'Shanghai' is mindless fun USCCB rates GerriPare/CNS films' morality NEW YORK — Following up their \H\ \()KK (\S-lh i Wild West buddy picture "Shanghai h t l ILLUIL liliui lilt I 1 Noon," Jackie Chan's Chon Wang and <. 1 ] III 1 £ Owen Wilson's Roy O'Bannon re­ OK 1 In II It group in olde London to become inh h<i 1 ikd n ii». 1 1 1 f "Shanghai Knights" (Touchstone). m 1 i uit bihu In an overly violent opening in ITK h l jnil 1 if 1 t,i t_ In 1887 China, Wang's sister Lin (Farm Ik. ih«. I i ( I T I Wong) survives an attack, but their (. ithrlic Pnh/p OMi t 1 1 Imperial Guard father is murdered J din ml Br hide 1 tin li ti and the emperor's seal stolen. uition I he second s\ nil 111 Hi Vengeance in her heart, Lin trails 1 tit t, ith<- M ti 11I K uit, \ the killer to London and writes Wang 1 li n I \mti c to leave his sheriff's post in Nevada ISCturnings \ [ «.n and join her. On the way, Wang stops »i pitrtni e \ 11 hit d in New York and picks up Roy, who's 1 li Wtnf Mil 1 lull V been reduced to what he "rails a I\ dulls vuth testi\Jti n "waiter-gigolo." Touchstone Pictures/CNS ihi m IIUIILS films th it \ ink Their prey is British Lord Rath- Fann Wong, Jackie Chan and Owen Wilson star in a scene from Touchstone 1 1 11 j ill} llm i\e in t ltni bone (Aidan Gillen), who put a dag­ Pictures' "Shanghai Knights." il\ n n 11 t Lii UJI j u ger in Wang's father in exchange for I L JI \ 1 1 L 1 a newfangled machine gun that Wu ly shenanigans or extended chase in il\ is md (\pl in JII n 11 < 1 Chan (Donnie Yen) and.his Boxers scenes, resulting in an overlong dti t > noid fiNt impu s» ns will use on the royal family, making movie, but one which moviegoers i d 1nu.11 '^t >'J HISJ w — m n il Rathbone heir to the throne. looking for broad comedy without \\ f/l 1 \C As directed by David Dobkin, the son's motor mouth and Chan's flying any brain strain may find to their lik­ MP\\ntim.s f - 1 movie knows better than to take it­ feet the action comedy barrels right ing. jjdiencts ]] i L idnnHt I PC self at all seriously. Its broad comic along. Due to frequent stylized violence, I iiuitil mini u „«. I 1 vein gradually makes all the physi­ The movie plays with its time some sexual innuendo and an in­ cal confrontations look more fantas­ frame, using contemporary music stance of profanity, the U.S. Confer­ nit mi ii 1111 nib suit tic than realistic, yet the opening and slang expressions as the cow­ ence of Catholic Bishops' Office for Ik 1 1 iul li tn 1 ( 1 p r murders are unsettling. The same boys tear a swath through prim and Film and Broadcasting classification tut 1 it tif.1 1 uii I goes for the loud, bouncy music that proper London. is A-III -^adults. The Motion Picture snmt m ttiiil m n h imj p tells us we are supposed to be highly Though pushing 50, Chan is still Association of America rating is PG- prutt toi ibildiuiiml 1 1 R amused by the swordfights and mar­ game for slapstick gymnastics, in­ 13 — parents are strongly cautioned. •—J estnaed un ier I lejim •> tial-arts mayhem, but it's a little too corporating props like vases and Some material may be inappropriate it. mi uivm„ juitnt 01 dull vicious to be just fun, especially as bumbershoots into his choreo­ for children under 13. I L II 111 Ml 11 l III. 1 01 it's aimed at the younger audience'. graphed fights. Wilson plays the wily ur 1 i idr itt 1 ~ However, on the level of mindless womanizer ready to settle down With Pare is the director of the U.S. Con­ • \r l <» t t 1 escapism, the two guys have odd- Lin, much to Wang's distress. The di­ ference of Catholic Bishops' Office • Anfunm- J ich \ TTf rPf couple chemistry, and between Wil- rector seems loathe to cut out any sil- for Film and Broadcasting. • \m tot 1 UU\; • l tit J J IL,CI s u.1 \ J\ K • I ike B \l!l K H • ( t 1 Mi m J c Mil l( It Comedies receive thumbs down •UULU.1 Mil P( It •( * I tin. SLU Mil K NEW YORK (CNS.) — The follow­ tion Picture Association of America may be inappropriate for children • C lit r l I) 1 M.t u ing are capsule reviews of movies rating is R — restricted. under 13. Mmd 0 il recently reviewed by the U.S. Con­ •DiuuhiK MI 1C Jo) ference of Catholic Bishops' Office 'How TO LOSE THE RECRurr' •111 » MM 1 t tin. for Film and Broadcasting. A GUY IN IO DAYS' Engrossing espionage thriller in • J n III tmiti r •» O(P) which a veteran CIA instructor (Al • { tnu ot\i\i * lk OH 'DELIVER US FROM EVA' Drawn-out romantic comedy in Pacino) orders his brightest recruit • \( uv I hint. Mil PG 1 Unconvincing comedy in which which an ad exec (Matthew Mc- (Colin Farrell) to get the goods on a • 1 lii. < uru () 1 three guys pay a ladies man (LL Cool Conaughey) boasts he can make a mole in their midst, a fellow recruit •IlieUim OK 1 j J) to woo the busybody, older sister magazine columnist (Kate Hudson) (Bridget Moynahan) the rookie is at­ • lu rMiniel Mil 1( 1> (Gabrielle Union) of their wives and fall for him in 10 days, unaware that tracted to. Director Roger Donald­ •Mi *i x Ji k \ II lu girlfriend so she will have less time for her next advice column she in­ son maintains briskly paced sus­ •Mm II ulki u Ml to meddle in their relationships. Di­ tends to make him dump her in the pense in peeling away layer after \C rector Gary Hardwick has an ap­ same time frame. Donald Petrie di­ layer of deceit, although the ultimate • \H M\ R pealing cast with sassy dialogue to rects a contrived and unconvincing villain is fairly obvious. Brief vio­ • \ ition il Secuntv ntpl li) spare, but the script takes a ludi­ battle-of-the-sexes comedy that lence and torture, an implied affair, • Nikholt Miklefn Mfflf 1 crous turn before its predictable lacks sparkling dialogue. Sexual ref­ occasional profanity and an instance • Ihcliurust A III U) wrap-up. Implied affairs, some crass erences, fleeting violence, some of rough language. The USCCB clas­ j •! Ililftil I m Ml sexual dialogue and expressions, rude slang expressions and occa­ sification is A-III — adults. The i fit and minimal profanity. The U.S. sional profanity. The USCCB classi­ MPAA rating is PG-13 — parents are j •2">thHoiu MWR) Conference of Catholic Bishops' Of­ fication is A-III — adults. The MPAA strongly cautioned. Some material ! • WXITI Pillir 1 I hi. M<\K fice for Film and Broadcasting clas­ rating is PG-13 — parents' are may be inappropriate for children Mil if sification is A-III — adults. The Mo­ strongly cautioned. Some material under 13. .
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