PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. 1862. VOL. 12. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23. PORTLAND, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 3, 1873._TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. DAILY PRESS THF PORTLAND BUSINESS CARDS. WANTS, LOST, FOUND. THE It is well kuown that most ot the trouble the PBESST u life comes from our inability to compel Published every day (Sundays excepted) by THURSDAY Jther people to do what we think they ought, POBTLAND Pl'BLISHING CO., HENRY F. T. MERRILL, Found. MORNI^IprTTl 1873 and it is true jn criticism that we are un- SAFE KEY. The owner can have the Bamo willing to lake a book for what it Is. and at 109 Exchange St, Portland. COUNSELOR AT LAW, at the Press Office. ci A by calling ap2dlw Gossip and Gleanings. edit the author with that. When the pol- No. 30 Exchange Hi., Portland. Terms : Eight Dollars a Year in advance. ®'"n. critic, like a mastiff with a ladies’ b' n- Formerly of the U. S. Treaaury and Wanted. ““ Department Peach will be one of the fashionable hold of a of In all the courts in the District of colors vuL!? U1°uth, gets light piece THE PRESS Attorney o'umbia, GARDENER f r the State Home, at MAINE~STATE will attend to the of Orphans’ for which catches the prosecution lairas telore the A Bath, Me. Steady employment will be given this spring, especially carriage toilettes. hnmor°nra 8r?;sketch Court of Claims and the various at lor the entertainment of is published every Thursday Morning at $2 50 a departments to the right man. References as to end octll- t capability rCte intd year, if paid in advance, at $2 00 a year. Washington.__ steady habits required. Address Dr. WILLIAM E. It -uia, n„.wa™ J a thousand shreds, or Gen. T. W. Bath, Me. Great is says Carlyle: it brings it PAY&E, HYDE, bankruptcy, none o knowledge, Rates of Advertising: One Inch of space, ROSS & aprl-3t solves 'lt10 h.umai1 STURDIVANT, an end to all shams under the sun. eng h of column, constitutes a “square.” week: 75 cents pe WHOLESALE COAL not 50 per square daily first HEALERS 1,081. a philosophical w ek or less, $1 00, conlinu- treatise, and“ “s not after; three insertions, SLEEVE BUTTON, with a Carbuncle stone in dozen that it I first week, 50 cents. 170 Commercial is a color things have ng every other day after St., Portland. The finder will be re- Light brown very fashionable just might been The or less, 75 cents, one A gold setting. properly critic cannot the llalf square, three insertions the Office, for forgive author ibr week after. in Maine warded by leaving it at Argus apldet now the Parisian ladies, especially to thisTlis week. $1 00; 50 cents per Solo agents for the sale and shipment of among respect him. This isn’t a Notices, oue third additional. ro£ Special the Celebrated Coal mined Messrs. Ham- out-door costumes. critic, taking up a and u u head of “Amusmements,” $2 00 per square by Wanted. pansy rending if. Under all like a or less $1 50. mett Neill & Co., of Philadelphia. not at rose, and the author per week; three insertions SITUATION in the city of Portland, by a com- is either inserted in the “Maine State idiot or id vertisements We have also lor sale .at lowest market price, APOTHECARY of 8 years experience. a an idiotic pretender has a circulation in A petent that pretentious Press” (wh’eh large every part and Pitts ton L.E. CONNER; Care J. t. WESSON, The Dubuque Herald don’t believe Rip Wha- business, indeed, uas the for $1 00 lor first ilkesbarrc, Scranton, Lackawanna, Address, author to of the State) per square insertion, Worcester Van He send the critic a bunch of sweet and 50 cents per square for each subsequent inser- Goals, shipped from the vicinity of New York. Ves- Mass._mch31dlw Winkle ever took such a long sleep. peas, when 1 that a would tion. sels procured for the tranportation of coals from Lost. would have died of he knows cabbage be preferred Address all communications to hunger. not but port of shipment auy point, desired.tlhpr27 the owners —something showy, PORTLAND PUBLISHING BUNCH of keys, checked with useftil?—(Back COv name. The finder will be suitably rewarded by L. A log ~WM. SOUTHARD, leaving them at the Press Office. mai313t [ One of the latest Parisian fashions is a Studies.)_ band of black velvet BUSINESS CARDS. Wo. 5 Pemberton square.Boston, WANTED worn atound the hair, How the Chinese “Keep 8chool.”—a Will and Sell on which are sewed bees and Buy honest, entrgetie men to work the Life upon gold flies, venerable Celestial gentleman, who is versed Associatian of America, in this State. Smart SMART, other insects. and other JOST & KEILER, COMMISSION men can earn from $1000 to $5000 per annum, work- in the lore of Confucius possesses ing for this popular Company. Apply to BEAL ESTATE, LAND, STOCKS, & literary attainments of a high order, has re- FRESCO PAINTERS, \V. H. HARRINGTON, Manager. Billy Florence says there is an abbey in Ire- — — a school for AL8C mar29-lw 421 Exchange St. cently established youthful land where show two skulls ot Shak- and he has Office 134 Middle St., up stairs. Negotiate Lonnn on Mortgages and other they heathen in San Francisco already Securities. Found. in from PORTLAND. ME. speare—one when fie was a little boy, and 15 pupils of both sexes ranging age REFERENCES: RrNG. The owner can hare the same about the GOLD one when he was a man. six to 10 years. Only one person Orders may be left at F. F. Hale’s picture gallery Faneuil Hall Nat. Bank. Hon. John P. at this office and property. St. Healey. A by calling proving FAIR! abr little lad of 10 years, ana O. M & F. P. Brooks’, No. 333 Congress Messrs. Tbos. Dana & Co. Hon. Isaac 8. Morse. mch26 MAINE GENERAL HOSPITAL institution, gbt _____ to in- SEg^AII Orders promptly attended to. Harvey Scudder & Co. Hon. J. S. Abbott. comprehended English. It is designed jan25_tf Kemble & Hastings. Gen. J. S. Whitney. Next to the boyish delight of surreptitious- struct the Chinese youth to read and write & WANTED! 3PA1JS-XJER. Utley Boynton. Joseph Dix, Esq. the dialects ot their own as well as PORTRAIT John P. Squires & Co. R. A. Ballou, Esq. TO BE HELD IN PORTLAND, JUNE 10, A. D. 1873. 1 ly sucking the mouth of a molasses jug, says country, Sam’l B. F. W. to inculcate in the pliant mind those moral Krogmau, Esq. Pelton, Esq. COAT MAKEES AT CHESLEY’S, a philosophic correspondent, is the pleasuie S. <tf. CT.OUO.fIAN, feb8 eod&wtf principles peculiar to the people of the Flow- JllPDl.li STREET. roch25dtf 1QT of breaking an engagement with the den- and which the same are bound 14S EXCDANGIi ST. ery land, they J»n22tf Ti ft T^nm ft mTi Wanted tist. to maintain. The English 'anguage is taboo- __ The Executive with the of for a Grand State Fair in aid of the Maine General Hospital, take an early undersigned Committee, charged doty making arrangements ed in the school, and > be European customs ■ ph is ft BAKER and Cook at Alma House. Apply to occasion to a brief for a and generous ro'ponse fr m every section of the State. present appeal hearty are tolerated. The scholars are A J. W. MERRILL, Of the need of such an institution there is now no room for doubt, as the enterprise never would htve been inaugurated but tor that conviction. But its unfinish- It is certainly a very important lesson to hardly expec- moh22dtf at Alms House, ed with want of means for its renders it absolutely necess that a effort should now be made to forward a ted to familiarize themselves with tbo Chi- condition, together adequate completion, try general help ICttITl UUW IU CUJUJf UlUIUtUJ isUlUga, iUlU tu ut; R. Davis & Co ’« cha» which will reflect honor the and a blessing to its citizens for all time to come. rese Geo. ity. upon State, prove able to wi’bout the language and literature before paying The'Executivo Committee have therefore Sub-Coin nitrees in various localities the State for in this and to them is com- relinquish your being Lost. designated throughout co-operation matter, any attention to the English in or- PHOTOGRAPHER, mitted the and iu great measure will depend the success of this The si>ecial purpose ot this appeal is. however, to awaken enquiry among trai sport of some passion or gratification ot language, BULLETIN. CITY on at the largely charge, enterprise. der that HALL, Friday evening, the and stimulate contributions in money or articles suitable for the facilities for the local will be rendered easy ♦ denationalization may not become Blues’ of a new people, Fair, collecting v,hich, through committees, some AT Masquerade, part Waterproof appttite.—[Steele. in the are No. 152 Middle Street. and in section. .. prevalent Thj Cloak, seams stayed with white tape. Another was practicable every community. boys We are to loan in Mims women and children of Maine: this is yonr Institution, and to you we now for aid in this emergency. Plea«e put at once, in communica- seated around two prepared money left in place of the one taken, which the owner can Men, appeal yonrnclvcs long tables, running par- PORTLAND, MB. tion with the local committees, and lot there be a generous rivalry in snowing which shall have tho honor of being the banner county in this effort to complete this bee from 9100 to any amount desired, on first have by at 143 Middle street with the one tak- Narcissus may example allel with each other, and the are calling Institution of our Comm jnwealth.
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