
Index to Abstracts A Abdominal tumors, advances in diagnosis, Alcohol injections in treatment of orbital 369 (Aievoli) angiorna, 382 (Cornet) Abdominal wall (See also Umbilicus) Aleukemic leukemia. See Leukemia endometriosis of, 908 (Haselhorst) Aleukemic leukopenic chloromyelosis, 939 fibroma of, 139 (Mosto et el) (Strasser) developing at site of old trauma, 135 Aleukemic lymphadenosis associated with (Liitseler) agranulocytosis, 716 (Rittmann) Abdulla, M., 913 Aleukemic lymphomatosis of stomach in Abel, A. L., 179 child, 939 (Cibils Aguirre et al) Abel, K., 906 Alexander, 462 Abell, I., 469 Alkali reserve in blood of cancer patients, Abraham, E. G., 206 139 (Rakow) Acanthoma Alliez, J., 231 multiple branchiogenic, 394 (Lillie et al) Allott, E. N., 141 of anus, 623 (Hankins and Harding) Alvarez Cascos, 855 Acanthosis nigricans associated with gas- Ambler, J. V., 618 tric cancer, 885 (DamblB) American Society for Control of Cancer, Achard, C., 878 943 (Little) Acoustic nerve tumors (See also Brain, Amodeo, N. A., 640 cerebellopontine angle tumors) Amorosi, O., 174 surgical treatment, 231 (Balado and Ampulla of Vater. See Vater’s ampulla Morea), 700 (Dandy), 925 (Olive- Amyloid tumors of skull, radiologic diag- crona) nosis, 934 (Vogeler) Acromegaly associated with pituitary ade- Andersen, D. H., 659 noma, 230 (Stern) Anderson, H. F., 854 Adamantinoma of lower jaw, resection and Anderson, L. w., 449 artificial replacement of jaw, 159 (van Andrewes, C. H., 599 Hutten) Andrews, C. J., 683 Adenomyoma of stomach with adjacent Anemia subserosal abscess, 172 (Petrowitch and aplastic, leukemia associated with, 939 DavidoviE) (Weber and Weisswange) Adenomyosis. See Endometriosis in cancer of stomach, 168 (Mansella) Adler, J., 141 in Hodgkin’s disease, 244 (Weber) Adrenal. See Suprarenal pernicious Adson, A. W., 459, 928 associated with gastric adenoma, 172 Aerocystography, 691 (Ross) (Christoffersen) Africa, malignant melanomas in natives, coexistent with carcinoma of stomaell, 375 (Sequeira and Vint) 397 (Conner and Birkeland) Agatson, S. A., 630 specific dynamic action of food on, 240 Agranulocytosis (Kimura) aleukemic lymphadenosis associated Aneurysm, cirsoid, of splenic artery, 413 with, 716 (Rittmann) (Naegeli) leukemia and, 715 (Strumia; Ederle Angioblastoma of face following removal of and Escher) calcified cyst, 139 (Villata) Aguilar, O., 879 Angiofibrosarcoma, 848 (Barnes) Aievoli, 369, 463 Angiography, cerebral, 695 (Egas Monis) Albeaux-Fernet, 853 Angioma (See also Hemangioma, Lym- v. Albertini, A., 371 phangioma) Albot, G., 611 capillary, 367 (Ords) Albrecht, H., 198 cutaneous and intracranial, 462 (Alex- AZbright, F., 867 ander and Meyers) 948 INDEX TO VOLUME XXIII. ABSTRACTS 949 Angioma-cont. Aorta, rupture of, due to lymphatic of brain, cavernous, association with leukemia, 241 (Costa) cancer, 926 (Radovici et al) Aortography of face and mouth, 622 (Clark) in renal and pararenal tumors, 686 of iris, with glaucoma, 631 (Mawas) (doe Santos) of larynx, 393 (Russo-Frattasi) in suprarenal gland tumor, 670 (Roux- stalked cavernous, 644 (Ebskov) Berger et al) orbital, alcohol injections in, 382 Appendicitis, acute . (Cornet) caused by carcinoma of colon, 176 treatment, 622 (Gerlach) (Parker and Rosenthal) cryotherapy and diathermy, 622 with ovarian cyst, 209 (Stoian and (Durand) Costesco) Angioma racemosum of spinal meninges, Appendix 233 (Rosenhagen) carcinoids of, 178 (Hellner), 403 (St. Angiomatosis, hereditary hemorrhagic, 368 George) (Goffin and Bastenie) simulating appendicitis, 403 (Sullivan) Angiomyoma of uterus, 903 (0rs6s) carcinoma of, 178 (Vance; Rutherford), Angiosarcoma of forearm, congenital, 932 888 (Hardoiiin) (Lombard and Le Genissel) cecal polyp on occluded base of, 665 Aniline tumors of bladder, 214 (Muller), (Strauss) 449 (symposium) leiomyosarcoma of, 665 (Charache) Animal tumors, experimental. See Ex- neuromas of, 178 (Hellner) perimental tumors Arenas, N., 412, 909 Animal tumors, spontaneous Argentaffine tumors of terminal ileum, 660 compared with those of plants, 134 (Lee and Taylor) (Hamdi) Arginase in Jensen rat sarcoma, 843 in birds, 845 (Makower), 846 (Nicolai) (Edlbacher and Koller) in dog Argue, H. S., 691 contagious oral papilloma, dendritic Arm chromatophores in, 605 (Casarza) congenital angiosarcoma of, 932 (Lom- in guinea-pig, 844 (Maury) bard and Le Genissel) in horse fibrosarcoma of, at site of old trauma, 135 carcinoma of eye, 365 (Bakker) (Liitzeler) in mouse Armand-De Lille, P. F., 647, 893 effect on, of vitamins, 359 (Harde and Armstrong, M. V., 208 Koborieff) Arneth, 720 factor from normal tissues inhibit- Aron, M., 368 ing growth of, 357 (Murphy and Aronson, W., 642 Sturm) Arrhenoblastoma. See Ovary, arrhenoblas- mammary carcinoma toma of influence of hormones and vitamins Arsenic in treatment of experimental on production of, 599 (Harde) tumors, 840 (Eggers) leukemoid and leukemic conditions Arsenical (7) keratoses, multiple epitheli- associated with, 604 (Hueper) oma and, in negro boy, 376 (Hopkins therapeutic action of radium on, and Van Studdiford) 597 (Cramer) Artaud, A., 905 in rabbit, 845 (Fardeau) melanomas, action of snake venom on, Arteriography 363 (Grasset and des Ligneris) in brain tumors, 220 (Lucherini), 457 similarity of, to fasciations in plants, 837 (Bodechtel and Wichmann), 69.5 (Jones) (Hanau) Anspach, B. M., 470 in tumors of limbs, 932 (dos Santos) Anspach, W. E., 707 Qrytenoid cartilage, reaction of, to car- Antonio, C., 224 cinoma, 163 (Terracol and Guibert) Antonioli, G. M., 175 4saku1-a~T., 131 Antrum. See Sinus, maxillary 4schheim Zondek reaction, 600 (Saphir) Anus, acanthoma of, 623 (Hankina and following partial hypophysectomy, 230 Harding) (Stern) 950 INDEX TO VOLUME XXIII. ABSTR.ACTS Aschheim Zondek reaction-cont. Bargen, J. A., 665 in chorionepithelioma, 197 (Beattie), Baridty, M., 667 198 (Taketomi), 428 (Kimbrough), Barker, L. F., 709 429 (Balkow; Granzow), 907 Barlaro, P. M., 935 (Schwalm) Barnard, L., 933 of fallopian tube, 199 (Bunnag and Barnes, E. B., 848 Bachman) Barney, J. D., $42 of testis, 455 (Montpellier and Her- Barringer, B. S., 440, 448 lant) Barry, T. R., 213 retroperitoneal, in male, 894 (Fenster) Bartels, E. C., 888 in fluid from ovarian cysts, 208 (Kleine Bartholin’s gland and Paal) calcified fibroma of, 914 (Mauc ,ire) in hydatid mole and chorionepithelioma, carcinoma of, 440 (Mayo and iarber), 681 (Heim; Mann and Leff), 682 914 (Lyle) (NYSt) endometrioma of, 440 (Duncan in ovarian dermoid, 210 (Tierny) Bartstra, D. S., 654 in seminomas, 455 (BIiimeI) Basophil syndrome, 229 (Leyton) in teratoma testis, 454 (Ferguson), 693 Bastenie, P., 368, 400 (Ferguson) Bates, C. O., 932 in uterine fibroma, 196 (Kulikowska) Baumann, R., 636 Aschoff, L., 475 Baumm, H., 418 Ascites, differentiation from ovarian cyst, Beach, R. M., 197 437 (Brakemann) Beard, J. W., 841, 842 Ashby, W. R., 474 Beattie, J., 197 Astraldi, A., 450 Beaver, D. C., 407 Atheroma of scalp, basal-cell epithelioma Beck, H., 385 in, 148 (Strauss) Beck, J. C., 642 Atlee, H. B., 902 B4cZBre, A,, 837, 920 Attiah, M,A. H., 229 B4ctte, C., 188 Aubry, M., 227 Beer, A., 666 Audo-Gianotti, G. B., 224, 925 Beeson, B. B., 623 Austin, P. R., 219 Behney, C. A., 185 Auuray, 855 Behrendt, W., 648 Beilin, D. S., 883 13 Belezky, W. K., 223 Baatz, 896 Belle, 905 Babaiantz, L., 889 Bench. E. M.. 409 Babcock, J. W., 873 Bendien reaction, 141 (Patterson and Babes, A., 186 Adler; Lowe et al), 612 (Lowe) Bachman, C., 199 Benedict, W. L., 381 Bacmeister, A., 648 Benetalo, G., 603, 604 Baensch, W., 235, 378 Benetato-Modval, M., 608 Bagozzi, U. C., 640, 657 Bennett, R. J., 383 Bailey, 0. T., 451 Bennett-Jones, M. J., 372 Bais, W. J., 210 Benoit, H., 935 Bajkay, T. V., 707 Benson, F. C., 376 Bakker, B., 365 Bensidine test, 168 (Ogilvie; Taylor) Balaban, I. J.,885 Bdrarck, M., 680 Balado, M., 231 Bergendal, S., 690 Balfour, D. C., 398, 655 Berger, L.,224, 443, 856 Balkow, E., 429 Berger, R. A,, 647 Ballenger, E. G., 918 Berkeley, C., 187 Balmus, G., 720 Berlin blue colloid flocculation test, tumor Bamber, G., 154, 378 type reaction with, 142 (Buscaino) Banet, V., 862 Bernal, P., 671 Barbanti-Silva, E., 906 Bernard, 893 Barber, K. W., 440 Bernard, G. T., 896 Barbier, J., 460 Bernardbeig, J., 194, 378, 436 INDEX TO VOLUME XXIII. ABSTRACTS 95 1 Bernay, P., 658 Bladder, carcinoma, treatment-cont. Bernot, J., 209 radiotherapy and electrosurgery, Bernstein, A., 715 215 (Stevens) Bertaccini, G., 7 17 radium therapy, 212 (Silverton) Bertone, C., 413 . endometriosis of, 908 (Haselhorst) Bertrand, I., 227 myoma of, prolapsed into urethra, 692 Beutel, A,, 165 (Truc) Bezecny, R., 624 papilloma of, 450 (Joly) Biancylli, H., 882 aspiration under direct vision, 917 Bicheler, 893 (Lechnir) Biedermann, 878 recurrences of, 451 (Lorge) Bierich, R., 844 removal by suction, 451 (Hennig and Biggam, A. G., 232 Lechnir) Rile, S., 435 pressure changes in, with genital tumors Bile-duct, common and pregnancy, 672 (Eufinger) myosarcoma of, 180 (Schuppler) tumors of (See also aniline tumors of, primary carcinoma of, 409 (Lee and cancer of, etc., above) Totten) aerocystography in, 691 (Ross) Bing, M., 611 contrast roentgenography, 917 (Sal- Bingham, E. M., 454 leras) Biology of cancer, therapeutic portent of, 618 (Yates) five-year cures, 472 (Kretschmer) Biophysics and cancer, 943 (Foveau de treatment, 686 (Keyes) Courmelles) electrocoagulation, 450 (Astraldi) Biopsy, 140 (MacCarty), 611 (Von Haam), radium implantation, 450 (Keyes) 849 (Budd) two-stage operation, 691 (Crosbie) aspiration, 849 (Martin and Ellis) vesical glands
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