DIRECTORY RED CROSS RED CRESCENT Country names: National Societies are listed alphabetically according to their English country name. Country names follow the standard ISO 3166. Area codes: Country and area telephone codes are indicated within parentheses before the telephone and fax numbers. For telephone calls within a country, it is often necessary to dial 0 before the city/area code. Consult the local telephone directory for further information Date amended: The date shown at the foot of an entry indicates when the last change of information was made in the following format: DDMMYYYY (Day.Month.Year) Correspondent: An ° by the side of a function denotes the addressee to whom all correspondence should be sent. If more than one correspondent exists, send to only one depending on the nature of the correspondence. Correspondence should be in the language indicated at the bottom of each National Society entry. Languages: The language at the foot of the page indicates the preferred Federation working language for correspondence and publications. Abbreviations: Ad./Dir. = Address Tlg = Telegram Postal. = Postal address Tlx = Telex number Tel. = Telephone number Fax = Telefax number Tel. (Pr.) = Private tel. no Tel. (Pf.) = Direct line Email = Email address Web = World Wide Web URL Please send any changes or information requests to the following address: Library and Archives Unit International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies P.O. Box 372 1211 Geneva 19 Switzerland Fax : (41 22) 730 49 43 Email : [email protected] AFGHANISTAN AFGHANISTAN AFGANISTÁN Afghanistan - Afghan Red Crescent Society Afghan Red Crescent Croissant-Rouge afghan Media Luna Roja Afgana Ad./Dir. 5th District Afshar e Sillo Qargha Road Headquarter Office Kabul Postal P.O. Box 3066 Shar Naw Kabul Tel. +93799652893 Fax - Web. http://www.redcrescent.af Email [email protected]; [email protected] Language of Correspondence: English National Society Patron: The President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Mr Mohammad Ashraf Ghani AHMADZAI Acting President and Vice-President Dr Mirwais AKRAM Vice President Dr Mirwais AKRAM Member of the Board Ms Fatima GAILANI Secretary General Dr Nilab MOBAREZ Under Secretary General Programmes Dr Mohammad NABI BURHAN Under Secretary General, Support Service Mr Nowroz Ali ALIZADA Health Director Dr. Mohammad Salim BAHRAMAND International Relations and Dissemination Director Mr Ghulam Habib HESAM Disaster Management Director Mr Abdul Rahman KALANTARY HR - Finance Director Mr Mohammad Taib YOSUFZAI Director of Internal Audit Mr Abdul Habib SAMIM Director of Maraston (Social Welfare) Mr Mohammad Zahid KUSHAN Director of Property Management Dr Din Mohammad NAZARI Head of Logistics Department Mr Mohammad Arif HEDAYAT HR Director Ms Farangis HAZRATI Dissemination Manager Mr Merajuddin ZAHEER International Relation Manager Mr Mohammad Jawad MURADI Last Updated: 30.01.2017 2 ALBANIA ALBANIE ALBANIA Albania - Albanian Red Cross Albanian Red Cross Croix-Rouge albanaise Cruz Roja de Albania Ad./Dir. Rruga "Muhammet Gjollesha" Sheshi "Karl Topia" 1511 Tirana Postal C.P. 1511 Tirana Tel. (355) (42) 225855 / 257532 Fax (355) (42) 225855 Tlg. ALBCROSS TIRANA Web. http://www.kksh.org.al Email [email protected] Language of Correspondence: English Président Mr. Ylli ALUSHI Secretary General Mr. Artur KATUCI Under Secretary General Ms. Elvetine STILLO Head of Financial Commission Mrs. Vjollca KATROSHI OD Coordinator Ms. Xhilda NUSHI DM Coordinator Mr. Fatos XHENGO Head of Youth Services Ms. Manjola SYKNEJ Head of Social Services Ms. Zhaneta KALA Head of Health Mr Armand PAMBUKU Last Updated: 13.06.2017 3 ALGERIA ALGÉRIE ARGELIA Algeria - Algerian Red Crescent Algerian Red Crescent Croissant-Rouge algérien Media Luna Roja Argelina Ad./Dir. 15 bis, Boulevard Mohammed V 16000 Alger Tel. (213) (21) 63 39 56 Fax (213) (21) 63 43 14 / (+213) 21 63 36 90 Tlg. HILALAHMAR ALGER Web. http://www.cra-algerie.org Email [email protected] Language of Correspondence: Arabic and French Présidente Mme Saïda BENHABYLES Coordonnateur Général M. Mourad DAMACHE Secrétaire Général M. Abadli Mohamed BACHIR Vice-Président M. Mohamed Laid AGOUNI Trésorier M. Abdelhamid BOUZID Assesseur M. Mohamed DLIMI Assesseur M. Hocine BOUSDIRA Assesseur M. Mohamad BENBRIDA Assesseur M. Abdelhamid KHLIFA Last Updated: 19.09.2017 4 ANDORRA ANDORRE ANDORRA Andorra - Andorran Red Cross Andorran Red Cross Croix-Rouge andorrane Cruz Roja Andorrana Ad./Dir. Av/ Santa Coloma 47-51 AD500 Andorra la Vella Tel. (376) 808 225 Fax (376) 808 240 Web. http://www.creuroja.ad Facebook https://www.facebook.com/CRAndorra/ Email [email protected] Language of Correspondence: FRANÇAIS OR ESPAÑOL OR ENGLISH Presidente Sr. Josep POL PEDRÓS Vicepresidente Sr. David FRAISSINET Tresorero Sr. Matthew LODGE DE FERRANTI Director General Sr. Jordi LLANSÓ BALTIÉRREZ Secretariado General Sra. Isabel CASTELAO BUJARDON Last Updated: 29.03.2018 5 ANGOLA ANGOLA ANGOLA Angola - Angola Red Cross Angola Red Cross Croix-Rouge angolaise Cruz Roja de Angola Ad./Dir. Rua 11 de Novembro, Viana/Vila Luanda Tel. (244) 931 677 572 Fax (244 222) 291 630 Tlx. 3394 CRUZVER AN Web. http://www.cruzvermelha.og.ao Email [email protected]; [email protected] Language of Correspondence: Spanish President Mrs Isabel Jose DOS SANTOS Vice President Mr Coutinho NOBRE MIGUEL Vice President Mr Elias PIEDOSO CHIMUCO Secretary General Mr Valter Bombo Guange QUIFICA Director National of Accounting and Finance Mrs Catarina LAURINDA Adviosor Programs, Services and Cooperation Mr Constantino MBINDJI National Chief of Administration and Human Resources Mrs Engrácia ANDRE Assistant of the Secretary General Mrs Lidy Gaspar SIMAO Assistant of the International Development Mrs Belísia Maria João de DE ABREU Last Updated: 30.08.2017 6 ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA ANTIGUA-ET-BARBUDA ANTIGUA Y BARBUDA Antigua and Barbuda - Antigua and Barbuda Red Cross Society Antigua and Barbuda Red Cross Croix-Rouge d'Antigua-et-Barbuda Cruz Roja de Antigua y Barbuda Ad./Dir. Red Cross Headquarters Old Parham Road P.O. Box 727 St Johns, Antigua W.I. Tel. (1) (268) 462-0800 / 460-9599 / Fax (1) (268) 460-9595 Tlx. 2195 DISPREP "For Red Cross" or 2145 CWTXAGY "For Red Cross" Web. http://www.abredcross.org/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/AntiguaBarbudaRedCross Email [email protected] Language of Correspondence: English President Mr Michael JOSEPH Vice-President Mr John JARVIS Director General Mr Elvis MURRAY-WATKINS Honorary Treasurer Mr Tracelyn JOHN-SPENC Board Member Mrs Sherilyn ANTHONY Medical Officer Dr Jose HUMPHREYS Legal Advisor Mr Roland MOORE Board Secretary Ms Viveca SHADRACH Secretary to the President Ms Kimbalie CONSTANT Acting Chairperson - Barbuda Branch Ms Daphne DESOUZA Last Updated: 15.08.2017 7 ARGENTINA ARGENTINE ARGENTINA Argentina - Argentine Red Cross Argentine Red Cross Croix-Rouge argentine Cruz Roja Argentina Ad./Dir. Hipólito Yrigoyen 2068 C1089AAN Buenos Aires Tel. (54) (11) 4952-7200 Fax (54) (11) 4952-7200 Web. http://www.cruzroja.org.ar Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Cruz-Roja-Argentina-p%C3%A1gina-oficial-150908451632285/ Email [email protected] Language of Correspondence: Spanish Presidente Sr. Diego TIPPING Vicepresidente Sr. Osvaldo FERRERO Tesorero Sr. Luis TROCCA Secretario Consejo de Gobierno Sr. Oscar MENDOZZA Directora General Sra. María Cecilia VILLAFAÑE Director de Desarrollo Organizativo Sr. Pablo MILMAN Director de Administración y Finanzas Sr. Hugo BRANSBOIN Director de Gestión de Riesgo y Desastres Sr. Pablo BRUNO Director de Promoción de la Salud Sr. Jose Maria DI BELLO Directora de Institutos Superiores de Formación Sra. Helena CAPOZZOLI Directora Servicios Internos Sra. Lorena RAPETTI JAUREGUI Directora de Primeros Auxilios Sra. Melisa PASQUALI Directora de Comunicación Mrs Natalia GENNERO Director de Respuesta a Emergencias y Desastres Sr. Cristian BOLADO Last Updated: 03.02.2017 8 ARMENIA ARMÉNIE ARMENIA Armenia - Armenian Red Cross Society Armenian Red Cross Society Société de la Croix-Rouge arménienne Sociedad de la Cruz Roja de Armenia Ad./Dir. 21/1 Paronyan Street 0015 Yerevan Tel. (374) 60625050 Fax (374) 60625072 Web. http://redcross.am Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ArmenianRedCrossSociety/ Email [email protected] Language of Correspondence: English President Dr. Mkhitar MNATSAKANYAN Secretary General Dr. Anna YEGHIAZARYAN Head of Disaster Management Department Mr. Sergey SAHAKYAN Head of Population Movement Department Mrs Hasmik KHACHATRYAN Head of First Aid Department Mrs Zara KHUDOYAN Head of Tracing Service Mr Gayane ATOYAN Head of Information and Dissemination Department Mr Nune GRIGORYAN Head of Youth, Volunteering and Membership Development Department Mrs Katarina VARDANYAN Head of International Affairs Department Ms Mariana HARUTYUNYAN Head of Social Support and Health Department Mrs Lusine KOCHARYAN Resource Mobilization Responsible Ms Anna GEVORGYAN Last Updated: 28.03.2018 9 AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIE AUSTRALIA Australia - Australian Red Cross Australian Red Cross Croix-Rouge australienne Cruz Roja Australiana Ad./Dir. 155 Pelham Street Carlton South Melbourne VIC 3053 Postal P.O. Box 196 Carlton South VIC 3053 Tel. Switchboard: (613) 9345 1800 Fax (613) 9341 7572 Web. http://www.redcross.org.au/ Email [email protected] Language of Correspondence: English Patron, Governor-General of Australia His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter COSGROVE AK MC (Retd), President Mr Ross PINNEY Deputy President Ms Lyndal HERBERT Chief Executive Officer
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