University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 7-12-1906 Albuquerque Evening Citizen, 07-12-1906 Hughes & McCreight Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Evening Citizen, 07-12-1906." (1906). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/ 3333 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. , CP1 ptoitmefme Utting n flif VOLUME 20 ALKUQUEHQUE, NEW MEXICO,fTI1UKSDAY EVENING, JULY 12, 1900. NUMBER lCiF , - .I. PITTSBURG COURT CASES A AND IT ISN'T LEAP YEAR, EITHER DREYFUS IS SPIKED SWITCH MILLIONAIRE OF VARYING EXONERATED CAUSES FATAL AIRS LINEN CRIMINALITY FULLY NOW RAILWAY WRECK Stol- A Letter Introduced in More Than $100,000 Supreme Court Annulled Indiana Town Burned en Prom Ship and iiartje Divorce Case Condemnation Without From Map-Omni- bus Delay. No Clue Left. Causes New Trial. Accident Kills MINNEAPOLIS MYSTERY IS ICE COMPANIES INDICTED BROTHER BORE HIM NEWS EIGHT AND WOUNDS MANY Conspiring to Raise Price More Inexplicable Riggs for Restored to All Rights, Dig-niti- es Badly Burned by Dress Catch- Or- - Kills Himself Did Not and Officers Are . and Emoluments ing Fire From an Need Money Stolen. dered Arrested. in the Army. Alcohol Lamp. Seattle. Wash.. July 12. Over $100,-- ) Pittsburg, July 12. After adjourn- Paris, 12. handwriting July The supreme court Petersburg, Ind., July 12. A west- consigned to the Alaska Pacific ment for a week to give has Express company experts time to examine forty letters announced Its decision annulling bound freieght on the Southern rail- r here was stolen way was wrecked from a Heard the steamer Ida May, and introduced iu the Hartje divorce case the condemnation of Dreyfus without today nt Jacksoa mine siding. The fireman a brake-ma- n no clew to the robbers found. by the plaintiff and alleged to have a retrial. The effect of decision and has leen the were killed and the: engineer The shipment was from Fairbanks. been written by the respondent, Mrs. is a complete vindication of Dreyfus. wis Hartje, taking of testimony fatally injured. Th switch had been The Ida May was. to transfer it to Scott the entitling him to restoration spiked. ' The east passenger Gibson, In the case was resumed today before to his bound the Sarah at Fort and it was rank in army train, ws delayed and escaped there tiiat the loss was discovered. Judge Fra.er of the common pleas the as though he had thus court. Mrs. Hartje was called and she never been accused. ' being wrecked. No clew has been denied she had written a letter found ko the wreckers. The railroad ARRESTED 8USPECT that Palace of Justice company re- to Susie Wfcgner. her former domestic, Thronned. owns coat mines which COMMITS SUICIDE. The Palace of Justice was taronged cently paid the advanced scale de- Elroy. Wis., July 12. N. which, when on the stand previously, eager ncpna Conductor an crowd. The bi tha manded by the miners, causing some-resentme- M. Rlggs, who was arrested here yes- she admitted having written. She ad- decision was pronounced written Susie a was one of In certain quarters. terday charged with the murder of mitted she had letter impressive dignity. The court, con- -- in were many expression Millie Ellison at Minneapolis, shot which there sisting of forty-nin- e Judges, in submit- gowned Booneville, Ind., July 12. Fire sup- himself early this morning, dying in- which occurred the letter in fjowjng red robes, solemnly mount- stantly. Higgs, ted to her, but declared she never posed to be of Incendiary origin de- when arrested, asked ed the bench. Deep, silence prevailed town Lynnvllle to be taken see wife daugh- wrotn the sentence saying she wanted as stroyed, the of early to nis and the presiding Judge read a lengthy today, causing Twenty-- ter, in country. Susie by her side. n loss of J5.000. the On returning last necision. minutely reviewing the ser- one r.lght At buildings were burned and tha he conversed pleasantly with the conclusion of her examina- ies of sensational events nf Ihn Inn population friends. The shooting tion David Carvalho, a New York years, town, which had a of 1,000. occurred in his twelve and completely dlscul-- was practically wiped out of exist- room at the hotel wh.le the officer handwriting expert, was called. He I'niuiK ivreyius 01 an wrong doing, ence. was otitslite. said he had examined the letters and freeing him of the accusation of being found some written by one hand and the author of the famous " incriminat- London, July 12. The brakes fall- SEARCH OF RESIDENCE some by otheni. Counsel for the ing documents on which the entire plaintiff asked court to adjourn until cnarge was ing to act, a motor omnibus running; ESTABLISHES HIS GUILT. rounded, and ordering the from London 'Brighton Minneapolis, A the exhibits could be further exam- annulment of Judgment to dashed Minn., July 12. the of the down a steep hill near Crawley search by ined by experts, as Mrs. Hartje denied Rennes court-marti- al publi- this the police of the house of with the morning and was overturned. Six N. 'M. Higgs. who killed himself at having written the letter chosen as cation of the final announcement of the standard for comparison. his passengers were killed and a score Elroy. wis., last night, after being ar innocence In fifty newspapers to were badly injured. E1-- ! he chosen by Captain rested tor the murder of Millie BRYAN MAKES PULL STATEMENT ON Dreyfus. As the per- CONSPIRACY TO MAKE final determination was later details show that eight lison at i.iinneapolis, has supplied announced sons are collid- there were some ap- dead. The omnibus enough evidence to convict him of the ICE PRICE HIGH. exclamations of ed occupants Washington, D. 12. proval which sup- with tree. The of the crime, even if tie had not acknowl- C. July The the court officers vehicle were pitched in all directions. edged it by his own act 'of suicide. grand jury of the District of Columbia pressed. Outside the court the crowd TRUSTS AND WEALTH TREATMENT received Several of them were horribly man- The police regard the case as (iitt ol today returned Indictments against tlie decision without making gled. 34 any demonstration. Captain There were passengers, the strangest on record, inasmuch as the American Ice company and the Dreyfus mainly of Orpington, Chapin-Sack- s was not present merchants tea. Rlggs did not need money. Ice company and their in court, but a mes- miles from London. local officers, cn the charge of enter- senger was dispatched by his brother ing Matthew to bear the good SUMMER CHAUTAUQUA into a conspiracy to increase the Wants Extermination of Trusts, But Ample news to .New. York, July 12. Word wss re- AT PACIFIC GROVE price of Ice. At the request of Dis- Protection to hlni.In a garret where he has remain- ceived here from London yesterday 12.-Th- ed Becluded. San Jose. Calif., July sum- trict Attorney Baker, Judge Wright of a painful accident to Miss Margaret mer Chautauqua sess.on at Pacific immediately issued warrants f;r the Gives Sensible Interview. Baxter, daughter of the former gov- Grove began a y session today. arrest of the indicted officials. Wealth Which Has Been Properly Earned and In an Interview today after the ernor. O. VV Baxter, of Wyoming, now Among the noticeables who will take of the decision In his fa- a resident of this city. While dress- part in toe Chautauqua, eiiiisr in per- BALTIMORE ELKS vor, Dreyfus said: ing for dinner Miss Baxter was se son or by communication are Included LEAVF FOR DENVER "Thia-hn.- : ir itwuly- - Under fio Other Circumstances. ,Vr und terriblo fcuroM by ljor dres? coming in , Senator LaFollette, Wis.; District At- Baltimore, Md., July 12. A large ordeal. - The decision restores rne to contact with a lighted alcohol lamp. torney Jerome of New York, and the delegation of Elks left hero today for my old place in the army. I have Her Injuries for the time greatly governor of Missouri. A. A. Willitt, Denver for the national convention. nothing to say against my accusers. alarmed her friends, hut she is now of Ohio has been engaged to deliver They carried a number of banners and I,, ndon, July 12. William Jennings ently mapped out bis future c:.ursei will be that It is useless for anybody Being again an officer. I am obliged recovering and expects in a ... tew a series of lectures and Bob Burdette buttons and a large fund tu be used Bryan is returning home after his tour of action with great care, and inunds to try to control the trusts. They to enter my regulations In silence, and weeks to go to Scotland and Join sev- will add his wit and humor to the to secure next of to take every only cannot be I am the convention Elks of the world, with as good a knowl- precaution that eoutrolltd, and the only way inexpressibly thankful to those eral house parties before returning to program. for Baltimore. his carefully thought-ou- t opinions are to deal with them is to exterminate who have assisted in the maintenance New York In the autumn with her edge of the ins and outs of American given to the public.
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