OUR FIFTIETH YEAR OF CONTINUOUS DAILY PUBLICATION! SHORTRIDGE DAILY ECHO VOL. L, No. 17 SHORTRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL, INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. FRIDAY, OCT. 3, 1947. 3 CENTS BLUE DEVILS MEET ANDERSON IN FIRST HOME TILT SATANS TO PLAY TOUGHEST S.H.S. DELEGATES BULLETIN OPPONENT YET SCHEDULED TO ATTEND PURDUE Class of 1949 junior officers were elected as follows: Kick-off Time 2:30 P.M. at 43rd Street Field; CONFERENCE President—Dick Hall. Encounter Last Contest Before Devils Meet Vice - President — Barbara First City Opponent, Washington Bloor Redding, Kathy Oweri, Redding. James MerreU, Darcy DeWeese, Secretary—Jane Nickell. j The Shortridge Blue Devils will Junior President to Meet Treasurer—Dan Nyhart. Philateron Club to swing into action again Friday aft­ Vaudeville Chairman—Mar­ ernoon when they raise the curtain Five Shortridge students and Mrs. garet Faye Hannon. Distribute Grid Programs with their flrst home game against Eugenia Hayden, sponsor, will at­ Program Editor—Joan Dun­ One of the projects of the Phila­ Anderson at the Shortridge field. tend the High School Leaders' con­ ham. teron Club this season is that of Kick-off time will be 2:30 p.m. ference to be held at Purdue Uni­ giving cut programs at football This will mark the flrst major versity Monday, October 6. games. This plan will be inaugu test to the 1947 Blue Devil football Bloor Redding and Kathy Owen SELLING COURSE TO rated at the game Friday. Those team as they opened the season will represent the Student Board; BE OFFERED TO girls' who will participate are Mary against two breathers in Beech James Merrell, publications; Darcy STUDENT SALESMEN Bose, Jean Cooprider, Mary Carol Grove and Southport. Anderson, DeWeese, True Blue, and the Girls' Dressel, Delores Thorn, Vicky Yea­ although having failed to win a Counselor's office; and the newly Local Stores Cooperate to ger, Joyce Wood, and Kay Shannon. game yet this season, have had elected junior president, the Junior Train Students for Pre- The president of the club, Kay only the worst breaks in losing to class. Christmas, Holiday Jobs Shannon, urges all members to at Crispus Attucks, Marlon, and Mun­ Dr. H. C. Hand, University of That there wUl be a selling course tend a meeting to be held October cie. The Indians have a crack Illinois, will give the keynote ad­ 6, at 2:30 in Room 223. offense, running out of the "Terrible dress and then the delegates will offered for boys and girls at Short­ ridge who are planning to work T" formation, and only a few think­ attend various group meetings in ing lapses by the signal caller have which they are particularly inter­ during the Christmas holidays was announced by Kenneth G. Peterman, V0CALC0MEST kept them from the winning side ested: Student Council, publication, of the ledger in all three games. club, intramural, religious, and occupational coordinator. Mr. Peter­ OPEN TO STUDENTS man says the course will be given The outstanding Redskin player social. % might well be Horace (Scotty) The aims of the conference as at Shortridge during the week of Winner to Appear With October 27 to 31. Indianapolis Symphony at Wainscott, scrappy guard and cap­ listed in the bulletin are to explore tain of this year's outfit. Wainscott ways and means of securing closer Several stores, such as L. S. Ayres November 22 Concert Company, Wm. H. Block Company, was the lad who intercepted a Jack cooperation between students, fac­ A vocal contest, sponsored by the Leer pass last year and scampered ulty, and administration in building H. P. Wasson Company, Sears, Roe. Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra buck Company, S. S. Kresge Com. 86 yards for their only score against and maintaining school morale; to and open to those between the ages Shortridge. Another marked man examine the real meaning of demo­ pany, G. C. Murphy Company, and of 12 and 20, will begin Saturday, others are making the course a will be Redskin climax runner Wil­ cratic living and how these beliefs, October 18, with preliminary audi­ liams. He is a shifty open field star understandings, and practices can requirement before an applicant will tions at the Wilking Music Com­ be considered as a part-time em. and will bear the weight of the become a part of school life; to ex­ pany. Six. will be selected by a Injun offense. ployee. panel of judges to appear before change ideas and experiences in Shortridge will enter the game Such topics as business behavior, Fabien Sevitzky, who will then student activities; and to set up without a serious injury save for handling customers, serving the chocse the vocalist to appear with standards of appraisal for measuring that of Jack "Bo" Leer, but minor public, and the handling of merchan the orchestra at the children's con­ results. injuries have hampered Jack Olivey dise will be discussed. Five meet cert, November 22 in Cadle. ings will be necessary, according to and Tom Williams, linemen. Evan In a bulletin sent to the Indian­ Parker and Bob Swan, first string Gilbert Forbes to Mr. Peterman, and each is one hour apolis schools, complete data cover­ and a half in length. Pupils must end and guard, respectively, will be Speak to Discussion ing auditions, requirements, and back in action after a lay-off against be 16 years old to enroll and they rules were given. At the prelim­ Group will be granted a certificate upon Southport, and the rest of the team inary auditions, three judges will will be intact and ready to go. The Gilbert. Forbes, popular WFBM the competion of the course. The hear the contenders between the tilt will be the final tune-up for newB commentator, will speak to class will meet immediately after hours of 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. George N. Gale's men previous to members of the Discussion Group the eighth period. The final elimination by Dr. Sevitzky the all-important clash with Washi­ at their meeting Monday afternoon Pupils who are interested may will take place November 1 between ngton's city-favored Continentals in Room 214. Mr. Forbes will dis­ enroll with Mr. Peterman, Room 104. 2:00 and 4:00 o'clock. next week in their flrst local outing. cuss United States and Russian re­ Contestants must be bona-flde lations, and students will enter into Buses Scheduled residents of Indiana and must have The tentative lineup follows: an open discussion following his passed their twelfth yet not at­ Burge—LE. talk. For Game Today tained their twenty-first birthday. Horton—LT. Mrs. Madge Temperley is sponsor According to an announcement Those vieing for the position must Grimmer—LG. of the group. made yesterday by Principal Joel be prepared to sing one classical McVey—C* W. Hadley, Indianapolis Railways operatic aria of their own choice, Brown or Swan—RG. CALLING ALL GIRLS will have five buses at Shortridge one classical song, and one Amer­ King—RT. There is a place for all of you! this afternoon at 1:60 to transport ican ballad-type song. Contestant Parker—RE. If you are interested in Senior Girl Shortridge students from the school will furnish their own accompanists Davis or Henshow—QB. Scouting, come and join Troop 44. athletic field. This makes it more and no one except the contestant Keever—LH. The next meeting will be Monday, convenient for the students, to get and accompanist will be allowed in Tichenoi*—RH. October 6, at 2:35, in Room 222. to the game. the auditorium during the auditions. Klein or Steeg—FB. Page Two THE SHORTRIDOE DAILY ECHO THE SHORTRIDGE DAILY ECHO HELP WANTED THE SHORTHIDGE" DAILY BCHO Strives tor straightforward, unbiased high school journalism—Chronicles the BOY to work in restaurant Evening MORRISON'S Interests and activities ot the student body—Interprets the lite ot the FACTS *N" FASHIONS , school to the community—Encourages scholarship and sportsmanship— work. Near Shortridge. Sustains unity between student opinion and administrative policies—Fos­ Edited by BUie ters the Shortridge spirit. SEVERAL girls wanted to sell in The Bcho Manager is a member OT the Shortridge High School faculty. downtown specialty shop, Satur­ Subscriptions $1.25 per sen^ster, delivered to the Home Room. days only. MXist be 17 years old, Advertising- rates mads kr&wn upon application to the Bcho Manager or Manager ot the Shortridge Print Shop. \ Everybody's making bets — on Issued every schaol day from September 11, 1947, to June 1, 1948, except TWO boys to usher in nearby the­ during State Teachers' Convention, Thanksgiving vacation, Christmas vacation. ater. Must be 16 years old. Mid-term vacation, Washington's birthday, Spring vacation, and Memorial Day. whatT . The Shortridge-Ander­ Entered as second class matter September IT, 1909, at the postoffice at See Mr. Peterman in Room 104, Indianapolis, Indiana, under t£e act of March 6, 1897. son game, of course! Only troj-ble JEANNETTVI^E E GRUBB .....' Eeho Manager FOR SALE—Red wool suit, size 14, is ... no one wants to bet against like new; reasonable. BR. 2338. a victory for Shortridge! That's LOST—Tan billfold between 5th and THE SHORTRIDGE PRESS 6th periods Wednesday. Keep what you call being smart! TELEPHONE - TALBOT 2493 money but return wallet to August Yount. No questions asked. TA. 4314, H.R. 345. FICTION OR FACT— Once in a Lifetime But the smartest thing I've seen Football games have been won and lost in the last seconds By BILL HUMPHREY yet ... the BALLERINA dress! of play, or even wjjen the deciding pass or kick was in the air FACT— New, longer with as the gun sounded.
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