Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories irriage Roorils, Best Paddocks, Best Stalls. (37 Large Box and 53 Lajge Single Stalls), Best Care and 'the Best Ventilated Stall.-, in Buffalo. J. L. DONOVAN, PROPR. GEORGE HERINCTON, JR SUPT. TEL. BRYANT 28C.. ITS WEST VJTIC3 STREET. NEW RICHELIEU HOTEL Swan Street, between Washington arj Ellicott. BUFFALO. N. Y. Refitted Throughout SteaStearrm Heat in Every Room NEW MSEMENT Baths RATES: $2.00 per Day. •!. PEcl. L WEEKLY RATES. 20th Century Methods A.^*.Tailorinc » Wholesale Prices. t i wi|$15 I X X A No More .* No Less. A' A; A: SUIT O'i OVER JOAT. SCOTCH ANO ENGLISH WOOLENS ONLY. IROQUOIS 'HOTEL BLOCK. rain with 363 MAIN .T. BUFFALO, N. Y. HENRI V. DER-fT, Practical Ratter. AH Kinds of SILK, STIFF and SOFT HATS Remodeled into Latest Styles. Silk and Stiff Hats Made to Order. X Cor. Main and Mohawk Sts. BUFFALO. H. Y. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories V Rochester Public Library _ Reference Book _ ^11~ \A Not For Circulation ^1 f CORRESPONDENCE W OFFICE 325 MAIN ST., CONFIDENTIAL » BUFFALO, N. Y. AUGUST JOHNSON, -»® IVTerchant Tailor EXCLUSIVELY \^) FINE TAILORING. „.„„. TII,C 1NI J, A A NOVELTIES IN " " ~ IMPORTED WOOLENS. 12 WEST EAGLE ST., BUFFALO, N. Y. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION. 1 TUB stioriiJuiTTeGiinic Mitel M. JEANETTE BALLANTYNE, Principal. Law Stenographer. All Orders Carelully, Neatly and Promptly Filled. Reporting, Dictation, Typewriting, 129 Powers' Building, Making Up Cases, etc. n? powers, Rochester, N. Y. Competent Lady Assistants. Bldg. Typewriting Room. Notary with Seal. CALL AND SEE. WORK THAT RECOMMENDS ITSELF. MORAN BROTHERS, MANUFACTURERS OF TRUNKS AND SAMPLE GASES SAMPLE TRUNKS for Clothing, SAMPLE CASES for Liquors, Shoes, Dry Goods, Bicycles, Stationery, Books, Cigars, Jewelry, etc. Jewelry and Shoes. X X 273 Main Street, Corner Swan, REPAIRING DONE. RITCCA1 C\ M V SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. PUrrALU, Pi. I. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories TELEPHONE, TOPPER 74. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. H. G. DAVIS, \iWEtft ^ fcO|tftfM& COACHES, COUPES, VICTORIAS AND SINGLE LIVERY. 216-218 NIAGARA ST. BUFFALO, N. Y. HOTEL SHYOY (PRIVATE.) Cor. Franklin and Genesee Streets, BUFFALO, N. Y. "D^—u* A Transient Rates DOdTO I S1.00 to S1.50 per afl(j | day. Special Rates by the week and to Rooms, permanent boarders K. T. ROGERS, Prop. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories W. R. MORRISON. E. MORRISON. W. R. MORRISON & CO., PRACTICAL PLUMBING, Gas and Steam Fitting, Sanitary Work a Specialty. Estimates Given for Special Work outside of city and Specifications Written. 115 N. Warren St., Greyhound Blk. SYRACUSE, N. Y. 5. ALEXANDER, Merchant Tailor, SUITS MADE TO ORDER. Also Clothing Gleaned, Dyed, Pressed and Repaired at Reasonable Prices and on Short Notice. m 233 JAMES ST., Alhambra Bldg. SYRACUSE, N. Y. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories Real Estate, Owned and for sale by MRS, A, LAFFLIN, Prospect Park House, 11 Falls St, NIAGARA FALLS, N, Y, j 328 ACRES OF RIVER FRONT, 10U ! ACRES LAID OFF IN CITY LOTS, also 9 valuable Houses and Lots, and Prospect i Park House, 11 Falls Street, or would lease the hotel to a desirable tenant. The hotel is one and a half blocks from N. Y. C. Depots, and one block from Prospect Park and Falls. Have also a number of Lots adjoin­ ing the Cataract Construction Company, suitable for manufacturing purposes, will sell reasonable as I bought before j the boom of Niagara Falls. j Address for Particulars, Mrs. ft. Lafflin, Niagara Falls, New York. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories Marks & Gaison, JOBBERS OF >M00\iWS (MM TdMiORS' TR W\\l^S. Sample Sets Furnished to the Merchant Tailors upon application. 14 N. ST. PAUL ST. ROCHESTER, N. Y. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories BARDS & CO.'S CLASSIFIED business 3ireetcri( -OF— Western View Z(crkf EMBRACING THE FOLLOWING TOWNS BUFFALO, ROCHESTER, SYRACUSE, AUBURN, NIAGARA FALLS. DUNKIRK, LOCKPORT, BROCKPORT, BATAVIA, CANAN­ DAIGUA, SENECA FALLS, GENEVA, ERIE, PA., ETC. FOR THE YEARS 1898-1899. PUBLISHED BY BARDS & CO., NEW YORK, TO ADVERTISE AND INTRODUCE THEIR WRITING INKS. CIRCULATION GRATUITOUS TO PURCHASERS OF THEIR INKS. ASK YOUR STATIONER FOR BARDS & CO.'S INKS. COMPILED BY M. M. PHUDEN. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories INDEX TO TOWNS. PAGE. PAGE. Arcade 358 Geneva • 366 Attica 359 Lancaster 356 Auburn 440 Lockport 459 Batavia 468 Niagara Falls 424 Brockport 466 North Tonawanda 361 Buffalo 1 Rochester 170 Canandaigua 350 Seneca Falls 434 Dunkirk 296 Syracuse 306 Erie, Pa 261 Waterloo .438 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS. PAGE. Alexander Solomon, (colored leaf) 4 Lafflin Mrs. A., (colored leaf) 5 Albany Dental Parlors 28 Liebel House (last leaf), 170, 261, Ballantyne M. Jeanette, (inside front 295, 305, 324, 350, 440, 465, 469 cover.) Marks & Gaison, (colored leaf.) 6 Banker's Commercial League, (back in­ Mertens J. M. & Co., (outside back cover.) side cover.) Moll Maurice 234 Bards & Co. 's 119-305 Moran Bros., (front inside cover.) Berst Henry P., (front outside cover.) Mittleberger C. A., (pink insert,) opp 14 Brown Printing Co 433 Morrison W. R. & Co., (colored leaf,)... 4 Buffalo Steam Laundry, (right side lines.) Niagara Mfg. Co., Ltd. (last leaf.) Burns Bros., (back inside cover.) O'Connor C. H., (front inside cover.) Clawson M. S. Battery Co., (left side Richelieu Hotel, (front outside cover.) lines.) Rochester Sewer Pipe Co , (pink insert,) Columbia Steam Laundry 430 opp 15 Craig W. H -. 210 Rochester Wringer Co., (inside back cover) Davis H. G., (first fly leaf.) Schiller Frank, (back outside cover.) Dennis J. L 445 Schrey F. J : 16 Donovan J, S , (front outside cover.) Sipe A. E., (left side lines.) Epstein Harry A 230 Smaling Mrs. H 185 Faber Mrs. Alice 235 Smith C. W 35 Glasgow Woolen Mills, (front outside cover.) Smith Premier Typewriter, (cuts on right side lines.) Goodman Wm 451 Harvey's Laundry, (last leaf.) Syracuse Bar Supply Co., (colored leaf).. 6 Hey & Parsons, (back outside cover.) Thatcher Gold Cure Co 194 Hookway's Store House, (back bone of Turver Dr. WW 78 cover) 346 Underhill School, The, (right side lines.) Hotel Savoy, (first fly leaf.) Upper & Upper, (last leaf ) Huntley Geo 457 Warren Ehret Co 15 Irr D. A., (back outside cover.) Wegenaar Granite Works 75 Johnson August, (front inside cover.) Weniger A. H 198 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories AB BUFFALO. AB 1 BARDS & CO.'Si CLASSIFIED L*;V?K Business and Professional Director!] OF WESTERN NEW YORK, EMRACING A CLASSIFIED LIST OF ALL Trades, Professions and Business Pursuits OF THE a a " I w Citizens Engaged in Commercial Business P-S B'M a a a 9 FOR THE YEAR 1898-1899. >-i ST -• H BO <• J2 Q H ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY for each trade, thus exhibiting at 00 2. a C 3 ~ a glance the full and special business of her citizens. 8*3. M US. o a er" er g p o* ao as INTRODUCTORY. •R r In presenting this—our second Western New York publication—to "• g<8 « our friends and patrons, we beg to remind them of the fact that this : ° c o work is published for the sole purpose of advertising and introducing g m a a 8 °"9 S"^ "» o BARDS ©• CO.'S INKS, • ("•o 2 i. 8 2. w therefore if you do not find it as complete in every detail as your city Tl „. a. P H directory, do not condemn it as being incomplete, as it is impossible to er 0 ~ 1 w get every one under all of his different headings in a work of this kind. to o H If you do not find a person under one heading turn to some other branch " erg'2' « of his business and you are sure to find him. Trusting it may prove aseful to the business men of Western New York, - CTo. We hope to remain very truly yours, BogS* BSRDS & CO. M. M. PRUDEN, MGR. s^ 8 g ~ a • „°-% BUFFALO BUSINESS DIRECTORY. O O 5 " OTQ «* Ss Abstracts S-" CT ° ~ Buffalo Abstract Guaranty Co, 99-100 Erie Co Bank bldg B "2 ir 1 er. ~.*a Erie County Guaranteed Search Co (The), -" ~~ ° 206 Pearl S era w e Queen City Abstract Co, 105 Franklin P. ti^ q Title and Guarantee Co of Rochester, 401 D S Morgan bldg 5' in <• erg a 1 •794641" 2.5 - Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories 2 AC BARDS & Co.'s BUSINESS DIRECTORY. AR Accountants £*'• jBpk'eVfl^ajJles Henry, 134 EriE e Co S B bldg / /j £&v**n*<3.)? 19 Erie Co Bank! bldg LLCowies" W C, 103 White bldg KMjbSrat William CPA, 300DS Morgan bldg (e,l Welch* Sherwood, 121 Franklin 11', j?*; l 1 Ladies' Solid r *"i £°l I r»5 Advertising Bordine C D, i6r Exchange Gold Rings Bradley W Charles, I draw drawings that draw from business, 523 Mooney-Brisbane bldg Buffalo Distributing Bureau, 35 Builders' Exchange $1.50 to $8 00 Densmore C W, 161 Exchange Johnson H G & Co, 203 D S Morgan bldg Penny FA, 116 Franklin cor Niagara Walker Edward T, 906 Prudential bldg Yates Blinn, 640 Ellicott sq Agricultural Implements (See Hardware) Bents' SoliJd Loegler ©• Ladd, Buggies, Wagons, Bicycles, Har­ Gold Set Rings ness, etc, 564-566 Washington $3 to $10 Alcohol (Wood) Manhattan Spirit Co (The), Pierce & Stevens Selling Agents, cor 4th and Pennsylvania Aluminum Goods Bassett Francis E, Aluminum Goods and Souvenirs, 297 Main Ellicott sq Architects Archer W H, 73 W Eagle Bacon & Lewis, room 201 19 Courts Bethune, Bethune & Fuchs, 51 w Huron Brown & Brown, 1326 Prudential bldg Gents' Solid Byrens John M, 555 and 557 Ellicott sq Gold Trimmed Carson John, 955 Ellicott sq Seal Charms Caulkins F W, 36 Builders' Exchange Coxhead John H, F A I A, 824-826 Ellicott sq $1.00 to $5.00 Curtis Edward W and William Boughton Hart, New York, Buffalo and Chicago, 68 Coal and Iron Exchange Dixon L H, 19 Builders' Exchange n, E, sire,Dudle y Wm Northrop, room 306 19 Court Eckel Louis P J, 39 Niagara Esenwein & Johnson, 707 Mooney bldg Cor.
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