THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBEE 21, 1905. son In Parliament.—Session 1906. direction from the south-eastern corner of the FULWOOD WATER. said enclosure and 17 -40 chains, or thereabouts, (Construction of New Waterworks in County measured in a northerly direction from the Palatine of Lancaster; Powers to Fulwood southern corner of the said enclosure, and Urban District Council to take Waters of the terminating in the said enclosure numbered Burnslack Brook and its Tributaries; Road 210 as aforesaid at a point 3 • 40 chains, or there- Diversion; Acquisition of Lands and Ease- abouts, measured in a northerly direction from ments Compulsorily and by Agreement; Ex- the south-western corner of the said enclosure. emption from Section 92 of the Lands Clauses Work No. 4;.—A road diversion, partly in the Consolidation Act, 1845; Interference with parish of Leagram and partly in the said parish Land, Springs, Streams, Roads and other of Little Bowland, commencing by a junction Property; Compensation Water; Sale or with the existing road over Stanley Fell leading Lease of Superfluous Lands; Power to from Chipping to Whitewell at a point 8-5 Discharge Water into Streams; Agreements chains, or thereabouts, measured in an easterly with Landowners and others as to Water direction from the Ordnance bench mark on Rights, Drainage and Preservation of Purity the north side of the building known as High of Water; Power to Prevent Discoloration Barn, thence proceeding over the embank- and Contamination of Water; Repeal of ment of the Reservoir Work No. 3, thence in a Section 29 of the Fulwood and Whittingham northerly direction and terminating by a Water Act, 1882; Alteration of Rates for junction with the said existing road at a point Domestic Supply; Power to Supply Water in the parish of Little Bowland 19.20 chains, and Levy Rates, Rents and Charges; Pres- or thereabouts, measured in a northerly sure ; Prevention of Waste; Regulations; direction from the north-rwestern corner of Supply in Bulk; Incidental Powers as to the building known as Park Gate Farm, in Supply of Water; Additional Borrowing the said parish of Leagram. Powers; Sinking Fund;. Application of Work No. 5.—An aqueduct, conduit or line Revenue ; Deficiency; Reserve Fund ; Power or lines of pipes/partly in the parish of Haighton, to include Lands, &c., in Mortgages; Bye- in the rural district of Preston, and partly in Laws ; Provision for the Protection of the the parish and urban district 'of Fulwood, Lancashire Asylums Board; General Pro- commencing in the reservoir known as Haighton visions ; Repeal, Amendment and Incorpora- Reservoir, in the parish of Haighton aforesaid, tion of Acts.) and terminating at the junction of Garstang- OTICE is hereby given, that application road and WatUng Street-road, in the parish N is intended to be made to Parliament and urban district of Fulwood. in the ensuing Session by the Urban District Together with all proper embankments, bridges, Council of Fulwood, in the County lalatine of roads, ways, wells, tanks, basins, gauges, filters, Lancaster (hereinafter called " the Council"), for dams, sluices, bye-washes, waste weirs, outfalls, leave to bring in a Bill for the following or discharge pipes, shafts, adits, tunnels, aqueducts, some of the following objects (that is to say):— culverts, cuts, channels, conduits, mains, pipes, 1. To empower the Council to make and main- standpipes, junctions, valves, drains, telegraphs, tain the following waterworks and other works telephones, engines, apparatus, approaches, build- or some of them or some part or parts thereof ings, houses, works and conveniences connected in the County Palatine of Lancaster (that is to with the hereinbefore described works, or any of say):— them, or incidental thereto, or necessary or proper Work No. 1.—An intake, partly in the parish for supplying, conducting, inspecting, cleansing, of Chipping and partly in the parish of Little repairing or managing the same, and together Bowland, both in the rural district of with full power and right at all times of approach Clitheroe, partly situate in a certain enclosure and access to the works aforesaid or any of them. numbered 1 on the arVo Ordnance Map, 2. To authorize the Council to deviate laterally Lancashire, XLVI-1, 1892 edition, and partly from the lines of the intended works as shown on Burnslack Fell, in the said parish of Little upon the plans thereof to be deposited as herein- Bowland, at a point 9 chains, or thereabouts, after mentioned to such extent as may be in- from the northern corner of the farm house dicated on those plans, and to deviate vertically known as Burnslack Farm measured in a north- from the levels of those works as shown upon westerly direction. the deposited sections thereof to be deposited Work No. 2.—An aqueduct, conduit or line as hereinafter mentioned to such extent as the or lines of pipes, partly in the said parish of Bill may prescribe. Chipping and partly in the parish of Goosnargh- 3. To empower the Council to purchase and with-Newsham, in the rural district of Preston, take or acquire, by compulsion or agreement, and commencing at the said Work No. 1 and to take on lease and to hold lands, streams, terminating, in the reservoir known as Barns- springs, waters, houses, works and hereditaments fold Reservoir No. 1, in the said parish of and rights and easements in, over or connected Goosnargh-with-Newsham. with lands, streams, springs, waters, houses and Work No. 3.—A reservoir, to be known as hereditaments for the purpose of constructing " the Burnslack Reservoir," partly in the parish the said intended works or other purposes of of Leagram and partly in the parish of Little the Bill or of their waterworks Undertaking, Bowland, both in the rural district of Olitheroe, and also to vest in the Council the right of using to be formed by means of an embankment temporarily or permanently all or any of the across the valley of the Burnslack Brook on existing reservoirs and works of the Council and certain enclosures numbered respectively 2 in any reservoirs which by agreement they may the parish of Leagram and 210 in the parish of acquire for storing the waters of the Burnslack Little Bowland, both on the said Ordnance Brook and its tributaries and all other waters to Map, such embankment commencing in en- be obtained under the powers contained in the closure No. 2 as aforesaid at a point 4 • 20 chains, Bill, and any other waters from time to time ob- or thereabouts, measured in a north-westerly tained by the Council from any other source lor No. 27856. 2 L.
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