Larval Fish Diets in Shallow Coastal Waters off San Onofre, California William Watson and Raymond L. Davis, Jr. ABSTRACT: Stomach contents were analyzed feeding of larval northern anchovy and sug- from the larvae of six common coastal fish taxa gested that the shallow nearshore zone may pro- (Atherinopsis californiensis, Leuresthes tenuis, vide a better larval feeding environment than Paralabrax spp., Genyonemus lineatus, Seriphus offshore waters, largely because of the more politus, and Paralichthys californicus) collected stable nature of the nearshore zone. near San Onofre, California. Samples were col- It has become increasingly apparent in recent lected at night at approximately monthly intervals years that this shallow nearshore zone is a between September 1978 and September 1979 dur- ing a study of ichthyoplankton distributions in unique area supporting distinctive, stable as- these shallow coastal waters. semblages of fish larvae and zooplankters Paralabrax spp. and Paralichthys californicus (Brewer et al. 1981, 1984; Gruber et al. 1982; larvae apparently did not feed at night, but high Barnett et al. 1984; Brewer and Kleppel 1986; feeding incidences for the atherinids and especially Petersen et al. 1986; Barnett and Jahn 1987; the sciaenids suggested that these larvae did feed Walker et al. 1987). Feeding studies are begin- during early evening hours. Important components ning to be reported for some of the fish larvae of the diets of all six taxa included the tintinnid that are largely restricted to this zone (Brewer genus Stenosomella, mollusc veligers, and espe- and Kleppell986; Jahn et al. 1988). cially the copepod Euterpina acutihns. The purpose of this report is to document the The vertical distributions of the fish larvae dif- food habits of the larvae of six fish taxa in the fered from the reported distributions of some of their principal prey taxa, suggesting that factors in shallow coastal waters off southern California. addition to, or other than, specific feeding habits These six taxa include larvae occupying all levels are important determinants in the nearshore distri- of the water column: larval jacksmelt, Ather- butions of fish larvae. The avoidance of seaward inopsis cali,forniensis, and grunion, Leuresthes dispersal away from the relatively productive and tenuis, are largely restricted to the neuston and stable nearshore zone may be an important factor upper water column; California haiibut, Para- influencing larval distribution. lichthys cali,fornicus, and kelp and sand bass, Paralabrax spp., larvae occur throughout the Most studies on the feeding habits of fish larvae water column but tend to be most abundant in in the Southern California Bight have focused on midwater; and larval queenfish, Sekphus pol- species whose larvae occur primarily beyond the itus, and white croaker, Genyonemus lineatus, continental shelf, or are broadly distributed occur principally in the lower water column and across the shelf and beyond (Arthur 1956, 1976; epibenthos (Schlotterbeck and Connally 1982; Hunter and Kimbrelll980; Lasker 1975; Sumida Barnett et al. 1984; Jahn and Lavenberg 1986). and Moser 1980, 1984; Theilacker 1986). Larval All six taxa occur principally near shore through- fish feeding in the shallow coastal zone (depth out life (Frey 1971; Miller and Lea 1972; Barnett 575 m) has, until recently, received relatively et al. 1984; Lavenberg et al. 1986;). little attention. Lasker (1975, 1981) examined the requisite conditions for the successful first METHODS Plankton samples were collected between 25 William Watson, MEC Analytical Systems, Inc., 2433 July 1978 and 23 September 1979 near San Impala Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92009; present address: South- west Fisheries Center La Jolla Laboratory, National Marine Onofre, CA (lat. 33"20'N, long. 117"30'W). The Fisheries Service, NOAA. P.O. Box 271, La Jolla, CA 92038. plankton sampling methodology and rationale Raymond L. Davis, Jr., MEC Analytical Systems, Inc., are detailed by Barnett et al. (1984) and Walker 2433 Impala Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92009; present address: Sea World, Aquarium Department, 1720 South Shores et al. (1987) and are only briefly summarized Drive, San Diego, CA 92109. here. Manuscript accepted May 1989. 569 Fishery Bulletin, U.S. 87: 56CL591 FISHERY RL’LLETIN VOI.. Xi. NO. 3. lYX9 Two sample sets, both of which provided com- were randomly selected from among those plete water column coverage, were utilized in sorted from a subsample; a maximum of 100 this study. A small sample set, used to make a specimens was selected from any subsample. rough approximation of feeding chronology, con- These larvae were measured to the nearest 0.1 sisted of plankton samples collected twice during mm notochord or standard length, separated by the day and twice at night within a 24 h period, developmental stage (preflexion = Pr; notochord on two occasions (25 July and 21 September flexion plus postflexion = FP), placed in a 1978). These samples were collected along the 8 glycerin-water solution, and dissected with fine m isobath 1 km south of the San Onofre Nuclear insect pins. The gut contents of each specimen Generating Station (SONGS) (July) and along were identified to the lowest possible taxon us- the 13 m isobath just north of SONGS (Septem- ing a dissecting (50~)or compound (100450~) ber). A larger sample set, used to examine larval microscope, as appropriate, and enumerated. The diets, consisted of plankton samples collected at number of specimens dissected is listed by night at approximately monthly intervals be- species, survey, and sample in Table 1. tween 6 September 1978 and 23 September 1979, Feeding incidence (%FI = percentage of along a randomly selected isobath within each of larvae examined that contained at least one food five offshore blocks. These blocks were defined item) was calculated with 95% confidence limits by depth contours: (A) 69m, (B) 9-12 m, (C) for each larval stage of each taxon. The 95% 12-22 m, (D) 22-45 m, and (E) 45-35 m. The confidence limits were approximated as 21.96 blocks were arrayed between 0.5 and 7.2 km (pq/n)”>+ Ym, where p = the proportion contain- from shore, approximately 1 km south of ing at least one food item, q = 1 - p, and n = the SONGS. sample size. Percent frequency of occurrence SONGS Unit 1, a 500 megawatt power plant, (%FO) and percent of the total number (%N) of operated throughout the study period. Unit 1 prey ingested by each larval fish stage were cal- has been shown to have had only very localized culated for each prey type. effects (Marine Review Committee 1979’) and it is unlikely to have influenced the results of this RESULTS study. Three different types of gear were used to Feeding Chronology collect both sample sets: a Brown Manta net Feeding incidence was calculated for Sen’phus (Brown and Cheng 19811, to sample the neuston politus, Paralabrax spp., and Paralichth,qs cali- (top 16 cm); a Brown-McGowan opening-closing .fomzicus which were collected in the dayhight bongo net, to sample the midwater column; and sample sets in order to examine feeding chro- an Auriga net2, to sample the epibenthos (within nology (Table 2). Larval Genyonenzus Iiiieatzrs approximately 67 cm of the bottom). All three and Atherinopsis califomiensis did not occur in types of nets were constructed of 0.333 mm mesh these samples, and too few Leuresthes tenuis Nitex3, fitted with flowmeters, and towed at ca. were available to warrant examination. 1 m/s to sample a target volume of 400 m’. All During the day, 82% of the 5’. politus larvae samples were fixed in 10% seawater-formalin. contained at least one food item, while at night, In the laboratory, the plankton samples were 72% contained food. Feeding incidence increased subsampled with a folsom plankton splitter and from the morning through the evening, reaching the fish larvae were sorted from the subsamples a maximum of 94% for the larvae collected be- at &lox magnification under dissecting micro- tween 2003 and 2101 PST. However, since the scopes. Larvae utilized in the feeding studies feeding incidences were all quite high, and the 95% confidence limits about %FI broadly over- lapped for all three morning through evening ‘Marine Review Committee. 1979. Interim report of the Marine Review Committee to the California Coastal Com- sampling episodes, it seems likely that there mission part 1: General summary of findings, predictions, were no real differences in feeding incidence and recommendations concerning the cooling system of the over this period. After midnight, feeding inci- San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. Mar. Rev. Comm. dence was reduced to 33%, and the 95% confi- Doc. 79-02, p. 1-20. Marine Review Committee of the Cali- fornia Coastal Commission. 631 Howard Street, San Fran- dence limits did not overlap with either the cisco.~~. CA~ ~ 94105.~ morning or evening values, indicating that feed- ‘MBC Applied Environmental Sciences, 94i Nenhall ing incidence indeed was reduced after midnight Street. Costa Mesa. CA 92627. 3Reference to trade names does not imply endorsement by (Table 2). the National Manne Fisheries Service, NOAA. Paralabrax spp. feeding incidence was 68% 570 WATSON and DAVIS: LARVAL FISH DIETS IN SHALLOW COASTAL WATERS TABLE 1 .-Number of fish larvae dissected on each survey date. Pr = preflexion stage larvae; FP = flexion and postflexion stage larvae. Atherinopsis Leuresthes Parahchthys Paralabrax Genyonemus Seriphus caliiorniensis tenuis californicus spp. lineatus politus Survey date Pr FP Pr FP Pr FP Pr FP Pr FP Pr FP 1978 06 Sept. 0 0 0 24 2 3 30 9 0 0107 86 02 Oct. 1001015 10039 413 26 01 Nov. 0 0 0049 11317 5 3 2 26 Dec. 2 5 0031 7 0 08933 0 0 1979 29 Jan. 0 0 0 010 0 0 013894 0 0 26 Feb. 231 0 041 2 0 014698 0 0 26 Mar. 20 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 180 23 0 25 Apr.
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