April 26, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 6123 CONGRATULATING THE UNIVER- recognized for their performance in the All- ORDER FOR ADJOURNMENT Western Collegiate Hockey Association, in- SITY OF WISCONSIN BADGERS Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, if MEN’S HOCKEY TEAM cluding— (1) Tom Gilbert, who was named to the there is no further business to come be- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I first team of the All-Western Collegiate fore the Senate, I ask unanimous con- ask unanimous consent that the Sen- Hockey Association; sent that it stand in adjournment ate proceed to immediate consider- (2) Joe Pavelski and Brian Elliott, who under the previous order following the ation of S. Res. 447 submitted earlier were named to the second team of the All- remarks of the Senator from Oregon, today. Western Collegiate Hockey Association; and Mr. WYDEN. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The (3) Brian Elliott, who was named the All- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Western Collegiate Hockey Association objection, it is so ordered. clerk will report the resolution by Goaltending Champion of the Year; title. Whereas Tom Gilbert, Joe Pavelski, and f The legislative clerk read as follows: Brian Elliott earned All-American honors; CONCLUSION OF MORNING A resolution (S. Res. 447) congratulating Whereas, after helping the University of BUSINESS the University of Wisconsin Badgers men’s Wisconsin men’s hockey team win the 1977 hockey team for winning the 2006 National national championship as a player, Head The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Collegiate Athletic Association Division I Coach Mike Eaves won his first national objection, morning business is closed. Men’s Hockey Championship. championship as a coach; f Whereas the University of Wisconsin men’s There being no objection, the Senate MAKING EMERGENCY SUPPLE- proceeded to consider the resolution. hockey team has won the National Colle- giate Athletic Association Division I Men’s MENTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous Hockey Championship 6 times; THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEP- consent that the resolution be agreed Whereas the University of Wisconsin has TEMBER 30, 2006—Continued to, the preamble be agreed to, the mo- won 3 national championships during the tion to reconsider be laid upon the 2005–2006 academic year; and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- table, and that any statements relating Whereas the championship victory of the ator from Louisiana is recognized. thereto to be printed in the RECORD. University of Wisconsin men’s hockey team AMENDMENT NO. 3648, AS MODIFIED The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ended a terrific season in which the team Mr. VITTER. Mr. President, I ask objection, it is so ordered. outscored its opponents 145–79 and compiled that my amendment No. 3648, which I a record of 30–10–3: Now, therefore, be it The resolution (S. Res. 447) was spoke about, be modified with the Resolved, That the Senate— changes at the desk, which are tech- agreed to. (1) congratulates the University of Wis- The preamble was agreed to. consin men’s hockey team, Head Coach Mike nical in nature. The resolution, with its preamble, Eaves and his coaching staff, Athletic Direc- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- reads as follows: tor Barry Alvarez, and Chancellor John D. ator has that right. The amendment is S. RES. 447 Wiley for an outstanding championship sea- so modified. son; and The amendment (No. 3648), as modi- Whereas, on April 8, 2006, the University of (2) respectfully requests the Secretary of fied, is as follows: Wisconsin men’s hockey team won the Fro- the Senate to transmit an enrolled copy of zen Four in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, by defeat- On page 140, on line 22, insert ‘‘vessels and’’ this resolution to the Chancellor of the Uni- ing— after ‘‘repairing’’. versity of Wisconsin-Madison. (1) the University of Maine Black Bears by Mr. VITTER. I yield back my time. a score of 5–2 in the semifinals; and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- f (2) the Boston College Eagles by a score of ator from Oregon is recognized. 2–1 in the championship game; AMENDMENT NO. 3665 ORDERS FOR THURSDAY, APRIL Whereas Robbie Earl and Tom Gilbert each Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, I have an scored a goal and Brian Elliott had 22 saves 27, 2006 in the championship game; amendment at the desk. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Whereas Adam Burish, Robbie Earl, Brian The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Elliott, and Tom Gilbert were named to the ask unanimous consent that when the clerk will report. All-Tournament Team, and Robbie Earl was Senate completes its business today, it The legislative clerk read as follows: named the Most Outstanding Player of the stand in adjournment until 9:30 a.m. The Senator from Oregon [Mr. WYDEN] pro- tournament; tomorrow, Thursday, April 27. I further poses an amendment numbered 3665. Whereas the success of the season depended ask that following the prayer and the (Purpose: To prohibit the use of funds to on the hard work, dedication, and perform- pledge, the morning hour be deemed to provide royalty relief) ance of every player on the University of have expired, the Journal of the pro- On page 253, between lines 19 and 20, insert Wisconsin men’s hockey team, including— the following: (1) Andy Brandt; ceedings be approved to date, the time PROHIBITION OF FUNDS FOR OIL AND NATURAL (2) Adam Burish; for the two leaders be reserved, and the GAS ROYALTY RELIEF (3) Ross Carlson; Senate proceed to a period of morning (4) Shane Connelly; business for up to 30 minutes, with the SEC. 7032. (a) No funds made available (5) A.J. Degenhardt; first 15 minutes under the control of under this Act or any other Act for any fis- (6) Jake Dowell; the majority leader or his designee, the cal year for royalty and offshore minerals management may be used by the Secretary (7) Davis Drewiske; second 15 minutes under the control of (8) Robbie Earl; of the Interior to provide relief from a re- (9) Brian Elliott; the Democratic leader or his designee; quirement to pay a royalty for the produc- (10) Josh Engel; further, that following morning busi- tion of oil or natural gas from Federal land (11) Matthew Ford; ness the Senate resume consideration during any period in which— (12) Tom Gilbert; of H.R. 4939, the emergency supple- (1) for the production of oil, the average (13) Tom Gorowsky; mental appropriations measure. price of crude oil in the United States is (14) Jeff Henderson; The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without greater than $55 a barrel; and (15) Ryan Jeffery; objection, it is so ordered. (2) for the production of natural gas, the (16) Andrew Joudrey; average price of natural gas in the United (17) Kyle Klubertanz; States is $10 per 1,000 cubic feet of natural f (18) Nick Licari; gas. (19) Jeff Likens; (b) In administering funds made available (20) Ryan MacMurchy; PROGRAM for royalty or offshore minerals manage- (21) Matt Olinger; Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, to- ment, the Secretary of the Interior may (22) Joe Pavelski; morrow we will continue work on the waive or specify alternative requirements if (23) Joe Piskula; the Secretary of the Interior determines that (24) Jack Skille; and emergency supplemental. We had six royalty relief is necessary to avoid oil or (25) Ben Street; votes today. Senators should expect a natural gas supply disruptions as a con- Whereas numerous members of the Univer- full day, with as many votes as we can sequence of hurricanes or other natural dis- sity of Wisconsin men’s hockey team were possibly process tomorrow. asters. VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:41 Mar 15, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00109 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BOOK5\BR26AP06.DAT BR26AP06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE 6124 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE April 26, 2006 Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, the oil back these subsidies unless the Bush low. That is not the case now. As our companies are supposed to pay royal- administration certifies they are need- colleague in the other body, Mr. ties to the Federal Government when ed to avoid disruption or unless the POMBO, notes, they sure don’t need any they extract oil from Federal lands. price goes down, and let’s do it because incentives when the marketplace is Now, in order to stimulate production there is a bipartisan consensus that providing all the incentives anybody of oil in our country, the Federal Gov- this Royalty Relief Program is com- could possibly ask for. ernment over the last decade has been pletely out of whack. Government subsidies, sure, when the discounting these royalty fees. These By the way, Mr. President, I know price is low, when we have to stimulate discounts now amount to billions of you have had great interest in the ef- production, when our economy needs a dollars. It appears that the royalty re- fort to target these subsidies. You and shot in the arm. But billions of dollars lief that is given to the oil companies I have talked about it on a number of of royalty relief for oil companies in is now the granddaddy of all of the sub- occasions. Consistently what we find is this kind of time? I don’t get it, and to- sidies. the way these multibillion-dollar sub- morrow I hope a majority of the Senate We have been talking considerably on sidies find their way on to our tax rolls will share my view and will share the the floor of this body over the last few and Government programs is on a bi- view of other colleagues who have days about tax breaks for oil compa- partisan basis somebody messes up.
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