This is a file in the Digital South Caucasus Colletion (DSCC) project: Author: Gamqreliże, Gela Title: Weapons and Armor in Georgia (5th century BC - 4th century AD) : Catalogue : Tom II The DSCC is part of the Ancient World Digital Library hosted by the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World Library. The Georgian National Museum has granted permission to the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World of New York University to publish this material electronically in the Digital South Caucasus Collection (DSCC). We are making such material available on a noncommercial basis for research and educational purposes in an effort to expand access to thinly-held and/or out-of-print material related to the study of the ancient world. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes beyond those in accordance with fair use (Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107), you must obtain permission from the Georgian National Museum. We respect the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe that you own the copyright to the material made available on this site, please see our takedown policy: http:/dcaa.hosting.nyu.edu/takedown-notice DIGITAL SOUTH CAUCASUS COLLECTION DSC C iaraR-saWurveli Zv.w. V - ax.w. IV saukuneebis saqarTveloSi II katalogi Weapons and Armor in Georgia (5th century BC - 4th century AD) II Catalogue gela gamyreliZe, vaxtang SatberaSvili, marine fircxalava, maia Carkviani, revaz davlianiZe iaraR-saWurveli saqarTveloSi (Zv.w. V _ ax.w. IV saukunebi) II katalogi saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumi, oTar lorTqifaniZis saxelobis arqeologiuri kvlevis instituti Gela Gamkrelidze, Vakhtang Shatberashvili, Marine Pirtskhalava, Maya Charkviani, Revaz Davlianidze Weapons and Armor in Georgia (5th century BC - 4th century AD) II Catalogue Georgian National Museum, Otar Lordkipanidze Institute of Archaeological Studies Tbilisi 2018 proeqtis xelmZRvaneli - vaxtang SatberaSvili. katalogi Sedga SoTa rusTavelis erovnuli samecniero fondis dafinansebiT (granti - “sabrZolo saqme da SeiaraReba iberia-kolxeTSi (kvleva da katalogi)” Sifri FR/387/1-60/14). naSromSi warmodgenili mosazrebebi ekuTvniT avtorebs da SesaZle- belia ar emTxveodes SoTa rusTavelis erovnuli samecniero fondis Sexedulebebs. Project director – Vakhtang Shatberashvili. The Catalogue was accomplished by financing of Shota Rustaveli National Sience Foundation (grant “Hostilities and weapons in Iberia- Colchis (Research and catalogue of artifacts)” code FR/387/1- 60/14. All ideas expressed herewith are those of the authors and may not represent the opinion of the Foundation itself. proeqtis farglebSi Sesrulebuli wigni _ iaraR-saWurveli Zv.w. V - ax.w. IV saukuneebis saqarT- veloSi I” ganTavsebulia saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumis veb-saitze - museum.ge. The book “Weapons and Armour in Georgia (5th century BC - 4th century AD) I” is published on the website of Georgian National Museum - museum.ge. grafikuli tabulebi – rusudan beriZe dakabadoneba da fotoebi – giorgi kakabaZe inglisuri Tarmani – nino jafariZe ydis dizaini – nino SatberaSvili ISBN 978-9941-27-959-1 (II) © gamyreliZe, SatberaSvili, fircxalava, Carkviani, davlianiZe 2018 winaTqma rusTavelis erovnuli samecniero fondis mxardaWeriT gamoqveynebuli winamdebare naSromi, `iaraR-saWurveli Zv.w. V - ax.w. IV saukuneebis saqarTveloSi II, katalogi~, war- moadgens saqarTvelos teritoriaze mikvleuli antikuri xanis arqeologiuri masalis, kerZod ki iaraR-saWurvelis orenovan, qarTul da inglisur enebze Sesrulebul kata- logs. wignSi Setanilia 106, anbanurad dalagebul arqeologiur Zeglze mopovebuli sabrZolo iaraRi; mocemulia mokle informacia TiToeuli Zeglis Sesaxeb (adgilmde- bareoba, TariRi, gaTxrili samarxebisa da iaraRiani samarxebis raodenoba); aRwerilia aRmoCenili iaraRi; darTulia grafikuli da foto masala. ilustarciebze gamosaxul TiToeul nivTs axlavs nomeri, romelic teqstSi aRwerili nivTis nomers Seesabameba. naSroms erTvis arqeologiuri Zeglebis ruka. aRniSnuli katalogi meore nawilia amave grantiT Sesrulebuli wignis, “iaraR-saWur- veli Zv.w. V - ax.w. IV saukuneebis saqarTveloSi I”, romelSiac antikuri xanis saqarTvelos arqeologiur Zeglebze mopovebuli iaraR-saWurveli: Subi, satevari, culi, mSvild-isa- ri, muzaradi, jaWv-javSani, fari da sxv. Seswavlilia statistikur-tipologiurad, siste- muri analizis meTodis gamoyenebiT; arqeologiuri monacemebi Sejerebulia werilobiT wyaroebTan; mokledaa mimoxiluli iaraRis Semcveli arqeologiuri Zeglebi. aseTi meTo- dikis gamoyenebis Sedegad miviReT sacnobaro-monografiuli xasiaTis naSromi antikuri periodis saqarTvelos samxedro-politikuri da sabrZolo istoriis Sesaxeb. samwuxarod, monacemebis naklebobis gamo, zogierTi Zegli saTanadod ar aris war- modgenili. imedia, keTilganwyobili mkiTxveli amas didsulovnad mogvitevebs da saqmian SeniSvnebs mogvawvdis, rasac momavalSi gaviTvaliswinebT. Foreword The bilingual (Georgian and English) Catalogue of weapons and armor found at the archaeological sites of Classical Period Georgia (5th century BC. - 4th century AD.), “Weapons and Armor in Georgia (5th century BC. - 4th century AD.) II, Catalogue” was accomplished with the support and funding of Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation. Here the data (the location of the site, dating, quantity of graves excavated at the cemeteries, number of graves with weapons) from 106 archaeological sites is given. All weapons are described, the photos and draw- ings are also attached. The number on the illustration is given according to the number of the Catalogue. The map of archaeological sites is also attached. The Catalogue is the second part of the book “Weapons and Armor in Georgia (5th century BC. - 4th century AD.)”, which refers to the typological-statistical, comparative analysis of weapons found at the archaeological sites of Georgia; reviews historical, historical-geographical and source study problems of the Classical Period Iberia and Colchis (5th century BC. - 4th century AD.). The statistical and typological data from each archaeological site, containing weapons and armor from Georgia is studied in the separate chapter, where the short information about 106 archaeological sites is given. On the basis of statistical analysis, the number of armed persons and weap- ons in the burials of various periods are studied. 5 abano (rukaze # 1) Abano (# 1 on the map) sof. abano mdebareobs qarelis municipalitetSi, md. frones xeobaSi. aq, adgil `cixiana- ze~ gaiTxara Zv.w. VI-V ss-is 7 samarxi. iaraRiani samarxebis raodenoba - 3. 7 graves of 5th-4th cent. BC were excavated at the cemetery of Abano (Kareli municipality). The weapons were found in 3. 1. isrispiri, brinjaosi, samwaxnaga, moklemasriani. aRmoCnda # 2 samarxSi [nucubiZe 1978:67, tab. 20, 8]. Arrowhead, bronze, trihedral, with a short socket. Grave # 2. 2. isrispirebi, brinjaosi, samfrTiani, Rrumasriani, 2 c. aRmoCnda # 6 samarxSi [nucu- biZe 1978:69, tab. 24, 1-2]. Arrowheads, bronze, trilobate, with hollow socket, 2 pieces. Grave # 6. 3. culi, rkinisa, aqvs odnav SemaRlebuli, CaquCisebri yua, ovaluri satare xvreli, asi- metriuli, moxrili piri. simaRle - 12 sm. aRmoCnda # 1 samarxSi [nucubiZe 1978:61-73]. Battle-axe, iron, with an oval axe-eye, a hammer-like head, asymmetrical, slightly curved cutting edge, h - 12 cm. Grave #1. sabrZolo culi sof. abanodan The battle-axe from the v. Abano 6 abelia (rukaze # 2) Abelia (# 2 on the map) TeTriwyaros municipalitetSi, sof. abeliaSi gaiTxara Zv.w. V-IV ss-is 16 da Zv.w. II-I ss- is 2 samarxi. iaraRiani samarxebis raodenoba - 1. masala inaxeba TeTriwyaros municipalur muzeumSi. 16 graves of 5th-4th and 2 graves of 2nd -1st cent. BC were excavated at the cemetery of Abelia (Tetritskaro mu- nicipality). The weapon was found in one grave. The artifact is preserved in Tetritskaro Museum. Subispiri, rkinisa, rombiseburpiriani, grZelmasriani, masragaxsnili, maRalqediani. sigr- Ze - 19 sm. aRmoCnda # 21 samarxSi[kviJinaZe 1975:13-14, tab. VI]. Spearhead, iron, with rhomboid blade, high midrib, long and open-socketed. Length - 26 cm. Grave # 21. Subispiri sof. abeliadan The sprearhead from the v. Abelia abulmugi (rukaze # 3) Abulmugi (# 3 on the map) dmanisis municipalitetSi, md. maSaveras marcxena Senakad xinwis xevis Suawelze, nasoflar abulmugis maxloblad Seswavlilia Zv.w. IV da IV-III saukuneebis mijnis 27 samarxi. dakrZalu- lia 35 individi, aqedan 17 mamakaci. iaraRiani samarxebis raodenoba - 7. 27 graves of 4th-3rd centuries BC were excavated at the cemetery of Abulmugi (Dmanisi municipality). The 35 deceased (17 males) were buried here. The weapons were found in 7 graves. 1. Subispiri, rkinisa, momrgvalebulmxrebiani, maRalqediani, grZelmasriani, masragax- snili. sigrZe - 26 sm. aRmoCnda #2 samarxSi [xoxobaSvili, ZnelaZe 2008:23]. Spearhead, iron, with rounded shoulders, high midrib, long and open-socketed. Length - 26 cm. Grave # 2. 2. Subispiri, rkinisa, momrgvalebulgverdiani, maRalqediani, grZelmasriani, masragax- snili. sigrZe - 26 sm. aRmoCnda # 18 samarxSi [xoxobaSvili, ZnelaZe 2008:71]. Spearhead, iron, with rounded sides, high midrib, open-socketed. Length - 26 cm. Grave # 18. 3. Subispiri, rkinisa, momrgvalebulmxrebiani, aqvs viwro piri, maRali qedi, grZeli, ga- xsnili masra. sigrZe - 26,8 sm. aRmoCnda # 22 samarxSi [xoxobaSvili, ZnelaZe 2008:86]. 7 Spearhead, iron, with rounded shoulders, high midrib, open-socketed. Length - 26 cm. Grave # 22. 4. Subispiri, rkinisa, wagrZelebul samkuTxapiriani, maRalqediani, masragaxsnili, sigr- Ze - 30,7 sm. aRmoCnda # 19 samarxSi [xoxobaSvili, ZnelaZe 2008:75]. Spearhead, iron, with prolonged triangular blade and high midrib. Length - 30,7 cm. Grave # 19. 5. Subispiri,
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