PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Fri.. Dec. 6, 1974 iianrl|r0trr Surntttn Brralh MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1974- VOL. XCIV, No. 58 Manchester—A City of Village Charm TWENTY-TWO PAGES TWO MINIS—TWO SECTIONS PRICE: FtFI EEN CENTS Tomorrow the e a ^ Democrats Move To Adopt Reforms KANSAS CITY, Mo. (UPI) - The McGovern — who presided over the par­ tion to his carefully constructed plans to Democratic party put aside its blood feuds ty’s worst presidentiai disaster of the cen­ demonstrate harmony, no one really got arrives with tree of the last six years and moved today to tury in 1972 — as one of the first speakers mad. cement reforms into the first written con­ at today’s session. Rivalry Long-Standing stitution adopted by a major U.S. political Consider its Charter The intraparty rivalry between the party. The main business of the meeting was Democrats who had dominated the party The 2,035 delegates to the first-ever consideration of a 6,300-word Democratic since its salad days of the 1930s and 1940s Democratic mid-term convention Friday Charter drafted after two years’ bickering and the reformist element that seized con­ night gave a roaring vote of confidence to by a 167-member party commission. trol two years ago remained just below the their congressional leaders’ proposals for Reform and regular factions fought surface on the convention floor In Kansas dealing with inflation and recession. bitterly over the language, suspicious that City’s aging but still grand auditorium Shout Adoption each phrase might give the enemy an edge arena. gifts iw evmTone. They shouted into adoption a resolution in the struggle for control that has But responding to the repeated warnings calling for strong controls on wages, wracked the party since 1968. of leaders that continued public prices, profits and rents and urging public At the opening session of the mini­ squabbling would ruin the party’s chances service jobs, easier credit, mandatory convention, Democrats who barely have of regaining the White House, delegates energy conservation, tax reform, national spoken for years appeared together on the seemed content to make their arguments, health insurance and no-fault auto in­ platform with a beaming Strauss, who cast their votes and accept the results. surance. cried in a lectern-pounding speech, ‘"The Plea For Unity Peace and harmony were the keynotes Democratic party is almost home. We are Terry Sanford, former governor of of the opening day. As if to emphasize that almost home and we are going home un­ North Carolina and chairman of the new-found unity, party chairman Robert ited.” charter commission, opened the debate S. Strauss scheduled Sen. George And while there was some open opposi- with yet another plea for unity: “Can the Democratic Party eliminate the internal squabbles that have caused us to lose — and then move on to plan for the good of this nation ....? I say we can I say we must!” He said the draft charter would Nursing Association provide “an open party” with “room for vigorous new ideas and room for the wisdom of seasoned warriors.” Given $13,742 Grant ’The bulk of the draft charter was non- Toys for the Townes Needy Children controverslal, simply restating long-time Manchester Public Health Nursing Grants from the foundation are financed party rules and practices in legal form. Sgt. Gerald Calve, left, and Officer St. for distribution to deserving toys to the Town Welfare Department Association (MPHNA) has been awarded largely by the income from its pool of But several sections were concessions to Jon Hawthorne are helping Santa by children. The project is sponsored by and to the Headstart Program. a grant of |13,742 by the Hartford Founda­ trust funds managed by trustee banks. It reformers’ insistent demands to open the bringing bags and boxes of toys to the the Manchester Police Union No. 1495. (Herald photo by Pinto) tion for Public Giving. serves 21 towns in the Hartford area. party to new voices, and convention floor Child and Family Services at 110 Main The Police Union is also providing Under the terms of the grant, which was fights appeared certain. announced today, |8,742 will go toward a special education program for the MPHNA staff nurses. ’The remaining |5,- 000 will be used for the purchase of desks, chairs and office equipment for the new Townspeople Asked U.S, Power Base in Europe MPHNA headquarters at 150 N. Main St. Tlie educational portion of the grant providesfunds for eight staff nurses to at­ To Aid The Hungry tend a special training program being con­ ducted under a foun^tion grant to the Shifting to West Germany Visiting Nurses Association of Hartford. Tlie newly formed Manchester Council tem chairman of the council at ’Thursday ’The grant money will be used to hire sub­ on World Hunger has Issued a call to the night’s meeting. people of Manchester to give up one meal Other elected officers are Dr. Abraham WASHINGTON (UPI) - The U.S.-West solve inflation, energy, East-West disar­ newsmen in a White House briefing stitute nurses to cover for staff members a week, cut down on one meal a week or Kurien, vice chairman; Mrs. Nancy Carr, German alliance may have replaced the mament and virtually all other major Friday, Hartman said the two richest and while in class and to provide an education observe at least one meatless meal a week secretary; and Mrs. Jane Holmes, Anglo-American partnership as global issues — and not one syllable of dis­ most powerful members of the Atlantic consultant for follow-up training and con­ and to give the money thus saved to the treasurer. Also serving o the executive Washington’s power base in Western agreement. community have almost a duty to lead in sultation throughout the year after the for­ E committee are John Post and Jim mal course is completed. malnourished, hungry and starving in Europe — the result of talks between In World War II the United States and partnership — especially when faced with Highland. In January, the nurses will begin atten­ America and overseas. President Ford and West Germany’s Britain formed a ‘‘special relationship,” such global problems as inflation and the 'The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Edward J. Reardon, ding classes, which meet one day a week The council, which was formed Chancellor Helmut Schmidt. as diplomats called it, that lasted until the oil shortage. ^ pastor of St. James Church, has drafted for 13 weeks and are designed to provide a Thursday night at an open meeting to dis­ U.S. officials spoke of the relationship fall of British power and the rise of Euro­ “We believe that the example of these and sent a letter in the name of the council staff nurse with expand^ skills in inter­ cuss worldwide hunger, has also asked established by the two leaders in the White pean Common Market independence. talks and the degree of agreement shown to governor-elect Ella Grasso, suggesting viewing, assessing hear^ and lung con­ people to consider alternate Christmas House talks Thursday and Friday in ’The recent political problems among the in this joint statement is something that that the governor’s ball be replac^ by a ditions, monitoring results of medications giving in addition to its plea for personal almost euphoric terms. Arthur Hartman, Market’s nine members plus Schmidt’s we would hope that others in both the joyful but more restrained celebration, and improving basic knowledge in denial. assistant secretary of state for European skepticism over European political unity developed and less developed world — and and the monies thus saved be sent to combined with American policy to physiology and pathology. Gift cards will be available, reding, “My C affairs, talked of a ‘‘turning point.” indeed among the producers — would take organizations providing relief assistance Miss Florence Austin, acting director of gift to you is a gift to the hungry and suf­ Pledge Joint Efforts produce the unexpected success of the as a guide to their thinking and ac­ to famine victims. MPHNA, knowing the value of such fering people of the world. A check for The two leaders issued a joint statement Schmidt-Ford talks. tivities,” Hartman said. Mayor Thompson, in a letter sharing his training fof the staff nurses and the need ------ in you name has been sent to the at the White House Friday that spoke in 1,- Duty to Lead Significant Document ideas, proposed that Manchester adopt a for new office equipment, instituted the Manchester Council of on World Hunger.” 000 words of agreements on joint efforts to Speaking for the Ford administration to Diplomats said they would have to go community overseas to aid. He also proceedings necessary to obtain the grant. Everyone is also asked to celebrate back to the 1950s to find in transatlantic Christmas by buying fewer luxury items suggested calling a prayer breakfast in relations perhaps as significant a docu­ The MPHNA grant makes a total of February add inviting the community to $130,000 which has been given by the Hart­ and to suggest fewer non-essential gifts Greeks To Vote ment of partnership as set out by Ford and items as gifts from friends and relatives, participate. The theme of the beakfast Schmidt. ford Foundation to support programs and would be “ Manchester’s Concern for services in Manchester since 1971 when thereby freeing money to be given to the On Monarchy Issue It was not any single new Idea in the poor. Those Who Hunger.” communique, it was the completeness of it the community was added by the founda­ All persons interested in moderating the INSIDE A’THENS (UPI) — Greece decides Sun­ tion to the area it serves.
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