2 | WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 2016 NEWSBEAT www.gulfislandsdriftwood.com GULF ISLANDS DRIFtwOOD PARC Approval officer weighs in on subdivision anomaly Brinkworthy residents PARC commissioner Kees Ruurs and the Islands Trust will probably reduction because the subdivision want to establish a frame of reference described the unusual situation, say- have to have some pretty frank dis- represented an unprecedented for future interactions and negotia- ask for playing field ing in his 20 years as a parks admin- cussions when it comes to the deci- opportunity to promote food security tions. negotiation istrator he had gone through numer- sion-making process of their council and organic farming practices. PARC chair Jon Suk reported that ous subdivision applications. members.” Salt Spring’s CRD director Wayne establishing such a framework would “I was absolutely flabbergasted Evanoff added one reason he had McIntyre said he would write a letter be premature, but that a five-stage BY ELIZABETH NOLAN when the Islands Trust reduced the looked so closely into the file was the to the local trustees and hopefully public consultation process led by an DRIFTWOOD STAFF amount that we legally should have $4,000 reduction was an “odd” and avoid any similar situations. independent contractor is planned. A decision by Salt Spring’s Local had under the 941 section,” he said. suspiciously small amount. In other PARC business, a large He said Brinkworthy residents are Trust Committee to reduce the “I have never ever seen that before in delegation of Brinkworthy Place resi- definitely viewed as major stakehold- parkland compensation related to a my life and I am very concerned that dents attended the meeting to voice ers. March 2015 subdivision continues a dangerous precedent has been set.” “It’s unfathomable that continued opposition to the plan to PARC manager Dan Ovington to raise questions at other levels of The CRD’s senior manager for Salt such a development develop playing fields at their door- shared news than a request for pro- government. Spring, Karla Campbell had asked for step, citing reduced quality of life and posals for the consultant had failed Ryan Evanoff, who is the subdivi- an intervention, alleging a contraven- can even be proposed.” decreased property values, safety and to yield any submissions. The con- sion approving officer for the Van- tion of the act. Evanoff said his legal privacy if the project goes ahead. tract is now being divided into two couver Island region of the Ministry counsel had instructed him not to SUSAN BRAIN Resident Susan Brain noted that if sections, with one related to public of Transportation and Infrastructure, get involved in the situation, but he Brinkworthy resident the plans proceed as currently drawn consultation and the other to do with appeared before the Salt Spring Parks wanted to give the commission more up, a major baseball diamond will land acquisition. and Recreation Commission Mon- information. be located 15 metres from her fence- An RFP to draw up a new master day night to give his opinion on the “In my personal opinion the fact “I don’t have the evidence that it line and just 30 metres from her back plan for Centennial Park was more unusual case, which saw the LTC that this subdivision existed in the was a kick-back to the developer or deck. successful and drew nine submis- drop the amount of money a Bur- first place benefitted the community anything like that. I just have to go “It’s unfathomable that such a sions. The successful bid went to goyne Valley subdivision applicant by providing some money toward under the guise that the Islands Trust development can even be proposed,” LADR Landscape Architects of Vic- had to pay in lieu of parkland as a your park program. The $4,000 dis- perhaps were issued an assessment she said. toria, which has a partnership with community amenity under Section crepancy wasn’t really my place to get for $4,000 less? I don’t know, but legal- Spokesperson Wendy Kaye sub- local landscape architect Elizabeth 941 of the Local Government Act. involved in,” Evanoff said. ly speaking I’m obliged to accept their mitted a request that if PARC does FitzZaland. PARC was given $17,500 by the prop- “My recommendation would be process and what their government pursue the matter, Brinkworthy resi- PARC will also be issuing an RFP for erty owners rather than the $21,875 moving forward with the Islands agency says,” he concluded. dents be treated as a special stake- a contractor to organize an upcom- calculated to be five per cent of the Trust on these sorts of issues, if they LTC members explained at a May holder group and not as part of gen- ing island trails forum, and hopes to value received from the subdivision. happen to come up again. The CRD 2015 meeting they had granted the eral public consultation. Residents have it ready by the end of February. ISLANDS TRUST Before an Emergency LTC limits participant’s activities Varzeliotis denied that his letter wasn’t included as has been advised so in writing,” correspondence on the agenda, nor Grams wrote in an email to the delegation and was his request for a delegation, Driftwood. Disasters cannot be prevented, and if something speaking opportunities even though those communica- The Salt Spring LTC meeting tions wouldn’t be discussed. bylaw, as amended in 2013, permits happens in your community, it may take emergency “You are supposed to hold pub- the chair to deny an individual the workers some time to reach you. You should be BY ELIZABETH NOLAN lic meetings. This implies that the right to give a delegation or address DRIFTWOOD STAFF people are entitled to know what a meeting in cases of irrelevance, prepared to take care of yourself and your family Salt Spring’s Local Trust Commit- you are doing, entitled to answers defamatory or derogatory speech, or for at least seven days. tee has acted to reduce participa- . You have the opportunity to improper conduct. tion by a resident with a history of say we received a message about Islands Trust Council has investi- frequent communications, outlin- that, and we decided that we do gated Varzeliotis’ claims and found Check out the 3 steps you need to take: ing at the Jan. 14 business meeting not want the public to know about them groundless, Grams added, 1. Know the Risks how information from Tom Varzeli- that message. That is the honest and he has so far not taken his com- otis will be received in future. way,” he said. plaints further. 2. Make a Plan During Thursday’s agenda item Varzeliotis also compared the “There is a limit to how much tol- 3. Get a Kit on correspondence, LTC chair Peter LTC’s actions those of Idi Amin and erance we provide someone who Luckham informed Varzeliotis that Muammar Gaddafi. at each LTC makes allegations they staff have been directed not to Salt Spring trustee George Grams fail to substantiate and who refuses answer any letter received by him explained after the meeting that for to refer those allegations for inde- unless the members request that it several years Varzeliotis has been pendent and authoritative review by be added to a meeting agenda. alleging impropriety, if not illegality, the Office of the Ombudsperson,” “Further, we have decided we by LTC members and staff in how Grams said. “His conduct is disrup- https://www.crd.bc.ca/prepare- will only consider your requests to they treat his communications. tive to the meetings and provisions yourself/get-prepared appear before the Local Trust Com- “At times he has addressed mat- in the Local Trust Committee Pro- mittee as a delegation, or to speak ters that are not within the juris- cedure Bylaw provide guidance on at a town hall session at a business diction of the Local Trust Com- how this is to be addressed.” GULF ISLANDS meeting, if your remarks are rel- mittee nor Islands Trust Coun- Varzeliotis remains free to speak evant to a matter on our agenda for cil. The tenor and content of some at public hearings provided his D YOURriftwood COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1960 that meeting,” Luckham said. of his correspondence has been remarks are related to the subject Varzeliotis objected to the fact offensive and defamatory. He of the hearing. New Super Saver Webfares We’re all about the Islands AS LOW AS • 6 scheduled fl ights daily between Ganges and Vancouver Airport For scheduled flight info please call includes • Newest, fastest and quietest Seaplane fl eet in Canada $ all fees • Free parking and free shuttle bus to main YVR 1-800-447-3247 & taxes terminal and bus exchange *selected seats on all fl ights • Frequent fl yer discount or visit our website at between93 Richmond (YVR) and Salt Spring Island. • Charter fl ights available to other destinations, including USA. seairseaplanes.com Ganges Richmond (YVR) Book your fl ight on-line and SAVE $16.00 MUST BOOK ONLINE on a return trip airfare. TO SAVE! 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