{ Packard Elec ANNIVERSARY 7 0, *< Xm m 1,VE Mf/RE1 di'uision of General Motors re: Corporation m 3 i- Vol. 26 No. 12 WARREN, OHIO Sept. 30, 1965 yl Two-Day Open House Celebration Is Scheduled A festive 75th Anniversary Year at Packard Electric will reach a peak next week during a two-day celebration on Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 6-7, with a formal dedication and OPEN HOUSE of the Division's two newest facilities - Plant 12 and the Research-Engineering Center. A highlight of the occasion for all Packardites will be an % OPEN HOUSE for all employes and members of their families on the evening of the 6th and the morning of the 7th. Hours for the EMPLOYE OPEN GM Vice President B * · day. Oct. 6: 7.00 to 10:00 P.M. -*ZZ-- 6 41 Thursday,HousI •.Octa.,.n..,„g,7: 9:00 A.M.W.d.-to 12 Philip J. IVIonag|lan »tl,U o'CLOCK No6N. The formal dedication of the To Give Address - >*-Thupiday The principal speaker at , ., , ur: --,--=t- -Y . 042 E-'i '::·5:·-7-·''i>i:-·4.ty···s;.5.01& t, , 1 next week's formal dedication mony for Warren area civic, ceremonies of Plant 12 and SY 4 K«*Sfild REJ * 64-"*'<' fI25 72„33-3F R::Nnzcnerid 2:1:tu:Yin: pleu idverss the Research - Engineering V .,3...t Mr Philip J Monaghan, GM Center is no stranger to em- '- ; - 1 Vice President in charge of the ployes of Packard Electric. - '19**St>€:lif Dayton, Household Appliance As General Motors Vice '31441-"M:':.,-*«'%·27:,4;,447.-5, ,'i and Engine Group, which in- President in charge of the F 1,94&144*11*v '...4/75*44 9 ... ... cludes Packard Electric, will be Dayton, Household Appli- ' -'-It:1»*5/..'*fiif i hne'l 1*, »*Llth i lfft ance and Engine Group, 4 '·*-:''.:'7«,44·' 5,44-1 which includes Packard Electric, given by Ohio Governor James A. Philip J. Monaghan has made *At, )r.. I,4*,24 1-* ' Rhodes and Warren Mayor Ray- 4 ' 11.-f *- * --/LJME mond E. Schryver. 'r'-*M-71 --7.-3-3-„F='--'7,1 Much Preparation r - .S Governor Rhodes, Dedication - Open House Timetable "Months of planning and prep- .4 :::<1 aration have gone into making Wednesday, October 6, 1965 this OPEN HOUSE the biggest £ ... ./.f,r. K.11 itayor Schryver and best in the history of Packard 1. ,1» nd:L t Nil»ZLN ndrduepneorf,8 lroteo ,a«*1321,b:ZIi Electric," said General Manager j ' 4*il twill Speak Here witness the formal dedication of Plant 12 and the Research- C. C. Rigsby. "We're sure that all 1 hri employes will be anxious g Ohio Governor James A. Engineering Center. The main address will be given by Mr. to have · ..·L · Rhodes and Warren Mayor Philip J. Monaghan, GM Vice President in charge of the Dayton, their families join them on a tour t Raymond E. Schryver will Household Appliance and Engine Group, which includes Pack- of our newest and most modern 1 1 2hare the speakers' platform ard Electric. Additional featured speakers will include Ohio facilities." , Nith General Motors Vice Governor James A. Rhodes and Warren Mayor Raymond E. An impressive selection of ex- , ..: 161141 , President Philip J. Monag- Schryver. Music will be provided· by the Warren G. Harding hibits in Plant 12 is sure to at- : High School Dance Band. tract - . tan at the Plant 12 and the attention of all visitors. t , Research-Engineering C e n t e r 4:00 P. M. - The dedication party will inspect both new facilities Included will be the following: i 'ormal dedication ceremonies on and will view the large display area fh Plant 12. 1966 model GM cars, GMC trucks *' and engines; Packard Electric ,- 7:00 P. M. - 10:00 P. M. - OPEN HOUSE for all Packard Elec- products and activities; "ART IN i 1 tric employes and members of their families. Tour route will RESEARCH," a photographic include the display area, Plant 12, the Research-Engineering display from GM Research Labo- : r 4 1 Center and a portion of Plant 11. ratories; and kitchen vignettes r.i)-. i'. I from Frigidaire Division. Thursday, Philip J. Monaghan October 7, 1965 Historic Autos 1 9:00 A. M. - 12 O'CLOCK NOON -- Continuation { of OPEN Antique automobile enthusiasts several visits to Warren. He has , HOUSE for employes and members of their families. are sure to be fascinated by a toured the Division's various facil- 4:00 P. M.. 10:00 P. M. - OPEN HOUSE for the general public. 1911 Packard "Gentlemen's Road. ities on those occasions, most ster," which belonged to W. D. recently in July. Packard, one of the founders of Mr. Monaghan joined GM in Gov. Rhodes Mayor Schryver Many Exhibits Planned At Open House the original Packard Electric 1936 as a methods engineer for )et. 6. General Manager C. C. Company, and a 1916 CADIL- Ternstedt Division in Detroit. In Rigsby has announced. 8 . 1']'31!$2ess==i 3 .1 LAC seven-passenger touring car. 1940, he transferred to OLDSMO- "We are pleased and honored For those with a futuristic mind, BILE, and for 11 years, with the :hat Governor Rhodes is willing /4, - lip .19-·r -1 there will be a CHEVROLET exception of three years in the o take time from his busy sched- 132* 75 3 >-1 -' MAKO SHARK II, an experi- U. S. Army, served in various ca. ile and travel from Columbus to .-31 mental sports car which intro- pacities, including production larticipate in the dedication of 14 " 0--6, duces a new shape for the COR- manager and New York zone manager. mrMr. Rigsby,two newest-and alsofacilities,"that Mayorsaid P , n .1 inVETTE,automotivebasedaerodynamics.on advancementsThe In 1951, Mr. Monaghan was xhryver has consented to give of XP-755 CORVETTE SHARK made manufacturing manager of is valuable time to make our day also will be shown. GMC Truck & Coach Division. omplete." B" . =. Other displays will include lie was named general manager The principal address at the "Motorama" exhibits from both of that division and a GM vice 0air will be delivered by Mr. GM Research Laboratories and president in 1953. lonaghan. Following the formal --B 90 0 the GM Engineering Staff; U- Six years later, Mr. Monaghan :remonies, the group of some i nited Motors Service; GM Edu- guests will tour ihg took charge of what was then 00 invited cational Relations; General the Process Development Staff. lew structures, including a large .*.....&.../*WA./Ir--ITTTZ--1. Motors Institute; model vehicles In March 1960. he was named hplay area featuring 1966 Gen- 01-21=-- from the Fisher Body Craftsman's Vice President in charge of the !,al Motors vehicles and numer- Dozens of exhibits from all over the country will be a center of attrac. Guild and General Motors Photo- Manufacturing Staff, with Process ius other exhibits. tion in Plant 12 during next week'* OPEN HOUSE celebration. Above, graphic. "We hope all our employes, Development consolidated under making some last.minute checks 08 the exhibit plans are Donald R. In addition, Floyd Ryel, host that operation as Manufacturing Mends and neighbors will tour Dedow, left, Plant 12 superintendent: and Rober* M. Clark. Plant 12 on the Packard Electric "Assem- Development. Mir two newest structures during assistant superintendent. Employes and their families who attend the bly Line" Radio Show, will be on He was appointed to his present ke Open House festivities,"said OPEN HOUSE will be able to tour Plant 12, the Research-Engineering hand to interview visitors on both position on May 1, 1963. Besides \{r. Rigsby. Center and a portion of Plant 11. Don·+ forget the dates: Oct. 6-7. days. Continued on Page Four PAGE TWO Packard Electric Cablegram Packard E/ectric Cablegram -#v...«intsi.&Depf. 1174 i, Research Art To Be Featured the way Ida Aho and Alberta ' EDITORIAL STAFF Cannon described the 1961 Plant Editor . MARK S. GRODY I l OPEN HOUSE. The upcoming 4 , -. - - _ _ _ 1.... event should be even better, so , Sta// Photographer . ROBERT L. MCBANE 11 1 34-'. plan to bring your family and 1 ! 2/, Eal ..I StaH Artist . MYRON G. SEYERLE friends to the Plant 12 and Re- ·, : Editorial Secretary . MARY LOUISE FORNEY search-Engineering Center OPEN ' 1 ...-/-- EDITORIAL ADVISORS HOUSE next week . Welcome 1 · to Mary Ginter, Mary Elizabeth F==== Director of Employe Relations . K. M. THOMPSON Sladovic and Virginia Aulet . " - Supervisor, Public Relations . D. A. WEBER Carol Collier had a beautiful , ';9*4 Cablegram Phone, EPBX 2364 or 2348 - City Phone, 399.9364 church wedding . Flo Podral- :,1 , pIfly "' 11 Published by and for emptoyes of Packard Electric Division, General darlingski is backbaby withboy. Sallyus; sheKowalskihad a . „ ; r 11:41 Motors Corporation, Warren. 0. to /oster the m zitual interests of ein- also is a proud mother . Geor- ployer and employes and to provide closer cooperation for better work. giann Phillips was presented a gift - before going on pregnancy leave -4.p / # IM... '41 . - Mary Harper and Fran , 00 -.-Ar.,mmi-t.s.&* - .,0..' " .., 1::.., , 511 Five Packardites Promoted F i Ne Alb«trttean nonhevac ;11 in Maryland, Washington and « -51= / 1,1/ -'63 -,1 West Virginia; Lorraine Woloski , % . f4... le traveled six weeks and 7.000 2.r.- 1 " " ' . 'a, p t." i 1 miles. Some of the. points of in- - ' W ... .-4 -'.' 94.5- 3 , . ' terest were Disneyland, Utah, A significant area of operations in Packard Electric's Research-Engineer d' rf Y e l l o w s t o n e National Park, Ing Center Is research.
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