Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 149 / Friday, August 6, 2021 / Notices 43267 if the applicants are eligible to receive DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR mining operation adjacent to Ruth, title to the Federally owned mineral Nevada, seven miles west of Ely, interests beneath their lands. Bureau of Land Management Nevada, via U.S. Route 50. Regulations at 43 CFR part 2720 [LLNVL0000–L51100000–GN0000– KGHM Robinson Nevada Mining establish guidelines and procedures for LVEMF2105850–21X MO #4500151979] Company (KGHM Robinson) is the processing of these applications. proposing additional development at OMB’s approval for the information Notice of Availability of the Final the Robinson Mine to extend mine life collections approved under OMB Environmental Impact Statement for approximately four additional years beyond its currently anticipated control number 1004–0153 is scheduled the Robinson Mine Plan of Operations permanent closure in 2024. To to expire on August 31, 2021. In Amendment, White Pine County, Nevada accomplish this, the company is accordance with OMB’s regulations at 5 proposing renewed mining in the CFR 1320.12, Clearance of collections of AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management, eastern portions of its privately-owned information in current rules, this Interior. Liberty Pit and an authorization by the request is for OMB to renew this OMB ACTION: Notice of availability. BLM to access and develop two specific control number for an additional three areas of nearby BLM-managed public years. SUMMARY: In accordance with the land on which to dispose newly National Environmental Policy Act of Title of Collection: Conveyance of generated waste rock. 1969, as amended (NEPA), and the Under the BLM Preferred Alternative, Federally Owned Mineral Interests (43 Federal Land Policy and Management CFR part 2720). KGHM Robinson would be permitted to Act of 1976, as amended (FLPMA), the develop approximately 260 acres of OMB Control Number: 1004–0153. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Ely BLM-managed lands immediately south Form Number: None. District (EYDO), Nevada, has prepared a of the Robinson Mine to serve as the Final Environmental Impact Statement King Waste Rock Dump. This alternative Type of Review: Extension of a (EIS) for the Robinson Mine Plan of currently approved collection. would also include renewed dewatering Operations Amendment project and by and expanded mining operations in the Respondents/Affected Public: Owners this notice is announcing its eastern portions of KGHM Robinson’s of surface estates (i.e., individuals, availability. privately owned Liberty Pit area as well businesses, or state, local, or tribal DATES: The BLM will not issue a final as approval to develop approximately governments) that want to obtain decision on the proposal for a minimum 545 acres of BLM-managed land and 94 underlying Federally owned mineral of 30 days after the Environmental acres of private land adjacent to the estates. Protection Agency publishes its notice Giroux Wash Tailings Storage Facility Total Estimated Number of Annual of availability of the Robinson Mine (TSF). These areas would be used for Respondents: 5. Plan of Operations Amendment Final obtaining borrow material for the EIS DOI–BLM–NV–L060–2020–0008– previously approved increase in height Total Estimated Number of Annual EIS in the Federal Register. of the TSF main impoundment and Responses: 5. ADDRESSES: Copies of Robinson Mine perimeter dams, as well as for growth Estimated Completion Time per Plan of Operations Amendment and the media (i.e., topsoil) storage for final Response: 1 hour. Final EIS are available for public reclamation. Approval of this alternative would result in an additional 793 acres Total Estimated Number of Annual inspection on the internet at https:// of new disturbance on BLM-managed Burden Hours: 5. go.usa.gov/xvYad. lands as well as disturbance on Respondent’s Obligation: Required to FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For approximately 170 acres of KGHM obtain or retain a benefit. questions about the proposed project Robinson-owned private lands, for a contact Ms. Tiera Arbogast, Planning & Frequency of Collection: On occasion. total of 963 acres of new surface Environmental Coordinator, Bureau of disturbance. Active life of the Robinson Total Estimated Annual Nonhour Land Management Ely District Office, Mine would be extended to 2028. The Burden Cost: $250. telephone 775–289–1872, email: resource impacts for Alternative B were An agency may not conduct or [email protected], or address: 702 considered the most environmentally sponsor and, notwithstanding any other North Industrial Way, Ely, Nevada preferred when compared to impacts provision of law, a person is not 89301. Persons who use a associated with cultural resources, required to respond to a collection of telecommunications device for the deaf geochemistry and groundwater, waste information unless it displays a (TDD) may call the Federal Relay rock dump construction, and Greater Service (FRS) at 1–800–877–8339 to currently valid OMB control number. sage-grouse habitat under other contact Ms. Arbogast during normal alternatives. The authority for this action is the business hours. The FRS is available 24 Under the No Action Alternative Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 hours a day, 7 days a week, to leave a (Alternative A) the BLM would not U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). message or question with the above approve the 2019 Robinson Mine Plan individual. You will receive a reply Darrin King, of Operations Amendment as written. during normal business hours. Normal Although KGHM Robinson could Information Collection Clearance Officer. business hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 continue mining on its own private [FR Doc. 2021–16785 Filed 8–5–21; 8:45 am] p.m., Monday through Friday, except for lands, no additional expansion onto BILLING CODE 4310–84–P Federal holidays. BLM-managed public lands would be SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This permitted. Without additional areas on document provides notice that the BLM which to dispose waste rock generated EYDO, Ely, Nevada, has published a by continued mining, or the ability to Final EIS for the Robinson Mine Plan of obtain substantial additional volumes of Operations Amendment project. The soil to use in increasing the height of the Robinson Mine is an 8,887-acre copper primary impoundment and perimeter VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:29 Aug 05, 2021 Jkt 253001 PO 00000 Frm 00109 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\06AUN1.SGM 06AUN1 jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with NOTICES 43268 Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 149 / Friday, August 6, 2021 / Notices dams at the Giroux Wash Tailings Management Plan for Visual Resource resources, will be given due Storage Facility (TSF), KGHM Robinson Management classes. During scoping, consideration and have been analyzed estimates that active operations at the however, the BLM determined that a in the Final EIS. Robinson Mine would cease in 2024. Resource Management Plan amendment (Authority: 40 CFR 1502) The Reduced King Waste Rock Dump is not required, and therefore it is no (WRD) and North Tripp WRD longer being analyzed as part of this Robbie McAboy, (Alternative C) would keep all project Final EIS. On September 14, 2020, the District Manager, Ely District Office. elements described in the 2019 Plan Council on Environmental Quality’s [FR Doc. 2021–16548 Filed 8–5–21; 8:45 am] Amendment, including both the North revision to the NEPA Regulations went BILLING CODE 4310–HC–P Tripp and King WRDs; however, the into effect. The final rule does not apply allowable footprint of the King WRD to the NEPA analysis for the Robinson would be reduced from the 260 acres Mine Plan of Operations Amendment, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR under the BLM Preferred Alternative to as it began prior to September 14, 2020. 234 acres under this alternative. A Notice of Availability of the Draft Bureau of Land Management Specifically, Alternative C would EIS for the proposed project was [212.LLIDT02000.L12200000.JX0000 eliminate all proposed King WRD published in the Federal Register on .241A0.4500154358] development east of County Road 44A. December 4, 2020 (85 FR 78351). A The North Tripp WRD would be virtual public meeting was held during Notice of Availability of the Cedar expanded onto approximately 102 acres the comment period. The BLM received Fields Plan Amendment Draft of BLM-managed public lands and 67 18 public comment documents during Environmental Impact Statement for private acres. As with the BLM the 45-day comment period. The the Monument Resource Management Preferred Alternative, this alternative documents contained 56 unique and Plan, Idaho would include dewatering and renewed substantive comments which included mining in the eastern portions of the concerns on mine closure and AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management, Liberty Pit and development of reclamation planning, greater sage Interior. approximately 545 acres of BLM- grouse protection, general wildlife ACTION: Notice of availability. managed public land and 94 private issues, mitigation measures, and SUMMARY: In accordance with the acres adjacent to the Giroux Wash TSF. geochemistry issues primarily related to National Environmental Policy Act of This alternative would result in pit lakes and assumed contaminant 1969, as amended (NEPA), and the approximately 869 acres of new seepage. Comments on the Draft EIS Federal Land Policy and Management disturbance on BLM-managed public received from the public and internal Act of 1976, as amended (FLPMA), the lands and 237 acres of KGHM-owned BLM review were considered and
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