RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXXV, NO. 46. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 14,1953 10c PER COPY SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 12. Planning Board Equipment Bitphty Parents Asked Rings Mark 25 Years as Firemen Dates to Civil War State Shows Job FOBT MONMOCTH-The Sig- Handed Latest nal Caraa mat turn, which wul To Determine stage a apodal exhibit aa part of the Armed Forces day program Parkway Request Saturday. wU provide gaette aa* Marking System Gains On Shore perseaart • graphic erase teeMoar N. Shrewsbury Still ef'eaatmnjileaHont deveJopmente Kindergarten Helper TRENTON' — Unemployment ha* had Jobi In non-manufacturing ever the yeara. The esklbttton been cut in half—to 4,300—and fields in March. - Won't Sign Over It* wIS be on tke pare* of tke Oaeet Appointed for '53-54; •ome 8,000 new worker* were ab- Htata (Battling T-MI) from 1* sorbed in the Monmouth and 'Complexion le Changing* ' Land Aceet* Grant a. m.tmttl 4 p. m. Visitors may Library Cloaing Set Ocean counties' shore area in the However, the bulletin said "an, tbtola tHreenoaa from the Infor- SHREWSBURT—Parents of pu- past five years and more job op- important factor in the changing NEW gHRBWIBURY — Tha oeater on the mala parade portunities are now at hand, ac- complexion of the area has been mayor and council last Thundiy pils attending school here will be asked to help dstsrmins what kind cording to K state report issued tht tendency for electronic) equip- night dteldtd to hand ov«r to tht this week. It al.1.0 told of indus- ment manufacturers to - locate planning board for study tht latest The display will Include the of a marking- system will be In Maj. tfta. Albert J. Myer eoUec- vogue next year. trial gains. here." This is somewhat supported In a serlss of atata rtquiata for (ton, which depicts the early days Of the 8,000 given work, it said, by figures shoving 18,750 had man- quick approval of mapa govtrriinf This was disclossd at Monday ufacturing jobs in the area In of the Mgaal Corps, created aa a night's board of education meeting. 1,050 got their jobs in February Garden State parkway conitmc and March this year! a period when March, compared with 15,350 in tlon in thla area. dtotmet branch of the Army un- Charles Markham, who was sp- March of 1952. There has been der Geatral Myer, then a major, polnted by Board President Fred- 150 persons left unemployment, By thU action, tht governing rolls., The survey said "it Is be- relatively email turnover in indue- daring the Civil war. A 8nanlsh- eric Messina to make a study of trlej jobs, about five per cent. body ktpt in Ita own hands, for Amorlcaa war eoUeetloa wUI show the marking system with Mrs. lieved' that during the summer the present, jurisdiction tha state signal developments at the turn- Nathan Iielin, said he will offer months, there will be ample op- The report was issued in co-op- wants for aendlng tha parkway ef-tae eeatury period. The oth- three choices. portunity to work for all who eration with the New Jersey State across local itrects and othtr seriously seek employment." Employment service. Over-all, it er exhibits are comprised -of In the past year, teacher-parent 1 borough-owned lend. ' " Vatted Malta aad feteign signal Mayor Waldron P. Smith, third, from l«ft, prctantt a ring, marking 25 yttri service However, this optimistic outlook said "employment trends In thla Actually, tbU action presented conferences were uted solely. Tht labor market have kept pace with equipment dating from World second choice will be "report cards with Hoio company No. I of th« Atlantic Highlands fire dtptrtment, to Joseph P. Dender, at was somewhat modified by a re- little or no changt in the position War 1. only." The third will be a combi- port that the region now has a the rapid population growth of held by local authorities. For a tostimonial dinner last Thursday night at the Log Cabin inn. 0. A. Caruso, second from left, "relatively «mall" demand for recent years. During the past 12 nation of the first two choices. months, the total expansion in em- months now, they have eenUnded Mrs. H. W. Ingallt, wife of the steady-job seekers who want sal- the parkway. as designed; would who also, was guest of honor tt the dinnar, holds hit ring which tha mayor also prasentad for aries of $100 or more a week, In ployment of 2,750 reflected almost recently-appointed school custodian,, all branches of industry. The. larg- causa undue losses In property and Nunn With Tru' was appointed kindergarten helper 25 yttrs' service. Others, left to right, era William Mount, chairman of the dinner commit- comparison to the number of such 'taxes and—largely because of the persons available. est proportionate Increase oc- for '33-84 at a salary of 11,200. to*; Fir* Chief Elbtrt Mason and Michatl Man igrtsso, first astistant chief. Thirty-five mem- curred in manufacturing Industries, plan to dead-end Rlverdele ave.— The appointment, recommended by The report was Issued by the hinder future development. bars and guests of the company attandad tha dinnar. Mayor Smith was toastmtstar. principally due to the opening of For 45 Years Albert L. Strasiburger, was made State Department of Labor and new establishments engaged in But, ao other vlewa could be t subject to approval bylln. Luella Industry, In a labor market in- electrical and chemical operations." heard, council recommended that NEWARK-Charles R. Nunn of Bradihaw, kindergarten teacher, formation bulletin for the Long the entire itsue be reviewed by the •10 River rd., Fair Haven, cele- and receipt of references. Mrs. In- GQP Maps Fight /• Honor WAC Graduate Branch Labor Market area. In- Another interesting note -was the Claiming board. It suggested that brated Ms'45th anniversary with galls now holds a secretarial post 2 Plead Not Guilty cluded in the area ars all of Mon- eatlmate that women represent 35 parkway officials go before that the Prudential Insurance company in the Red Bank school system. mouth county,' outside Allentown, per cent of All workers In tha board to explain the atate'a side Monday. Mr. Strassburger alto said that In N. Shrewsbury Roosevelt and Upper Freehold area, being; hired by many indus- of the case and anawer questions substitute's daily pay next year In Knife-Gun Duel township, and all of Ocean; out- tries. "In the two months ahead," still being asked. The board's next will be 112 instead of $10. NEW SHREWSBURY— Determ- side Plumstead township, including said the survey, "almost 60 per FREEHOLD — Vincent Alvlno, New Egypt and vicinity. cent of the aria's total Job op- meeting will be at ,Tlnton Falls Mr. Markham announced the li- ined "to regain lost ground," Re- 63 Locust ave., and John Pelle- school Wednesday, night. Hay 90. publicans hers, are forming a new portunities will be for women." brary in.the school will be closed Wub aimed at increasing party grlno, IS West WesUlde ave., both Building Picture Bright llayor J. Letter JUgby left un- in July and August. Mrs. Walter' of Red Bank, who were allegedly signed the jurltdlcUonal maps. Ob- strength in all parts ef the bor- A particularly bright picture Is Cunllffe, librarian, recommended ough. Involved In a stabbing - shooting given for the construction fields, servers here' have aald. until the the closing because the library fray on Lincoln's birthday in Red signature* are fixed, there will be And to get busy right away, its particularly for schools, housing Petzal, Principal seee little uss during thoss months Bank, plesded not guilty Thursday and apartment developments, fed- some delay at least In going ahead and because of dampness. It was sponsors will hold a party;at Tin- ton Falls Are house, starting at 8 before County Judge J. Edward eral projects and work in connec- with certain phases of parkway decided to transfer the books from Knight. construction. o'clock Saturday night. tion with the Garden State park- In Verbal Bout the basement library to one of the Alvino U charged with stabbing way. Other DeveJeeaaeaM classroomf. Square dancing and prise-giving SHREWSBURY - A clash be- will be Interrupted for short speech- Pellegrlno, while the latter wu in- The information bulletin, first tween Henry Petzal, school board There ware two other develop- Approve Walks es by Freeholder Director Joseph dicted for assault with Intent to one issued since August, IMS, tells member, and Howard Matteson, ments relating to the parkway: Ovsr the objection of Walter C. Irwln, Sen. Richard R. Stout and kill and carrying a concealed wea- of V. S. construction programs principal, featured Monday night's 1. Council endorsed planning Delsi, the board voted to contract J. Russell Woolley, chairman of the pon after he allegedly fired five costing over $12,000,000 in Mon- three-hour meeting board approval of an agreement with Rleciardl Brothers, contrac- Monmouth' county Republican ex- shots at Alvlno as the climax to mouth county, duo to start this for the aale by William F. Buett- tors for the new school, for wmlke ecutive committee. They will tell a long-running argument. summer. Mr. Petzal objected to a report ner of Rlverdale ave. of some 400,- and driveways at a cost of 16,010. of the need for Republican action Bruce Vogel, Ocean township That's aside from a <00-unlt prepared and circulated by JirT 000 yards of flll dirt on hie land Mr. Deles also wanted a 300-foot at this time, and why the new club road supervisor, and Benjamin housing' development now under Matteson dealing with extending to George 11.
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