CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E887 Dan has served as my chief of staff and Community Association located in Fairfax THE SEEING EYE OF MORRISTOWN press secretary for the last 14 years and has County, Virginia, for earning the 2013 Commu- 85TH ANNIVERSARY been an invaluable manager of my office and nity Association of the Year Award (Very adviser on many issues, including on this bill. Large category) from the Washington Metro- HON. RODNEY P. FRELINGHUYSEN Dan has been an outstanding leader of my politan Chapter of the Community Associa- OF NEW JERSEY staff and has helped me ensure that balance tions Institute. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES my responsibilities to the 10th District as well Friday, May 30, 2014 as this subcommittee. He has planned trips The Penderbrook Community Association and travelled with me around the world—in- (PCA) consists of 1,776 single family homes, Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Mr. Speaker, on al- cluding to China, Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan and townhomes, and condominiums located in the most any day of the year, if you were to find yourself in the middle of Morristown, New Jer- Egypt—to conduct oversight on U.S. national heart of the Fair Oaks area about 20 miles security and human rights policies. This would sey, you would be almost certain to see a re- west of Washington, DC, and it is home to markable partnership being developed. You not have been possible without Dan’s hard over 4,000 residents. The PCA is a Master work, guidance and support over the years. might notice a well-behaved, bright-eyed Association, which unites seven separate land young dog wearing a special vest as it navi- f bays with exceptional amenities including a fit- gates, with a trainer, the crosswalks and side- RECOGNIZING BOB LAPP ness center, swimming pool complex, golf walks of the bustling Morristown Green. This course, tennis courts, basketball courts, club- dog is being trained to join a long line of dogs HON. JAMES B. RENACCI house, boardroom facility, and tot lots. The as- that have provided a ‘‘seeing eye’’ to thou- sands of Americans under the tutelage of The OF OHIO sociation amenities serve as a hub for a wide variety of community events that offer some- Seeing Eye, a remarkable organization that is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES marking its 85th Anniversary this year. thing for everyone who calls Penderbrook Friday, May 30, 2014 In 1927, Morris Franlc, a young blind man, home. Mr. RENACCI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in read an article about dogs being trained as recognition of Bob Lapp for his nearly 40 In addition to the topnotch amenities, PCA guides for blinded veterans of World War I. years of service to The Timken Company. emphasizes frequent and robust communica- Mr. Frank decided to reach out to the author and dog trainer Dorothy Harrison Eustis for Since joining the company in 1975, he has tions with residents. The PCA employs an help. Ms. Eustis, who was in Switzerland at served in a number of unique positions, rang- interactive website for instant correspondence, the time, agreed to help Mr. Frank if he could ing from supervising general accounting to in- a weekly email newsletter to inform residents come to Switzerland. vestor relations and public affairs. As the out- of local issues, meetings, and events, and an He made the trip and a year later Mr. Frank going Vice President for Government Affairs onsite office to manage day-to-day operations returned to New York City with his dog, and Community Relations, he leaves behind a and provide immediate assistance to resi- ‘‘Buddy.’’ Buddy and Mr. Frank captured the legacy of trustworthiness, honesty, and reli- dents. Resident input and involvement is solic- attention of many reporters as the two proved ability that made him an asset to not only The ited, encouraged, appreciated, and recog- the ability of a guide dog and his master. This Timken Company, but to Northeast Ohio. I nized. Open lines of communication also are partnership among Ms. Eustis, Mr. Frank, and consider Bob a friend and I am grateful for his utilized in an ongoing effort to solicit associa- Buddy would launch an effort that would counsel throughout my time in office. I know I change the world for people who could not can always count on Bob to provide me with tion volunteers for various committees and projects. Volunteerism leads to true commu- see. accurate, relevant information about an issue, In 1929, Dorothy Harrison Eustis, who putting aside politics and getting to the heart nity ownership, fosters friendships, and moti- trained the first dog, returned to America, and of good policy. vates neighbors to serve the common good. with the help of Morris Frank, E.S. Humphrey, Born and raised in Coshocton, Ohio, Bob is The PCA prides itself as an association that and Willi Ebeling, founded The Seeing Eye, a graduate of two great Ohio schools, earning gives back to the community. The clubhouse Inc. on January 29, in Nashville, Tennessee. his bachelor’s degree from Miami University hosts the annual Fairfax County Police Foun- Two years later, The Seeing Eye moved its and his master’s degree from the University of headquarters to Whippany, New Jersey, and Akron. An active member of our local commu- dation Santa’s Ride Banquet, biannual blood drives, and serves as a Fairfax County elec- has remained in the area since then. nity, Bob has served on the board of several A few years after settling into their new organizations including the Ohio Manufactur- tion polling facility. The PCA annually donates headquarters, the organization decided to cre- ers Association, Stark County Government use of the facilities to the Special Olympics for ate a way to reach students, graduates, and Leadership Academy, and the Ohio Steel event practice, and the Penderbrook Club- other interes-ted people in order to share in- Council. He also has chaired the Ohio Pros- house is an official collection site for Toys-for- spirational stories and updates on new devel- perity Project, an organization that educates Tots. opments and programs. In 1935, the Seeing and informs Ohioans about public policy Each year the Washington Metropolitan Eye pubfished the first issue of the Guide issues and elections. Chapter of the Community Associations Insti- magazine, which is published quarterly even Bob’s retirement will allow him to spend today. more time with his family, especially Kaci and tute honors communities that demonstrate ex- On December 8, 1941, the day after the at- his six-month-old granddaughter, Kyli. cellence in all facets of association operation tacks on Pearl Harbor, the Board of Trustees I’d like to thank Bob for his years of hard and governance, and which best represent passed a resolution, ‘‘to supply Seeing Eye work and wish him nothing but the best in re- common-interest community living. There are dogs, without charge, to eligible members of tirement. four categories: Very Large (1,000+ units), the armed forces who lose their sight in the f Large (500–999 units), Medium (150–499 line of duty.’’ Since then, these American he- units) and Small (1–49 units). roes have been given priority over all other RECOGNIZING THE PENDERBROOK applicants. COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION FOR The Penderbrook Community Association The first women’s donnitory opened in 1950, EARNING THE 2013 COMMUNITY was selected based upon a review of the com- allowing women to become students at the ASSOCIATION OF THE YEAR munity’s governance, board procedures, finan- Seeing Eye. Within the first year of the new AWARD FROM THE WASHINGTON cial management, committee structure, crime dormitory opening, one third of the students METROPOLITAN CHAPTER COM- prevention efforts, community communica- were female. MUNITY ASSOCIATIONS INSTI- tions, and insurance preparedness. In 1952, Warner Brothers brought the inspi- TUTE ration story of The Seeing Eye to moviegoers Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me everywhere with the release of the motion pic- in congratulating the Penderbrook Community HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY ture called, ‘‘The Seeing Eye.’’ The Seeing Association for earning this honor and in OF VIRGINIA Eye’s story would inspire other moviemakers thanking the volunteers and Board Members IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES through the years. who devote countless hours toward the ulti- In 1966, Walt Disney filmed the movie, ‘‘Atta Friday, May 30, 2014 mate goal of creating an ideal home and serv- girl, Kelly!’’ on the Seeing Eye campus. Jim Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- ing our entire community. Kutsch, the current president of the organiza- ognize and congratulate the Penderbrook tion, watched this film as a young child. Years VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:33 Jun 05, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD14\E30MY4.REC E30MY4 bjneal on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E888 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 30, 2014 later, after losing his vision to a chemical ex- Lexie Vaught, Kylee Moore, Kylie Vaught, Unity in 1964. Since 1981, she held the Rey- plosion, he remembered that movie and was Justeen Mahan, Shelby Roder, Riley Israel, nolds Professorship of American Studies at determined to work toward his first Seeing Eye Emma Lander, Karen Belin, Loni Johnson, Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, dog. Jim is the first Seeing Eye graduate to Jalee Johnson, Addie Reel, Hailey Powell, North Carolina. serve as president of the organization. Jenna Scroggins, Madison Fulp, and Tabitha Dr. Maya Angelou once said: ‘‘I have cre- Twenty years later, Walt Disney Studios re- Bishop. ated myself. I have taught myself so much.’’ turned to the story of The Seeing Eye for an- Through their hard work and excellence on Dr.
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