leased drive covers keeps them from • LOAD.COM-Generates .COM assessment that its market is among being opened until the motor is off, file from the .HEX file. engineers and assembly-language spe- minimizing the risk of disk damage. • MOVCPM.COM-Makes CP/M cialists. Again, if you ever need the ca- While the drives themselves are system image in memory. pability, you at least have it- quiet, the noise of the switching mech- • PIP.COM-File transfer utility. assuming that you know what to do anisms used when moving from drive • STAT.COM—File attributes and with it. to drive might be disconcerting. status ability. The amount of time a drive remains • SUBMIT.COM-Batched User Interface selected (and the jewel is illuminated) command processor. The Zorba may be a technician's after a disk-oriented corrmiand has • XSUB.COM-Extension. dream—and a user's nightmare. The been completed might seem annoy- • DUMP.COM-ASCII file "hex machine is fast, but how fast does it ing—it's only six seconds. Again, the dump" utility. need to be? The WordStar operator reason for having it that way is cannot type as fast as the machine can valid—on disk-to-disk operations or Microsoft "Utilities" and Basic: accept the text. The CalcStar operator repetitive disk operations, speed may • M80.COM—8080 or Z-80 macro has no great interest in speed. This be gained by avoiding the assembler, .REL output. machine's primary orientation is tech- start/stop/start cycle at the disk drive. • L80.COM-Linker for .REL files, nical, unless Telcon recognizes that it Eight-inch drives may be connected generates .COM files. has severely limited its market in this to the system, allowing the transfer- • CREF80.COM—Cross-reference manner. ring of programs and data to the small- utility for M80 assembler. To the end they have chosen, er media. By the time this is published, • LIB80.COM-.REL file librarian. Telcon has implemented CP/M 2.2 even more horizontal compatibility • CBAS2.COM-CBasic compiler and has accompanied the machine will have been added to the product. language. with the usual ten pounds of technical Telcon may well be limiting its mar- • CRVN2.COM-CBasic compiler literature. If the prospective nontech- ket by its emphasis on the Zorba as a language. nical purchaser judges the machine on programmer's machine. To this point • XREF.COM-CBasic compiler lan- the strength of the documentation, Telcon has been successful enough to guage. Zorba will not make the sale. build a multimillion-dollar backlog of The documentation, while appear- orders. But those orders are probably Telcon-supplied Programs ing to be accurate and complete, is dry from individuals with assembly-lan- and Sources: and dull. When the user is told that guage orientation, rather than the • SGEN.COM-SYSGEN.COM re- the application program is something nonprogrammer whose interest is placement; copies disk "system." that can be developed quickly or that more in using it for accounting or • PATCH.COM-Run to install it can take many years, bye-bye user. other office duties. system patches. Take the novice user and place under In anticipation that you may wish to • PATCH.Z80-Source code for his nose the intense documentation of alter some of the CP/M software, Tel- PATCH.COM. the "innards" of CP/M, complete with con has provided the source code for • SETUP.COM—System configurator Assembler instructions, memory the CP/M input/output control system program. maps, macro calls, Macro-80 coding (which is referred to as the "Source of • SETUP.Z80-Source code for SET- and CBasic instruction, and he'll go the Bios"). UP.COM. buy something that he can simply turn For the programmer familiar with • FORMAT.COM-Universal disk on and use. Telcon must market its en- Z-80 assembly language, this is a formatter. tire offering, not just part of it. nice feature. Many users, however, • FORMAT.Z80-Source code for With the documentation presented couldn't care less. They would rather FORMAT.COM. for review, there was absolutely no in- have the MBasic. MBasic is available •TRACKRD.COM-Special disk- struction on WordStar, CalcStar or for the machine but is not, at this reading program for engineers. anything other than those things of in- writing, part of the marketed bundle. • TRACKRD.Z80—Source code for terest to the technical person. Telcon Telcon is being nonspecific about its TRACKRD.COM. must work on tutorial materials for all marketing plans for MBasic. For the • RELOAD.COM-Utility for Bios application packages. Despite its pro- majority of prospective purchasers, I generation. testations to the contrary, CBasic is not would recommend MBasic over the • SYSEQU.Z80-Part of Format, Set- that easily assimilated by a novice "Source of the Bios," although in so up and Patch source files. user. CBasic may mean "compiled" doing I must declare a bias. •CPMBIOS.Z80-CP/M Bios source Basic, but we all know that it really file. means "Consultant's Basic." Technical • CPMEQU.Z80-Part of CP/M Bios Zorba and its other microcomputer- System materials included with the source file. based products (Nomis-9, Nomis-12, Zorba include elements from Digital • GEN.SUB—Submit procedure for GC-lOO, VCS-780 and a variety of Research's CP/M 2.2, Microsoft's util- Bios generation. other communications-based inter- ities and Basic, and Telcon-supplied • GEN2.SUB-Part of GEN.SUB. face gear) will make an impact on the programs and source code files. • KEY.MAC-Keyboard PROM burgeoning portable-computer mar- contents; can be assembled. ket. How large an impact it will make CP/M 2.2: • CPMBOOT.ZSO-Monitor PROM will depend on the focus applied by •ASM.COM-8080 Assembler, contents; can be assembled. Telcon in the upcoming months. .HEX output. • DISK.DOC-Explains files on disk. Revamping the materials for the • DDT.COM-.COM file debugger. The decision to provide so much user, rather than the programmer, • ED.COM-Source File Editor. source code is a reflection of Telcon's may make the difference. • 50 Microcomputing, July 1983 BASIC® JFTTRDiSCAL A NO-HOLDS-BARRED COMPARISON. Full support for Activity analyzer EASE-OF-USE By dividing Here's the real shocker! indexed files prints program programs into modules, JRT Pascal use histogram makes even very complex programs— Features Basic JRT Pascal CRT screen of nearly any size—a breeze to manage. formatting & 14 digit BCD Pascal code is self-documenting: Structured full cursor FLOATING POINT program sections are identified by programs No \fes control arithmetic meaningful names, not line numbers. Separate "Chaining" Structured Facilities for True Error messages are verbal, not number compiled procedures formatting dynamic storage codes. JRT offers 12 data types (to modules with printed reports Basic's 2 or 3), and it has both regular auto-loading Advanced & purging File variables assembly Interface and hex numbers. & GET/PUT Arithmetic Usually 14 digits Fast one-step For power—the ability to POWER precision 6 or 7 Dynamic arrays compiler; write better, clearer programs, faster- digits no link needed Pascal is the run-away winner. Example: SEARCH Indexed files No >fes JRT simplifies programming by procedures for fast Efficient accomplishing complicated operations Maximum 255 64,000 table look-up compiler needs (for Basic) with one command: string size characters characters only 85K diskette Extended CASE space Basic JRT Pascal Loop statements 1 3 statements IFA$= 'VOR IFAIN[V..Z]THEN... Data types Usually 12 Maximum program Random files size: more than A$ = •W" OR 2 or 3 to 8 megabytes A$ = "X" OR 200,000 lines CASE statement No Yes with variable A$ = "Y" OR length records More than A$= "Z-THEN... Introduced 1965 1980 200 verbal 64K FLEXIBILITY JRTS wide variety of error messages Price ??? $29.95! dynamic strings data types reduces programming restrictions. Separate And the data types are not all fixed in size. compilation of There are 3 looping statements (Basic has 1). With JRT, very large auto-loading programs can be created and run, because program modules external can be spread over many diskettes. Common modules can . - " procedures be used for several programs. Basic generally limits No limits on strings to 255 bytes; JRT strings go up to 64K. \ procedure size, nesting or EFFICIENCY whereas Basic relies on a static, recursion inefficient memory map to allocate storage, JRT's dynamic storage fills every available main storage area; 175-page user there's no waste. With Basic, sub-routine modules must manual with 3-ring be linked together; with JRT, they can be linked— protective plastic binder but don't have to be. JRT's more powerful commands & SVt" or 8" run faster; typically, you'll write Pascal programs 3 to diskettes 10 times faster than In Basic. Exclusive: JRT lets you directly access the CP/M*operating system for better Handy JRT Pascal total system control. reference card Statistic NOW... Consider our copy policy (If you want to procedures make copies, it's OK with us—so long as they're not for re-sale.) Check our astounding price: $29.95!— and satisfaction is guaranteed—or your money back. THE COMPLETE PASCAL FOR CP/M. Basic versus JRT Pascal: which comes out on top? Right! The coupon below is for your convenience. Or call. Today. jTrpTsoiao I Send JRT SYSTEMS or $299Name. 9 • to 45 Camino Alto/G2 phone 415/388-0530 • Mill Valley, CA 94941 Address. City .State. -Zip. Here's my $29.95; please send me JRT Pascal. I understand that if I'm • Check • C.O.D. • MasterCard • VISA ^ not completely satisfied, I can return it within 30 days—with the sealed {CA residents add sales tax.
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