Girls, boys win in playoffs. Results 6A-7A Salado VVillageillage VVoiceoice Vol. XXXIII, Number 44 Thursday, February 24, 2011 254/947-5321 fax 254/947-9479 www.saladovillagevoice.com 50¢ Salado’s size, not reflected in Census comparisons The 2010 Census released figures for Bell County and local cities recently, show- ing a dramatic increase for the County and at the same time a marked decrease in population for the Village of Salado in comparison to the 2000 Census. But a closer look at the Salado census figures ex- plains the decrease. No, Salado is not shrinking in population, local authori- ties such as Mayor Merle Stalcup explain. The 2010 Census shows a population for the Village of Salado at 2,042, which is more than 1,000 less than the 2000 Census figures for Salado. The reason is simple. When the Census was Above is the architect aerial drawing of the Master Plan for the Salado High School campus. An $11.5 million bond proposal will build a new 3,000- taken in early 2000, the seat stadium with artificial turf and an eight-lane track, a 600-seat baseball stadium, a 600-seat softball stadium, 2,000 sq. ft. concession for Village of Salado did not baseball and softball, four tennis courts, a 12,500 sq. ft. field house, 138,500 sq. ft. in additional parking, a 9,500 sq. ft. open sided metal ag exist. Voters approved a center and a $1.15 million expansion of the current competition gym. two-square mile area that would become The Village of Salado in August 2000, SISD board calls $11.5 million bond election; after Census takers took the numbers for Salado. Because the Village of Salado did not exist when I&S property tax increase could reach 15¢ the numbers were taken, the community snapshot BY TIM FLEISCHER for a home with a taxable “Who knows where nual debt service payment ble 10.5 cent tax increase, was composed of the 76571 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF valuation of $200,000. we’re going to be by the to $2.24 million. A 15-cent would then have a tax rate U.S. Postal Zip Code. Rural Martin told trustees time voters authorize us increase in the debt service of $1.315. routes for the Salado zip Salado ISD Trustees that interest on bonds has to sell bonds,” he added. tax would raise the overall Additionally, the state code extends west on FM unanimously voted at their been increasing in the past If approved by voters, the tax rate to $1.468 per $100 legislature, as a way of 2484 to Gravel Crossing Feb. 21 meeting to call an several months. In a hand- bonds would be issued in valuation, if the district pushing education fund- Road, FM 1670 north to $11.5 million bond elec- out to the board, Southwest the summer months, mon- maintains the maximum ing back on to local dis- the Stillhouse Dam, Black- tion for May 14 for the Securities noted that inter- ey delivered to the school $1.04 maintenance and op- tricts, may raise the ceiling berry from Royal to FM construction of athletic fa- est payable on bonds hit a district and “you can start eration tax rate. of the M&O tax rate by 2268 on the eastern side, cilities and an agriculture two-year high of 5.41 per- moving dirt in the fall.” With a 15-cent increase three cents. Currently to and FM 2115 southeast to barn. cent in the second week of Trustees did not discuss in the tax, Salado ISD go above a $1.04 M&O tax Lindemann Rd., and Solana Prior to the vote by January 2011. Bond rates the motion made by Miri- would become the highest- rate, a school district must Ranch Rd. and the Prairie trustees calling for the were as low as 3.82 per- am Ervi, which received a taxed school district in Bell have approval of the vot- Dell area to the southwest election, John Martin with cent in third week of Octo- second from Chris Seaton County, according to the ers. A bill in the legislature and further west to FM 2843 Southwest Securities, the ber 2010. before voting in favor of 2010 published tax rates raises that ceiling to $1.07. to the Bell County line. company that will handle Martin said that bonds calling the election. How- from the Bell County Tax If the district were to That area encompasses the selling of bonds if ap- have been slow to sell in ever, the board had been Appraisal District. Belton increase the M&O tax rate at least 100 square miles proved by voters, told the recent weeks, which will working on the proposed ISD would be the closest at the same time that it in- of area, as compared to the board that the estimated in- cause the interest rates building program for more to Salado’s higher tax rate creases the I&S tax for the two square miles that com- crease in property taxes to payable on them to go back than a year. with its current 2010 tax 2011-2012 school year, pose the Village of Salado. retire the new debt would down. “No one is buying If approved by voters rate of $1.4210 per $100 then the new total tax rate The 2000 Census showed be 15 cents per $100 valu- bonds right now,” he told in May, the $11.5 mil- evaluation. Temple ISD, could be $1.498 per $100 the Salado population at ation. This would mean trustees. “This will begin lion bond proposal will which is proposing a $55 valuation. more than 3,000. a $300 per year increase pushing rates back down.” increase the district’s an- million bond and a possi- SEE BOND, PAGE 4A INSIDE US Senate hopeful CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2B CLASSIFIEDS 1C will speak in Salado Subscribe FORUM 2A State Railroad Commissioner and senatorial candidate, Michael Williams, is making a surprise visit to Salado Thurs- Today OFF THE RECORD 2A day, Feb. 24. Williams will speak at the Salado Republican SHOPPING MAP 4B Women’s meeting at 11:30 a.m. at the Serena Room at Tenroc 254/947-5321 Ranch. Williams has served as Railroad Commissioner since SPORTS 10A Rooted in Salado 1999 and announced his resignation effective in April in order Since 1979 to run for the U.S. Senate. Page 2A, SALADO Village Voice, February 24, 2011 FORUMFORUM An Open Exchange of Ideas Ron Paul is GOP’s choice at CPAC prexy parade; Polls show public upset with partisanship Republic­ans of all stripes, shapes and degrees of extremism, gathered Off the Mitch Daniels, The anti-panderer in Washington earlier this month, for Indiana Gov. Mitc­h Daniels did not the annual Americ­an Conservative Record get the memo about CPAC, the annual Union’s CPAC whoop-la, whic­h was by Ken Clapp gathering of c­onservatives in Washington. designed as a politic­al talent show, The etiquette is that presidential wannabes Rich with a large c­ast of wannabes present shut up!” should hew to a narrow band of harsh for preening and pic­king purposes: “Perfect end to an imperfect meet- and harsher denunc­iations of liberalism, Not surprisingly, the 3,742 attendees ing” was one observer’s “near perfect” or anything suspec­ted of having a liberal Lowry took turns defaming President Obama analysis. taint. as their “Number One” satanic inter- * * * Last year, the impressively earnest and loper with alien intentions, and pro- GOPER’S RHETORIC bright former governor of Minnesota, Tim c­eeded from that low point to get extra NEEDS RE-TUNING welfare programs of the last c­entury.” If the Pawlenty, denounc­ed brie-eating, although “bad-mouthy” about the guy they have Democ­rats are pleased with their oppo- he had not hitherto been known for his Democ­ratic­ National Committee doesn’t politic­ally “c­ross-haired” as a one term nent’s self-destruc­ting level of hard c­ore hostility to the Frenc­h-derived soft c­heese. have this sound bite already filed away for leader. rhetoric­ c­onc­erning the President: Before, That’s what pandering does. Daniels, a negative ad should he run for president, Case in point, Newt Gingric­h (still during and after the PAC-sc­rum. Prime in c­ontrast, seems temperamentally someone should be fired. example “Scatty” Sarah Palin: “Obama inc­apable of unseriousness; he is the anti- Daniels advoc­ates “new Soc­ial Sec­urity hungering for the presidenc­y) who is hell-bent on weakening Americ­a.” She panderer. He gave a speec­h at CPAC that and Medic­are c­ompac­ts.” Over time, he told fellow grumpers: “2010 was the was c­harac­teristic­ally thoughtful, standing wants to c­hange the programs so that they appetizer. 2012 is the entree” whic­h also inc­luded some “potty level” language out in his willingness to tell hard truths foc­us on the neediest, grow with inflation we presume means they plan to “eat that has no plac­e even in self-promoting, about the nation’s fisc­al c­ondition and to but not faster, and feature more flexibility Obama’s lunc­h” c­ome November ‘12! politic­al bull-shooting. c­hallenge his audienc­e. and c­hoic­e. In pursuit of his vision of SURPRISE STRAW And, not forgetting “His-Radio- Daniels spoke in favor of princ­ipled fisc­al rec­titude, Daniels is willing to put POLL WINNER Mouthiness” Rush Limbaugh: “We’re c­ompromise -- “should the best way be defense on the c­hopping bloc­k and relegate The three day CPAC anti-Obama governed by people who do not like this bloc­ked,” he argued, “then someone will c­ultural issues to the far bac­k burner.
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