PARTICLE PHYSICS the glue bındsthat Physicists have knownus for decades that particles called gluons keep protons and neutrons intact— and thereby hold the universe together. Yet the details of how gluons function remain surprisingly mysterious By Rolf Ent, Thomas Ullrich and Raju Venugopalan 42 Scientific American, May 2015 Illustration by Maria Corte May 2015, ScientificAmerican.com 43 Rolf Ent has worked at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility in Newport News, Va., since 1993. He is associate director of experimental nuclear physics there and has been a spokesperson for multiple experiments studying the quark-gluon structure of hadrons and atomic nuclei. Thomas Ullrich joined Brookhaven National Laboratory in 2001 and also conducts research and teaches at Yale University. He has partici- pated in several experiments, first at CERN near Geneva and later at Brookhaven, to search for and study the quark-gluon plasma. His recent efforts focus on the realization of an electron-ion collider. Raju Venugopalan heads the Nuclear Theory Group at Brookhaven National Laboratory, where he studies the interactions of quarks and gluons at high energies. he ancient Greeks believed atoms were the smallest bits of matter in the universe. Then scientists in the 20th century split the atom, yielding tinier ingredients: protons, neutrons and electrons. Pro- tons and neutrons, in turn, were shown to consist of smaller parti- cles called quarks, bound together by “sticky” particles, the appro- priately named gluons. These particles, we now know, are truly fundamental, but even this picture turns out to be incomplete. Experimental methods for peering inside protons and neu- the smaller particles’ spins do not easily add up to the whole. trons reveal a full-fledged symphonic orchestra within. These If physicists could answer these questions, we would finally particles each consist of three quarks and varying numbers of begin to comprehend how matter functions at its most funda- gluons, along with what are called sea quarks—pairs of quarks mental level. Identifying the main enigmas surrounding quarks Taccompanied by their antimatter partners, antiquarks—which and gluons, which we will detail below, is itself a key step toward appear and disappear continuously. And protons and neutrons discerning the physics of matter at its finest levels. Ongoing and are not the only particles made of quarks found in the universe. future work, including studies focused on exotic configurations Accelerator experiments in the past half a century have created of quarks and gluons, should help demystify the puzzles. With a a host of other particles containing quarks and antiquarks, little luck, we will soon be able to break out of the fog. which, together with protons and neutrons, are called hadrons. Despite all this insight—and a good understanding of how WHERE DOES PROTON MASS COME FROM? individual quarks and gluons interact with one another—physi- the mystery of mass is one of physicists’ most vexing questions cists, to our dismay, cannot fully explain how quarks and gluons and offers a good sense of why the workings of quarks and gluons generate the full range of properties and behaviors displayed by are so perplexing. We have a pretty good grasp of how quarks and protons, neutrons and other hadrons. For example, adding up leptons—a category of particles that includes electrons—get their the masses of the quarks and gluons inside protons does not mass. The mechanism arises from the Higgs boson—the particle begin to account for the total masses of protons, raising the puz- discovered to much fanfare at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) zle of where all this missing mass comes from. Further, we won- at CERN near Geneva in 2012—and from its associated Higgs der how exactly gluons do the work of binding quarks in the first field, which pervades all of space. When particles pass through place and why this binding seems to rely on a special type of “col- this field, their interactions with it imbue them with mass. The or” charge within quarks. We also do not understand how a pro- Higgs mechanism is often said to account for the origin of mass ton’s rotation—a measurable quantity called spin—arises from in the visible universe. This statement, however, is incorrect. The the spins of the quarks and gluons inside it: a mystery because mass of quarks accounts for only 2 percent of the mass of the pro- IN BRIEF The matter that forms our world is fun- in understanding the workings of quarks and neutrons in atoms, for example, or Future experiments revealing the build- damentally made of particles called and gluons, but a number of puzzling how they give those particles spin. And ing blocks of matter in greater detail quarks that are held together by sticky mysteries remain. quarks and gluons seem to have a than ever before could help physicists particles, the appropriately named glu- It is unclear how quarks and gluons strange “color” charge, yet protons and better understand how quarks and glu- ons. Physicists have made huge strides contribute to the mass of the protons neutrons have no color. ons interact. 44 Scientific American, May 2015 ton and the neutron, respectively. The oth- NATURE’S BUILDING BLOCKS er 98 percent, we think, arises largely from the actions of gluons. But how glu- ons help to generate proton and neutron Fundamental Particles mass is not evident, because they are The nuclei inside all the atoms of the universe primarily con- Spin Electric themselves massless. tain just two of the known fundamental particles: quarks and charge A clue to resolving this conundrum is gluons. Gluons belong to a category called bosons ( right ), provided by Albert Einstein’s famous which, with the exception of the Higgs, carry nature’s forces. equation relating a particle’s mass at rest Particle Gluons transmit the most powerful of all the forces—the name to its energy. By inverting the equation to strong force, responsible for binding together quarks inside 2 read m = E/c , we see that the mass ( m) of protons and neutrons. Besides bosons, the other known fun- the proton at rest can be said to arise from Mass (in mega- damental particles in the universe are classified as fermions electron-volts) its energy ( E), expressed in units of the ( left ), which include leptons such as the electron, and quarks. speed of light (c ). Because the energy of a Quarks come in six types, but only the up and down fla- proton is mostly contributed by gluons, in vors—the ingredients of protons and neutrons—are found in theory, one would only need to figure out abundance in nature. the net energy of gluons to calculate the 1 0 proton’s mass. Photon (electro mag- Calculating the energy of gluons is dif- netism) ficult, however, in part because their total Generation I Generation II Generation III energy arises from several contributing 0 factors. The energy of a free particle (un­­ 1/2 +2/3 1/2 +2/3 1/2 +2/3 attached to others) is its energy of motion. 1 0 Yet quarks and gluons almost never exist Up Charm Top Gluon in isolation. They survive as free particles (strong only on unimaginably small timescales force) –24 seconds) before they 2.3 1,275 ~173,500 (less than 3 × 10 0 are bound up into other subatomic parti- Quarks 1/2 –1/3 1/2 –1/3 1/2 –1/3 cles and literally screened from view. 1 0 Moreover, in gluons, energy comes not Down Strange Bottom Z merely from motion; it is inseparable from (weak the energy they expend in binding them- force) BOSONS selves and quarks together into longer- 4.8 95 4,180 91,188 lived particles. Solving the mystery of mass therefore requires a better under- 1/2 0 1/2 0 1/2 0 FERMIONS 1 +1 standing of how gluons “glue.” But here, – Electron Muon Tau W too, gluons throw up roadblocks to deci- neutrino neutrino neutrino (weak phering their mysteries. force) < 0.000002 < 0.19 < 18.2 80,385 HOW DO GLUONS BIND? on one level, the answer to how gluons Leptons 1/2 –1 1/2 –1 1/2 –1 glue is simple: they wield the strong force. 0 0 But this force is itself puzzling. Electron Muon Tau Higgs The strong force is one of the four fun- damental forces of nature, along with 0.511 105.7 1,776.8 gravitation, electromagnetism and the ~125,000 weak force (the last responsible for radio- Increasing fermion mass active decay). Of these four, it is the most powerful by far (hence its name). In addi- tion to binding quarks together to form hadrons, the strong force is what binds protons and neutrons range of a force is inversely proportional to the mass of its force into atomic nuclei, overcoming the enormous electromagnetic carriers. The electromagnetic force, for example, has an infinite repulsion that exists between like-charged protons in a nucleus. range; a free electron on Earth will, in principle, experience a Each of nature’s fundamental forces appears to be tied to a parti- slight repulsion from an electron on the other side of the moon. cle, a so-called force carrier. Just as the photon—the fundamen- Photons, which carry the force between the electrons, are there- tal unit of light—is the force carrier of electromagnetism, the fore massless. In contrast to electromagnetism, the range of the gluon is the carrier of the strong force. strong force does not extend outside the nuclei of atoms. This So far so good. But the strong force sometimes acts in sur- fact would imply that gluons are very massive.
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