M. Dutton, B. A. New Haven, J. A. Geisenhainer, B. A. Columb. New York City James H. Goodsell, Fair Haven, F. Clinton Griswold, Wethen.field, H. Lynde Harri on, New Haven, I William 1\1. Hooper, Lakesville, Md. Samuel Couch Keeler, Catherine, N. Y. Milton Kinkead, Paducah, Ky. • !John Latta, Pleasant Unity, Pa. 9 Lnw Bdg. !Thomas H. Merry, La Porte, Sierra Co. Cal. 4 Law Bdg. Sidney A. Moulthrop New Haven, 69 Oak t. Horace Neide, B. A. Pott town, Pa. Cyrus Northrop, B. A. Ridgefield, J. Eugene Palmer, B. A. Bloomfield, Frank H. Peck, B. A· New Ila ·en 23 \Vest Ch pel t. Waldo Gray Perry, Leicester, Vt. 3 \Ve t Cha pel st. Edward L. Porter: B. A. Nezo London, 14 College t. William Silliman Canterbury, N. Y. 5 Lnw Bdg. John A. Slater, Port ()hes er, . Y . 122 George William fcC. Smith, New Har:en 161 Chapel Lewi" Elliot Stanton, B. A. Cl'nton, 114 Church forris Tuttle, Fairfield, 1 rov Horatio N. Warner, Vicksburg, fiss. · La Bdg. LA T', 33. 8 Jtltbical iDtpartmtnt. FACULTY. REV. THEODORE D. WOOLSEY, D. D., LL.D., PRESIDENT. BENJAMIN SILLIMAN, M.D., LL.D., Emeritus. ELI IVES, M. D., .Emeritus. JONATHAN KNIGHT, M.D. CHARLES HOOKER, M. D., IJean of the Faculty. HENRY BRONSON, M. D. WORTHINGTON HOOKER, M.D. BENJAMIN SILLIMAN, JR., M.D. PLINY A. JEWETT, M.D. :E1 X A M :r NED. S. ln addition to the Medical Profe sora, the following persons chosen by the Fellows of the State Medical Society are members of the Board of ExamineJ;S. .ASHBEL WOODWARD, M. D., PRES. MEn. Soo., Pret. n officio, Fradlin. P. G. ROCKWELL, M. D., Waterbury. B. N. COMINGS, M.D., New Britain. JAMES WELCH, M. D., West Winsted. WILLIAM B. CASEY, M. D., MiddletotDn. TIMOTHY DIMOCK, M.D., South Coventry. STUDENTS. Augustus Huggins Abernethy, Bridgeport, 37 Elm st. Lewis Henry Alling, New Haven, 15 Dwight st. John Henry Anketell, M.A. New Haven, 39 Elm st. Neil on A. Baldwin, B. A. ·} LaFayette Coli., Pa. New Providence, N.
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