![1934-09-28 [P A-5]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
HAUPTMANN USES Women Quizzed in Search for Mysterious “John” SPOON AS WEAPON Instrument Sharpened to New York Detective Visits • Razor Edge Found Kamenz Residence in in Cell. Mother’s Absence. (Continued From First Page.) By th« Aiioclfttid Press. KAMENZ, Germany, September for the examination, which he said 28.—Detective Arthur Johnson of the would take place in Hauptmann's cell New York Police Department today In the Bronx County jail "today or tomorrow.” entered and searched the home of "I am going to be guided solely by Frau Hauptmann, mother of the sus- the advice ol my own doctor,” he said pect in the Lindbergh case, in the as he arrived at the Bronx County aged woman’s absence. Building and hurried into the office of Guarded by a solid wall of local District Attorney Samuel J. Foley. Hauptmann will remain in the police and accompanied by plain- Bronx County jail today. Foley said. clotheamen from Berlin and Dresden, He disclosed that the loaded small, Johnson had the small apartment automatic pistol found in Haupt- a to mann's garage has been sent to the opened by locksmith, according Ballistics Bureau of New York Police police, and entered to search for clue* headquarters for examination. that might lead to further evidence In reply to an inquiry regarding the concerning Bruno Richard Haupt- present status of Dr. John F. Condon, mann, held in New York. the ”Jafsie” who negotiated the $50,- 000 ransom payment for Col. Lind- Visit* Son in Dresden. bergh, District Attorney Foley said Frau Hauptmann vw visiting an- his status is that of an “innocent wit- other son in Dresden. ness who has been before the grand A throng ot curious citizens filled jury.” The question was prompted by the narrow street to get a glimpse conflicting reports about Dr. Condon. of the “famous detective.” "Condon is certainly and positively The crowd of Kamenz citizens, who not under suspicion,” Foley said. “I for several days have been following have no reason to believe that, nor with avid Interest developments in the have I ever harbored such an idea.” case of their former townsman, grew Foley said today he had heard so large that 20 or more gendarmes nothing about an elaborate burglar had to be called to hold back the on- alarm installed two in lookers and a small lane years ago Center, above: Mrs. Kath- keep open Hauptmann's garage. The alarm sys- for traffic. erine Maurer of the Bronx be- tem was described in Reading, Pa., Police also took every possible escorted out District At- pre- by Mrs. Laura Urvant. daughter of ing of caution to keep men she newspaper away the owner of the Hauptmann home. torney Foley’s office after from the American detective. to him had appealed to find Takes Police by Surprise. Arrest Is Expected. her husband John, who, she "You’ll hear later what steps he has Dr. Condon says “there will be an said, disappeared when Haupt- taken in this matter,” a correspondent Important arrest shortly.” mann was arrested. She said was told. "The nature of this arrest will sur- the men were acquainted. Coming by automobile from Baut- prise everybody.” Col. Charles A. —A. P. Photo. zen, Johnson took local police by sur- Lindbergh's ransom emissary pre- prise. After stopping an hour and dicted last night. a quarter he left again for a destlna- His declaration closely followed on his trail. It was a mysterious tilled him as the man to whom the Right, above: All that is left tlon which was not made known. statements by Department of Justice "John" who took the $50 000 from ransom was paid will not be disclosed of Hauptmann’s garage after above: Anita 9 officials that they are seeking a “stoop- Dr. Condon. now.” Left, police finished searching for German \ shouldered man” and a woman of New Jersey State police expressed Hauptmann's haggard look was Lutzenberg, more ransom money. The as she was i Latin appearance In connection with more interest in tracing about $25,000 ascribed by attendants at the Bronx girl, ques- men, after tearing down the tioned in the abduction of 20 month old of the ransom money which was paid County jail to constant booing and yesterday building, began digging in the the Bronx in an Charles Lindbergh, jr., two and one- in $20 gold certificates. Most of the taunting by other inmates. His fellow ef- ground for more clues. half years ago. money thus far recovered has been in prisoners give him almost no chance fort to link Bruno —A. P. Photo. The stoop-shouldered man Is the $10 and $5 bills. for sleep, they said. Hauptmann with the one who, his face with a Hauptmann’s affairs came before masking Former Convict Lindbergh kidnap- # SUFFERERS 1 Sought. Samuel Below: Arthritis\ handkerchief peered into Lindbergh’s Representative Dickstein’s ing. The girl told of Hauptmann being this Federal m Too esn be helped hr the 1 automobile while the aviator awaited In connection. agents one-man Congressional Committee on a mysterioies “John” led away to a cell after being M Alkaline minerals in Mountain ■ Dr. Condon’s return from the ransom are a former convict of Ger- Nazi Activity in America. He heard on an indictment ■ Valley Water. I seeking attending beach arraigned 9 Thu famoua Water haa for ■ rendezvous. It was over a and him with nearby man parentage who tried frantically Hauptmann's landlady yesterday parties with Haupt- charging receiving ■ 75 yean been prescribed at Hot S wall that "Jafsie” announced he would Mrs, The ■ Springs, Arkansas. m cemetery passed to get a parole from the New York subpoena mann and Others in $50,000 ransom money. $50,000 for the safe return of a baby Hauptmann. tired and a Call Met. 10S3 M City Prison when President Roosevelt 1932, the year of the prisoner appeared m tor free Booklet. B whose battered ”1 have found that 12 aliens con- body already had been ordered all gold certificates surren- abduction. Dr. John worn after days of ques- abandoned in a with the friends of new Ger- Mountain M woods. dered. He he had a nected tionino. % Valley explained large F. Condon has said % Water Co. Only one suspect is under arrest— in many were using Hauptmann's house —Wide World Photo. amount of cash a Montreal bank zne man zo ivnom ne zurnea 1405 K St. N.W. Bruno Richard Hauptmann. • as a hangout,” Dickstein said. "I have vault, an agent said. The prisoner over the ransom money was The investigation centers today on reason to suspect strongly that this was released several months ago. known as "John” and spoke an attempt to prove that Hauptmann, Efforts to trace the chisel found out- place was an alien nest.” in New York for Mrs. Rausch testified that she had with a German accent. arraigned yesterday side tne Lindbergh home led to the —Wide World Photo. extortion of the ransom, also kid- factory of the Buck Bros. Co. in Wor- tried to dispossess the German car- naped the baby from its nursery near cester, Mass. It had been made there penter because of the many late parties Hopewell, N. J. he held. in 1892. Police also found the Bronx Cut Interest on Savings. Magill Takes Utility Job. Wood to Be hardware store where Hauptmann Probed Further. NEW HAVEN, Conn.. September 28 CHICAGO, September 38 OP).—Dr. bought tools and will check to see if Arthur Koehler, the forestry expert (/P).—Commercial banks in New Ha- Hugh S. Magill yesterday accepted a the chisel was sold there. Penalty Is Whipping. who looked at the wood in ven are reducing interest payments position as chief administrative officer the kid- ••Jafsie" had support in his pre- of Northern Ire- Cyclists Holywood, in their savings departments to 2 per of the American Federation of Util- naper's ladder and traced it from diction of another arrest, J. Edgar land, have been warned that if they cent on all deposits, three of them on ity Investors and resigned as general forest to lumber yard, will bend over Hoover, chief of the Federal division nde three or more abreast on the October 1, it was disclosed last night secretary of the International Council ills microscope again in an effort to of investigation, saying additional ar- in a check of banking officials. of Religious Education. complete the track to Hauptmann's rests were expected. Hoover declined public highways they wiU receive six hands. to amplify hi* statement. strokes of the birch. By the grain in the wood Koehler Prisoners Taunt Hauptmann. traced it to a certain forest, from Lindbergh studied Hauptmann for there to the lumber mill, thence to a 10 minute* District At- U. S. Refrigerators Used. dealer in the Bronx. Now he will yesterday. torney Foley said afterward. that All electric In Athens, work from the other direction. Taking refrigerators “whether or not Col. Lindbergh iden- Greece, are from America. Hauptmann's tools, he will seek to de- 1 1 termine whether they were used to construct the ladder. EISEMAN’S A nick in a chisel, a dent in a ham- mer, a bent tooth in a saw, these will SEVENTH AND F STREETS give affirmative or negative testimony under the expert's microscope. EXCLUSIVELY IN WASHINGTON Hauptmann, a German carpenter, formerly worked In the lumber yard and bought wood there for various jobs In the neighborhood. more news about THE Four pieces of Ponteroso pine, wood similar to that in the ladder, were re- moved from tho Hauptmann garage yesterday.
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