INSIDE Women’s History Month features..................... 3-5 Editorial cartoonists’ presentation................... 7 Newspaper of the University of Pittsburgh Volume VIII • Number 11 • March 26, 2007 ITY S R PittChronicle E IV N U ason M New UPG, UPJ Presidents Named ge R By Linda K. Schmitmeyer eo LL, G E TW Sharon P. Smith Jem Spectar an C University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown an EV Sharon P. Smith, vice chancellor for her good stead as Jem Spectar, provost academic affairs, provost and vice president she helps to shape and vice president for aca- for academic affairs, and special projects an exciting future demic affairs at Western advisor for National University and for for our aca - Oregon University, has been the National University System, has been demic efforts in named president of the named president of the University of Pitts- Greensburg.” University of Pittsburgh burgh at Greensburg, effective July 1. S m i t h at Johnstown, effective Prior to being named to her positions at served as gov- July 1. National University and the National Uni- ernor of the Prior to becoming versity System, Smith served from 2001 to Security Trad- provost at Western Oregon 2006 as professor of management systems ers Association University, Spectar was and dean of the Colleges of Business and the from 1997 to associate provost for aca- Faculty of Business at Fordham University. 2005; a trustee demic affairs at the Uni- She also was dean of the College of Busi- of St. Barnabas versity of Scranton, direc- ness Administration at Fordham from 1990 Hospital, Bronx, tor of studies at Princeton to 2001. Smith’s professional experience N.Y., from 1997 to University, and assistant dean includes service as an economist for the 2006; chair of the of students at the University Federal Reserve Bank of New York and as Partners in Health of La Verne, in La Verne, Abul Hussam demonstrating his SONO arsenic filter. a district manager for American Telephone Board of Trustees California. and Telegraph Company. in 2000-02; president “Provost Maher and I look “Sharon Smith is an accomplished of the NASDAQ Stock forward to working with Dr. Spectar Pitt Alumnus Receives $1 Million administrator, a distinguished researcher Market Educational Founda- Jem Spectar and the University of Pittsburgh at John- and educator, and an experienced member tion, Inc., in 2000; and public gov- stown community to ensure the continuing Prize for Filter That Removes of the financial services industry who ernor of NASD, Inc., from 2000 to 2006. success of the campus under his capable has the talent and ability to lead She is the coauthor of Finding the Best leadership. Jem Spectar is a visionary leader Arsenic From Drinking Water the Greensburg campus to even Business School for You: Looking and celebrated teacher,” said Pitt Chancellor By Morgan Kelly higher levels of attainment and Past the Rankings (Praeger Mark A. Nordenberg. “He has the skills and impact,” said Pitt Chancellor Publishers, 2006) and Fac- experience necessary to build effectively A simple, inexpensive filter that Mark A. Nordenberg. “We ulty Retirement in the Arts upon the strengths of our Johnstown campus removes arsenic from drinking water welcome Dr. Smith to the and Sciences (Princeton and to enrich the lives of students, faculty, has won its inventor, Pitt alumnus Abul University of Pittsburgh University Press, 1991) staff, and administrators.” Hussam, the $1 million Grainger Challenge community and have and has published more “As a senior administrator at several Prize for Sustainability. every confidence she than 40 professional institutions of higher education, Dr. Spectar The device, called the SONO filter, is will be successful in ar ticles and book has established a leadership style marked by saving lives in Hussam’s native Bangla- her new role.” reviews. an emphasis on consultation, collaboration, desh. “ D r . S m i t h Sm it h wa s a and transparency,” said Pitt Provost and Hussam said he never could have has an established Visiting Fellow with Senior Vice Chancellor James V. Maher. created the device—which purifies water record of distin- the New York State “His outstanding academic and adminis- through a series of sand, wood, brick, and guished perfor- School of Industrial trative leadership as well as his capacity iron-composite filters—without the knowl- mance in strategic and Labor Relations for fundraising, friend-making, and foster- edge of analytical chemistry he acquired as planning, reinvigo- at Cornell University ing positive community relations make a doctoral student here. rated academic pro- during the 2005-06 him the ideal president for our Johnstown “The University of Pittsburgh takes grams, and admin- academic year and campus.” great pride in the news that alumnus Abul istration,” said Pitt a Visiting Senior Spectar also was an associate profes- Hussam was selected as the first-place Provost and Senior Research Economist sor of law at the University of La Verne, winner in the 2007 Grainger Challenge Vice Chancellor James for Princeton University a lecturer in political science at Princeton Prize for Sustainability,” said Pitt Chan- V. Maher. “That back- in 1988-90. University, and a professor of political sci- cellor Mark A. Nordenberg. “His design ground, combined with She received her A.B. ence at the University of Scranton. He was and creation of a reliable, affordable, and her strong interest in a team- degree, summa cum laude, awarded the 1998 Professor of Distinction sustainable method for treating arsenic-con- oriented environment and her in 1970; M.A. degree in 1972; Award at La Verne College of Law and the taminated groundwater is helping to solve a experience in working effectively Sharon P. Smith and Ph.D. degree in 1974, all in 1995 Professor of the Year, Legal Studies, massive public health problem—the poison- with community leaders, will stand in economics from Rutgers University. at the University of LaVerne. ing of millions of people in Bangladesh and other developing countries.” Hussam, today an associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry at George Pitt’s Male Peregrine Falcon Defends Nest From Mason University, earned his Ph.D. in ana- lytical chemistry at Pitt in 1982. Intruder in Bloody Clash of Talons and Beaks While at Pitt, Hussam became adept at trace analysis, or finding minute traces of Web camera captures rare footage of mating season row, may provide clues to falcon behavior substances in water. That skill would come in handy in the late 1990s, when Hussam’s By Morgan Kelly brother, a physician in their hometown of Kushtia, Bangladesh, shared with Hussam A quiet Sunday morning for the per- “Fights over nests and territory are his suspicion that some of his patients were egrine falcons living atop Pitt’s Cathedral pretty common, but nobody ever sees the suffering from arsenic poisoning. of Learning erupted into a bloody struggle fight,” Bledsoe said. The footage could help Bangladesh and other Southeast Asian for territory when a third falcon attempted people who study peregrine falcons better countries have reported high rates of arsenic to overtake their nest. understand how a new male—or some- poisoning in recent years. The naturally Neither of the Pitt falcons appears to times female—takes over a nest, Bledsoe occurring toxic substance enters well water have been injured during the 20-minute said. Researchers often find a new parent at levels far above those considered safe. melee on March 18, but a Web camera in a monitored nest, but lack solid evidence Arsenic poisoning can lead to organ failure, that monitors the falcons’ nest recorded suggesting how the interloper took charge, cancer, and death. Children and malnour- the battle, making for rare and informative he said. ished adults are particularly vulnerable. footage, said Anthony Bledsoe, a lecturer of Images of the fight show a third falcon The only way for Hussam to know biological sciences in Pitt’s School of Arts and Sciences who helps monitor the birds. Continued on Page 7 Erie, the Cathedral of Learning’s male peregrine falcon Continued on Page 6 • Pitt Chronicle • March 26, 2007 BrieflyNoted Pitt Dance Ensemble to Present Spring Performance March 9-31 PITT ARTS Presenting Concert By Chilean Classical Guitarist The University of Pittsburgh Dance Ensemble will present its spring performance, titled “Unhinged,” PITT ARTS, the Pitt program that introduces stu- featuring the premiere of guest choreographer Meredith dents to the city’s cultural life, is presenting Koloski’s “Too Many People” and student choreography Chilean classical guitarist Carlos Pérez in jazz, hip hop, ballet, and modern styles of dance. in a free public concert at 8 Performances will be presented at 8:15 p.m. March 29-31 p.m. April 5 in the Frick Fine in the Trees Hall Dance Studio. Arts Auditorium. Pérez Koloski’s “Too Many People” was choreographed will perform a program while in residence with the Dance Ensemble in February featuring the music and March 2007. It combines modern dance with hip hop of the late Antonio styles and was inspired by a study done on human ges- Lauro and other Latin conference visit www. ture. Since her arrival in Pittsburgh, Koloski has performed American composers. pitt.edu/AFShome/r/h/ with Attack Theater and is a codirector/choreographer of Anthology Celebrates 40 For more information, call rhalle/public/html/avant- Flux, an umbrella company of choreographers across the 412-624-4498. garde/schedule.htm. United States who explore collaboration
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