SCO EXCLUSIVE. Religious Bishop Keenan on freedom group the World Meeting launched in the of Families. Scottish Parlia- Page 7 SUPPORTING 50 YEARS OF SCIAF, 1965-2015 ment. Page 3 No 5641 VISIT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER ONLINE AT WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK Friday October 9 2015 | £1 By Ian Dunn I UK Government to fund Synod not MARY’S Meals has been awarded match the Feed our match funding by the UK Government pandering to for a special three month appeal in a Future campaign move that will double donations passing fads made to the charity founded in Scotland and named after Our Lady. POPE Francis told the During the charity’s Feed Our Future Synod of Bishops on the appeal, which runs until 28 December Family to remain open in 2015, the UK Government will double deliberations on pastoral all personal donations made by UK care to the call of the Holy residents, up to £5 million. Spirit, repeating his frequent assertion that God Campaign is a God of surprises. Mary’s Meals’Feed Our Future campaign The synod began at the aims to extend the charity’s successful Vatican this week with Scotland feeding programmes to more hungry represented by Archbishop children across Malawi and Zambia. Philip Tartaglia of Glasgow, It comes at the end of a great year for president of the Bishops’ the charity that gives children in some of Conference of Scotland. the world’s poorest countries a nutritious In his opening address of the meal at school. In May the charity three-week event on Monday, announced that it had reached the the Pope underlined it was not milestone of feeding one million children a parliament where participants every school day in countries around the will negotiate or lobby for world. The Shed That Fed a Million changes to Church teaching, Children book by Magnus MacFarlane- but it must be a place of prayer. Barrow (right standing), the founder and Among the issues that have CEO of Mary’s Meals, also became a been discussed in the synod’s Sunday Times bestseller this year. first days are considerations of The charity has been praised for its low Mary’s Meals donations doubled Catholics who have been cost approach, which sees 93p of every £1 divorced and remarried without spent directly on charitable activities and This will allow Mary’s Meals to extend believe that our vision can be achieved ‘text to donate’ code, as well as Mary’s annulments, and the treatment the cost to feed a child for a whole its school feeding operations in both in this world of plenty, where there is Meals posters and stickers, urging of homosexual Catholics. school year set at just £12.20 since 2014. Malawi and Zambia where 108,818 hungry enough food for everyone.” the public to donate while gifts are being French Cardinal André Vingt children have already been identified in Mr McFarlane Barrow said it was doubled, to help feed more hungry -Trois, a delegate president of Aid great need of help. With the funding amazing that Mary’s Meals was already children with a nutritious meal in the synod, said on Monday The UK Aid fund-matching grant from boost from the government, it is hoped ‘reaching more than one million children school. Stagecoach will match-fund that if someone had come to the UK Government means that a single the Feed Our Future appeal can raise with feeding programmes across four customer and employee donations up to Rome looking ‘for a spectacular donation of £12.20 made between enough to reach all of those children. continents, but with 59 million children £100,000. change in the Church’s doctrine September 28 and December 28 2015, Mr McFarlane Barrow said the match still out of school and chronically hungry, Sir Brian Souter (above), Stagecoach you will be disappointed.’ will significantly feed not one, but two funding was ‘just brilliant news.’ we believe our work has just begun.’ Group chairman and co-founder, said he This was reiterated in children for a whole school year. “As a charity we very much rely on was delighted to get involved. International Scotland by Archbishop Leo grassroots donations from individuals Support Development Secretary Justine Greening Cushley of St Andrews and and groups doing what they can, so to The Feed Our Future appeal has also said ‘investment in children is an investment Edinburgh. have all these generous gifts from across received significant support from transport in the future of Africa.’ the UK doubled for the next three operator Stagecoach Group. The I Continued on page 7 months is just amazing,” he said. “Our company will help advertise the Feed I Visit https://www.marysmeals.org.uk; vision is that every child should be able Our Future campaign across the UK. call 01838 200605 or write to Mary’s I Family meeting in to receive one good meal every day in a Buses on more than 150 routes across Meals, Craig Lodge, Dalmally, Argyll, Edinburgh, page 2; More on place of education. Working together Scotland, North West England, and PA33 1AR synod, pages 6-7 with people who share our ideals, we Southern England will carry a special I [email protected] SCO, 19 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 6BT I tel 0141 221 4956 I fax 0141 221 4546 I e-mail [email protected] $##"" #!!& ((( &!# &!# '# # #$ $$ #$$ #$%$$#'%!)!& !) $% %&# %)!% !$ * * * %#* #$% $)# $!# %!"% $%+$$&# #$% $ # )"!#%!$ "#$&%! #!$$% $% $! +%!#%% $"&% % %&# !$%* $%##) $%# )!#*% # % %&#$%#! $% %$ $$& $%# %&# '# """!" "!% %($% #' #% &%% %&# 2 WHAT’S ON SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY OCTOBER 9 2015 Catholic parents have their say at assembly and learn more about This is Our Faith By Daniel Harkins parents was ‘irreplaceable to me and my brothers and sisters.’ PARENTS from across Scotland Asking parents to persevere through gathered in the St Francis Xavier the difficulties of passing on the life of Centre in Carfin last Saturday to faith to children, he said that by doing discuss This Is Our Faith, the syl- so they were ‘giving them a treasure labus for Catholic religious educa- which they will never exhaust and tion in Scotland. which will bring them friendship with At the assembly, parents were pro- God, a great love for all people, and vided with some information about This peace in their hearts.’ Is Our Faith and its purpose in directing “At times the life of faith may be a what is taught through religious educa- struggle but your children will bless you tion in Scotland’s Catholic schools. for the gift you have given them, the They were asked to reflect on what unsurpassable gift of knowing Our Lord they as parents can do to support chil- Jesus Christ, who is the true light for dren and young people in their Faith our lives,” he added. learning in school and were asked to The archbishop also commended give their views on a draft resource This is Our Faith and said it ‘helps your which is being developed by parents, children engage more fully with the for parents, to help them make sense of Catholic faith by stage-appropriate This Is Our Faith. learning, experience, worship, prayer Archbishop Philip Tartaglia of Glas- and personal reflection.’ gow, president of the Scottish Catholic Michael McGrath, director of the Scot- Education Service, was unable to attend tish Catholic Education Service (SCES), Catholic schools and parishes to link their Working Group will now finalise the SCES website. as he was taking part in the synod on the said the responses received were ‘very websites to that of SCES, which hosts RE first in a series of publications for par- family in Rome, but sent a message say- positive and encouraging’ and that resources and information. ents which will be made available I [email protected] ing the Faith and example of his own amongst suggestions made was one for The SCES Parental Involvement through schools, parishes and on the PIC: TOM EADIE Fr James Crampsey, Superior of the Jesuit community at Sacred Heart in Edinburgh, gave this year’s Gillis Lecture last week on Pope Francis and his Jesuit legacy. The lecture is held every year and is organised by the Heritage and Arts Commission of St Andrews and Edinburgh Archdiocese. Pope Francis joined the Jesuits in the 1950s and has said he joined because he was ‘attracted to its position on, to put it in military terms, the front lines of the church, grounded in obedience and discipline’ PIC: PAUL McSHERRY PICS: PAUL McSHERRY Family in focus at Edinburgh gathering SPOTLIGHT ON THE Lauriston Jesuit Centre in “It is something that comes to us problem to have.” Edinburgh was packed last Sat- from the way that God made us,” he Patricia Carroll, director of pas- urday for St Andrews and Edin- said, “Marriage is the most natural toral resources for the archdiocese, burgh Archdiocese’s family life state in the world. It is the nucleus said that some of the issues raised conference. of human society. It gives order and were already being addressed by The Vocation and Mission of it gives a confident centre to our God’s Loving Plan, the new syllabus Today’s Family conference, timed to lives in order to nurture that most for relationships education in coincide with the beginning of the important thing which is our young, Catholic primary schools. Synod on the theme of the family in our children. “It’s all about the human person Rome, began with Mass and contin- “Marriage gives children a loving, as made in the image and likeness of ued with a series of talks on a range stable, constant future and we all God and it’s a massive way forward of issues from marriage preparation know the consequences of having for us for educating parents into how to how parents deal with the sexual- that—and the consequences of not they teach the children about rela- isation of society.
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